Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6934: Who are you

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Standing outside Space-Time, standing outside dimensions, taking one Space-Time after another, and one dimension after another as shield, and it is formed in an instant, this is the immortal.

At this time, when the immortal both eyes condensed, his both eyes turned into the source of creation. When his both eyes shined, not only did Myriad Dao appear, but also the order of heaven and earth rotated.

“Exile·Eternal Punishment ” At this moment, the immortal could not help but whisper long roar, and the exit was Mantra, the eternal Mantra.

Hearing “Bo” a resonate sound, when his Mantra fell, both eyes blazed brightly and became an extremely deep abyss. This abyss is not the dark(ness) abyss, it is not the devour(ing) abyss, this abyss is the Space-Time abyss. Once you are exiled to such a Space-Time abyss, you are not only likely to get lost in such a Space-Time

In the abyss, always come back.

The greater possibility is that after being exiled in this Space-Time abyss, the frantic power of Space-Time in the abyss will instantly crush you and strangle you to death. Space-Time abyss, its exist(ence) can destroy any Space-Time, even if trillion Space-Time will be destroyed in it, any Space-Time that is destroyed will become countless smashes here, it is so many smashes

It was empty that formed the most terrifying berserk turbulence in this abyss.

So, in the moment of opened both eyes, we want to banish Li Qiye into this Space-Time abyss, and then strangle him and crush him in this Space-Time abyss. When such a Space-Time abyss opened, the cultivator strong men present at even if could not help but feel frightened. Everyone immediately made a defensive posture. No one dared to say whether this Space-Time abyss would suddenly explode and kill him.

Drag them all in.

After all, in such a Space-Time abyss, the even if Daluo Immortal may not be able to survive. It is very difficult to fight out from such an Space-Time abyss.

“That’s it?” Just when Immortal Duobao’s Junior Brother opened the Space-Time abyss to be exiled, Li Qiye smiled and looked over. A scream of “Ah! ” sounded, and the immortals present did not understand what was going on. Before the scream, it was “Boo” a resonate sound, and the pair of eyes that originally opened the Space-Time abyss were instantly blinded.

Blood splattered.

Not to mention Supreme Giant, even the immortals present were shocked. In the Space-Time abyss, not only was it impossible to look directly at it, but any offensive move would be dragged into it and crushed and strangled in an instant. Now, all of a sudden, these eyes were blinded, as if something was a spear of order, or an arrow of order, shot out instantly, hit this pair of eyes, and stabbed them all at once. Blind


This is impossible, because this immortal is already standing outside one Space-Time after another, and one dimension after another.

Moreover, there are Space-Time dimensions one after another in front of him as giant shield. Any attack will be blocked by such Space-Time dimensions.

There are thousands of Space-Time dimensions, and even if wants to break them, which also requires the immortal power of heaven frightening. Therefore, if any arrow of order is shot out instantly, it must be the first to crush the Space-Time dimension blocking him.

Now, the Space-Time dimension in front of him has no damage at all, not even a little bit of shattering. Now it was blinded in an instant, and no one saw what blinded the eyes.

“Stay well.” Li Qiye smiled faintly.

Li Qiye in one sentence, that is the eternal Supreme Mantra. This kind of Mantra does not need any form or any expression of strength.

When I heard the penetrating resonate sound of “Pfft Puff Puff “, at this moment, it seemed like there was some spear of order, and it pierced the body of Duobao Immortal Master Junior Brother in an instant, and blood spattered shoot.

Ah! Ah! Ah! “Screams came from the mouth of this immortal. He didn’t know what was going on. For a moment, he own Nailed there. At this moment, his body was like a big character, being forcibly nailed to where he was. Space-Time When the blood spattered, it did not kill him, but nailed him there firmly, unable to move, the blood

It flows all over the body. The immortal was frightened out of his wits at this moment. He screamed in agony. His whole body was nailed to Space-Time. Heown couldn’t describe what the whole process was like. It was like there were millions of long hairs in an instant. Nail, one

It penetrated into his body at once, and instantly nailed him firmly into Space-Time. However, from beginning to end, there was no such long nail, nor was there any spear of order… In short, there was no thing nailed to his body, but he was nailed to Space-Time. Like a thousand

His whole body was densely nailed like a hundred long nails.

The feeling of millions of long nails one after another hitting own was an unparalleled pain that made the immortal scream in agony.

Such a scene shocked all the immortals present. Everyone was dumbfounded. The immortal looks at was nailed in Space-Time. He was nailed there like a big character, and his whole body was covered in blood. “What’s the matter with this is what?” All the immortals couldn’t help but suddenly looked at Li Qiye, but Li Qiye didn’t have any strength fluctuations, nor did it use any moves. The whole person stood there, calm and ordinary

He is still an extremely ordinary mortal. Such a scene shocked the immortals present. This was not just because an immortal was nailed to death. The most bizarre thing was that from the beginning to the end, Li Qiye seemed to have no take action, or Li Qiye take action, they

None of the immortals present saw it, or in other words, did not see it clearly.

what is this strength?” Even the Highest Beginning immortal present at only stood up at once, both eyes looks at Li Qiye, he couldn’t understand it, and he didn’t see anything. When an immortal is nailed to death, no matter what kind of exist(ence) take action it is, it is impossible not to use any strength, and it is impossible not to use take action. Even if the immortal wants to nail an immortal, even if the immortal is a big

Luo Xian, he all wants take action, and even said that even if he kills a great Luo Xian with one move, he still needs one move and one move, and he also needs strength to burst out his heavenly immortal.

However, in the eyes of this Highest Beginning immortal, Li Qiye didn’t seem to have used any strength from beginning to end, it was just a sentence, and he also didn’t seem to have used any move. This is very weird. If there are no strength, no moves, or even a little action, how can you kill an immortal? This is simply impossible. even if immortals can’t even imagine how this is done

What kind of situation. “this is what?” At this moment, any of the immortals could not help but feel a chill in their hearts. They all wanted to understand how Li Qiye nailed an immortal. Every one of them wanted to understand.

White. At this moment, Immortal Master Duobao couldn’t help but feel complexion big change about him. He was a ferocious berserk Great Principle Golden Immortal. He immediately felt the danger, because since his debut until he became an immortal, he has never seen this kind of thing.

Such a situation.

His own is a Great Principle Golden Immortal. Does he not know how difficult it is to kill an immortal?

However, for the ordinary mortal in front of him, it was just a matter of words. Just one sentence, without any action or any strength, nailed him Junior Brother to death.

“Who are you” At this time, Immortal Master Duobao couldn’t help but let out a deep drink.

“Passenger.” Li Qiye smiled and said lightly: “But now he is the one who wants your life.” If a mortal had said such words just now, Immortal Master Duobao would have been furious. Immediately destroy this mortal, and also destroy this mortal’s world, as well as a dozen worlds near the world where he was born.

Destroyed together.

Now, when Li Qiye said this, Immortal Master Duobao couldn’t help but trembled in his heart, and moved a step back slightly, but no one could see it.

At this time, Immortal Master Duobao felt the danger. After all, he was also a Great Principle Golden Immortal, and he was not someone who grew up on hard work.

daoist brother, if you have anything to say, it’s easy to say.” In the end, Immortal Master Duobao took a deep breath, softened his attitude, and softened his words.

For such a cruel Great Principle Golden Immortal as Immortal Master Duobao, several immortals would let him call him “daoist brother” with such respect. This cruel and domineering Great Principle Golden Immortal has always been arrogant and dared to be the enemy of anyone.

However, Immortal Master Duobao is now a little scared in his heart, so he surrenders and shows his kindness.

“There is nothing to say.” Li Qiye smiled faintly and said: “Today I am here, not only to get my girl back, but also to destroy your Shattering lineage.”

Li Qiye As soon as these words were spoken, all the immortals present could not help but glance at blankly look at each other.

At this moment, every immortal suddenly understood. Before this, they said that Immortal Master Duobao had collected a pair of women sealed by time. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be the maids of the ordinary mortal in front of him.

The game has suddenly become big. This ordinary mortal is mysterious and deep and unmeasurable. However, Immortal Master Duobao also hides his maid, which is difficult to handle. Hearing Li Qiye‘s words, Immortal Master Duobao immediately complained in his heart. He wanted to scold Changhe Immortal until he was bloody. He didn’t block people anywhere, but he just sent people from the World Defending Alliance to Sealing Pass, and he also Provoke

Arrived at such a deep and unmeasurable characters. Of course, when Immortal Master Duobao scolded Changhe Immortal until he was bloody, he never thought about it. own heard yes Nine Worlds People who come here already want to collect it.

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