Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6374: Why

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Whether it is a strong cultivator or an Great Emperor Aragami, there is more or less a sense of pyrotechnics. There are very few exist(ence)s who do not have pyrotechnics.

However, the middle aged man in front of me has no fireworks. It seems that from the moment he was born, until now, he has never had any fireworks in the world. This feeling makes people feel ridiculous. In human world even if, exist(ence), which does not have the smell of fireworks, was all formed through Acquired training. After countless years of training, it finally eliminated the smoke and smoke smell of own.

However, no matter what kind of exist(ence) it is, from the moment it was born, it has experienced fireworks in the world.

However, the middle aged man in front of him gave people a ridiculous feeling. He had never experienced fireworks in the world. If a life has never eaten fireworks in the world, unless he is born as an immortal, it is impossible that he has never eaten fireworks in the world. If he has never eaten fireworks in the world, what will he do?

Maybe he survived, but how could he grow to such a point? “Old Ancestor looks at Chen Shishi was shocked own by this otherworldly middle aged man in front of him. This was indeed his Old Ancestor, and indeed the source of their reincarnation inheritance Chen Ishi

. Starting from the reincarnation of inheritance, whether it is Chen II or today’s Chen Shi, they are very sure that the reincarnation of inheritance was created by their Old Ancestor Chen I, and Chen I was also the first sacrifice in the entire reincarnation of inheritance

people. Chen Ishi is no longer in human world. His flesh and blood, his True Fate, his Grand Dao, etc. have long been integrated into the blood lake, and have been integrated with the thousands of disciples of the Chen family. Got plasma, morning

There is no distinction between you and me.

However, when seeing own‘s Old Ancestor alive with his own eyes, it was like refusing to eat fireworks. This made Chen Shishi unable to believe own‘s eyes and unable to believe that all this was true.

In this moment, Chen Shishi felt like his faith collapsed, because at this time he realized something. That’s right, human world no one knows the reincarnation inheritance of own Chen’s lineage better than him. Indeed, there is no one. So when he saw Chen I, at this moment, he had already

Thinking about it, this is what he realized at this moment.

“Chen Ishi ” When looks at saw this middle-aged man who did not eat the fireworks of the world, whether it was Duanzu, or the most powerful exist(ence) like Chixian Great Emperor, King Tai Yang, etc., he could not help but feel for it in his heartbig change .

As for all the disciples in Dahuang Tianjiang, they were stunned. They didn’t even know what this is what was about.

Chen I, the First Ancestor of the Chen lineage, the entire Chen lineage originated from Chen I, and the entire Chen lineage of background was established from Chen I. Chen Ishi has become exist(ence) in legend in the wilderness. No one knows how powerful he is, but everyone knows that the Chen family can prosper Eternal, and that is all because of Chen Ishi

The foundation laid.

However, between billion years, everyone thought that Chen I was dead, but he was not. He was still alive and well, and he was living under the lake of blood. Ordinary disciples and strong disciples have not realized the problem yet, but exist(ence) like Great Emperor Aragami and others have more extensive knowledge. When they came back to their senses, in this moment, they all realized the problem.

They all couldn’t help but shudder.

Why is Chen Ishi who died in legend still alive, and is still living under the blood lake in inheritance? Why is this? Is this just a coincidence? This is definitely not a coincidence.

If this is not a coincidence, then what is it? That means that Chen Ishi established the beginning of all this, which was already premeditated.

So, Chen Shishi, who knows the best about own‘s reincarnation into inheritance, when he saw Chen Ishi, he understood what this is what was all about.

“Still alive.” At this time, Chen Shishi slowly sat on the ground, as if he was in a daze. This was more shocking to him than when Li Qiye burned the entire blood lake.

“It seems that you are still alive and well.” Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice fell from the sky.

Old Ancestor ” At this time, Chen I knelt on the ground, where kneels was.

When Chen Ishi knelt there, kneels on the ground, shouting Old Ancestor, countless people felt like thunder.

Chen Shi called Chen I Old Ancestor, and now Chen I calls Li Qiye Old Ancestor. So, how old is this Supreme Supreme Ancient Ancestor.

“Disciple is unworthy and deviated from the path. Today I can still face the saint Old Ancestor…” Chen I prostrated himself on the ground and said loudly.

“No need to face the Holy Spirit.” At this time, the sound of Li Qiye Supreme landed on the Thirteen Peaks, interrupting Chen Yishi’s words.

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ishi’s face suddenly turned red and white after being rejected, and he froze there for a moment. In the entire wilderness, everyone could not help but stare blankly looks at In this scene, Chen I is still alive. Rumor has it that he is much higher than their Great Wilderness ancestor. exist(ence) Yeah, when he appears again today

No one knows what this feels like.

However, even exist(ence) like Chen Ishi, when their Supreme ancestor refused, they were not even qualified to meet the Saint.

If we say that when the ancestor of Supreme refused, Chen I was not qualified to face the saint. The disciples of Dahuang Tianjiang are just ordinary beings. What qualifications do they have to face the ancestor of own‘s Supreme?

So, before that, wouldn’t it be a Supreme honor for own to meet the ancestor of Supreme.

“This disciple has billion years never seen the holy face of Old Ancestor…” Finally, Chen Ishi said in a low voice.

“No need,” Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice refused.

“Disciple is unworthy, let Old Ancestor down…” Chen Ishi fell to the ground and said repentantly. However, Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice still fell from the top of the Thirteen Peaks, saying: “You are not unworthy, but you have been planning for a long time, and you have planned billion years. What kind of path you take, you own are very determined in your heart

Clearly. ”

“Disciple just hit it by mistake. When he saw heaven and earth collapse, all living things will have enlightenment.” Chen Ishi said piously, his voice seemed to be trembling as he spoke.

“I hit you by mistake.” At this time, Li Qiye Supreme smiled. Even above the Thirteen Peaks, even above the sky, people could feel his smile.

“Someone’s accidental collision was like a whale falling, and myriad things was born. Your accidental collision was like a myriad things falling, and a whale was born. It’s amazing, amazing.” Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice dropped, letting It’s hard for people to breathe.

“The disciple is stupid, so he strayed into the heretical way, failed to practice well, and failed to live up to the expectations of Old Ancestor…” Chen Yishi said trembling with fear, lying down.

“What a mistake.” Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice fell down, and the faint voice was a kind of suppression for anyone. even if Chen I also had to bow under such Supreme. “When I chopped off your reincarnation tree, you own knew exactly what own was doing.” When Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice fell, it seemed that the decision had been made, just like Supreme‘s ruling, there was no reaction.

That’s refutation.

“Disciple is stupid ” Chen I couldn’t help but shuddered and bowed again and again. “Girl is kind, out of love, I didn’t kill you.” When Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice fell, everyone was choked. When these words fell from Thirteen Peaks, Chen Yi’s fate was already judged: “But,

I don’t have this affection, nor this kindness. ”

“Please Old Ancestor forgive me and give this disciple another chance.” Chen I couldn’t help being frightened, fell down, trembled, and shouted.

looks at Everyone was stunned to react to such a scene in front of them. No one knew how to describe it, and they couldn’t even use any words to describe what was happening in front of them.

Chen Ishi, to all the disciples of Dahuang Tianjiang, is exist(ence) who is superior, and they are already the Wushang exist(ence) of human world.

However, at this moment, Chen Ishi lay there, still trembling. So, what kind of exist(ence) is the ancestor of their Supreme? Immortal? Or scarier than a fairy? When I think of the ancestors of Supreme calling them First Ancestor Great Desolate Origin Ancestors “girls”, this makes Great Emperor Desolate God Soul fly Nine Heavens. Their First Ancestor Great Desolate Origin Ancestor is an immortal. human world, who dares to call her that?

? “Why, why, why ” At this time, the absent-minded Chen Shishi seemed to have come back to his senses, and his empty eyes began to focus. At this time, he didn’t know where he got the strength and courage.

He couldn’t help but yelled at Chen Ishi.

When everyone looks at Chen Shishi, they felt sorry for him in their hearts. At this moment, everyone felt that Chen Shishi was a pitiful person.

Chen I ignored Chen Shi, he just lay there.

“This is your last descendant, so tell him about it.” Li Qiye Supreme‘s voice fell down and said: “Tell him the truth and let him die in peace, and you will also give your descendants a explain/justify. ”

When these Supreme words fell, the whole world couldn’t help but become silent. At this moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on Chen Ishi.

Chen I stood up, looks at Chen Shi, his face turned blue and white. It seemed that he could not tell such a secret and such a truth. However, Supreme has already given the order, which is no longer tolerated.

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