Emperor’s Domination Chapter 4816: Daily

Under the sound of “Boom loud sound, the breath of death instantly permeates the entire Eight Desolate. This breath of death does not contain death, but vitality. It seems that this is death full of endless vitality.

Such a statement is full of spear shield, but when anyone feels this death aura, it will feel like this is a death with a majestic vitality.

The sound of “hu, hu, hu” sounded, and when the vibrant death aura filled the entire Eight Desolate, in those dead person places, countless deaths suddenly accumulated.

At this time, a cloudy wind blew. In front of the ancient tombs, in the ancient battlefields, and in the places of sacrifice, the cloudy wind blew.

I heard the sound of “crash“. At this time, some tombs were opened, some dead person climbed out of the tombs, and some ghosts appeared one after another in the ancient battlefield. The ghosts of billion years are in At this time, the body congealed.

“Ancestor ” In the Eight Desolate, there are many the big sects and countries, secret door inheritance ancestral graves, climbed out one after another dead person, or concentrate became one after another Dead Soul.

“The ancestors cheated the corpse.” Seeing that one ancestor after another climbed out of the ancestral tombs within Sect, hanger-on disciple and Old Ancestor couldn’t help but feel horrified.

In the border country dynasty, in the ancestral temple of Ancient Dynasty, a statue of an ancestor also appeared Yin Qi. At this time, the ancestors who were worshipped also suddenly appeared and turned into ghosts. came out.

“Ancestors ” At this time, I don’t know how many the big sects and countries disciples Old Ancestor were scared to the core, and they couldn’t help but feel the same creepy. At this moment, those ancestors who died billion years for a long time Ancient Ancestor, Either one after another crawled out of the grave of own, or the ghost concentrate suddenly became a ghost.

“Haunted ” for a while, among Eight Desolate, people panic, scared many strong Old Ancestor within Eight Desolate tremble, the ancestors of looks at own appeared all at once, it was frightened gall.

If the ancestors and ancestors of own appeared in the past, it would definitely be a matter of kowtowing and worshiping, but now it is haunted, that is, it scared the children and grandchildren.

“Eight Yang God Monarch, the ancestor of Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), Six Swords Heavenly God, Breaking Ground Divine Bull…” Among the looks at Eight Desolate, one by one dead person climbed out, and one by one ghosts appeared, even if they were the invincibles who used to be under Heng Tian (Cross Heaven) , and can’t help but feel creepy, because these dead persons that climbed out of their graves or appeared as ghosts are not nameless juniors, they are all exist(ence)s that once swept an era, and once swept the world, known as the invincible generation.

Ah! ” At this moment, in Eight Desolate, the screams and ups and downs, when this invincible generation climbed out of the grave, the whole Eight Desolate fell into a frenzy, I saw This one after another invincible generation instantly take action.

Bay Yang God Monarch, open a mouthful, it is eight suns gushing out, in the blink of an eye, burning the Sect of own to vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke; the ancestor of Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), fell from the sky, pierced ten, instantly shattered mountains and rivers, lives turning into ashes; Six knives Heavenly God, Zong Tian rise, knives rise and sun and moon fall, I saw the knife light vertically and horizontally, and instantly pushed the entire border country dynasty horizontally, blood raged, and the entire border country was slaughtered…

“Flee ” At this time, among Eight Desolate, no matter how powerful Sect, seeing own‘s ancestors crawling out of the grave, the first reaction was to turn around and escape, escaped from own Sect.

At this moment, I heard the sound of “Tzzzzzzzzz“, one by one dead person climbed out of the grave, slaughtered ten directions, Slaughter Heaven destroyed the land, they slaughtered the Sect, the broken border country, all the blood essence , All life has been harvested in an instant, like a flood that has always flowed to the undead Lord.

Nurtured by the endless flow of blood essence and life, the armor of the undead lord actually flowed with brilliance. It seems that such essence, for him, is a kind of delicacy.

“I haven’t tasted this for a long time.” The undead Lord enjoys the blood, blood, and life from this offering.

The sound of “Bang loud sound, at this moment, the sky falls Copper Spear, Copper Spear crosses the sky and the earth, sweeps Eight Desolate, Copper Spear comes from the sky, the time sequence flows, you can pass through Eight Desolate ten thousand boundaries in an instant, and instantly kill one invincible one after another. dead person.

Bayang God Monarch, the ancestor of Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), the six-knife Heavenly God, the ground-breaking Divine Bull… One after another, the invincible dead person were all nailed to the ground.

At this moment, I heard the sound of “bang, bang, bang” loud sound, the heaven and the earth shook, and an incomparably tall bronze figure descended from the sky. After falling from the sky, they all roared, smashed the ground, and charged into battle.

“Woo ” followed the roar of the bronze man, killing all directions, Eight Desolate vertically and horizontally, and forcibly suppressed the Death Qi that filled Eight Desolate.

At this time, a bronze figurine got strength nourishing of Supreme, and the copper light emanating from them, like Highest Beginning blooming, swept the Death Qi between heaven and earth.

“What a domineering army.” When a copper man army like looks at swept Eight Desolate and nailed one invincible dead person, no matter what kind of exist(ence) in Eight Desolate, it couldn’t help but be shocked.

“The Bronze Army, an army in legend, human world has never been seen before, and today saved Eight Desolate.” At this time, among Eight Desolate, there is an incomparably ancient First Ancestor, seeing such a huge and incomparable army The Bronze Man Corps fell from the sky and nailed the dead person, and couldn’t help but burst into tears.

He had seen such a legend on ancient book, but he had never seen the real Bronze Army in legend, but today, the Eight Desolate disaster, the Bronze Army fell from the sky, killing ten directions, nailing the invincible dead person , how shocking is this for Eight Desolate creature.

Seeing such a huge army of bronze men descending from the sky and wanting to suppress Death Qi, the undead master couldn’t help but get angry, but his eyes shifted and he ignored it, his eyes still locked on Li Qiye. For the undead master, his goal is not Eight Desolate, but Li Qiye.

“Brother Da, let’s go.” At this time, the undead master said to the duck-billed Supreme Giant.

However, this Supreme Giant called “Brother Da”, or the Supreme Giant of Magic Star, didn’t respond at all, his eyes were blank, and his mung bean-sized pupils didn’t move, as if he was standing there in a daze The same, it seems that the brain is empty, and the words of the undead Lord have not been heard at all.

The sudden appearance of Supreme Giant didn’t respond at all, like a fool, which made the human world strong and Supreme Old Ancestor who were fortunate enough to see this scene also dumbfounded.

“It’s okay to stay still, it’s okay to move, and the world will be destroyed.” In the depths of the starry sky, there is the master of the Supreme Giant looks at magic star, whispering.

Daida, refers to this magic star giant. He own has no name and no title. Whether it is Dazhu, Daida, or Dazhou lord, this is between later generations, and other exist(ence) give The name he took.

Daida, legend, he was born in a Dazhou epoch, he is an ancient star, he has always been silent, the whole epoch has no response, even if he was born at the beginning of this epoch, let the whole epoch feel to his pulse.

There is even a saying that in his Daju epoch, all the strength originates from his rhythm.

There have been countless Peak Existence in this epoch. It used to be extremely prosperous, but when this epoch was extremely prosperous, this Dada suddenly woke up.

As soon as Dada wakes up, he screams “da” and devours own‘s epoch when he opens his mouth. In this Dazhou epoch, there are countless Peak Existences, many invincibles, take action inversely cutting Dida, wanting to slaughter Dada. , However, in the end, they were no match for Dada, all of them died, and died tragically under Dada’s mouth. In the end, the entire epoch was eaten by Dada.

Only when the sky fell Great Tribulation did Dada be beaten back and hid since then.

Daida has no title, no inheritance or Grand Dao, even if it is other Supreme Giant, all I know about Daida is that it doesn’t move, it’s Collapsing Heaven.

The Immortal Lord glanced at the motionless Dar Lord, helpless, ignored it, and stepped forward.

The undead Lord, took one step forward, appeared in front of Li Qiye, instantly take action, grabbed Li Qiye‘s chest with one hand, and killed his soul with one hand.

The undead Lord, one-handed to kill the soul, seems to be ordinary, but when the one-handed soul is hooked, the life of between Heaven and Earth‘s creature and all lands seems to be instantly saved by him in the palm of his hand, whether it is as big as He Qiang The exist(ence), under this hand ecstasy, could only cry out, unable to move at all, only the hand of looks at pierced the chest of own, the soul of own True Fate was forcibly deprived.

One-handed soul-hunting is a simple one, but when it is displayed from the hands of the undead master of Supreme Giant, it is completely different. With one-handed soul-hunting, it can Annihilation the starry sky, smash the world, and penetrate the long river of time.

This hand seduce, not to mention the powerhouse of human world, even if no matter how amazing and invincible Dao Monarch Immortal Emperor, it is also vulnerable, will be robbed of True Fate by this hand, stripped of Grand Dao, and die.

Under this hand, he peeled off Immortal Fate Palace, robbed the sky, and stabbed Li Qiye’s in the chest in an instant, trying to steal Li Qiye’s True Fate and Li Qiye’s Grand Dao.

In this moment, the world is extremely silent. Whether it’s Supreme Giant in the deepest starry sky or Supreme exist(ence) in the Daxu, in this moment, I can’t help but hold my breath for it, all have a pair of deep eyes Staring at the scene in front of him.

The truth will be revealed in this moment. All Supreme Giant want to know whether Li Qiye has the power to resist, how serious the wound is, and everyone is waiting for the undead Lord to seduce the soul, which will How will it end.

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