Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2900: People I’ve heard

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For a while, the student present was unprepared for looks at Li Qiye and had never heard of Golden Typha True Emperor, which was a bit overstated.

It is Zhao Qiushi that they are also busy winking at Li Qiye, and signaled Li Qiye not to speak too ugly, after all, offended a Eighth Palace True Emperor, then they need not mix up Washing Sins Institute.

Li Qiye is a fluttering sentence that immediately stunned the tiger king. His master Golden Typha True Emperor came from Strength Grass Dao Lineage. No one in the world knows it. Li Qiye does n’t even know it. .

The king of tiger coughed and said, “I am a Golden Typha True Emperor teacher, I am from Strength Grass Dao Lineage, I am a teacher of Talented Sage Lan Shu, and my Master Ancestor …”

When Tiger King mentioned Talented Sage Lan Shu, everyone was silent all of a sudden, everyone couldn’t help holding their breath, respectfully, and didn’t dare to show any disrespect!

Talented Sage Lan Shu, prestigious like thunder piercing the ear, in Immortal Lineage World, I’m afraid anyone has heard of the two names Golden Light Guru, Talented Sage Lan Shu!

They are the two First Ancestors in the world, and they are still young, prove the dao becomes ancestor, what heaven defying, what unparalleled.

Talented Sage Lan Shu, born from Strength Grass Dao Lineage, this is not that he created Strength Grass Dao Lineage, but that he was born here, and later prove the dao becomes ancestor, and he jumped out of Dao Lineage, still did not build Dao Lineage of own, and still lives as a disciple of Strength Grass Dao Lineage.

Although the Tiger King is just a Heaven Ascending True God of 8-layer Heaven, such strength is not shocking and stunning in Bright Saint Courtyard, it can only be said to be excellent. After all, there are several True Emperors in Bright Saint Courtyard.

Like Tiger King ’s Master Golden Typha True Emperor, it can be said to be Peerless genius, Innate Talent different Wushuang/matchless, of course, Golden Typha True Emperor Eighth Palace True Emperor, compared to Saint Frost True Emperor, Purple Dragon Empress, Bright King Buddha, Golden War God shocking and stunning genius, it still has a lot distance.

However, many people ca n’t compare with the origin of Golden Typha True Emperor, that is, Saint Frost True Emperor is incomparable. That ’s Talented Sage Lan Shu!

Having a Master of First Ancestor, such a birth, indeed, can be proud of 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, which is where Tiger King is very proud.

However, it must be acknowledged that with such a First Ancestor as Master Ancestor, it is indeed something that can deter the world.

When Tiger King reported the title of “Talented Sage Lan Shu“, all the students present could not help holding their breath, no matter how shocking and stunning‘s student, no matter how great student‘s origin, I heard “Talented Sage Lan Shu” At the time of the name, they all paid their respects and couldn’t help holding their breath.

“I haven’t heard it.” Just when everyone was paying tribute to Talented Sage Lan Shu, Li Qiye came up with such a sentence, saying so serene.

“I haven’t heard it.” When these three words fell into everyone’s ears, it burst into everyone’s ears like a thunder. For a moment, everyone was dazzled with looks at Li Qiye. You said you didn’t listen. After Golden Typha True Emperor, everyone can understand more or less.

After all, there were no ten or eight, or there were some older generations of True Emperor legacy down, so the number of True Emperor is still a little more, and several Bright Saint Courtyard gathered, but If you say that you haven’t heard of Talented Sage Lan Shu, it would be too much.

Talented Sage Lan Shu, as First Ancestor, there are only two in the world, not to mention student of Bright Saint Courtyard, as long as it is a slightly trained person, any ordinary disciple of to join cultivate Sect has heard the name of Talented Sage Lan Shu.

Li Qiye has not even heard of serene. This is not an exaggeration, but an arrogance. It is completely so arrogant that no-one else matters.

As soon as Li Qiye said it, they scared the student of the Washing Sins Institute of Zhao Qiushi to deathly white. They couldn’t help but stomp their feet, desperately winked at Li Qiye, and signaled him not to talk anymore.

If you offend a True Emperor, then already is enough for them to drink a pot of Washing Sins Institute. Now even First Ancestor like Talented Sage Lan Shu offends. Maybe they should drag their Washing Sins Institute into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation. Maybe Talented Sage Lan Shu is angry. , They can kill their Washing Sins Institute with one finger.

On the contrary, Du Wenrui, as Dean, is not in a hurry, and is not worried at all. It just smiles. It seems that the sky has nothing to do with him, and has nothing to do with Washing Sins Institute.

Tiger King reported own‘s Master Sect, the intention is very obvious, that is to tell Li Qiye that he has a strong backing, and he is threatening Li Qiye. We must do both hard and soft, and let Li Qiye obediently hand over this cow treasure.

I didn’t expect that Li Qiye sent him away in such a fluttering sentence. In this case, for him, for his master, for his Master Ancestor, for their Sect, it was a deliberate humiliation. .

“Boy, you’re too arrogant.” The King of Tigers couldn’t hold it anymore, he couldn’t help screaming.

It’s not just that Tiger King thinks that at this time, all student are looking at Li Qiye. They all think that Li Qiye is too arrogant. In today’s Immortal Lineage World, even three-year-olds have heard Talented Sage Lan Shu.

“Arrogance, what arrogance?” Li Qiye looked incomprehensible.

“I am Master Ancestor, Grand Dao, cross the Eternal, only to reach Myriad Dao, Whole World, no one knows, no one knows.” Tiger King said with a cold voice, “Today, you dare to be so boast shamelessly, arrogant … “

“What is this boast shamelessly?” Li Qiye waved his hand gently, interrupted the tiger king, and said, “I have n’t heard it before, I have n’t heard it. I ca n’t pretend to hear it. Yes, I am a very honest child, I never go to pretend to understand. “

This innocent look, many people are blankly look at each other, but many people do not believe that Li Qiye has not heard of Talented Sage Lan Shu, and he is determined to live with Tiger King.

“You ” Tiger King was flushed with anger, but he took a deep breath, cold snort said, and sneered, coldly said: “Who can get into your law between Whole World? Ear, whose name have you heard? “No doubt he was full of sneer.

Because everyone knows that in the current world, who else can match Golden Light Guru and Talented Sage Lan Shu?

“Well, this.” Li Qiye scratched his head and looked like he was thinking seriously. After a while, he said, “I have heard a few people, for example, Emperor Sui, Emperor Xi, Emperor Nong. I know the three of them, and I’ve heard their names. It’s just fine. “

Li Qiye announced the names of these three people at once, which immediately made everyone dumbfounded.

Emperor Sui, Emperor Xi, Emperor Nong.” All student are blankly look at each other, and some even murmured: “Are these three people count? Everyone said, this is not exist(ence) at all.”

Everyone knows that Emperor Sui, Emperor Xi, and Emperor Nong are only exist(ence) and legend. There is no solid research on their records, and even the outrageous legend believes that the three of them have already become immortals.

Also because of Correct, many people think that the three of Emperor Sui, Emperor Xi, Emperor Nong are not exist(ence), they are just fictitious.

Now that Li Qiye said this, many student smiled, one after another didn’t take it for granted, these three people are nothing, and they may not even be exist(ence) at all. Nothing like Golden Light Guru and Lancai Shusheng came true and shocked.

When many student did not take it seriously, Du Wenrui, which had been watching very casually, was shocked, and suddenly became serious.

“Huh, it’s just the emptiness of legend.” Tiger King cold snort said, “Unbelievable, except for the three of them?”

“Except for the three of them.” Li Qiye could not help but scratch his head and said, “It seems a bit difficult, oh, I remember there is another person.”

“Who.” Before Li Qiye was finished, student couldn’t help asking.

Jiao Heng(overbearing).” Li Qiye clapped his palm and said with a smile, “It’s him, I’ve heard his name, a very interesting person.”

Jiao Heng(overbearing) ” heard this name. Many student blankly look at each other, even student asked: “Jiao Heng(overbearing), who is this?”

“I know that it is Old Ancestor of Jiao Heng Trading Company, the founder of Jiao Heng Trading Company, a well-known adulterer in history, heard, and a lot of historical important people. He was cheated by him, so, at that era, many people told him Gritting your teeth is notorious! “

“You said that, I remember, a disciple of Cleansing Creek told me such a good news.” One student clapped his palm and said: “It is said that in era, Cleansing Creek, First Ancestor, was once This Jiao Heng(overbearing) was cheated, Jiao Heng(overbearing) sold him to Devil, and later sent Cleansing Creek‘s First Ancestor to kill from the Devil site, chasing this traitor for a lifetime, chasing him to Heaven’s Edge ocean corner! “

“Is there such anecdotal information?” After hearing this, many students asked one after another.

“It does.” An student‘s extensive student nod said, “heard, this thing is still Cleansing Creek‘s First Ancestor after prove the dao was formed, not when he was young.”

“It’s impossible, Cleansing Creek‘s First Ancestor Xi Baihui is one of the most stunning Wushuang/matchless‘s First Ancestor. He became First Ancestor and Whole World invincible. How could he be sold to Devil? This is too outrageous.” Many student did not believe it. .

Cleansing Creek was once the most powerful Dao Lineage of Immortal Lineage World. Although it is not as good as it was then, it is still famous and its strength is formidable.

Cleansing Creek‘s First Ancestor, Xi Baihui, it is even more amazing First Ancestor.

On 3 Immortals World, there are only two people whose names are starting numbers, one is Gao Yang, and the other is Xi Baihui!

Xi Baihui was once considered one of 3 Immortals World‘s most stunning First Ancestor, and Daocheng is invincible.

However, such an amazing and invincible First Ancestor said that he was sold to Devil by a traitor. In this case, no one believed that such a thing was too outrageous.

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