Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2736: Whole World I am invincible

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A loud sound of “Boom “. At this moment, I got the power of Grand Dao of the Mu Family Dao Lineage trillion child, swallowed huge quantity‘s Grand Dao real water, and First Ancestor strength. At this moment, the True Emperor Mu Jian gushed out a beam of light, every a light beam When ejected, Vault of Heaven was penetrated, and in the blink of an eye, Tianyu was shattered and shattered as if to destroy the entire world.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was creepy. There is no doubt that True Emperor Mu Jian at this moment was not just strength with Dao Source, he was all strength with Mu Family Dao Lineage, including Grand Dao strength of trillion disciples.

It can be said that at this moment, the state of True Emperor Mu Jian has reached its peak. This is only the peak of his life. Even in the future, he may not have such a peak of invincibility.

In this state, True Emperor Mu Jian already is Whole World invincible. All sentient beings are just ants. As soon as he reaches out, he can take sun and moon in the palm of his hand. Under his terrifying invincible strength, everything is so fluttering. , not worth mentioning.

A loud sound of “Boom “. At this moment, True Emperor Mu Jian has absolute strength, and Ancient Devourer Battlestaff is instantly suppressed.

I heard a “bang” loud sound, and sun and moon stars broke down. At this moment, Li Qiye was once again broken into the ground, and the whole world became a ruin. How shocking this scene is, it makes people see it. Creepy, even if it is invincible Immortal True God, seeing such a mighty power, can’t help snoring with legs straight.

“Finally dead.” After a long time, looks at turned into a world of ruins. Some people couldn’t help whispering, he was not very confident when he said such things.

“Are you dead?” In fact, at this moment, it’s not just some individuals who have no confidence. When everyone looks at the ruins, they have no confidence, and everyone is not particularly sure.

For others, under this stick, everyone will think that it must be smashed into meat sauce and blood fog.

But when this kind of thing fell on First Ominous Person, everyone became uncertain at once. Do n’t say it was such a stick hitting First Ominous Person. even if fell down on First Ominous Person. I feel like I can’t kill First Ominous Person.

At this time, not only all the bystanders were not sure whether this stick had killed First Ominous Person, even if True Emperor Mu Jian, nor own, nor did he know whether this stick had killed First Ominous Person.

First Night To Have Light, Origin Primal Chaos!” Just when everyone wasn’t sure if the stick had killed the First Ominous Person, the leisurely voice of First Ominous Person sounded.

“Fuck, isn’t he really dead, is he a monster?” Hearing the leisurely sound of First Ominous Person, someone screamed, panic-stricken, and sat on the ground in horror.

“Have you ever seen such a powerful monster in the world?” Some also said helplessly.

“Boom, boom, boom” At this time, the roar was endless, the world shook, and in the sound of “boom”, I saw that Li Qiye floated up from below the ground, still keeping arms crossed, racking Living at Ancient Devourer Battlestaff, we pushed Ancient Devourer Battlestaff, which can collapse Heavens and destroy godly demon.

“No ” saw that First Ominous Person pushed the Ancient Devourer Battlestaff down again, True Emperor Mu Jian couldn’t help screaming, his reaction was a bit like a cat stepping on its tail.

“Boom, boom, boom” At this moment, Ancient Devourer Battlestaff shook again and again, True Emperor Mu Jian madly urged Grand Dao real water, and suppressed madly, but to no avail, Li Qiye still crossed his arms and pushed up Ancient Devourer Battlestaff.

First Night To Have Light, Origin Primal Chaos.” The Li Qiye’s voice echoed in between Heaven and Earth.

At this time, a ray of light emerged from Li Qiye’s‘s chest. For a moment, the entire world fell into primal chaos, and the entire world was drowned by primal chaos.

At this moment, Li Qiye is the only exist(ence) in ancient times, he is primal chaos, primal chaos is him, he is the origin of the world, he originated the world.

At this moment, no matter how many strength Ancient Devourer Battlestaff has, already cannot shake Li Qiye in the slightest.

Because this is Li Qiye’s Grand Dao Seven Nights’ Dao, this is the pattern for Seven Nights’ Dao: First Night To Have Light, Origin Primal Chaos.

“Boom, boom, boom” in the roaring voice, no matter how powerful strength Ancient Devourer Battlestaff has, it can not suppress Li Qiye, all slowly pushed by Li Qiye.

“You are proud.” When Li Qiye pushed Ancient Devourer Battlestaff up, he smiled lightly and said, “It will make me serious take action battle, and it is worthwhile to use the Grand Dao I created, then already is amazing Although this is not your own‘s strength, but it can also be used to such a degree. “

For a while, True Emperor Mu Jian was speechless for a long time, and Li Qiye was so praised. He didn’t know whether own should be proud of it or hopeless.

To this point, First Ominous Person is only seriously fighting with him, and it is just just using the Grand Dao pioneered by his own, which is far from exhausting all its efforts. And his own, not only used the entire Dao Lineage strength, but also used the entire Dao Lineage‘s background, including the trillion disciple’s Grand Dao strength, but still not an opponent of First Ominous Person.

How cruel it is to face such an enemy, how desperate it is.

Despair is more than True Emperor Mu Jian. In fact, many people are desperate. Under such invincible suppression, First Ominous Person is only a serious battle. So who else is his opponent in the world?

a resonate sound of “Hang “, at last, Li Qiye flipped his arms, and instantly overturned the Ancient Devourer Battlestaff suppressed by him. Hearing the sound of “咚, 咚, 起” sounded. After being lifted by Li Qiye, the peak state The next True Emperor Mu Jian also continued to retreats, and the whole person was almost lifted out.

“Okay, it’s my take action.” Li Qiye smiled slightly.

At this time, Li Qiye‘s arms were like an axe, straight down, spit Mantra, long roar said: “Second Night To Have The Dao, Splitting The Heaven and Earth!”

His arms are straight down, Splitting The Heaven and Earth. At this moment, everyone can only use this word to describe it. There is no other meaning to describe it except this word.

Under these arms are like an axe, Three Thousand Worlds seems to have been opened by Li Qiye. He has become the first of Eternal under this one.

Seeing that Splitting The Heaven and Earth ’s arms fell down, True Emperor Mu Jian was horrified. The Ancient Devourer Battlestaff in his hand struck Li Qiye and hit the ground.

A “bang” loud sound, heaven and earth collapse rang, Myriad Law shattered, and Li Qiye’s‘s arms chopped on Ancient Devourer Battlestaff like an axe.

Then I heard a “bang” loud sound. Under this split, True Emperor Mu Jian couldn’t stop it, spurting blood, the whole person was split from the sky like a huge vermiculite, heavy The ground hit the ground.

At this moment, the whole person of True Emperor Mu Jian was nailed into the ground like a huge nail.

“Come again.” When True Emperor Mu Jian was nailed into the ground by a split, Li Qiye caught up instantly, and his arms were still split.

Second Night To Have The Dao, Splitting The Heaven and Earth.” Li Qiye screamed, his arms spread out, Splitting The Heaven and Earth.

True Emperor Mu Jian is horrible, but at this moment he has no choice but still Ancient Devourer Battlestaff meets the enemy, blocking his arms to Li Qiye.

A “bang” loud sound, once again on the stick, heard the sound of “crack“, at this time, not only the bones of True Emperor Mu Jian chipped, but the impact of strength of terrifying of Li Qiye Then, the earth suddenly collapsed, and numerous cracks appeared. Above vast Grand Dao, a huge valley one suddenly appeared. It can be said that Li Qiye’s destroyed the earth with a single blow.

“Beep”, True Emperor Mu Jian blood spurted. At this moment, True Emperor Mu Jian‘s whole body was dyed red by the blood, even if his body is taller, but already is more than half of the body was pressed into the mud.

“No ” saw this scene, the trillion disciple of Mu Family Dao Lineage screamed, because at this time True Emperor Mu Jian appeared in the image of First Ancestor, among trillion disciples, at this time True Emperor Mu Jian is like their First Ancestor.

Seeing that First Ancestor of own was beaten so miserably is unacceptable for trillion disciples of Mu Family Dao Lineage.

“Fang Xiaotian Yun, Dao Ru Zhong Nan, Thirty Three Songs, Su Wenxin …” At this time, the trillion disciple of Mu Family Dao Lineage frantically chanted merit law. The sound was against the sky, and the wave was higher than the wave. .

However, no matter how hard the trillion disciples of Mu Family Dao Lineage are, but under the suppression of Li Qiye’s arms, True Emperor Mu Jian cannot be contending, nor can they break the cracks. Instead, there is a burst of crackling sounds of “Boom, Boom, Boom” In True Emperor Mu Jian, the huge body was suppressed by inch by inch. After that, the whole person of True Emperor Mu Jian was suppressed into the ground.

In the process of being suppressed, True Emperor Mu Jian squirted blood, spit after spit of blood, and the fragments of the internal organs were sprayed out by him.

At this moment, True Emperor Mu Jian is also supporting hard, but even if he tried his best, he still couldn’t support strength of Li Qiye and Absolute Suppression.

At this time, True Emperor Mu Jian was full of blood, and his already became a blood man. For a moment, such a scene was so desperate.

“No, no, no.” For a moment, countless disciples of Mu Family Dao Lineage screamed, unable to accept the fact that all of them fell into despair all of a sudden.

At this moment, their already is powerless, even if all their Grand Dao powers are integrated into the body of True Emperor Mu Jian, but they are not able to suppress contending First Ominous Person.

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