Emperor’s Domination Chapter 2673: Advise

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In one hit, they flew through the four Heavenly Guests. For a moment, the whole scene seemed silent. Everyone couldn’t help shaking in their hearts, and they couldn’t help taking a breath.

The four big Heavenly Guests are much stronger than the top ten Diamond/Vajra. Today the four of them joined forces and still can’t stop the Li Qiye’s strike. This is a terrifying thing, and it is such a creepy thing.

Green-robed Heavenly Guest also looked horrified. He failed to stop Li Qiye’s‘s move. This already was a shame for him. It can be said to be a shame, but now the four major Heavenly Guests are still not the enemy of Li Qiye’s. Such result / to bear fruit made him tremble in his heart.

The five Heavenly Guests, on status, status, and strength, are much stronger than the top ten Diamond/Vajra. If the top ten Diamond/Vajra is defeated, it is more or less reasonable, after all, they are not the strongest in Emperor Lineage World. Big team.

The five Heavenly Guest losers, it is really embarrassing. Looking at the whole Emperor Lineage World, it is difficult for already to find a stronger team than them.

deep and unmeasurable, there is no upper limit.” When a Old Ancestor of ancient and decayed saw such a scene, he couldn’t help muttering. At this moment, he had deep fear in his heart, because Li Qiye’s was powerful and already reached It is unimaginable, or looking at the entire Emperor Lineage World, no one of already is his opponent.

“What’s the difference between ants and ants?” For a moment, I don’t know how many people lost their minds, and some people still whispered such a sentence.

Before that, the strong disciples of Green-robed Heavenly Guest and Guest Union regarded the common people of Ming Luo City as ants, and trampled their lives at will, as if they were fish on a cutting board.

In fact, not only Green-robed Heavenly Guest is the case, many cultivator strongmen present also treat ordinary people like ants in their hearts. How many people regard Ming Luo City civilians as fish on the cutting board. Their lives are seen by many cultivator That is worthless.

However, at the moment, five Heavenly Guests can’t stop even one move in the hands of Li Qiye. As Li Qiye said, these cultivator strong men are just ants on his feet. What is the difference between these self-recognized cultivator powerhouses and those ordinary people before Li Qiye?

They are in the hands of Li Qiye’s. They are not the same as the fish on the cutting board. Li Qiye can put them to death before raising their hands.

Such encounters are particularly uncomfortable for many of the cultivator powerhouses present. They usually treat others like ants and fish on a chopping board, but today they are own reduced to ants and chopping boards. Fish on the table.

For a moment, many cultivator strong men were so disappointed that they could not help taking a sigh of air, and could not help expressing deep fear in their hearts.

The a resonate sound of “crash “, at this time, the rocks were scattered, and I saw Golden Horn Heavenly Guest, White-bearded Heavenly Guest, four of them Heavenly Guest rushed out of the deep pit, they were all blood, very embarrassed.

It can be said that this is the most embarrassing moment in their lives. They have swept Eight Desolate, have been invincible, respected and admired everywhere, but they have been shot down with one palm today. This is very important for them. Uncomfortable things.

“Fortunately, without a palm shot, otherwise it is really desperate. If the four Immortal True Gods so powerful are still shot with a palm, it is simply the invincible world, so that other young How did the younger generation get ahead. “Seeing Golden Horn Heavenly Guest, White-bearded Heavenly Guest, their four Heavenly Guests are still alive, which made many cultivator strong men relieved.

Although the four Heavenly Guests look very embarrassed at this time, they are all bloodstained, and they have suffered minor injuries, but at least they are still alive.

If Li Qiye stabbed all four of their Immortal True Gods with such a casual palm, it would be very desperate.

Because in the whole Emperor Lineage World, I am afraid that no one can shoot four Heavenly Guests at the same time. If they can do it, this person is truly invincible and can suppress the entire Emperor Lineage World.

At this time, many cultivator strong players in Emperor Lineage World are really desperate. With such an invincible exist(ence), other people have no chance to make a name for themselves.

Although they were still alive with one palm shot, the four Heavenly Guests all turned pale, and they looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

After all, the strength of their own is very clear. Although the four of them have joined forces temporarily, Green-robed Heavenly Guest has not joined with them, but already is strong enough.

However, the four of them joined forces and were still shot by Li Qiye. What a terrifying result / to bear fruit. They are the exist(ence) that dominates an era. It is hard to imagine who else can slap them in the entire Emperor Lineage World Four people flew at the same time.

If you are alone, or if someone can slap them, but the four of them join forces, it will be difficult for them to find the invincible exist(ence) who can slap them.

At this time, including Green-robed Heavenly Guest, all five of them looked at each other, and none of them took a step from retreats.

At this time, they both had a thought in their hearts that escaped.

It can be said that the most powerful exist(ence) Lu Keweng in Guest Union is not here. Even if the five of them join forces, they are afraid that they will not be able to connect with Li Qiye contending. At this time, the most wise way is to escape.

The five major Heavenly Guests are all people who have experienced countless winds and waves, and they are all rolling in the limelight. Of course, it is not like those young people who are full of blood and rush to death regardless of all consequences.

However, they are also famous people. They are the most powerful Old Ancestor in a Large Sect or an Dao Lineage. Their representative has a reputation of Large Sect or Dao Lineage. At this time, even if there are hundreds of people in their hearts who are willing to turn around Escape, they can’t just turn around and run away.

If they turn around and run away now, they will be ridiculed for the rest of their lives, becoming the biggest joke of their lives, and the biggest shame of their lives.

“Respected driving, I was a bit misunderstanding.” Green-robed Heavenly Guest spoke first and said slowly: “I believe that the enemy is easy to solve and not easy to settle, so this time we are not thoughtful, and now respect the driving Means, we Guest Union immediately withdraw from Ming Luo City without entering Ming Luo City half step. “

When Green-robed Heavenly Guest came out, everyone at the scene was embarrassed by blankly look at each other. Everyone did not expect that the five big Heavenly Guests would be subdued so quickly.

Just now, the four Heavenly Guests were still aggressive, and the momentum was like Hong Guanri. I did not expect that in a short time, the five famous Heavenly Guests were softly recognized.

You know, five Heavenly Guests are famous all over the world. When will they be afraid of others, especially after the establishment of Guest Union, they have strong enough backers, and they are not afraid of anyone in the world. even if faces three major Giants like Dao Lineage, they can also say that one or two hard words.

Now in front of so many people, Green-robed Heavenly Guest admits to being soft on the spot, which is also a surprise from everyone’s expectations.

For a while, a lot of people were blankly look at each other, Green-robed Heavenly Guest suddenly recognized, this was really a bit of a surprise.

“Ginger is still very old.” Seeing Green-robed Heavenly Guest admits that some older generations have to admit it, saying, “The five Heavenly Guest are indeed old foxes who have seen countless winds and waves. If they are in the wrong situation, they can also pull the following I admit it. The top ten Diamond/Vajras are just too stingy, they do n’t want to admit it, and finally put everyone ’s lives in. ”

“There is nothing to recognize at this time.” Some Large Sect Old Ancestor also felt that Green-robed Heavenly Guest recognized and said in a low voice: “When it comes to such a powerful and terrible opponent, what is the concession, why not fight for your life, It ’s not that they do n’t share the hatred of heaven. ”

As Large Sect Old Ancestor said, in addition to agreeing with Green-robed Heavenly Guest, it is also looking for steps for own. Even five Heavenly Guests admit that they are afraid of First Ominous Person, and there is nothing shameful about it.

“I just think of softening now, don’t you feel a little late?” Li Qiye said lightly.

This makes the Green-robed Heavenly Guest look very embarrassing. In their capacity, already is very shameful in the face of the people in the world, and it is still being questioned by Li Qiye. This is for him That is a shame.

“No later, no later.” Green-robed Heavenly Guest laughed dryly and said, “It is an honour to recognize someone who respects such a driver without fighting or acquaintance, and it is really admirable for what you do. , My generation can’t help but feel ashamed. The afterlife is really awesome, this already is the world of your youngster … “

At this time, Green-robed Heavenly Guest was cheeky, and began to pat the Li Qiye’s horse fart. The words of flattery were endless.

Hearing the supreme level of Old Ancestor like Green-robed Heavenly Guest are cheeky Li Qiye’s, but this really caught many people present.

“Hey ” After some people came back, they couldn’t help sneering and felt disdainful for the shamelessness of Green-robed Heavenly Guest.

Just now, what an to raise the prestige military might and an arrogant domineering Green-robed Heavenly Guest is simply to treat everyone as nothing, but now they are afraid of Li Qiye. Not only do they persuade Li Qiye to persuade them, but they also slap Li Qiye’s.

Seeing the Green-robed Heavenly Guest soft suit was slapstick. For a moment, everyone couldn’t help looking at Li Qiye.

At this moment, everyone thinks that already obtained by Li Qiye is enough, not only the civilians who rescued Ming Luo City, but even the five Heavenly Guests served him softly and slapped him. It can be said that this already is He has established infinite prestige.

This kind of achievement, I am afraid that countless cultivator strong people can not reach a height in a lifetime.

In many people’s opinion, since this step has been reached, Li Qiye already does not need take action, so why not make a smooth favor? After all, the two sides are not the same.

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