Emperor’s Domination Chapter 1700: The origin of Bu Family

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The red cloud account and tassel bed are filled with 旖旎 24 Aura. Li Qiye and Bu Lianxiang sleep in the bed, and they hug tightly.

After a long time, Li Qiye said gently: “I have left you some treasure, I also have a few hidden treasures in Nine Worlds, you can open it when you need it.”

Bu Lianxiang decided to stay after Li Qiye left a lot of thing for her, such as Declivity-Mountain Bell, small wooden coffin and many Divine Treasure left to her.

“I have a lot of Bu Family treasure, you don’t need to worry about me, there are many places where you need to use the **** material Immortal Treasure on Nine Heavens.” Bu Lianxiang said softly.

Bu Lianxiang is not an exaggeration, their Bu Family‘s Middle Continent Ancient Country was one of the most powerful inheritances. They are still standing strong without falling in Ancient Dark Era, and finally died in the hands of Immortal Emperor Tian Tu.

“Not too many treasures.” Li Qiye said with a smile: “I leave you these treasures as an evasion in the future. Because these treasure are not the same as Immortal Emperor True Item, Immortal Emperor Life Treasure, such as Declivity-Mountain Bell, it is similar to your Yin Yang Smelting Immortal Mirror, then I am afraid that the World Dao has changed, and it will not be suppressed, and the small wooden coffin is even more amazing. Its magic power can be said to make godly demon afraid. Once opened, it can make godly demon retreat. “

“These methods are used only when they are compelled to do so.” Li Qiye sighed softly: “In the future, no one knows what will happen to World Dao, or there will be other ethnic rises, or Cai Tian rules may be replaced. In short, staying behind is also a surefire strategy. “

The head of Bu Lianxiang said, “Okay, we Bu Family had a secret place. If era changes, or we can avoid the world, it will not happen in the world. cover in dust in the secret place such as the world is also a choice to avoid disasters. “

“This is also a good decision.” Li Qiye gently nod, said: “I leave Ten Thousand World Tree to you, if you still want to live again one generation or have the opportunity to recover.”

Bu Lianxiang opened her mouth, but Li Qiye gently pressed her lip with her finger and said seriously: “It was so decided, and I know whoever wants to live again one generation is not easy. Even Immortal Emperor needs to bear With suffering, like the guy of Drystone Courtyard , he thought that reborn once again also boiled own for generations, but sometimes he had to make a choice when he could not help himself … “?” … I leave you Ten Thousand World Tree. It ’s not forcing you reborn once again, it just leaves you a one back road and gives you one more choice. In the future, no one is sure about World Dao. There is no choice for always better than. Leave Ten Thousand World Tree. This is for urgent needs. ” Here Li Qiye sighed softly.

Bu Lianxiang gently addressed nod and said: “Relax, you can go with peace of mind. Go straight ahead without any concern. I can come over in Ancient Dark Era, and how difficult the world will be in the future. There is really a change in the great world. I can only enter the secret place. According to our First Ancestor, our secret place of Bu Family can avoid natural disasters. At that time, our Middle Continent Ancient Country was destroyed. It is because I am too confident in Imperial Father and various elders. Ground, I ’m afraid it ’s hard to escape. ”

“I believe this.” Li Qiye nod said: “You Bu Family First Ancestor all say so, this already is enough to show that your secret place is enough, although it is not compatible with Twelve Burial Grounds, the six old soil Compared to this exist(ence), it is also an escape from the world belonging to universally rare. “

“So you know the First Ancestor of our Bu Family?” Bu Lianxiang couldn’t help asking.

There are very few records about their Bu Family First Ancestor. Even if their Bu Family genealogy is so few words, it is difficult for future generations to know where their Bu Family originated and where it came from. It seems that the First Ancestor of their Bu Family came out overnight.

exist(ence) like Bu Family First Ancestor, he can create Bu Family and lay the foundation of unparalleled for Bu Family. People like him can never be anonymous.

But strange. Not only their family tree of Bu Family, but also their records of Bu Family First Ancestor in Nine Worlds.

Bu Lianxiang speculates that their Bu Family First Ancestor is definitely no less than Immortal Emperor, but it is strange that such a powerful exist(ence) has no record of him at all.

“Know more.” Li Qiye said, “But some things are also inaccurate, because some things just stay on speculation, there is no solid evidence, unless he can speak out alive. More thing They are all speculations about that’s all. After all, this is a kind of isolation, and it is only me who can truly deliver messages without interruption and can repeatedly send messages between the two worlds.

“So Bu Family is really from Tenth World!” Bu Lianxiang said helplessly. There have been various speculations about the origin of their Bu Family, one of which is that their Bu Family comes from Nine Heavens, but many of them are only left at the stage of guessing, there is no clear evidence.

“Yes.” Li Qiye gently nominated nod and said, “Some things can’t be confirmed, and some thing have no solid evidence, but it is certain that your Bu Family is indeed from Nine Heavens. It was just that you First Ancestor erased a lot of thing. His original intention was not to let the world and children know the past. “

“Above Nine Heavens.” Bu Lianxiang could not help but pause. After a while, she said slowly: “Since our Bu Family was above Nine Heavens, why did First Ancestor let Bu Family come to Nine Worlds?”

“The specific reason is only known to him. descendants is difficult to figure out. In my personal opinion, this is an evasion. He just hopes that his children and grandchildren will reproduce inheritance silently. He does not want his children and grandchildren to win the world. Unfortunately, the descendants lived up to his expectations. “Li Qiye groaned and said.

“Is could it be that avoiding the enemy?” Bu Lianxiang said involuntarily.

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Reaching him like realm even if will only be crushed by his enemies.” Li Qiye smiled and shook his head, saying, “I can get offspring from above Nine Heavens, Even if it is Tenth World, there will not be more than ten people with this kind of strength, and it is an ancient and incomparable era. Until now, there are fewer people, only I can count with five fingers. Come here. “

“If it wasn’t to avoid the enemy, what’s the reason?” Bu Lianxiang couldn’t help but be surprised. She could imagine that own Bu Family First Ancestor was powerful, but she didn’t expect to be so powerful.

“This is really hard to say, or the real reason is only known to himself. In my personal opinion, it may be to avoid natural disasters. The secret place of your Bu Family is not created by your First Ancestor. This should be in The very old era inheritance came down from the land of heaven and earth. In this way, the secret land can be said to be a natural disaster-avoiding treasure lands. Such one piece of treasure lands placed on Tenth World will definitely drive people crazy. After all, if a disaster comes, there will be a descendant Shelter … “

“… In Nine Worlds, I am afraid that few people know about this thing. Even if it is known that Immortal Emperor of this secret place, already will not stay in Nine Worlds. already has already gone up, so in this Nine Worlds, others think It’s extremely difficult to grab your secret place, I’m afraid that Ancient Dark also had the idea of ​​this secret place in the past. “Li Qiye said moaning.

Bu Lianxiang gently nod. At that time, Ancient Dark destroyed Middle Continent Ancient Country. It can be said to be digging three feet. This is not just to find the treasure of their Middle Continent Ancient Country.

“I also know that Immortal Emperor can be on Tenth World. As long as Immortal Emperor carrying Heaven’s Will is waiting, when the time is ripe, you can’t avoid the one road, you will kill Tenth World. But why is the exist(ence) down from Tenth World since Eternal? Tenth World is where Deities Emperors is. There are so many invincible generations, why are so few people able to come down? “Bu Lianxiang said curiously.

Li Qiye said with a smile: “Because the price is very big and heavy, and even if you have this ability, you must pay an extremely heavy price. In fact, since Eternal, exist(ence) that can really come down from Tenth World with the strength of own No more than ten, and if they want to come down, they must pay a very heavy price. For your First Ancestor, he is strong enough. The price he paid you for Bu Family to come down from above is not something you can imagine. This is not just as simple as his own ridicule! “

“So our ancestors were killed because of this incident.” Bu Lianxiang said in surprise.

“You can say that.” Li Qiye ordered nod, and said, “It’s too costly for Correct. Even if it is really capable, no one wants to pay it. It’s as if you are a rich man, rich. Life is going well. Suddenly I want to be a beggar, but I will also break my hands and feet, and even lose my life. Will you do it instead?

When I heard this, Bu Lianxiang could n’t help but be in a daze. It was indeed that no one wanted to do such a thing, but they did it First Ancestor and sent them off the descendants of Bu Family. Although the reason is unknown, they First Ancestor But it paid a terrible price.

“The children and grandchildren are afraid to live up to the expectations of First Ancestor.” Bu Lianxiang sighed softly, and they paid a huge price for First Ancestor to send them down Nine Worlds, but in the end their Bu Family still attracted sect-destroying disaster.

At that time, their Bu Family and Ancient Dark were allied. From that moment, the fate of their Bu Family is already is doomed.

“Some things cannot be controlled by the predecessors. Although the predecessors have hopes for future generations, future generations will always have disdain for their children.” Li Qiye smiled and said, “If the descendants are all generations, then the world will be There is no Emperor Lineage and Immortal Sect that has collapsed. If the descendants are Ren Xian, how can other small sect small school turn over? “

When I heard this, Bu Lianxiang had to order nod. It can only be said that this is the only comfort.

PS: I did n’t expect that the sentence of “Only fighting 3,000 Emperors alone and pushing 13 Continents with both palms” would have such a great response. Many readers asked Empress Hong Tian and Immortal Emperor Gu Chun. I will talk about it later when I have time These two Immortal Emperor, they have high achievements. (To be continued.)

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