Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 548: The King of Nightmare, the last battle (on)!

“The Number One Player on Earth ()”!

“The situation of the battle is completely stabilized. It looks like there is no doubt that Dragon City will be promoted.”

“This kind of difficulty is indeed a bit big, but it should be within our acceptance range… With this experience, we should also be 50% sure that we will succeed in the promotion!”

“The alien races here are about to be killed. We go to the Dragon City headquarters, where there are still a large number of alien races. Since we are here, we will kill as many as possible to compete for some luck.”

Not far from Dragon City, some people from foreign bases are rushing over here.

With the reinforcement of a large number of domestic and foreign strongholds, the human race has gained a comprehensive advantage in the battlefields of the separate strongholds other than Dragon City. In this case, some strong foreign strongholds have separated some people. Came to the battlefield of Dragon City headquarters.


In the face of these reinforcements, the aliens decisively separated a part to stop them.

A whole body is like a dark green creature composed of jelly-like mud, and its body jumped into the sky after a bounce on the ground.

The mud monster was the second foreign race encountered by “Two Dragon Mountain” during the “Ten Races Fighting for Hegemony”.

At that time, those mortal mud monsters themselves were not high in combat effectiveness, and their social level remained close to the age of primitive society.

However, a mud monster of an extraordinary level seems to be another matter!


Flying into the sky, the mud monster quickly swelled to a diameter of more than one kilometer, exuding a powerful aura reaching an extraordinary sixth-order, like a dark green lake, and in the lake you can see a large number of humans and aliens. Severely corroded corpse remains.

It was just swallowed by the mud monster in its movement. Its extraordinary feature is that it can be biological remains, and then transformed into dark green poison that corrodes everything, including extraordinary powers.

Moreover, the jelly-like body can greatly resist various attacks. Once covered by it, it is like an ordinary person falling into a mire in a swamp floating with a layer of miasma, and there is almost no possibility of escape!

“Not good.”

Therefore, facing the dark green and poisonous lake that covered the sky above, a team of players from outside strongholds who came for reinforcements changed their faces.

Because this mud monster’s body covers a wide area, it is too late to evade, and in the face of the terrifying toxins that reach the extraordinary sixth-order, even if they themselves are extraordinary combat effectiveness, they have no resistance.

“Get out of the way!”

Drinking all over.

Immediately, a figure wearing a very domineering golden armor rushed up, a thick fist with a golden armband was enveloped in a layer of golden light, and a golden fist with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared in the air. It hit the dark green extraordinary mud monster’s body that fell from the sky downwards.

It is the number one player in the Indian Vatican, King Baahubali.


Even the jelly-shaped body of the extraordinary mud monster can greatly reduce the impact of the buffer, and the position where the body hit by the golden fist mark is completely penetrated.

And the position around the fist is bursting with golden light like cracks after another.

“Puff, puff, puff…”

Then burst into a dozen pieces in the golden light, and fell around a group of people.

“Baahubali, Baahubali!”

A bunch of Indian Brahma players who almost died, shouted with excitement.

“Baahubali, Baahubali!”

And the Indo-Vatican country on the earth is also every household, and the whole country cheers.


However, in the midst of this shout, the mud monster that had been broken into more than a dozen pieces violently moved.

All the dark green fragments jumped up from the ground, turning into a slightly smaller transcendent-level mud monster, and they were caught off guard by more than a dozen transcendent players from the Indian Vatican.

“Be careful.”

“Hurry up!”

Hundreds of millions of screams sounded at the same time.

A bunch of Indian Brahma players themselves have experienced a lot of battles, and their reaction is not slow, opening up extraordinary defenses.

“Ah, ah…”

However, the dark green poison of the mud monster can also corrode even the extraordinary power, and the two Indian Vatican players were wrapped up and only remembered the screams.

“Looking for death!”

King Baahubali’s face was furious, and his golden armband swung out again.

“Slap, slap, slap…”

A dozen golden fist shadows appeared in the air at the same time, and they were sent to each of the smaller mud monsters, exploding hundreds of pieces again.

However, in a blink of an eye, hundreds of smaller mud monsters appeared on the court.

Moreover, this kind of smallness is relatively speaking.

In fact, the figure of every mud monster is still tens of meters in diameter, and once again, all the players of the Indian Vatican are in a hard fight.

King Baahubali frowned.

By this time, the battles on the battlefields of those sub-bases are nearing completion. The battle at the Dragon City headquarters is estimated to have attracted more than 50% of the world’s eyes, that is, more than 5 billion eyes are gathered here!

Since he is determined to fight for “the world’s first”, he should naturally show his overwhelming strength.

His level is Transcendent Rank 7, and he is good at fighting. Generally speaking, he can directly kill creatures of Transcendent Rank 6 with all his strength.

However, the biological power of this mud monster is too tenacious, and it also possesses the natural ability to expose split and transfer damage.

The first battle that led to the main battlefield was not going well.

“Siva, please help me!”

With a cold face, King Baahubali chose to activate his natural ability.

When the fist hit this time, a huge pillar appeared in the air behind him, with a semi-elliptical head, a ring growing, and three faces in the middle!

“I am the son of Shiva, I must suppress all enemies!”


The King Baahubali shot again, a pillar appeared behind him, and he hit a mud monster’s split body with a punch.


The mud monster that was hit was unharmed, but the remaining mud monsters exploded like firecrackers, and they never healed after the explosion.

Shiva, one of the three main gods, is in charge of reproduction and destruction.

The inheritance talent skill of King Baahubali, “Son of Shiva”, can enable it to use part of the power belonging to “Shiva” to kill hundreds of split mud monsters in one fell swoop!

“This “God” looks like that thing in appearance, it is the “Shiva” of the Indian Brahma Kingdom… From this point of view, the “title” of the Son of Shiva is a bit funny.”

“Nevertheless, the strength of this person’s’first person in the Vatican Kingdom’ should not be faked. It seems to be a bit powerful, maybe it is really stronger than the Dragon City Lord!”

As guessed by King Baahubali.

At this time, there was indeed a lot of eyes focused on him, and many people talked about him and compared him with Ji Ye.

“Better than the city lord? This person is far behind!”

A Dragon City player who died in battle and returned to Earth, sneered and spoke on the forum.

The place of inheritance, Dreamland Dragon City, is different from other sub-bases. This city is in the same position as Dragon City but in a different “space”.

It can be said that it has been the calmest since the start of the war.

Only because the number of aliens who have the ability to enter the dream state is not large, but also because of the figure that always sits on the top of the Dragon City of Dreams.

In the beginning, there was a “Nightmare Race” who looked like a spider-like alien. Relying on his own ability, he broke into the Dreamland Dragon City alone, spitting out invisible spider silk and woven one after another. A magnificent dreamland silently fell towards Ji Ye’s body sitting in the air.

Then, there is no more.

A dozen or so extraordinary-level “Nightmare Spiders” corpses were underneath at this time, being dissected by various researchers.

In this case, how can ordinary aliens dare to come to the trouble alone, unless this alien is very unusual!

“I walked out of fear, and all beings trembled because of me.”

Suddenly, the air around Ji Ye fluctuates, and with a hoarse voice, a figure appears in front of him.

It was a purple creature with a body like a giant dragon, but growing with a bunch of sharp bone spurs. Its mouth was full of white teeth like swords, and its body was as huge as a mountain!

“What is it.”

“What kind of monster is this!”

“Don’t, don’t come over.”

“I want to leave.”

The people in the Dreamland Dragon City have an extreme fear in their hearts at the same time.

“I am reborn in hatred, and I want to fill all beings with hatred!”

Another figure appeared behind him. His figure looked like black lava wrapped in flames, and his hair was woven with flames surging, and black smoke was tumbling all over his body.

“I hate, hate!”

The resident of Dreamland Dragon City below, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his mouth roared, looking at the people around him with hateful eyes.

“I was born in death, I hope you have the consciousness of death!”

A nightmare clan appeared again, his appearance resembling a thin layer of gray mist, with a faint black light shining in his eyes.

The residents in the Dreamland Dragon City all felt a sense of dying, clutching their necks and out of breath, many of them fainted directly.

“I bloom in the midst of killing, just like a flower in the dawn.”

Another nightmare appeared, holding a double-hole long-barrel shotgun in his hand, and his arms were like a pair of scarlet sickles, but his body and face looked like a human, with a weird one. Red and white mask.

“Is it finally here? Nightmare!”

Ji Ye opened her eyes sharply, her eyes were flat, afraid of any emotional fluctuations.

The Nightmare Race, a kind of alien race that is more weird than the dragon, its appearance is not fixed and can change into any form.

It can be a demon, it can be a beast, it can be a ball of rocks, it can even be an angel.

“Despair! Despair!!! Despair!!!”

“Get into eternal pain!”

Fear, killing, death, despair, pain, destruction… Eight nightmares of different shapes appeared in the eight directions of the Dreamland Dragon City.

The whole body is purple, with squid-like tentacles growing, and there is a huge glowing eye on the center of the brow; the whole body is a huge mouth… Each of them has reached the quasi-legendary level, and the sixth transcendental level. strength!

“Kill, kill, kill…”

“There is no hope in this world, destroy it, everyone is destroyed!”

“So painful, so painful…”

Under the shadow of the Nightmare Clan, the residents in the Dragon City showed painful expressions one after another.

Many people even gritted their teeth, picked up the originally prepared city defense weapons, or manipulated a large number of technological spacecraft and warships in the city, and made various self-destructive actions.

Different from ordinary alien races, nightmare and dragon races are also natural and extraordinary races.

Moreover, supernatural powers are more difficult to fight than dragons, because they are generated from the emotions of sentient beings and can also control the emotions of all creatures.

If it is not a human being qualified to enter the Dreamland Dragon City, he himself has an advantage in spiritual power.

These Nightmare tribes just show up, it is enough to make the entire dream stronghold lose all resistance, and even kill each other and self-destruct.

Of course, except for Ji Ye.

“This person is the leader of mankind!”

“He possesses more than one-third of the power of luck in this human stronghold. As long as we kill it, we can become the biggest gainers this time!”

Eight nightmare tribes of different forms surrounded Ji Ye in a group, and the mental fluctuations that emanated from their mouths transformed the words that the adult tribe could recognize, making it more difficult for the people below to control themselves.

While Ji Ye is still sitting crouched above the city of dreams, his eyes are not raised, and his figure is not moving at all.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

It’s just that the air around me also fluctuates, and then eight figures appear.

These figures are in human form, but they are slightly different from normal people.

For example, one man has a burly physique, his arms are thin, his head is full of blond hair, like fine branches on golden feathers, and his eyebrows are both golden.

“Only you, dare to covet my master, I really can’t help myself…”

Holding his arms around his arms, the blond young man’s face is full of violence and rebelliousness. A golden light shines on his body, transforming into a one-piece huge golden eagle over a hundred meters, a pair of claws that can give birth to dragons and tigers. Directly attacked the “fear” alien race with the largest size.

“Extraordinary power analysis…weakness analysis…weapon selection, six clean depleted uranium bombs, sure to launch!”

A translucent white-clothed woman speaks with a mechanical female voice with a sense of intelligence.

All the technological equipment in the Dreamland Dragon City, the large-scale electronic gun defense facilities, and the fighter jets flying in the sky are all accurately manipulated, and “nuclear bombs” overwhelmingly rush towards that symbolizing “destruction.” The nightmare.


A young man whose appearance is extremely neutral, making it difficult to distinguish between men and women. The words in the mouth of a young man are very brief. The clothes he wears are like clothes that have been coagulated and burst directly. The changes become countless blood condensed and turned into a sky The blood-colored vines will wrap the Nightmare tribe that symbolizes “killing”.

“The Nightmare? It is indeed a race that is not easy to deal with in the memory of my clan. Let me try what you can do?”

And a woman with a long body, her eyes and pupils showing upright dragon-shaped creatures, raised her hand, and another reduced version of the reflection of the Dreamland Dragon City appeared in the air, which would symbolize the “pain” of the Nightmare Clan. Included.

“Life and death, reincarnation does not stop, we live, they die!”

There is also a young man with a dog’s head and dog face, wearing a black and white fur coat, and a funny face, holding a dog’s head rune scepter in his hand, and choosing the nightmare that represents “death” as opponent!

“This kind of line, is this person the “Desert Grim Reaper” in Runeland, or Anubis, the undead god!”

“How is it possible that the Desert Grim Reaper, the Desert Grim Reaper doesn’t have this skin, okay, look at the shape of this head, it’s a diha?”

On Earth, there are doubts in some people.

“Should these few be humans?”

There are also some players who withdrew from the inheritance and returned to the earth to see some clues.

“These are the followers of the city lord. They can use the power of the lord of the city, even if they face the aliens of the legendary level, they will not fall under the wind. King Baahubali can kill the quasi-legendary level 6th transcendental level, but The Lord of the City does not need to take action at all, and can solve the extraordinary sixth-order enemy only by relying on his entourage!”

Those Dragon City players who returned to Earth after their deaths spoke proudly.

Golden Eagle, Blood Soul Vine Tree, Thousand-Year Tree Demon, Erha, Queen of Dream Dragon…

These creatures with human appearances are all Ji Ye’s contracted creatures, and their combat power is not inferior to these Nightmare races.

Mainly, the most incomprehensible thing about the Nightmare race is the horror of its extraordinary powers. Other creatures are affected by these alien extraordinary abilities and can hardly concentrate in battle.

But they won’t, because they are all Ji Ye’s contracted creatures. They are connected with Ji Ye’s mental power. Not only have they gained strong mental resistance, but they can also borrow Ji Ye’s power.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

When every contracted creature attacks with all its strength, a phantom of Ji Ye will appear behind it, which not only blocks the spiritual influence of these Nightmare races, but also decisively makes a move at a critical time!

“Puff, puff, puff…”

Although every shot is a very understatement, even just sticking out a finger.

However, it always points to the flaws exposed between the Nightmare Clan’s offense and defense, and the fingers are full of power beyond imagination.

Pointing on the Nightmare Race is enough to cause the latter’s body to explode suddenly.

If it weren’t for the negative emotions, these nightmare races would not die. These eight extraordinary Tier 6 nightmare races would have already died dozens of times.

Compared to this one-to-eight battle.

The record of King Baahubali who defeated one by one seemed so ordinary.

That’s how you dare to be called the number one player in the Indian Vatican, and the second player in the world. With such ordinary strength, how can you be so confident?

“It’s ridiculous, what is “one enemy eight”? These eight extraordinary creatures, can all be regarded as the personal power of your Dragon City Lord! The Dragon Kingdom people are really shameless.”

But obviously, the people in the Indian Vatican are dissatisfied.

“Yes, the city lord of Dragon City does not deny that he is very powerful in some aspects, but there is no evidence to say that he is the best in the world. If the power of eight people is counted on one person, the Chinese like to get these false data. “

There are some Westerners, go, go, go, help out.

Sure enough, human beings have been inferior for thousands of years.

Once the external pressure is relieved, the internal will begin to pull each other’s hind legs.

“Really ridiculous. This is of course personal power. The contract was originally the talent of the city lord, and contract creatures are also part of his power.”

“King Nabahubali has the talent to use Shiva’s “Linga” to kill the enemy, it can be counted as his own power, and the people of my Dragon Kingdom who use their talents to sign contract creatures to participate in battle are not counted as personal power. For so many years, your double standard for allies has never changed. However, the times have changed!”

On the video forum of the Land of Inheritance, there are players from the Dragon City who have returned to the earth after being killed in battle. The voices are full of disdain.

Yes, times have changed.

In the Dreamland Dragon City, eight kinds of negative emotions formed an alien race, which was once again blown up by Ji Ye’s eight contract creatures!

“No, stop fighting separately!”

“We work together to change into the ultimate form to kill him.”

One of the Nightmare clan shouted fiercely, and then they attacked each other and exploded each other.

Such a move, coupled with words, is obviously unleashing some kind of big move, and Ji Ye doesn’t know why he didn’t stop it.

In fact, there is no way to stop it, because these Nightmare races choose to die and then rebirth with the help of the emotion of destruction.


All eight nightmares blew themselves up.

All the negative emotions are gathered together to form a red fog in the sky, the structure is similar to the existence of a black hole.

It exudes an aura that is more than ten times more than the original eight nightmare races combined. This force is too powerful to break through the limits of the dream space, and simultaneously appears in the physical battlefield of Dragon City. on!

“What kind of alien is this!”

“My body seems to be afraid…”

“Why do I feel like I’m going to die just by looking at it? It’s clear that I still feel so strong across the land of inheritance. What kind of feeling will the people in the land of inheritance feel? I won’t die directly. “

Actually, this person’s crow’s mouth is right, and there is indeed a piece of death and injury in the land of inheritance.

When the Dreamland Dragon City shattered, a wave of mental fluctuations swept the audience without even any attack. All combatants below the transcendent level lost their will to fight…

Thousands of people died suddenly, leaving the living people trembling, lying on the ground, fear, despair, various negative emotions turned into nourishment, endlessly absorbed by the huge red hole in the sky.

A weird round of red sun is in the sky, and the red aura is full, and I feel that my vision seems to have changed color, fear, killing, death, despair, pain, destruction…Various negative emotions make everything below the extraordinary and even People below the fifth rank are in chaos.

Even if it exists above the fifth rank, only a very small number of strong-willed people or players can maintain combat effectiveness!

It’s just this kind of combat power, and in the face of the huge gap caused by the level, it seems that there is some powerless.

“Kidong Jiang, come with me.”

Xiang Yu, who has been violently drinking throughout his life, has defeated the enemy and won the “Chu Han fight” gambling game. With a body at a height of three hundred meters, eight black dragons pierced through the air with eight black dragons that reached the seventh rank. Domineering force, all poured into the Wucha long spear in his hand, pierced towards the red ball of light in the air.


The next moment, a figure flew upside down.

The eight dragons formed by Jiangdong’s children in cooperation with the war all collapsed, and nearly half of the Jiangdong’s children remained after the fight with the foreign races. The oolong spear in his hand was shattered and reappeared with the sorrow. Become the prototype of Wuchama, blood staining rivers.


Finally, the armor was completely broken, and the **** Xiang Yu’s body fell heavily to the surface of the sea. The seawater within a kilometer range was impacted and dented below the seawater, and even hit the mud deep in the seabed along the way. There was no movement.

Except for the Monkey King, as a hero of Dragon City, human beings who are absolutely at the peak of their fighting power, after the battle formation is added, they are comparable to the extraordinary seventh-order Xiang Yu, and they can’t resist the passive counterattack power of this “red moon”!

After that, a huge eye appeared in the red moon in the sky.

[The Nightmare King]

Level: Extraordinary Eighth Level

Class: Legend

Explanation: The King of Nightmare in ancient legends was born from the Lord of Nightmare only after gathering the negative emotions of many powerful creatures. From the eyes, there is endless destruction, pessimism, and despair…

In the Scarlet Moon, a huge eye slowly opened.

Under the suppression of this round of red moon, the ordinary soldiers who formed the battle formation are completely unable to move, and the “eight formation map” naturally cannot exist.

Therefore, these two targets directly glanced into the most core altar area of ​​Dragon City.

It seems to be a deliberate distribution. The core projections of many of the earth strongholds located in the altar area of ​​the Dragon City headquarters are the first strongholds of each country.

Most of these strongholds have already achieved the victory of the Legendary Road, or have taken a huge advantage, and they have already sent personnel to participate in the battle.

Only a stronghold with a shape similar to a pirate ship, at this time more than a dozen people are coming out of it.

Headed by are a short fat man with a crooked look and an obscene look, and a young man with a cold look and thin eyes, who are still whispering something in their mouths.

“Although our stronghold projection is located in the Dragon City headquarters, there is no need to worry too much when fighting. It is mainly to kill foreign races to obtain luck. There is no need to care about ordinary people and those buildings… “

However, as soon as he walked out of the core projection of the stronghold, the conversation stopped abruptly.

Looking at the red moon in the sky, the eyes opened facing this side, the inheritance level “Amaterasu” early warning talent in the young man’s mind was turning frantically.

However, it was too late.

A column of red light enveloped a group of people, as if in slow motion in the movie, each body was disintegrated piece by piece.

The short fat man opened his mouth wide, and seemed to be swearing, but under the red eyes that contained extraordinary eighth-order energy, even the sound of cursing could not be transmitted at all.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen extraordinary players and heroes, all under this line of sight, decomposed into non-existent particles, and a lot of anger, fear, etc. were emitted at the time of their death. The negative energy turns into red mists, which are absorbed by the “King of Nightmare” in the air, making its sense of oppression stronger again!

Scenes like this.

Two words appeared in the minds of billions of people on Earth watching the battle at the same One look would destroy a human stronghold. This is the extraordinary power of Tier 8, unmatched. It feels suffocating pressure.

Even if it is separated from the place of inheritance, everyone feels that their heart is about to burst, their bodies are trembling, and their foreheads are sweating, no one dared to look directly at this “scarlet eye”.

“Ba Ga!”

“Bageya Road.”

“Abe-san, Koizumi-san!”

Only the audience in the Sakura Country area heard voices of calling, cursing, and despair.

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