Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 221: Ji Ye, the sky will be reincarnated?

And after the Yuanren’s Peking King and the “water ghost leader” were killed together, there was naturally no suspense in the next battle on the water.

Outside the cabin, Ji Ye’s true body stepped across the surface of the river, using the dragon’s blood to manipulate the “Jade Jiao Sword” into a black ferocious dragon in the water, and cast a famous Yuanren “water pawn”, ” Water ghost” engulfed!

“The Yuanren Peking King, the leader of the Water Ghost Camp has been given the lead!”

“Brothers, it’s time to make meritorious service. Everyone goes into the water and kills all the Yuanren navy masters, so that these grandchildren will never be able to smash our boat in the future.”

And Ruan Xiaoer even carried the heads of the two Yuanren leaders, leaped to the observation deck above the mast, and then urged Zhen Qi to shout around, sound like a rolling thunder spreading across the water!

“It’s Xiaowei Ruan!”

“We killed the Great King of Yuanren? This…what a great work!”

When I heard Ruan Xiaoer’s words, the soldiers on the Erlong Shanzhai ship shouted with excitement.


Immediately afterwards, the Song soldiers and officers on the other warships also heard surprise calls.

“It’s the king and the leader! How come?”

Some Yuan people “water ghosts” and “water pawns” who floated on the surface of the water to breathe, looked like lightning strikes.


“What, the Northern King is dead?”

On the cavalry battlefield on the other side, now under the protection of personal guards, the Yuanren Dongda King who was killed from the chaotic battle caused by the influence of “phantom energy” was bloodied. His face changed under the helmet.

“How did you die?”

Next, he turned his head and asked about the “wonder man” who had come to the battlefield a month ago, claiming to have mastered the “heaven and earth” strange art and was taken under his command.

“Was killed by a young man? Even the leader of the water ghost camp was also killed…”

And after hearing the response of this player whose actual identity was obviously a participating player, he learned that the “Captain of the Water Ghost Camp” was in the camp, and the face under the helmet of the Eastern King changed again.

“There is such a hidden master among the people of the Song Dynasty… send orders, withdraw troops!”

After that, the Eastern King of Yuanren didn’t show much sadness, but after looking at Ji Ye’s direction, he issued an order to withdraw the troops.

Withdrawal is for sure.

One of the losses in this battle has been too great. Two kings have been killed in an unprecedented battle. Even the guards died in the melee. The army under his command was obviously in chaos on the battlefield, and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced!

The two are also because of the methods the Song people demonstrated in today’s battle, many of which were not exposed in the previous battle.

For example, the weapon that can ignite on the wall and shoot a large number of hidden weapons is called “Gatling” by the opponent, and the “sniper rifle” that can kill one’s own fighters several miles away. There are also some weird people who can even manipulate the corpse to get up and fight and get caught off guard on the battlefield…

Although, I have also won many strangers through the “job list” these days.

However, they felt inferior to the opponent. At least the people they recruited did not have the strength of a “North King” who could kill directly.

An even more important reason is that Yuanren’s army has not fully reached Xiangyang City in this fashion, and he is unwilling to let his own direct line consume too much.

What’s more, the Northern King and the Western King are now dead in battle, and even their own guards and “water ghosts and water pawns” have not been able to keep much.

So, the army that originally belonged to these two…


“Great victory, great victory!”

“The Yuanren Peking King’Demon Ji’ was killed, it is said that it was done by a general named Ji Ye!”

“Wrong, not the general, but the owner of the Erlong Village. It is said that the owner of the Erlong Village was the reincarnation of the heavenly general and was sent by the emperor to help me in the Great Song Dynasty. Knowing, that Yuanren Beida King was transformed by a monster. When facing the reincarnated Lord Ji Zhai, he originally wanted to fight. However, when he saw the Lord Ji Ye, his body was directly weakened. The original form…just because the main body of Ji Ye Zhai is a black dragon, and that Yuanren Bei Dawang is a ten-foot-long white water snake…”

After the Yuanren retreated, the news that the two great kings of the Yuanren and the leader of the water ghost were beheaded by the Erlong Shanzhai during this battle has spread quickly throughout the city of Xiangyang.

Even, some strange and legendary versions appeared quickly.

“Not only the Northern King, but even the Southern King is also being killed by a leader of the Erlong Shanzhai who masters celestial arts. Ask the gods to go down to the earth and kill them with the’sacred thunder’… This Southern King is also a demon king. Form, how many brothers we killed on weekdays, today we finally got retribution!”

“Furthermore, the leader of the’Water Ghost’ of the Yuan people was also beheaded by a school lieutenant surnamed Ruan. This school lieutenant Ruan was also from the Erlong village. It is said that he was only a fisherman in the past, and he was a fisherman. When I felt that the fishing net was extremely heavy, when it was pulled out, it turned out to be a white male skeleton, but it was the body of the Yuanren’s Water Ghost Leader…the two have formed cause and effect…”

Not only Ji Ye, but also Gongsun Sheng cast a spell on the top of the tower to summon the gods to descend, spurring the “sacred thunder” to kill the Yuanren King Xi and Ruan Xiaoer to kill the “water ghost leader”. Know it.

It is worth mentioning that because of Yuan Ren, the two kings of the West and the North.

One was one foot tall, with steel bars and iron bones, and the brass basin had a big mouth like a monster. The other was so coquettish and cold, but the people she killed were bleeding from the seven orifices and died in a miserable state.

So, in Xiangyang City, the fear of these two people is even higher than that of the more powerful Southern King and the more powerful Eastern King.

Think that these two people are “monsters”.

Now, knowing that both of them were killed by the “Erlong Mountain Village”, the reputation of the Erlong Mountain Village in Xiangyang City is naturally to completely suppress other competitive strongholds.

Ji Ye and Gongsun Sheng have been passed down by some as the reincarnations of “divines and generals”!

Don’t say it, this is true to some extent.

After all, Gongsun Sheng is indeed the reincarnation of the gods and demons, and Ji Ye, as the “chosen one of heaven” for the aborigines, should also be touched.

Of course, this kind of news can spread so quickly, naturally there are people arranged by Meng Lao to help it.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the effect. It is said that because Ruan Xiaoer killed the “water ghost camp leader”, he has been promoted by the navy commander general, and he has been transferred from the captain to the general. The function of the deputy… a situation that could not be opened for so long before, but only because of today’s battle, the goal was exceeded.

“Meng Lao arranged for us to take the waterway, and it really was planned…this layout is really awesome.”

Walking on the streets of Xiangyang is a sigh.

Meng Lao arranged for Ruan Xiaoer to respond, and at the same time, he also deployed the warship “to transport grain” to attract Yuanren attack. There must be the use of the projection of the human figure and the combat power of Ji Ye, which is the layout of the Erlong cottage in the navy Ideas to open the situation!

However, even if it was Elder Meng, he certainly did not expect to be able to lure the Great King of Yuanren to Peking and the “big fish” like the leader of the water ghost.

Furthermore, he was killed by Ji Ye. In addition, the Yuanren Nan Dawang was killed just now, and the Yuanren who was defeated by Lu Junyi and others were divided into ten thousand troops. This scene itself was temporarily replaced by the chief think tank of Xiangyang City. “The battle proposed by Meng Lao, Erlong Shanzhai stronghold can definitely be said to exceed the sum of the other strongholds.

“Brother Ji, you are finally here…hurry up and save my mother!”

Of course, in addition to this amazing “combat”.

On another aspect, Erlong Shanzhai is also difficult to reach from other bases, that is, its relationship with the projection of the outstanding person.

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