Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 161: Healing talent upgrade


After the Hawkman leader was hit into the sea.

The phantom of the Flood Dragon, condensed by the black snake sword burning the blood of the Flood Dragon, immediately entangled the Eagle Man as if it were the crocodile dragon tortoise at the beginning.

He even more frantically, pulling the eagle man from top to bottom to the bottom of the sea!


Even though the eagle leader is covered with a layer of golden light, the entanglement of the ghost of the dragon cannot cause substantial damage to it, but it cannot prevent his body from falling rapidly.

In a sense, the eagle leader gave up his advantage of condensing the wings of blue light to fly in the sky, and chose to rush to the sea to fight Ji Ye.

This is definitely not a correct decision!

After all, the ocean is never a flying creature.

However, strictly speaking, the eagle leader dared to do this is not a case of Tuo Da, but obviously should be confident enough in his heart.

Because, judging from the level of the power gap between the golden light and the blue light he displayed, it is obvious that the leader of the eagle is not the “long-range” that Erlong Shanzhai has always thought, but a “melee”!


And the subsequent actions of the Eagleman leader undoubtedly proved this.

In the sinking eagle leader, a layer of extremely sharp golden light enveloped one claw, five claws penetrated the phantom of the dragon, and grabbed the black snake sword in the middle!


Although the Black Snake Sword is powerful, it is only a piece of equipment that belongs to the third-order transformation.

Under the claws of the eagle leader shrouded in the sharp light of gold, this weapon that had followed Ji Ye for a long time was broken.

At the same time, the phantom of the flood dragon wrapped around the leader of the eagle also appeared to be broken by the waist!

However, although the golden light exploded and the “Black Snake Sword” was snapped off at once, the eagle-man leader’s always cold expression changed greatly.

Because, in the process of breaking the black snake sword, the surrounding seawater silently condensed into a black dragon with a hideous appearance of about ten feet, and instantly went around behind and rushed towards the leader of the eagle. , The four Jiaolong claws grabbed the eagle’s body fiercely!

Then, the black ferocious dragon with a sharp mouth opened fiercely at the eagle leader!

The huge dragon’s mouth is enough to swallow the leader of the black dragon in one bite!


However, the structure of the eagle’s neck is not as good as that of humans, and it can rotate 180 degrees!

Although the body was firmly grasped by the dragon’s claws and couldn’t move, but at the moment of death, the head of the eagle man turned around.

The third eye that was already closed at the center of the eyebrow opened again.


Sword-sharp golden light burst out again, and from the inverted scales of the black water dragon’s throat, which was about ten meters long, drilled the water dragon’s neck back and forth.

After that, the eagle leader turned his eyes even more, trying to cut the dragon’s neck completely with the golden light!

It’s just, but it didn’t succeed.

Because when the eagle leader’s third vertical eye launched a golden light attack, the golden light on his body was significantly weakened.

The ferocious “Black Flood Dragon” whose neck has been hit hard is far more powerful than the previous flood dragon phantom. Four black dragon claws that are slightly similar to the eagle but are more aggressive at the same time!


The golden light is shattered and infested with blood.

The body of the leader of the eagle was torn into pieces by the black dragon, and even afterwards, the black dragon’s claws were shot, and the head of the eagle leader was also smashed!

“The golden light of the eagle man is really sharp.”

“And it seems to be somewhat similar to “light” in nature, and the blocking effect of water flow is very limited!”

In the sea, after the head of the eagle who was blown off and the golden light in his eyes disappeared after his death.

The ten-foot-long black dragon phantom also disappeared, and on Ji Ye’s neck, a grayish-white light that represented the “healing” skill appeared.

The ten-zhang black water dragon just now belongs to the image produced when he burns the “blood of the water dragon” with all his strength. In fact, the real life and death fight is Ji Ye himself, who was pierced by the golden light of the Hawkman leader. The nature is also him.

Fortunately, although the throat was pierced by golden light, it was not a big problem for Ji Ye.

Because for ordinary people, this kind of injury will cause inability to breathe and a lot of blood loss, which will be fatal, but for him who has the blood of the dragon, he does not need to rely on his throat to breathe in this sea, but can manipulate other people’s Naturally, blood can also lock one’s own blood from being lost.

“However, because the golden light of the eagle leader is an extraordinary level power, and the’healing’ talent is only a mortal level, this injury cannot be healed quickly!”

Feeling a very sharp energy in the throat, Ji Ye frowned.

“Moreover, it contains mental attack energy…”

If it wasn’t the “power of the soil” that had resisted it for a while, the golden light really hit the center of the eyebrows. Given the difference between the two’s spiritual power levels, the result of this battle is really not sure.

“It seems that the reason why’Wu Xiong’ could be treated directly last time was probably because the leader of the eagle was worried about hurting his hidden companions. So although the arrow was covered with blue light, it was actually Shang has not released this kind of power at all!”

Sitting in the water, Ji Ye guessed something in her mind.

The injury caused by the Eagleman’s golden light is unexpectedly tricky, and it contains a variety of attacking powers.

However, although the talent for healing is only an ordinary level, it can theoretically heal injuries caused by extraordinary powers.

So, Ji Ye gestured to Ruan Xiaoer, who had rushed into the water, to ignore him, and instead took the people from the “Dragon Tooth” camp to attack the core of the Hawkman stronghold.

“Fire and gold!”

“The previous Nine Suns Divine Art can restrain them. Then, my internal strength should also be able to heal to a certain extent, and the Nine Suns Divine Art itself has healing properties…Since it also contains a part of mental power attack, then, With the concentration adjustment method of “Tiangang Five Thunders”, it should be able to take effect…”

Ji Ye herself is suspended in the water, analyzing and treating the eagle with the power of “curing” the “golden light”.

This process lasted nearly ten minutes.


When Ji Ye finally expelled the “golden light” power of the Eagleman leader from his throat completely.

I saw that the “healing” light that was originally grayish white suddenly shook but turned white!

[“You have an understanding of your own talent skills, and your talent skills level has been improved. Current level: Mortal level!”]

The player’s own talent skills do not need to be upgraded by task.

After acquiring this skill, Ji Ye used it very frequently, and he studied it carefully every time. Now he has cured the injury caused by the golden light attack of the eagle leader, but this skill has finally risen to level”.


Level: Transcendence

Level: Perfect·Rare

Description: Heal the injured body into a sound state. At this stage, it can directly heal all injuries caused by Mortal-level forces (this talent can be effective against others).

Ji Ye sensed the change of talent skills.

The Healing Talent of Mortal Grade can directly heal all injuries caused by the “Mortal Power”!

And because promotion is the same as when inheriting talent level, “reset” the cooling time.

However, in fact, Ji Ye has roughly guessed that the cooling time of the player’s talent skills should also be related to “proficiency” in a sense.

For example, if he now treats the Hawkman “Golden Light” for injuries, the cooldown time will be shortened, and for some injuries he has never touched, the cooldown time will be relatively long.

Of course, if it’s just a simple ordinary injury, the cooling time should be very short…

“Well, but compared to the healing talent upgrade, or this item is a bigger reward.”

After recovering from the injury, Ji Ye focused on getting the “trophies” from the dead eagle leader, the purple ring.

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