Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 152: Fusion: Heavy Sniper Rifle

“However, this is not enough to correspond to a Mortal Eagleman, right?”

Ji Ye said.

Although this “Viper” can indeed threaten ordinary metamorphosis creatures within a range of 100 meters!

But the “blue light” that the eagle masters is enough to make the arrow show enough power from two hundred meters away. This gun has some shortcomings.

“Well, for the mortal-level eagles, I mainly rely on this one!”

Li Qing nodded, but put down the gun in his hand and picked up the other one next to him.

[Death Python]

Level: Transcendence Level 5

Grade: Normal

Explanation: A firearm manufactured by Erlong Shanzhai based on the famous “Barrett M82A1” as a prototype, has very powerful power, enough to kill enemy targets at a long distance, just this gun The quality is not too good.

Compared with the previous “Viper”, this “Death Python” is undoubtedly more “dominant” in terms of name and shape.

The gun body is black-gray that can absorb light. The total length is close to 1.5 meters, and the barrel is obviously larger. It looks like a ferocious python ready to go. It makes people feel it at a glance. This is definitely a big killer!


Although Ji Ye knows little about firearms because of domestic restrictions on firearms, she must have heard of the name of this gun!

Moreover, he has also played a shooting game, and he has a deep memory of the power of the gun.

“Zhaizhu, do you want to try it?”

Seeing Ji Ye’s eyes glow a little, Li Qing immediately passed the sniper rifle in his hand to Ji Ye.



It was rather dull. Compared with the “Viper”, there were many gunshots. A larger caliber and extremely long armor-piercing bullet burst out of the muzzle with a burst of flame and gunpowder. Get out!

“The owner, a good gun…”

Brother Bug, who learned about the gun test, ran over very excitedly.

After Ji Ye shot, he immediately flattered.

It’s just that, on the coast three hundred meters away, there was a “soft golden armor” that was used as a target…nothing changed.

Because the silver sniper bullet deviated by two meters and flew into the foggy area of ​​the distant ocean!

“Why is it called’The Python of Death’?”

As soon as his face turned, Brother Chong immediately pretended that his eyes were not good and he didn’t look at him.

Turning his head, he asked Li Qing curiously.

“This gun, sure enough, there is still some difficulty.”

Ji Ye smiled, but didn’t feel embarrassed.

Use a sniper rifle to hit the target hundreds of meters away, which seems easy on the “forum”.

But for someone like him who has never touched a gun, plus no equipment for measuring wind speed, it can only be a chance to make a hit.

The error is only about two meters away from 300 meters. It is still due to his strong physical fitness and strong mastery of the body, plus the advantages of vision!

“It was named after Jiao Lao. He said that since our stronghold is’Erlong Mountain’, some key weapons can also be named after dragon creatures. Ordinary ones can be named snakes, and high-end ones can be named pythons. You can also be a dragon, and then you can be called a dragon!”

Li Qingdao.

This way of ordering is relatively straightforward.

Li Qing’s previous “Black Snake” revolver was only at the first level of Xuanfan, and almost lost the ability to kill targets above Xuanfan’s level five at fifty meters away.

The level of “Viper” has reached the third level of Transmutation. If you use “Sniper Mode”, the effective kill distance is about 300 meters.

As for this “Death Python”, according to Li Qing’s statement, it should have the ability to kill at a thousand meters!


And Ji Ye, it was about ten seconds after re-aiming.

A silver sniper bullet rushed out of the muzzle of the “Death Python” again, and under high-speed rotation, it flew over a distance of 300 meters and hit the “soft golden armor”. Position of the belly.

Because of the high speed and penetration, even the “soft golden armor” that can distribute the destructive power throughout the body can’t completely disperse the power, and is directly hit by a bullet hole!

“Well, the power is very powerful, enough to break the golden light of the leader-level metal man!”

Ji Ye nodded, sincerely satisfied with the heavy sniper rifle in his hand.

Although, this soft golden armor is not the highest quality.

But, without hesitation, said that this gun is powerful enough to kill an eagle commander below Tier 5 from 500 meters away!

“However, this gun has not yet reached mass production…because there are some technical problems.”

However, Li Qing frowned and said to Ji Ye.

Compared with the Eagleman’s arrow, the human sniper rifle has an even longer range, but it also has its shortcomings. It is not as accurate as the Eagleman’s “Blue Light Arrow”, which can ignore air resistance when shooting at a distance. The difficulty of hitting is too high!

And this “Death Python” based on Barrett still has some problems in terms of accuracy, which is the reason why it cannot be mass-produced.

Ji Ye’s shooting error just now is not just for the novice!

“How many have been manufactured so far?”

When Ji Ye heard this, she asked Li Qingdao.

“Three of them, but the evaluation is all just ordinary quality, the spreading distance of about 500 meters is more than half a meter, there are some problems with our expectations!”

“Perhaps because of the alternative materials used…”

Li Qing said.

“Barrett’s accuracy, shouldn’t it be super accurate?”

“I was on a forum and saw someone saying that with a Barrett sniper rifle, one shot can hit a beer bottle cap at a distance of 1,800?”

Brother Chong stared, curious and authentic.

“Can you believe the words on this kind of forum?”

Li Qing shook his head.

“Even the best sniper rifle in the world, except for some of its own bragging, the spreading diameter is more than half a meter away from a kilometer. And 1,800 meters, let alone hit the beer Covered, even if you give you a beer crate, whether it can hit it depends entirely on luck!”

“Moreover, strictly speaking, the accuracy of the’Barrett’ gun among sniper rifles is not top-notch.”

“Even the core purpose of its original design is not to sniper humans at all, but an anti-material rifle. The purpose is to destroy the opponent’s armored vehicles, aircraft, fortifications, shelters, ships and other larger targets.”

“The reason why we chose this gun is precisely because of its power, which is enough to destroy the golden light protection of the Eagleman from 500 meters away!”

Li Qing gave him some military knowledge.

“However, its accuracy is still sufficient as expected. As long as it can say a hit, even if it can’t accurately hit the key position. It can also rely on its great power to directly let the Eagleman’s golden light be crushed. The target is seriously injured and loses combat effectiveness!”

“However, there are some problems now…”

Li Qing frowned.

“Lao Jiao has been working on this for the past two days. Yesterday, he went offline and spent great efforts to find academicians in related fields, and even invited Barrett’s weapons experts!”

“But after all, I am not here personally. Even if the problem is solved, it will probably take a long time.”

Li Qing’s eyes are bloodshot.

For this matter, several members of the firearms research team have really been unable to eat or sleep well in the past two days, and even the few players who attacked have bloodshot eyes.

There is no way that the “Viper” can only target ordinary eagles, if it can’t form a long-range suppression on the eagles of the mortal level or even the commander level.

So, after humans go to war with them, the loss will definitely be great!

The strategic significance of this “death python” is very important.

“Give me two’Death Pythons’, I will use my talent to try to modify it.”

Ji Ye spoke suddenly.

Ji Ye did not announce the specific attributes of her “fusion” talent.

But he didn’t mean to hide it completely from his own people. After all, his talent has been used more than once, and people like Jiao Lao and Li Qing can also guess some clues.


Actually, although “Viper” has been manufactured and even started mass production, there is still a problem.

Except for Li Qing, the rest of the Erlong Mountain Village had never touched a gun.

Fortunately, this is actually not a big problem, because it is possible to use “experience” for shooting practice in the place of inheritance.

After teaching by a professional like Li Qing and spending hundreds of thousands of points of experience, even if you are an ancient soldier, you are enough to become a qualified sniper!

Of course, if you want to go further, you will undoubtedly need talent.

Fortunately, Ji Ye’s “talent” is enough!

Now, a few days have passed since the Fusion Soul Wolf King.

As his strength continues to improve, even if he incorporates items with extraordinary powers, the cooling time is not long.


In a closed room in a metal factory, Ji Ye said in her heart, holding a handful of “Death Python” in both hands.


Two white rays of light rose up, then moved closer to each other.

About ten minutes later, the white light dissipated, and there were still two firearms in Ji Ye’s hands.

Even, from the outside, it doesn’t seem to have changed much!

However, at this time, the attribute of the gun in the left hand is displayed as “damaged”, while the gun in the left hand is…

[Death Python]

Level: Transcendence Level 5

Class: Excellent

Explanation: After the fusion of two death pythons, a new gun obtained has been greatly improved in accuracy. The bullets emitted from its muzzle represent the approaching death!

The level above is still Fifth Transcendence, and it has not improved.

However, quality has directly changed from ordinary to “excellent”!

Although it has not reached the “perfect” quality, it is undoubtedly a huge improvement over the original ordinary firearms.

Especially just like the fusion of two “Bronze Bull Crossbows”, Ji Ye’s sniper rifle is as large as the overall weight and volume, as much as the structure of each part and module, as small as each The tiny cracks on the bullet ~ are all well understood!

Now his understanding of this gun is even better than that of designers and manufacturers such as Jiao Lao and Li Qing.

The “precision” deficiencies in the original firearms were solved by him through “fusion”, which is also the reason why this gun gained the “excellent” attribute.

It can be said that at least when this gun is sniping at a long distance, the error can reach the smallest degree of this kind of gun structure, and then cooperate with him to achieve the advantage of “man and gun in one” because of “fusion”.

Even if he is the “God Archer” among the Eagles, he should not be able to compare with him!

“So, go to the Eagles to test it yourself? After all, a weapon is best to go through ‘real combat’ before mass production!”

Ji Ye held this “dominant” heavy sniper rifle in his hand, smiling authentically.

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