Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 144: Select firearms

“Today’s meeting! There are two main things.”

“The first is to establish a company on the earth with Erlong Shanzhai, and inform everyone of the cooperation with the Su Group, and listen to everyone’s suggestions on this matter.”

“The second is to discuss, the next task for the ‘ten race hegemony’. Well, it’s mainly the strategy for the Eagles!”

In the discussion hall of Erlong Mountain Village, Ji Ye, who was sitting above the main seat, spoke.

This is the fifth day after the player’s full moon, a meeting held by a single “chosen person” in Erlong Village!

As of today, all those eligible to attend this meeting have been online and no one is absent.

In fact, these people are also among Ji Ye’s plan, the first batch of people who are eligible to receive dividends from cooperation with the Su Group in the future.

“Building a company on the earth?”

After hearing what Ji Ye said, most people showed unexpected expressions.

“The Su Group seems familiar.”

Some people in Yangcheng have an impression of the Su Group itself. People who know Su Nongying’s relationship with the Su Group, such as Lao Jiao and Lao Meng, even glanced at her.

“Well… the content of cooperation is roughly the same. In theory, everyone present enjoys the right to dividends from the company!”

And Su Nongying spoke later, telling the people present about the cooperation with the “Su Group” and the future plans of Erlong Shanzhai on the earth.

After hearing these, most of the players’ faces were a little excited.

Simple “money path” is one aspect. The bigger reason is that Erlong Mountain Village has begun to “lay out the earth.” One day, people here will become the most important figures on the earth!

However, the discussion about “laying out the earth” quickly ended.

Because, many things are just planning. The prerequisite for real realization is that Erlong Shanzhai can go on.

So, the topic soon focused on the “Eagleman”, the only competitor of mankind.

“According to the observation of the newly recruited leader Ruan, the Eagles have not made any unusual behaviors or personnel transfers these days, but have put on a tight defensive posture!”

“Perhaps, it was because we knew that the person they had sneaked into was killed by us.”

Su Nongying said.

“Hawker, isn’t it a conspiracy brewing, right?”

“Yes, the arrogant character shown by the Eagles. Knowing that our leader was killed by us, shouldn’t they attack and avenge?”

“Well, yes. I was on the forum and saw other strongholds encountering Eagles, besides their own powerful combat power, they are also very insidious!”

Hearing this, some people were puzzled by the Hawkman’s reaction.

“Actually, it is normal for Eagles to do this!”

“One, from the perspective of the speed at which our strongholds are promoted and the foreign territories occupied, we are faster and more than the Eagles. When the intruders are found we must be prepared for them, they will enter our territory away. If you do battle, you may lose your ability to compete once you lose!”

“Both, they did not steal the chicken, but did not sneak in. They were not successful in sneaking. Now we have to worry about being anti-sneaked by us. It is not surprising to have such a move.”

Lao Meng stroked his beard to speak, and judged the eagle’s psychology.

“Actually, we don’t need to think about the conspiracy of the Eagles at all now, because two different civilizations and races are hard to guess the methods of each other!”

“It’s better to focus on the combat power between humans and eagles, and think about how we can have an advantage in single-player combat power. We now have more numbers than them. If personal strength is also superior If it is, then no matter how the opponent uses the means, the odds of winning are not as good as ours!”

Ji Ye said suddenly.

It can be seen that all the offline people should go to the forum to do their homework and check the information of the Eagle.

Afterwards, it is inevitable that as he used to be, there was some “dread” about the deeds of an eagle man beheading several celebrities.

However, in today’s Erlong cottage, there is no need to be afraid of eagle people!

Because there are not only dozens of ordinary and elite combat powers in the cottage, but also nearly ten commander-level combat power!

Furthermore, they are all leaders at least at an excellent level, not to mention that just yesterday Wu Song also successfully broke through to the fifth rank of Degenerate.

Under absolute strength, the Eagles want to play any conspiracy and tricks on offense. The chance of success is too small.

In contrast, Ji Ye was actually worried that the Eagles would really be shrinking in the stronghold and unable to come out, so it would be troublesome to solve them.

Because, although there is a “ten race hegemony” mission!

But judging from the situation of the first stronghold mission before, the mission in the land of inheritance is not mandatory.

If the Eagles do not care about the “ten race hegemony” mission and have always adopted a defensive strategy, the only option for Erlong Shanzhai is to attack.

When entering the eagle territory, the situation is a little different.

“The golden light on the eagle has a very powerful protective ability, and the cyan light can not only improve its own mobility, but also make the arrow fly more than three hundred meters, still maintaining a very strong killing ability and super high Accuracy.”

“In addition, they should also have a certain kind of’technology’ that can enable ordinary eagles to impose these two extraordinary powers to a certain extent!”

“It can be said that in terms of stronghold defense, naturalness has an advantage, which is more advantageous than metal people!”

Ji Ye said in her mouth.

These two articles are conclusions drawn from “Wu Xiong”.

“Wu Xiong” itself is just a mortal rank sixth-order soldier, even if it is possessed by the soul of a commander-level eagle.

Theoretically, you should not master the exclusive “Golden Light” and “Blue Light” of the Eagles, which shows that the Eagles should have the means to allow ordinary people to indirectly control the power of “Extraordinary”!

However, the reason for using “also”.

Because the people on earth also have the means for ordinary people to indirectly master extraordinary powers.

That is, guns!

“So, our next most important task is to make firearms.”

“Furthermore, according to current intelligence, the effective range of firearms for ordinary eagles needs to be at least 250 meters. For the commander of eagles, it is necessary to create a range of more than 500 meters and have a very high range. Firearms with powerful destructive ability or precision!”

“My opinion is that we focus on rifles, and put the machine guns and pistols aside for now.”

“The main reason is that the range of the pistol is insufficient to fight against the Eagles. If the machine gun is used, it consumes too much ammunition. At present, the “red powder” we have is extracted from the ore in the mud monster territory, which is a metamorphic resource in production. Can’t support the consumption of machine guns!”

After receiving Ji Ye’s signal, Li Qing, who was assigned to collect “gun manufacturing technology” when she was offline, began to speak.

“In addition, for the mortal-level eagles, my opinion is to make a special sniper rifle! I have written down some firearms and data, and you can make comments.”

Li Qing took out some papers with parameters and general firearm performance to pass on to the people present.

It is worth mentioning that Aoki, which has the largest number of mud monsters in the territory, has also been used for research by a player working in a toilet paper factory.

That is very suitable for papermaking. It can be said that Erlong Shanzhai does not need to worry like some players in some strongholds at least in terms of toilets.

“AK47, effective range: 300M…sturdy and durable, low failure rate, can be used in windy, sandy, muddy water, simple structure, easy to manufacture. Disadvantages: serious muzzle jumps when firing bursts, insufficient precision…”

“Barrett M82A1, effective range… great power, amazing penetration. Disadvantages: slow rate of fire, heavy gun weight…”

“M16, AWM sniper rifle…”

On the paper that Li Qing took out, more than ten kinds of gun information were written!

“So many guns, drawings and technical points of manufacture, have you all written down?”

Shang Yan’s eyes widened.

It is not for Li Qing to be able to obtain such confidential information.

In fact, because of the merit system of the coalition government, as long as there is enough “contribution”, theoretically even nuclear bomb manufacturing technology can be obtained.

In order to win the favor of players, some companies directly provide product information for free, and even send specialized personnel to personally guide!

But being able to get it is one thing, being able to remember to bring it back to the place of inheritance is another thing.

“Well, I used my rare feats to synchronize some memory capabilities before going offline.”

Li Qing said little by little.

The stone milk of Erlong Mountain Village can strengthen people’s “spiritual consciousness”. As a former scout, Li Qing has a very good memory ability.

After synchronizing this part of the abilities, although I dare not say “not forgetting”, after working hard to remember, I can definitely “copy” the drawing!

In fact, it is not just Li Qing, but also the people assigned to tasks such as Jiao Lao and Meng Lao have synchronized the memory abilities enhanced by stone milk.

Because in the case where the downline needs to consume stronghold luck, this will undoubtedly maximize the benefit of each downline.

This is also something that makes Ji Ye very pleased. Everyone is thinking about Erlong Shanzhai. What reason is there for such a stronghold not to defeat the Eagle?

“Okay, you and Jiao will be responsible for the firearms.”

Ji Ye looked at Li Qingdao.

“I will let Tang Long fully cooperate with you. Some materials and parts that need to be transformed into the “Civilization Stone” can be directly applied to the shadow, without me.”

“Strive to complete the’mass production’ of firearms before we fight the Eagle Man!”

Li Qing’s offline task is mainly to understand the structure of firearms, while Jiao Lao is to understand the drawings of the mechanical equipment used to make firearms.

From the very, Erlong Shanzhai did not rush to make one or two mortal firearms by hand, but to complete the final mass production.

The reason why we can do this is also because the problem of “electricity”, an important obstacle to industrialization, has been solved to a certain extent.

In fact, the Erlong Shanzhai attacked the metal man territory, and the harvest was not just metal.

The “silver liquid” pool that was once the core of the metal man’s stronghold can continuously generate electricity.

After taking some silver liquid out of it, it can even be used as a “power source”, and after the electricity is consumed, it can be said to be taken back to “charge”!

“Moreover, because the metal man’s stronghold is not bordered by the eagle man’s stronghold at all, we can build a real manufacturing workshop there and build the metal man territory into our industrial base.”

Lao Jiao has some excitement on his face, quite a drive to tackle technical problems when he was young.

Light pen

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