Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 141: Synchronization: healing power

“Thanks to the village owner for the knife!”

After arriving, Ruan Xiaoer’s somewhat “fierce” face was filled with joy, facing Ji Yedao.

Although Ruan Xiaoer was titled “Heavenly Sword Star”, the weapon he used was a “Xuan Tie Bawang Sword”. This “Tiger Shark Sword” matched his character and experience very well.

It is also why Ji Ye feels that he should be able to lead the navy commander by this!

“Leader Ruan, I heard from Chief Wu that you can dive underwater for several days and nights?”

The arrival of Ruan Xiaoer undoubtedly allowed Ji Ye’s plan to be implemented.

However, before then, he would inevitably be a little curious about the outstanding qualities of these Liangshan people.

“It’s not a problem to dive in the heart of the lake for three days, but I haven’t tried it in the sea, but I think it should be no problem. Someone has survived in the water since he was a child, but he is confident that he should be able to be worthy of any foreign race underwater!”

Ruan Xiaoer’s face with thick eyebrows is full of confidence.

Because of the successful landing, he naturally also got the basic situation of the cottage at this time, knowing that the surrounding is the sea, and there are more foreign races and monsters in the sea.

“Then bother Chief Ruan, dive into the sea these days to stare at the eagle’s lair!”

Yes, Ji Ye’s plan is to bring in a hero of the navy to observe the movements of the eagle in the sea.

The circumstances of these two days made him realize that Erlong Shanzhai still lacks detective soldiers.

However, a specialized special unit that requires special items such as “Black Mountain Armor” and “Silver Liquid” is obviously not so easy to form.

But the previous experience on the sea has inspired him. On the land, the eagle’s nest is separated by mountains and trees just like humans, and cannot be seen clearly.

But from the surface of the sea, he can directly see the movements of the eagle. It’s just that he needs to deal with things in the cottage, and it is impossible to say that he stays in the sea to detect.

The arrival of Xiaoer Ruan can undoubtedly do this for him.

Of course, the ocean is no better than the land, and even the tiger sharks of the “Fourth Order” are available. Although Ruan Xiaoer is strong, he still needs some extra work to ensure the completion of this tracking task.

“Lord Ruan should use these two items!”

Ji Ye brought two things that he had prepared earlier to Ruan Xiaoer.

One is the purple-black speedo suit that was also exploded by the tiger shark.

The second is the dragon teeth burst by the mirages.

However, compared to before, there seems to be some blood floating in the white dragon teeth.

[Dragon Tooth]

Level: Degenerate Third Tier

Grade: Excellent

Description: The equipment sacrificed by the owner of the Erlong Mountain Village himself has the “blood of the dragon dragon” integrated into the mirage dragon’s teeth, and has the ability to remain invisible in the water and remotely sense the changes in water flow!

Yes, this is a piece of equipment “refined” by Ji Ye himself.

After fusing the perfect “dragon fangs” that introduced Gongsun Sheng last time, Ji Ye knew all about the nature of these dragon fangs.

After integrating the “Five Thunder Tiangang Rectification”, he also had a certain experience of “refining”, and then personally referred to Gongsun Sheng’s “mirror dragon sword”, and started to melt his own “blood of the dragon”. This blood-colored “dragon tooth” is formed in the dragon tooth.

In addition to the original ability to be invisible in the water, it also has the additional ability to perceive whether there are creatures around it through the changes in the water flow.

With Ruan Xiaoer’s strength, coupled with this “dragon tooth”, he can definitely hide under the eagle’s eyelids.


It took more than a day to take Ruan Xiaoer to familiarize himself with the terrain in the sea around Erlong Mountain Village and kill a certain amount of sea monsters together.

Wait until Ruan Xiaoer gained experience through killing, he completely mastered the “Dragon Tooth”, “Tiger Shark Blade”, and the “periscope” created by the on-line Jiao Lao using his “3D printing” talent. After successfully lurking into the eagle sea area.

Ji Ye returned to the cottage.

After getting back a bunch of medical materials from the earth, Shang Yan started to try to perform her duties as a doctor.

“The village owner…”

Wu Xiong, who was inspected by Shang Yan, stood up very excited after seeing Ji Ye.

Yes, Wu Xiong survived!

Well, it should be said that it was saved by Ji Ye “changing his life against the sky”.

Because it is within the scope of the Erlong Mountain Village, in order to prevent Erlong Mountain’s vigilance due to the change of the force of the air, the eagle leader of Tier 3 does not dare to say that Wu Xiong’s soul is completely destroyed. Just relying on the ability of the “mask of soul prisoner” to “imprison” him!

For this reason, in Su Nongying’s “population book”, his level will change instead of being “written off”.

In the battle, the “mask of the prisoner of the soul” was swallowed, and the imprisoned souls, including the souls of the eagles who ruled themselves, were digested by the Scarlet King, and transformed into energy for the promotion to the sixth rank.

But Ji Ye specially kept the soul of “Wu Xiong”.

Then, relying on the joint efforts of Jiu Shu and Gongsun Sheng to return his soul, and then use the “heal” talent to completely heal Wu Xiong’s injury!

Now in Shang Yan’s examination with modern medical standards, this soldier has no problems!

“The village owner!”

“Master of the village!”

“I have seen the village owner!”

Seeing Ji Ye entering, the rest of the soldiers seeking medical treatment at Shang Yan also stood up and saluted immediately.

Nowadays, all the aborigines of Erlong Mountain Village are sincerely respectful when they see Ji Ye.

Just because Ji Ye can save even the “dead”, in their hearts they are definitely the real “chosen person”. It can be said that Wu Xiong was saved, and the aborigines completely agreed with Ji. The identity of the night!

However, for Ji Ye, there is another important meaning.

“I want to synchronize the ability of the’healing’ talent!”

After checking Wu Xiong’s situation, Ji Ye returned to her room.

Healing talent, since it can be said to save people who should be considered dead, it is undoubtedly the best “life-saving” skill after syncing to the earth.

It is also Ji Ye, after considering it, he decided to consume the first ability of the rare feat synchronization.

Just because, according to the news brought back by Shang Yan, an internal staff member of the Inheritance Affairs Bureau.

In the past few days, there has indeed been a lot of chaos on the earth.

In particular, some of the second batch of people did not report to the Joint Affairs Bureau at the beginning, but after ‘synchronizing’ some of the abilities of the Land of Inheritance, they did a lot of things.

Even in some countries whose management is rather chaotic, there are battles between “players”!

Ji Ye’s synchronization of this “healing” ability to the earth’s body can be regarded as a precaution.

[“This ability belongs to the talent synchronization’ is in this world, it will be changed due to the rules of the world…’Synchronization’ requires 20 rare merits, are you sure?”]

After Ji Ye made a decision, another message appeared in his head.

Ji Ye already knew this.

In fact, it’s not just talent skills.

After other types of abilities are synchronized on the earth, they will also change due to the rules.

However, since it can be “synchronized”, it means that the change in the final ability won’t be too big!

Furthermore, perhaps because of the “gift”, the rare merit points required for such a powerful “healing” ability are not too high.

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