Dungeon Hunter Chapter 240:

Chapter 240: System (3)


Adonis had placed some of the Seven Sins up for auction . I had won everything, but I turned down a deal when Adonis offered it .

There had been no way to obtain the other four items in the Seven Sins set . . . now I obtained all of it .

‘One is missing . ’

Pride, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Lust .

I had them all except for one .

I couldn’t see Gluttony .

But there was no need for Gluttony . Infinite Armour would play that role .

Wrath was a sword .

Pride was a pair of gloves .

Sloth was a cloak .

Greed was an armour as well as a pair of silver earrings .

Lust was a belt and Envy was a pair of shoes .

Once all the Seven Sins were worn, a strange power started fluctuating .

-You have worn all of the Seven Sins . The skill ‘Power of Destruction (God)’ has been created .

It is a skill that was made to kill a **** . There is enough power to destroy a god’s power .


Power of Destruction . . . !

I formed tight fists . Personally, I wondered about how the Hell Monarch would kill a **** . Now it seemed like they could fight on equal footing after a god’s power was eliminated .

I examined Power of Destruction . Soon the description appeared in front of me .

Name: Power of Destruction (God)

Description – permanently destroys one of a god’s powers . Can’t be duplicated on the same target . A skill that only exists for the destruction of a **** .
Every time it is used, one of the Seven Sins must be sacrificed .


Indeed . It could only be used seven times, but that wasn’t really a disadvantage . I was only dealing with Death Bringer . In other words, I could remove one of Death Bringer’s most troublesome powers .

This . . . it would be very advantageous in a fight if I used it correctly . It was clear that the Hell Monarch made this after knowing how difficult it was to go against a **** .

‘If he succeeded in being fully resurrected . . . ’

If the Hell Monarch had successfully resurrected then he might have really killed numerous gods .

After gathering the Seven Sins, I knew how strong the Hell Monarch’s rage towards the gods was .

I nodded and spread my wings .

I achieved one goal and it was time to reach the finish .

I quickly flew into the sky and stopped in front of a giant door .

‘The system . ’

I placed my hands on the door .

And I pushed .

Kuooooong .

However, it didn’t open easily .

‘Is a key needed?’

I frowned . However, there was no such thing as a key .

The presence of the key meant that it was possible for someone to manage it, which meant it was possible to manipulate the system .

If no one could touch it then there was no need to make a key . It was a system made by Death Bringer, so it was hard to imagine that someone could secretly enter .

There had to be a way .

“Open . “

The power of words . It was able to influence a consciousness . It wasn’t limited to living beings . There was some effect on inanimate objects .

-Checking divinity .

Checking authority .

System access has been given .


That message suddenly emerged .

I put aside my questions .

Kuooooong .

The door started to open with a huge sound .


The inside of the door was bright .

But there was nothing .

It was a blank world .

‘Is this the inside of the system?’

It was designed so that only a god, or someone with divinity, was permitted to enter . I didn’t know what to do in this empty space .

Gustarte didn’t answer . It was the same for Diablo as well . They were also outsiders to the system .

System- a set of related elements are combined according to certain laws in order to achieve necessary functions . Lexical meaning, positive .

Yet . . . the moment I had the thought, the answer appeared in front of me .

I nodded . Now I knew what this space was for .

It was a place that gave ‘answers . ’ This was a place that managed all the information .

The game system was created here and Adonis learnt a skill from it .

I couldn’t help wondering about something .

‘Randalph Brigsiel . ’

First of all, I wanted to see the conclusions about me .

But was it because the amount of information was too big? This time it wasn’t shown through words .

Instead, something else appeared in front of me .

Randalph Brigsiel .

The video started from when I was born .

‘I also had parents . ’

There were no demons born without parents .

This was the first time I saw those who gave birth to me . They were ordinary demons . They were demons who tried to escape from a war .

They had laughed when their baby was born . However, their joy didn’t last long . War was engulfing the entire Demon World . There was no place for them to avoid it .

In the aftermath of a war, they died . The baby persistently survived through other people . He was an experiment, someone’s slave, a sword of war . . .

The child grew stronger . He progressed alone and made his name known . They were my memories .

I once again replayed the memories . It started from the moment I was born to shortly after I grew stronger . The time when I was a baby was brief, but it was both weird and amazing .

It was like I really experienced the video playing . I felt their touches . I could feel the sensation of being a baby in my parents’ arms for a while .

I repeated it five times before shaking my head . My parents’ faces were now imprinted in my brain, but I couldn’t watch any longer . There was no point in holding on to the past . Even if I went back to the past, I would just be a newborn baby who couldn’t do anything .

‘A memory storage . ’

That’s right . This was a place where all the memories were stored . It wouldn’t be strange to call it a repository of information .

‘I know what to do . ’

My role was to break this system .

I pulled out a seed .

It was similar to a human fetus, but very small .

The Seed of Creation .

The Seed of Creation was unknown .

It was nothing but could give birth to something .

Planting an unknown answer would destroy the system or cause a giant error .

I placed the Seed of Creation on the floor .

The seed immediately dug into the ground .

And .

-Unknown .


Error .


Danger .


Error .

At that moment, the world turned black . Everything was words . The words ‘error’ and ‘danger’ were repeated many times .

I turned around without any fear .

If I had a lot of time then I could have found out more about the truths of the world, but I had an urgent task .



Kwang! Kwaang!

The huge door started to crumble .

The dark spirits’ castles in the sky started disappearing .

The system was crumbling . The divinity was spreading . The quality was something I could taste with my tongue . It was Death Bringer’s divinity and I couldn’t absorb it . As soon as the divinity scattered, it started slowly returning to Death Bringer .

‘It is like this . ’

Death Bringer’s divinity was definitely exhausted .

But if it all returned then he would recover his strength at once .

This was the time to fight .

I needed to go back quickly .

I robbed the warehouse containing the dark spirits’ treasure .

Then I headed to the Fire Spirit World through the open crack .

Garrash was at the entrance . He was watching the problems in the Dark Spirit World in real-time . He stared at me with a look of amazement after I emerged .

“Did you do all of that?”

“It wasn’t difficult . How much time has passed?”

“It has been five days . ”

Five days!

I hadn’t spent all that time catching Adonis .

It seemed like the passage of time in the world of the system was different . It would have been bad if I spent more time in there .

By now, the war should have started in the Demon World .

My mind became more urgent .

“Keep your promise, Garrash . ”

“ . . . A promise is a promise . Okay . I will open the warehouse . Take whatever you want . ”

Garrash said in a pained tone . I had taken care of the dark spirits in the flash, giving me a high merit .

I accepted the guidance of a spirit and headed to the warehouse .

Then I opened my magic bag and swept in all the items I could use .

There were a few legend rated weapons .

‘They will be helpful . ’

I nodded . This would be a big help in the war . There would be a significant increase in power if a demon or creature used them .

‘There isn’t anything for me . ’

I was a little sad . However, I soon forgot about it .

The Seven Sins was a seven items set . I had no need for other items .

After taking half of the huge warehouse, I exited .

“Are you going to kill a god?”

He remembered what I had said before heading to the dark spirit world . I responded lightly .

“That’s right . ”

“Indeed, you do seem able to kill a **** . ”

Garrash was convinced . To him, it seemed like I took care of the dark spirits in five days . In fact, Garrash’s eyes were shining .

“When your task is over, come back again . I want to maintain a strong relationship with you . ”

Was there a reason to come back?

Of course, I didn’t know what could happen in the future .

I nodded and turned away .

The gamble was a success .

The system in the Dark Spirit World was destroyed .

Now that the system was destroyed, Death Bringer’s divinity was scattered all over the place . Death Bringer definitely wouldn’t be in a normal condition .

I had to finish this before he recovered .

A long time ago .

He came to me with an offer about the game .

I was willing to participate . However, Death Bringer saw all the participants as expendable from the start . We were used for the sake of an experiment .

I didn’t like that part . Even if he was a god, I wasn’t his puppet . I was independent and nothing could control me .

I needed to engrave this fact into his bones .

‘I will be the last winner . ’

Overturning the situation .

Now it was time for the final fight .


The war started .

The Hell Monarch commanded an army that was close to five million .

On the other hand, the opposing side had less than 500,000 .

The numerical advantage wasn’t something that could be easily reversed . Furthermore, the concept of demons fighting brutally was very rare .

They were powerful beings that could destroy something in the blink of an eye .

“Shameful demons . You who have forgotten your souls . I, Ariel Diablo, will erase you today . Be aware of your own faults and die . ”

She used an ivory sword and armour made from the bones of a balrog .

Hundreds of silver knights followed Ariel .

Kung! Kwarurung!

A massacre . The war had already begun . Millions of demons and creatures collided with each other . The screams and blood didn’t end . But Death Bringer’s army was powerful . It wasn’t simply due to numbers . Almost all the demons with noble titles were included .

The ranks of demons were usually determined by force . They weren’t going to be weak .

“Hold on until His Majesty comes back!”

Oswen also took part in the war .

He fought more enthusiastically after confirming that it was the Hell Monarch who led the army .


He greeted the enemy with more than 50 homunculi made by Gaparam .

The homunculi were incredible . They grabbed the enemy’s head and tore it off .

There were struggles in other places . They protected the important points against the enemy who were pushing like a tsunami, and continued to fight .

The giant mirror in the castle stopped the curse . And 100,000 soldiers were fiercely protecting the mirror .

The enemies knew it as well . The enemies intensively targeted the mirror .

They could prevent it for one day but . . . there was no time for a break . Their allies were rapidly decreasing and there were no signs that the enemies were being reduced . All that was left was defeat .

Furthermore, the Hell Monarch hadn’t taken part .

They felt despair . However, they couldn’t give up .

And the second day .

When the sun rose in the sky, the Hell Monarch appeared .

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