Dungeon Hunter Chapter 202:

Chapter 202: Greenwich Observatory (1)

Greenwich Observatory, London, United Kingdom .

Humans called this place the centre of the world . It was the place where the meeting would occur .

I moved quickly and arrived there first .

I had sent the invitation so I needed to decorate it .

However, there were too many people around .  

Of course, I decided what to do . There was extreme confusion the moment that Gigantes and the hydra appeared .

The humans couldn’t resist the strong creatures and fled . Even so, there were those who remained . For the humans left, I only said one word coldly .

“Trample . ”

I stood on top of the observatory and looked around .

A serene atmosphere .

Just a few hours ago, it was a place packed with humans .

‘There are those already watching . ’

Unlike the tranquil atmosphere, there were many eyes watching this place .

‘Pandemonium’s creatures . ’

Most of Asia and Europe were Pandemonium’s domain . The meeting would take place in his area so his creatures were the first to arrive .

“Is it really okay with these numbers? If you . . . ”

“It’s okay .

Chrisley had spoken in a worried voice but I declined firmly .

A low number of creatures had come here . They didn’t exceed 100 . The grand dukes would have hundreds or thousands of creatures . . . maybe more than that .

I couldn’t afford to worry about it .

The reason was simple .

‘The bigger they are, the more damage that will be received . ’

The grand dukes were gathering . An unprecedented situation .

It was impossible for it to end without any problems .

Everyone knew it and were prepared .

Of course, bringing more creatures meant a higher chance of losing them in the chaos . Besides, I didn’t intend this meeting of grand dukes to be that simple .

“My Dungeon Master . At least allow me to install a magic circle . ”

Chrisley was worried . I had already disappeared once and this was a place where all the grand dukes were gathering .

“Pandemonium is someone experienced with magic . If there is a magic circle then he will instantly identify it and nullify it . There is no need to cause a misunderstanding by installing it . ”

It wasn’t well known but Upa was also quite perceptive . Chrisley wouldn’t be able to deceive the vigilant demons with her skills .

“ . . . I understand . ”

Chrisley stepped back . I didn’t scold her .

I didn’t know it before, but it wasn’t bad to have someone worried about me . It was awkward but felt good .

‘There is still time . ’

The meeting would occur in a few days . I hadn’t come here a few days early for simple cleanup .

I started moving and Chrisley hurriedly asked .

“My Dungeon Master, where are you going?”

“Buckingham Palace . “

“ . . . ?”

“They should have gathered by now . ”

I smiled coldly and moved .


Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom .

A very iconic place in the United Kingdom that was the Queen’s residence . Since the British Prime Minister died in a monster wave, she was handling most of the work .

There was a space to conduct business .

A meeting at Buckingham Palace would only occur when something special happened .

“The Greenwich Observatory has been occupied by creatures . ”


Queen Mary struck the desk after receiving the report of the army chief .

“The report has already been received . And . . . I don’t want a report from you but a future solution . The creatures are at the centre of the world . ”

The problem was the monsters .

If they were just monsters then this meeting wouldn’t have been convened .

However, there were true monsters who occupied the top rankings .

The sweaty army chief opened his mouth .

“An all-out . . . ”

“Stop . It isn’t at a level that ordinary armies can deal with . What about the Awakened unit? How is their performance right now, Lieutenant General Karls?”

The mentioned Lieutenant General Karls stepped forward .

“They can destroy any army . Even if the opponent has the best creatures, our ‘White Lion’ unit can deal with them . Ma’am . “

“How dependable . Do you want this task?”

“Your Majesty! Placing unverified Awakened into this position . . . ”

The navy admiral protested but Queen Mary was firm . She was only looking at Karls .

The regular military forces had already been defeated several times .

Numerous governments tried to nurture Awakened but often failed . Once humans gained strength, they weren’t easily controlled .

But Karls was a top level Awakened . There were no other Awakened gathered here except for Karls .

He had never failed in any missions and his patriotism towards England was very high . Queen Mary had high expectations for him .

“Lieutenant General Karls . Can I see them?”

“Of course, Your Majesty . ”

“So I would love to see them . “

Karls hit the floor a few times . Then it seemed like his task was over . Question marks appeared above everyone’s head . Was it after 30 seconds?


A light came pouring out of the floor of the conference room . As everyone’s eyes except for Karls’ widened, the light formed a hole and 30 warriors appeared through that hole .

They stood in an orderly manner and bowed to Queen Mary .

“They are the warriors of the White Lion unit . All . . . no, they are more like friends . ”

Karls laughed heartily . He showed off a confident figure .

The 30 people that appeared here gave off greater presences than anyone else in the room . Except for Karls .

They appeared through the floor .

There was no record of them ever visiting Buckingham Palace . In other words, there were no constraints on where they could go .

“Are they capable of destroying the monsters at Greenwich Observatory?”

“Doing it all at once will be hard . But it is possible to remove them one by one . Anyway, there are approximately 100 creatures gathered at Greenwich Observatory . Three days . Just give me three days, Your Majesty . ”

It was definitely tempting .

They couldn’t be sure what would happen if powerful creatures were provoked .

However, they intended to handle them quietly, one by one .

“Then you will irritate the creatures . Wouldn’t it better to handle them all at once?”

The army chief came forward .

It was a good point .

There was a chance their actions could provoke the creatures .

“A stalemate . Please choose wisely . . . ”

It would be a problem if the creatures spread out through the United Kingdom . There would be casualties all over the place and buildings would be ruined . There was no guarantee that everyone would be safe .

The United Kingdom wasn’t as risky as the other parts of the world . The Awakened had quite high levels and the army itself could hunt some creatures . Over the last five years, they had analyzed the creatures more than any other country .

“There are many Awakened in the army . The ones escorted to Buckingham Palace are the true warriors of the White Lion unit . Wouldn’t it be better for 30 people to handle it? The rest of the world won’t be able to laugh if we succeed . ”

They were good words .

If they could handle it then they would become pretty credible .

Lieutenant General Karls’ face was full of confidence .

“True warriors . . . isn’t it too early to shout out something like that?”

Some of the military officials scoffed as they looked at Karls . But . . . it was definitely quiet . It was strangely quiet . They couldn’t even hear themselves breathing .

Everyone here was extensively trained . They could hear a heartbeat even if it was a little distance away . However, they couldn’t hear anything .

What was going on?

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