Dungeon Hunter Chapter 176:

Chapter 176: Quickening Period (2)

The dungeon changed its appearance . The dungeon on Bukhan Mountain had now changed into a huge ‘castle . ’

At a glance, there seemed to be no end to how huge it was . It stretched out for dozens of kilometres . The height . . . it was unimaginable . It reached high into the sky .

“The dungeon exploration will be prohibited until a clear cause is determined . ”

The girin declared .

She climbed on top of a podium and had a distinctive magical atmosphere around her .

“There is only a small stockpile of cores . We will stop all dungeon exploration for three days . ”

Kim Yong-woo disagreed . The girin and a few Awakened were gathered . Only the masters of the huge guilds were present .

There were seven guild master, the girin and two dark elves in a small hall .

They were gathered in one place to discuss measures .

“Many Awakened feel insecure about exploring the dungeon . If they explode then the damage will be great . ”

The Dambi guild master Alin . The atmosphere reversed as she talked .

But the girin was firm . Roy, who was holding a sword next to her, said .

“I can solve the problem of the dungeon cores . ”

“Do you mean that the cores can be obtained without exploration?”

Roy nodded at Kim Yong-woo’s question .

“My master sent me a lot of cores . ”

“Saviour . . . ?”

“He sent me a weapon . In order to clean up those who are causing trouble . ”


Roy clapped . Then a figure dropped down from the ceiling . It fell .


The guild masters were surprised because they hadn’t noticed its existence .

Its height came up to their shoulders at most . The figure was a naked male with no hair . The eyes were completely black and the tongue hanging out was weirdly long .

“Homunculus . This was a failure but . . . it will be enough to clean them up . ”

Homunculus .  Artificial life!

The seven guild masters here didn’t know anything about it . They just felt an instinctive fear .

Being a guild master didn’t necessarily meant they were the strongest . Even within the guilds, there were many members stronger than the guild master . But the guild masters had selected and raised them . They had also experienced the dungeon exploration .

It was natural that they could measure the strength of their opponent . The strongest people were the man called Saviour and the girin, however the homunculus was next . The artificial golem used by the dark elf Rose was strong, but it didn’t give off a sense of pressure .

“Hiii . . . . ”

The homunculus groaned and gazed at the guild masters . He came closer and licked their cheeks with his long tongue .


The people swallowed their saliva .  Some raised a hand to their swords .

Roy noticed and said .

“This child has no eyesight . Instead, he has a great sense of smell and touch . Right now, he is recognizing those who are friendly . Don’t worry . ”

“T-that is why he is licking our cheeks?”

Kim Yong-woo closed his eyes . He was relatively confident, but when the homunculus’ tongue had licked his cheeks, he had thought ‘this is the end . ’

“Yes . Have some guards assigned to this child . Put together a party of reliable Awakened and allow him to recognize them . Master said he is somewhat violent, so he might attack allies if measures aren’t taken .

“Shouldn’t Roy-nim be with him?”

Roy shook his head .

“I will be planting the ‘seeds’ along with Rose and doing the ceremony . I won’t be available . ”

“The seeds?”

Kim Yong-woo blinked as Roy pulled out two seeds .

The seeds didn’t look typical and had contrasting colours of blue and red .

“The Trees of Life and Death . They are derived from the Tree of Origin . They will be a big help to us if we grow them properly . However, the creatures might move while we are planting the trees . ”

Roy’s words were solemn . His haughty composure was completely different from his previous cowardly self . However, Roy seemed a little nervous when talking this time .

The guild masters couldn’t understand the atmosphere .

Alin of the Dambi guild asked on their behalf .

“ . . . Is a monster wave going to happen?”

“My master has dealt with many the creatures in South Korea . There is a possibility that the creatures nearby will come . ”

There were many stray creatures without a master wandering . They used their instincts and attacked the people in Korea .

While the Trees of Life and Death were growing, they would release a fatal smell to specific creatures . They would instinctively come to the trees to destroy them before that could happen .

Alin asked calmly .

“Then why we should take the risk?”

“They are vulnerable when growing, but they will crush the creatures after they are grown . ”

“Then do we have to plant them now? It isn’t too late after everything is stabilized . ”

“No, now is the perfect time . If we don’t plant them in the next three days, then we will have to wait 12 years . ”

Roy looked up at the ceiling . He seemed to be looking at something beyond the ceiling .

Alin looked at the other six guild masters . She was asking what their opinions were . Everybody was dubious but thought it was worth trying the gamble .

Alin spoke once again after receiving their feedback .

“As soon as possible . . . clean everything up . ”

The former government forces .  The ones who committed terrorism .

The war with them had to be finished as soon as possible . The duration was three days . It was best if they finished it during that time .

They couldn’t receive the attacks of the creatures and the government forces at the same time .

The key was the homunculus . Right now, the government soldiers didn’t have that much strength . The ratio was 6 . 5:3 . 5, but they used guerilla tactics to be annoying .

It was at that time .

Roy and Rose’s eyes widened .

They stared at a shadow and started to talk .

“Huh? T-then the ceremony?”

“That’s right . Roy isn’t reliable . The two of us doing the ceremony . . . ”

Rose’s ears pricked up . It seemed like she was listening to something . The guild masters were puzzled .

“Can you do it? R-rather, you don’t have to do this . For now, just give me your advice . Well, we can do it . ”

“No, Rose would be better . Queen-nim can be at ease . ”


That meant it was the saviour .

In addition, both of the dark elves followed the presence .

10 seconds . It became silent . Roy and Rose bowed .

“ . . . Understood . ”

“ . . . I will try it . ”

Shortly after the two opinions were unified, somebody appeared from the shadows .

The outline gradually became clear .

The guild masters felts their breaths being blocked as they confirmed its appearance .

The person was a woman wearing a robe made of a silken material . Her skin and ears showed that she was a dark elf like Roy and Rose . Her face was veiled except for her eyes, but she gave off an overwhelming presence .

There was an untouchable atmosphere around her . Despite only her eyes being visible, they could tell she was a beauty . The men had to suppress the urge to stretch out their hands . They wanted to tear off the cloth covering her face .

“Nice to meet you . ”

“Ah . . . ”

Kim Yong-woo and the other male guild masters exclaimed . All the women except for Alin were also amazed . Her voice was also charming!

The female dark elf continued speaking .

“This mission, I will come along . ”


The time limit was three days .

It was honestly tight . They had to catch the scattered enemies . No matter how powerful she was, there was a limit to their speed .

. . . They thought like that . That was common sense .

But that common sense was smashed . The plate was overturned .

The homunculus was excellent for finding the enemies . His sense of smell and touch precisely spotted their hiding places, even if a stealth skill was used .

Was that all?

In terms of speed, he was unmatched by anyone else . A truly invincible speed! His destructive power was weaker than his speed, but it was still an insurmountable wall compared to humans .

However, not everything could be solved with strength . The girin said that she wouldn’t fight humans, but Rose’s golem was also very strong .

The problem was the number of enemies . They were weak but there were hundreds of thousands of them . In fact, Rose’s golem had ran alone into a trap by the government forces and been damaged by two thousand skills .

Several conditions needed to be overlapped, but they couldn’t be ignored .

However . . . there wasn’t one strong being, but two .

One of them was so strong they couldn’t be compared to anyone else .

The story was different .



The female dark elf .

She moved forward despite the numbers .

In the middle of the enemy . She read all the traps the enemy set, grasped the enemy’s movements and quickly killed them . Dazzling movements . Restrained but neat actions . No wasted movements could be found .

Eek! Screams could be heard from the other side .

The third day . They succeeded in attacking the headquarters of the government troops .

Of course, the dark elf and homunculus weren’t the only ones involved in the war .

Thousands of Awakened surrounded the headquarters that was in the mountains . All seven guild masters and their members were present .

“Don’t let them get away!”

“We have the Goddess of Victory with us!”

The morale of their allies had sharply increased .

In contrast, the morale of the enemy was extremely low .

There hadn’t been a clear winner in the war against the two sides .

However, the situation was reversed after the two strong presences joined .

In particular, the female dark elf called the ‘Goddess of Victory’ played a huge part .

The momentum was fully on their side, so the results seemed predetermined .



The Trees of Life and Death .

They were an accidental product of the Tree of Origin’s upgrade .

Yihi hadn’t reported it to me, but the fire spirits found them because of the colour .

Fire-One, Fire-Two and Fire-Three were tired of Yihi’s tyranny and told Rei and Sera .

In the end, Yihi was forced to hand the two seeds over to me .

No matter how much her rating increased . . . Yihi was still Yihi . It didn’t seem like she would ever change .

Either way .

‘It will be difficult to plant them in the dungeon . ’

The Trees of Life and Death attracted creatures while growing . It maximized their aggressive tendencies . They would move instinctively and ignore my commands .

Therefore, the dungeon was unsuitable for planting the seeds .

‘It is ideal for promoting the growth of humans . ’

I sat in front of the Dungeon Core .

There were conditions to grow both trees .

The Tree of Life grew every time there was a birth near it and the Tree of Death grew when there was death nearby .

And when both trees grew, they would ‘awaken’ the surrounding species . For example, in the case of humans, there would be a higher percentage of Awakened appearing .

What if this was applied to the creatures? It was possible but . . .

‘Humans are different from creatures . ’

The creatures weren’t significantly better than the Awakened . In contrast, humans had huge ‘possibilities . ’ This difference was large .

In addition, there was a high probability that the dungeon would be a mess if two trees were growing inside it .

It would be better to assign the trees to promote human growth .

‘There will be many benefits if there is a high ratio of Awakened . ’

First of all, there was a need for the humans in South Korea to grow quickly .

‘Quickening period . The time for change . ’

I could deal with one faction, but there was a limit if another one joined . Humans would become helpful at that time .

They should be helpful .

That’s why I was making this move .

‘Humans . Do not disappoint me . ’

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