Dungeon Hunter Chapter 151:

Chapter 151: Guardian Deity (5)

Chiik! Chiiiik!

Instead of borrowing its power, I poured Lightning God directly into Pride’s flames . Lightning God seemed to hesitate for a moment but soon gave up .

The great power was then compressed to the size of a fist . The power was incomparable to before .

I threw it towards the barrier .

As soon as the compressed power hit the barrier, it sucked in everything around it like a black hole .

It was the same with the shield around the barrier .

Everything was absorbed into the sphere .

The girin’s horn shone intensely but the recovery rate was slower than the breakdown rate . It would soon shatter .


At that moment, the voice of a woman resonated in my head .

I quickly realized that the girin was communicating with me .

-If this power escapes then all the humans out there will die!


She judged that it would be hard to fight against me and established the barrier . Now it seemed like she was worried about the people outside .

Wasn’t she a divine being born from the origin of humans?

It seemed like she was capable of communicating . Things had become easier .

I wanted to know her true purpose .

“Do you want to protect them?”

-Evil one! Why do you want to kill all these innocent people?

“I don’t know what you are talking about . You were the one who attacked first . I was just defending myself . ”

-Still . . . !

I spread my wings .

I laughed as I confronted the girin .

“They are vagrants . They lost their homes, their jobs and reached this place because of me . Didn’t their origins reach out for you? Do you truly want their lives?”

No . Most of the humans followed me here in order to feel comfortable . They didn’t want any more suffering . That’s why they followed me while dreaming of ‘heaven . ’

They didn’t care about their own lives .

They didn’t know that their origins had been absorbed by the girin .

I turned my head and looked at the shaky humans .

“They don’t care about that . Even if I am evil, they will follow me if it means revenge . If someone was willing to take them to paradise, they would follow people even more evil than me . You know the origin, yet you saw my essence and attacked . ”

I brought the humans here . They truly believed in me . That belief was also included in the origin .

-Then you are not evil?

Was she born crazy? She interpreted my words in a different way so I corrected her again .

“I am evil . More evil than anyone else . However, that evil doesn’t apply to everyone . Only for those I acknowledge as my enemies . They are the target of my wickedness . ”

Humans were currently out of the question . Their level wasn’t enough to even poke me in the teeth, let alone push me back . The girin seemed to finally understand .

-Then . . . okay, I admit it . So stop your act of breaking the barrier .

“I don’t know how to reclaim the power once it has left . You take care of it . ”

I folded my arms and became a bystander . The girin that reached 30 metres in height turned her head with fright . And she concentrated on the barrier .

The barrier was lifted and the girin descended to the ground .

Her hostility towards me had disappeared but she looked quite tired .

The girin didn’t stop moving until she arrived in front of the people .

The girin’s whole body was covered in flames and she started to gradually transform .

Soon a naked woman appeared where the girin was .

The dream-like woman had burning red hair . Apart from the horn on her forehead, she looked no different from humans .

But the humans were stunned by her appearance .

“My name is Rin . I came here due to your origins . ”


The people swallowed their saliva . Everyone was focused on the woman .

She wasn’t just beautiful . There was an unapproachable atmosphere around her .

“However, I can’t take you to heaven . It is possible to make a similar ‘dream’, but it is just a mere illusion . Do you want it?”

There was silence . They had imagined it numerous times . They were hoping it would be turned into a reality .

Rin continued .

“I’m not sure . But I feel extremely unpleasant towards those who bullied you . They trampled on this land and took away your precious things . I will punish them . ”


Her horn shone once again .

Flames spread and were absorbed by thousands of people .

After this was done, she said .

“And . . . the person who will end the confusion will appear here . He or she will become the real defender of this country . ”


I watched closely . The girin had planted embers in the humans . I wasn’t sure what type of fire it was but it was probably the Girin (Epic) skill .

The embers would manifest once they experienced a certain occasion . In addition, there would eventually be a leader . Among the tens of thousands of people gathered here, a true leader would appear to lead them .

The faces of the humans were red .

They instinctively recognized the girin and what she was doing . Maybe the girin was manipulating the humans with images .

Anyway, I did everything I needed to do .

‘I passed on the message . ’

It happened while inside the imagination barrier .

I told the girin the true enemy who was trampling on humans .

I remembered the conversation that just occurred .

“Pandemonium . His servants are stepping on this land . They caused devastation . He is a demon, but unlike me, he wants the destruction of this world . The choice is yours . Will you continue being hostile against me or will you help the humans against Pandemonium and the other demons?”

“Does that mean you don’t want his destruction?”

“I am a demon . I won’t get revenge for the humans . So I summoned you . ”

“It will be tough if Pandemonium is at a similar level to you . ”

“You don’t have to hit him . This time, four of his demon vassals have died . I know the location of their dungeons . Although Pandemonium will urgently dispatch demons and creatures, there will be fewer of them . Hit those places . It will be the true springboard for revenge . ”

“Springboard for revenge . . . ”

“I don’t wish to destroy humans . I just want to kill the other demons . Think carefully and act . I am not someone you should be hostile towards . ”


Right now, I didn’t care about the dungeons of other demons . It was more important to buy some time . If I could buy a few months then that was enough .

The girin and humans would give me that time .

In addition, they could have a taste of power once they succeeded in capturing the dungeons . They might be able to start properly fighting back against other demons .

Girin made the decision to hit the dungeons of Pandemonium’s vassals . In that case, I didn’t need to stay here .

‘Now . . . ’

I turned around .

I didn’t need to guide them anymore since there would be a leader . It would be better to maintain my ‘mystique . ’

Humans were like that . The more they didn’t know, the scarier it was . . . or they were more inclined to follow the mysterious .


“Where . . . ”

The humans panicked once I turned my back to them . Yoo Eun-hye was the first one to arrive .

“Wait a minute!”

Yoo Eun-hye was a lightning magic swordswoman . She could move as fast as lightning .

She glanced up into my eyes .

“Who are you? I have watched you . But I just don’t know . Why do you feel so familiar?”

It felt like she wouldn’t let me go until I answered . I was going to use a scroll to disappear from Mt . Baekdu but I opened my mouth first .

“You don’t have the right to know yet . ”

“It is a familiar voice . Although it is familiar . . . I can’t remember . My memory is foggy . Just . . . can’t you tell me? How do I obtain the right to know?”

“Become stronger . All the humans should be beneath you . Once you deserve it, you will know everything that you want to know . ”

She had become stronger in one year and eight months . It couldn’t be compared to before . However, that was just against the human standards . If she maintained this growth, it would only be a matter of time . . . I wanted her to grow faster .

Therefore, I pulled out two sheets of parchment .

The advanced training room tickets . A type of ticket that could be opened .

“If you want to become stronger then tear this when no one else is around . Convey the other one to the person with the most growth potential . ”

I wouldn’t have given it if her growth was below expectations . But Yoo Eun-hye and Edward Windsor’s growth had fulfilled it .

Unlike in my previous life, the humans couldn’t be allowed to fall so easily . I would be able to gain a lot of benefits if they survived until the end .

It wouldn’t be bad if Yoo Eun-hye emerged as the leader . The true power of humans came from their unity . She would become a focal point to destroying the demons and I would be controlling her from behind .

It wasn’t a bad development .

“ . . . . . . ”

Yoo Eun-hye glanced at the two pieces of parchment . She alternated between the parchment and I with tight lips . I left it at that .

‘It is enough to make Pandemonium alarmed . ’

He didn’t know that I had returned . So it was possible he would send a large force after having contact with his demons broken . If the empty dungeons were raided then he would have to move .

In the process, there would be human casualties but the numbers wouldn’t increase significantly . Even if they were close to extinction, Yoo Eun-hye and Edward would live . The moment they entered the training room, they wouldn’t be able to come out until they cleared it .

“Roy . You will remain . ”

“Yes, yes?”

I made one more preparation . I would leave Roy here to watch . If the situation could be determined through Roy then it would make planning tactics much easier .

Rose placed her hands on her waist and scolded Roy .

“Didn’t you hear what Master said? And don’t you know that Master hates repeating things? Roy, I will take M3 . Will you use me as a crutch every time? Fix that timid nature of yours!”

Even though he was her twin brother, Rose was heartless .

Roy seemed like he was about to cry . He couldn’t refuse so he just stood there .

“Master . Are we going now?”

Rose showed no signs of being shaken at all .

I nodded and Rose handed me the scroll . I tore it .

At the same time . . . light flashed and both of us disappeared from Mt . Baekdu .



Yihi was the first to greet me after I returned to the dungeon .

“You came, Master . ”

She bowed and smiled . She was quiet but the awkwardness couldn’t be erased . It was unconvincing acting .

“Have Chrisley and Tashmal returned?”

“Yes . They arrived two hours ago . Yihi carefully looked after them . ”

She covered her mouth and gave an ‘ohoho’ laugh . It was different from her usual ‘yihihi’ . . . I felt like a bug was crawling on my back .

“Before that, Master . Aren’t you tired? Yihi brought you some honey water as a sign of sincerity . ”

Yihi reached out and a beautiful cup appeared from somewhere . It was a trick that she had learnt how to do .

“Please note that this cup was made by Yihi . ”

She had come a long way . Yihi didn’t have a sense of design but that had changed over time .


I swallowed it . A refreshing feeling went down my throat .

“Delicious . “


Yihi quickly received the cup that I threw .

“I have to see Chrisley and Tashmal . ”

“Yes Master . Yihi is happy to guide you . ”

Yihi bowed respectfully once more before flying off .


Yihi’s garden .

Chrisley and Tashmal were collapsed in a room like they were dead .

King bees buzzed around them noisily but they didn’t budge .

‘The quantity and quality of their magic power has risen . ’

Tashmal’s wings had grown bigger and Chrisley had a ‘strange’ magic power . But I wasn’t certain about one thing .

How much did they grow?

I quickly opened Mind’s Eye .

Name: Chrisley
Occupation Master Guardian (All stats + 5) Title

* Person with the Blood of a True Demonic Dragon (Epic, Intelligence +6, Magic +6)

* Blessed by the Moon (Ex U, Magic Power +8)

* Balanced (Epic, All stats +3)

Strength  72 (+8) Intelligence 94 (+14)
Agility 68 (+8) Stamina 68 (+8)
Magic Power 80 (+26)    
Potential: (382+64/484)

Uniqueness: After going through some atrocities, the power of the true demonic dragon Aojin and the ark elf queen Shilla has been balanced with Ganak the King of Death .

Skill: Large Body Control (Ex U), Undead Manufacturing (Epic), Queen of the Sun and Moon (Epic), King of Death (Epic)

Skill and Item Effects: Death Wand (Ex U, Set, Magic Power +4)


Name: Tashmal
Occupation Fallen Angel Title

* Angel of Light Steeped in Darkness (Epic, Intelligence and Magic Power +6)

* Suffering and Awakening (Epic, Intelligence and Magic Power +5)

Strength 88 Intelligence 88 (+11)
Agility 90 Stamina 83
Magic Power  85 (+11)    
Potential: (434+22/471)

Uniqueness: An angel that spread light into the world has now become a fallen angel . As a result of repeated suffering and enlightenment, she has become more complete .

Skill: Propagation of Darkness (Epic), Barrage of Dark Spears (Epic), Dark Thunder (Epic)

Item Effect: Firm Conviction (Ex U)

It was a tremendous growth .

It was a level that could face other high class creatures .

They might be even stronger .

They were at least between a high class 2Lv and 3Lv creature . This was more than I expected .

The vacancy left behind by Krasla still remained .

“Y-you came? My Dungeon Master . . . ”

Chrisley noticed my presence and sat up . Her complexion was pale . In indirectly told me how hard her experience was .

“Take a rest . ”

“No . Seeing you after a long time . . . I am very happy . ”

“How long did you stay there?”

“I don’t know . At least three years . Yet only a few days have passed here . ”

There was a complicated expression on her face . She didn’t know whether to rejoice or mourn that it wasn’t three years later .

“Good job . You have become stronger . ”

“I am glad to meet Master’s expectations . Oh, and . . . ”

Chrisley handed me a fragmented piece .

“It was given to me when I left the training room . ”

“There is a weird pattern . ”

The piece was heavy . It looked like parts of it had been forcibly cut off . Strange mural paintings were carved on it . I would only be able to confirm its identity once all the pieces were gathered .

Mind’s Eye didn’t give an explanation .

-Name – Piece of Balance

Description: A piece given after clearing the advanced training room . It is a piece of balance . There will be a special effect once all five pieces are placed together .

 That was all it said . Either way, I needed to join the five pieces together .

There was a similar piece in Tashmal’s arms .

‘A piece of enlightenment . ’

I had gathered two .

Two tickets were given to Yoo Eun-hye so I would have to recover them later .

At that moment, Chrisley unexpectedly fell to her knees .

“My Dungeon Master . In the future, I will be the sword that cuts down your enemies . ”

“Instead of Krasla?”

Krasla . He followed my orders like a sword . He solved everything ahead of anyone else .

“Yes . ”

Indeed . The vacant position had to be filled .

“Okay . You will be my sword and shield . Defeat my enemies in the future . And . . . I will give you Pandemonium’s head . ”

“Thank you . ”

Chrisley bowed deeply .

Chrisley had lost Krasla and many dark elves due to Pandemonium finding my dungeon and attacking . The death of four demons couldn’t fulfil her desire for vengeance .

It was just something small .

“Heal your body . I will be busy . ”

“My Dungeon Master . Can I hear your next move?”

I said with a laugh .

“I have to prepare for the Demon World Auction . ”

Demon World Auction!

Now that I had time, I needed to restore the dungeon and prepare for the Demon World Auction .

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