Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 89: Love comes too fast like a tornado

   alone, with a hatchet on his back, bare upper body, climbing a mountain;

  This person is shirtless. The sunlight on the plateau is very strong. People are easy to get sunburned. Most tourists who come here will choose to apply sunscreen for protection, otherwise the skin will peel off if the skin is sunburned. In severe cases, it can cause other skin diseases. The plateau red on the faces of many people in high altitude areas is also closely related to this strong ultraviolet radiation.

   However, even though this person is shirtless and exposed a large area of ​​his body to the sun, his skin is very white, as white as a newborn baby, such a fair skin and the weather conditions and strong here The sun exposure formed a great contrast;

   The man is in his early twenties, his face is fortitude, like the desolate mountains here, showing a kind of calmness beyond that age. What he carries on his back is really a hatchet, firewood The knife is worn out in many places, but it exudes a sense of historical vicissitudes. Obviously, even if it is really a hatchet, the traces of years brewing on it are enough for it to enter some museums for display.

  In front of the man, a little boy ran happily. The corpse left the road, climbed over the guardrail, and ran up and down all the way. His body began to show a kind of innocent romance, full of innocence. Condensed with a kind of joy, like a naughty child next door, playing to his heart’s content.

   The man slowly drew out the hatchet from his back. The tip of the hatchet hit the very shallow soil on the hillside, and actually sparked a spark. Then, the man began to make a conscious step. The ground speeded up and took the initiative to meet the little boy.

   The little boy continued to run without selflessness, as if he was suddenly unaware of the man in front of him, did not find the hatchet in the opponent’s hand, nor did he perceive the murderous aura that was rising from the opponent.

   Finally, when the distance between the man and the little boy was close to three meters, the man’s hatchet made a “buzz” sound, like a beast that had been sleeping for many years suddenly awakening, with a kind of sharp Sharp and stern texture.

  ”Gyatso, no, there is plague and disaster on it!”

   In the distance, Tashi, who was chasing the little boy all the way, shouted immediately. Obviously, she knew the man, but there was a touch of fear in the man’s eyes.

   The man swept away Tashi with cold eyes, and his killing intent was more intense in his eyes, but his hatchet fell down, but instead of slashing at the little boy, he inserted it into the rock in front of the little boy. Then turn the wrist.


   The little boy stopped, because there was a one-meter deep gully and a circle around him, leaving him alone in place, unable to move forward or retreat.

   The man closed his eyes, and a circle of light appeared in the center of his eyebrows, which was very conspicuous under the sunlight. Then, he saw the inside of this little boy, there were many terrible weather rolling, and his chest was up and down.

   Let this kind of thing run around at will, he knows what it means to the local people, so he is very angry.

   Tashi did not dare to go far away. She and this man had known each other since they were young, and they had also worshipped a master to study together, but then she left Tibet and went outside. I only came back early this year. I still remember that when she chose to leave, she persuaded the man to leave with herself, but the man’s hatchet almost cut off her head, bluntly saying that she could go. If she came back and was seen by him, there would be a dead end.

   because the man knew what she was going out for and what she would mean if she came back.

   The man jumped over, grabbed the little boy’s neck with one hand, carried the little boy out of the pit, and then walked towards Tashi.

   Tashi began to retreat unconsciously. She couldn’t help but want to keep a distance from this man. She was really afraid that the man would honor the original words and kill herself who appeared in front of him. Moreover, Zhaxi could feel After coming out, the man’s strength has almost undergone earth-shaking changes this year, so strong that she can’t breathe.

  This, how is it possible!

   The man’s name is Gyatso, which means the sea in Tibetan, but now, the man who is constantly approaching is like a rolling sea to Tashi.

   “He, did you make it?”

   Jiacuo asked, his tone of voice was very low.

   “It’s not…” Tashi subconsciously wanted to deny it, but looking at the gaze projected by Jiacuo, he nodded and said: “I made it out, but I didn’t put it outside. It was by two mainlanders. It was released deliberately, I am chasing him, Gyatso, you know, although I left here, you can’t deny my feelings for this land!”

   At this time, Ba Sang and Qiang Ba also came to Tashi’s side. Ba Sang’s body was obviously injured. Obviously, a fierce battle with Su Bai had greatly injured his vitality.

   Looking at the three people in front of him, Gyatso showed a touch of enlightenment in his eyes.

   But the hatchet was still raised,

   “What I said, you should remember.”

   Tashi’s gaze condensed, he took a deep breath, and defended himself: “You can’t do this, Gyatso, it’s you who are obsessed with it. Do you know who I saw outside? I saw the Living Buddha himself, The Living Buddha affirmed to me, he…”

   However, before Tashi could finish speaking, Gyatso’s knife had already fallen.


   “Monk, you are also fortitude, I told you to let you go.” Sitting in the car, Su Bai said while eating the blood beads.

  ”The poor monk is also nothing. We are going to send this family of three to the top of the mountain to deal with it. They actually blocked it. The poor monk felt that the sins he did should be borne by himself, and if the poor monk would take care of it, Not in line with cause and effect.”

  ”Just say that they are not pleasing to the eye, and it’s silly.” Su Bai threw the cigarette **** out of the window, “Let’s go up and resolve the two adults first. The remaining child, If we can find it, we will look for it. If we can’t find it, then let it be our fate. The terrorist radio tells us to resolve a family of three. After we make a discount, we will resolve two of them. We won’t ask for any rewards or favors. Just blame us for our faults, we just ask for a clear conscience.”

The monk    glanced at Su Bai, and said: “I am clearly comforting myself, and he also said a lot of words.”

   “…” Su Bai.

   Su Bai also smiled, started the car, and was about to go straight to the top of the mountain. Not five minutes after the car drove, a man appeared on the road ahead. The man was holding a little boy in his hand. The man’s body and There are blood stains on the hatchet.

   Su Bai stepped on the brakes immediately, and said impatiently: “It won’t be the second wave, right?”

  Monk Qilu took a look, shook his head, got out of the car, and took the initiative to walk towards the man carrying the hatchet.

  After the distance between the two parties was reduced, Gyatso put his hand together and saluted the monk:

   “Someone is ignorant, which is causing trouble to the master.”


   Immediately, Gyatso looked at Su Bai who was sitting in the car, his brows frowned slightly, “A very cold person.”

   “The same person.” The monk explained.

   Gyatso nodded thoughtfully, “Master, are you doing a task?”

   “Exactly.” The monk answered honestly, “Are you with us?”

   Gyatso laughed and shook his head, “It’s almost over, I won’t join in to share rewards and good feelings. Moreover, this is my homeland. For the peace and harmony here, I do something, yes My duty.”

   The monk nodded.

   Then, there was an additional man carrying a hatchet on the van. The man and the monk sat in the back with the family of three. Su Bai drove the car alone. While driving, Su Bai joked:

   “Monk, would you say that the horror broadcast will watch me driving the car for so long, and give me a little bit more favor.”

The monk    did not answer. Obviously, he was used to Su Bai’s style. Gyatso thought about it seriously and replied: “According to the style of horror broadcasting, it will.”

   Su Bai pouted his lips and turned out to be like this on his own trip, making himself like a long-distance driver.

   Finally, the top of the mountain has arrived. There is no road here, but Su Bai didn’t care about any car, so he drove up directly, the **** was not very big, and the car could still be driven up.

   On the last stretch of the road, the three of them respectively grabbed one of the three members of a family and went to the top of the mountain.

   The sun is just right and there is no cloud. The monk tied the family of three together with a yellow ribbon. He stepped back a few steps, holding a talisman to light it, and began to chant the mantra. Gyatso stood beside the monk and was also chanting What, Su Bai is the only one with a cigarette in his mouth, standing by and watching the excitement, watching the two people using spells, Su Bai is indeed a little itchy in his heart, although he has a special physique, he will definitely be in the future. To think of a way to get some blood magic out, it looks too greedy.

   A flame, like it appeared out of thin air, began to burn on the family of three. The family of three struggled desperately to resist, but the yellow ribbon firmly bound them together.

   Finally, three pools of ashes appeared on the ground.

   “Realistic mission completed.”

   The alert tone of the horror broadcast appeared in Su Bai’s mind, a word of notification, and no rewards or the like.

   Jiacuo looked at the three pools of ashes on the ground, “They are also poor people.”

   Indeed, the family originally went out to travel happily, but ended up like this.

  ”Where are the few people?”

   “I killed.” Gyatso replied, “Life is always better if you cross over. However, there are always people who like to toss around. In fact, people in this land are easy to satisfy.”

   Gyatso turned around and looked at the winding road below, which is invisible to the side. “These roads and these tunnels are the best proof. I believe that apart from this country, it is estimated that there are few second ones. A country or government is willing to open tunnels and build roads here, because basically, there is no economic return, but it is just paying.

  Every time I walk through those tunnels, I can hear the voice of the young lives sacrificed when these tunnels were built, especially on the side of the Sichuan-Wenzhou highway, those tombstones, master, have you seen it? “

   The monk nodded.

  ” In the earthquake that year, the tombstones of the sacrificed soldiers were placed there. When the vehicles passing along the road passed by ~IndoMTL.com~ everyone couldn’t bear to honk the horn. In fact, respect and awe for life, everyone, It’s all the same.”

   “Hey, are you broadcasting the news?” Su Bai beckoned in the van, “What time is it, get in the car, find a high-end hotel tonight and have a good meal and sleep? Is the most important thing.”

The monk    smiled, and said to Gyatso: “Let’s go together and take you down the mountain.”

   Jiacuo did not refuse, and got into the van with the monk.

   Su Bai is dialing the car CD, put a disc in, and asked the monk behind him:

  ”We have completed the real-world mission for the horror broadcast, how will the specific benefits appear?”

   Before the monk could answer, Su Bai suddenly felt a suffocation and tingling sensation in his chest, and he lay on the steering wheel.

   and the monk Qilu sitting behind also sank, he was holding his chest in pain,

   Immediately afterwards, Jiacuo also took a deep breath, his arm pressed against the car door, cold sweat began to flow down;

  The car CD that Su Bai just pushed in now starts to play music:

  ”Love goes too fast like a tornado,

   can’t bear it, I have nowhere to hide,

   I don’t think about it anymore,

   I don’t want to think about…”


   The chapter originally posted at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning is in good condition today. I wrote it quickly, so I’ll post it ahead of time. The next chapter must be at 8 o’clock tomorrow night. Everyone will bear it again. It’s not much before it will be released on August 1. Oh my god, that day, I hope everyone will help Xiaolong and come to a subscription support.

  Finally, hug the dragon~IndoMTL.com~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all on ~IndoMTL.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.

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