Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 956: ?Share up


  When Fallen Monster Shadow rushed into heavily barrier, Jiu Gong started directly, and the countless source pattern came up from the void glittering. Those source patterns seemed to form the countless source pattern long whip.

   Long whip hiding the sky and covering the earth poured down, which directly blocked all the retreats of Fallen Monster Shadow.

   Those source pattern long whips, wrapped around the body of Fallen Monster Shadow, palm, buried it heavily.


   But the next moment, the source of violent terror suddenly burst out of the body of Fallen Monster Shadow, which directly shattered the layers of the source pattern long whip.

  Jiu Gong charming face is tight, hurried to change the imprint method.


   I can only see that the magnificent source pattern is like a mud, surrounded by Fallen Monster Shadow, making it difficult to move.

  hōng hōng!

   But in the face of these obstacles, the Fallen Monster Shadow roared, punched out, the source gas was like a torrent of wreak havoc, shocked the void, and constantly destroyed a heavily source pattern barrier.

   In just a few minutes, eight times barrier, broken 5-layer!

  Jiu Gong‘s white forehead, the fine cold sweat appeared, and she couldn’t help but urged: “Zhou Yuan, don’t you shoot yet?”

  ’s side Zhou Yuan complexion was awe-inspiring, his eyes fixed on the Fallen Monster Shadow of wreak havoc, and said: “I only have one chance to shoot, and it is not the best chance yet!”

   Jiu Gong silver teeth clenched, but she didn’t say much, after all, she is also supreme talent, her strength horizons are extraordinary, so she also understands the importance of timing, and if she strikes randomly and loses that opportunity, they It really can only turn around and flee.

   So, she continued to urge the remaining 3-layer barrier, trying to trap Fallen Monster Shadow.

  Roar! Roar!

   Above the ice lake, the Fallen Monster Shadow roared like thunder, and the source gas wreak havoc, so that there was ice falling constantly above it, smashing the ice lake into the waves, the sound was terrifying.

  The remaining 3-layer barrier is also breaking quickly.

In addition to barrier, Yuan Kun was riding Great Earth Divine Bull, and he was also frightened. He patted Divine Bull and whispered: “Brother Bull, if the situation is not right, prepare for the wind.”

   Just now he was almost killed by the Fallen Monster Shadow alive. I really don’t want to come again for the second time.

   Then Divine Bull responded with a moo.

  Jiu Gong has crystal sweat on her white cheeks dripping down her sharp chin. In her bright eyes, the blood is climbing, and she is staring at the last layer of barrier that is about to break.

After taking a few breaths, she finally couldn’t bear it, and said sharply: “Zhou Yuan, the old lady can’t hold it! Can you do it!”

   can force a cold and elegant beauty on weekdays to claim to be an old lady, showing how much pressure Jiu Gong has at this time!

  Zhou Yuan‘s eyes didn’t blink, he just stared at the Fallen Monster Shadow to tear the last barrier, and at that moment, he could vaguely feel that the source gas of Fallen Monster Shadow‘s rising around the body fluctuated slightly, and stopped for a moment.

   Obviously, after going through the battle with Yuan Kun and shredding the eightfold barrier, the source gas of this Fallen Monster Shadow is also appear(ance) fluctuations!

   “It is now!”

  Zhou Yuan‘s eyes have a burst of light. He glanced at the Jiu Gong with sweat and said, “I can tell you, don’t ask a man if he can do it!”


   His hands were imprinted, and the beam of source gas suddenly rose from the heavenly spirit cover. Within the beam of light, many fragments violently shoots were vaguely visible. Those fragments quickly merged, and finally formed an five-colored light directly above the Fallen Monster Shadow tower.

   The light tower slammed down and shoved the Fallen Monster Shadow into it with a flash of lightning.

   Yuan Kun and Jiu Gong saw this scene, they were all very happy.


  In the next moment, within the light tower, there was a sudden burst of violent source gas and a loud noise, the whole light tower burst.

   “What’s going on? Has it failed?” Jiu Gong changed his face, said.

   Zhou Yuan glances, I can only see that the source gas fluctuations of Fallen Monster Shadow in mid-air began to quickly become languishing at this time, and on the forehead of Fallen Monster Shadow, there is a mark of five-colored light tower, faintly discernible.

  Zhou Yuan smiled lightly: “The seal is successful.”

   His sleeve robe waved, only to see the fragments shot backwards, suspended in his palm.

  Zhou Yuan glanced, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, because these fragments appeared extremely bleak at this time. Obviously, Zhou Yuan wanted to exhibit this seal again, and obviously had to retain it in Divine Palace It’s time.


  When the source gas fluctuation of Fallen Monster Shadow weakened, Yuan Kun also knew that the seal was successful, and immediately laughed: “Feng Shui turns, I should beat you this time!”

  He shot Divine Bull, a man and a beast was wrapped in a majestic violent flame fluctuation, and rushed directly to Fallen Monster Shadow and rushed away.

  The two sides confronted each other again in high altitude, but this time, the arrogance of Fallen Monster Shadow is no longer. The seal technique of Five Spirits Universe Pagoda of Zhou Yuan has not directly sealed half of its source gas, but overall, 30% is some.

   Therefore, at this time, the origin strength of Fallen Monster Shadow theory is actually not much stronger than Yuan Kun. With the assistance of Great Earth Divine Bull, Fallen Monster Shadow began to recede.

  It was just that the hearty battle of Yuan Kun did not last long, he was horrified to find that the seal tower pattern between Fallen Monster Shadow‘s eyebrows began to gradually fade.

   And its source gas is also beginning to recover.

  Yuan Kun was startled and couldn’t help howling: “Zhou Yuan, your seal is too bad?! How long does it take?”

  Zhou Yuan heard this howl, and couldn’t help rolled the eyes, this guy, if this seal can last exist(ence) for a long time, it is too invincible.

   “Who made you want to play with it?”

  Zhou Yuan vomited, and then his body exploded, and his figure suddenly swept out.

  He also joined the battle.

   And with the joining of Zhou Yuan’s, Fallen Monster Shadow was finally unable to fully support it, and was continuously beaten by two people and one beast.


  The two sides fought for a moment, just when the seal tower pattern between the Fallen Monster Shadow eyebrows was about to disappear, Zhou Yuan clenched five fingers, brush bristles poured out, and turned into a glove.

  Origin Break!

  brush bristles turned into lacquer black color, Zhou Yuan complexion ice cold~IndoMTL.com~ punched out, directly punched through the chest of Fallen Monster Shadow with a punch of forcibly.

   Fallen Monster Shadow stopped struggling, a crack appeared on his body, and finally burst into a skylight.

  Zhou Yuan grabbed a light bead from the palm of his hand, which was die source bead.

  Feeling the power contained in this die source bead, Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes, he felt that if this die source bead was refined, he should be able to melt the 9th layer Divine Palace barrier a lot, or even. ..May I still be able to try and get through 9th layer Divine Palace?

   “This thing, I will exchange it with an Innate Internal Spirit.”

  Zhou Yuan threw the die source bead in his hand, and said to the falling Yuan Kun, Jiu Gong said.

   can kill this Fallen Monster Shadow, which is the power of three people, so he can’t swallow die source beads alone.

   Yuan Kun and Jiu Gong glanced, and then both ordered nods. They knew that the power contained in die Yuanzhu could help people get through Divine Palace, but now they are already at the peak of Divine Palace Realm, and 9-layer Divine Palace has already penetrated, so it is not necessary at all.

   and Zhou Yuan was exchanged for a Innate Internal Spirit, so they still made a profit.

  Zhou Yuan put away the die source beads. At the next moment, the three people’s extremely scorching eyes slowly shifted, and finally locked the ten lifelike ice lotus deep in the ice lake…

   They have gone through hardships in this space. Right now, it is finally time to boil up the spoils.

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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