Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 932: ? Team

  The Heaven and Earth where Abyss of Fallen is located presents a sign of distortion, which forms a clear boundary with the outside world’s Heaven and Earth, but now, the perennial closed boundary, under the hand/subordinate in the expert jurisdiction of Nine Territories, forcibly tearing open a crack .

  Zhou Yuan looked at the torn crack, and his eyes glanced at a splendid color. He was also very interested in the Innate Internal Spirit contained in Abyss of Fallen. After all, after running through 9th layer Divine Palace, he should also consider upgrading to Heavenly Sun Realm.

The ordinary Heavenly Sun rank is naturally impossible to satisfy his appetite.

   In the void, Zhao Xiansun indifferently said: “Originally, there were two small levels to break through the three levels, but now it doesn’t make much sense, so after my negotiation, I directly opened Abyss of Fallen.”

After hearing this, Zhou Yuan under the    whispered slightly, because he felt a sense of targeting.

Among the three levels, the most difficult thing is to cut Nine Dragons. The Zhao Xiansun adult saw their Heaven Abyss Territory passed smoothly, and was planning to directly omit the remaining two levels so that they could directly enter the main scene and face the strong enemy. ?

   is really a bit impatient to see the unlucky feeling of Heaven Abyss Territory.

  Zhou Yuan thoughts turned, but his face was quiet, no matter whether the other party intentionally wants to see them Heaven Abyss Territory, they can do their own thing, after all, they can save the other two tests of the three levels. It can also save some effort.

   “Abyss of Fallen has been opened. You must have known the rules here, so be prepared for each.” Zhao Xiansun said again.

   His voice fell, and there was some commotion in Nine Territories forces below.

  There are many jurisdictions in this Abyss of Fallen expert die, and when they died, the jurisdiction collapsed, which also affected the rules between Heaven and Earth here, thus forming many visions.

   Therefore, inside this Abyss of Fallen, many barriers are formed. These barriers are like a small space on their own, each of which has its own mystery.

  In these small spaces, the power of the jurisdiction is condensed, so there are a lot of spiritual machines born.

   Nine Territories Conference battle is to fight for these small spaces.

   fight for a small space, the more spiritual machines forces gets in each domain, this is a great opportunity for everyone, after all, everyone fights hard to fight in this Abyss of Fallen, it’s not these things Smart machine?

  In some dangerous small spaces, there is the birth of Innate Internal Spirit. This kind of place is a must for those top supreme talent on Divine Palace Ranking.

  Zhou Yuan looked at Lu Xiao and others, saying: “We are divided into five teams forces, led by me, Lu Xiao, Han Yuan, MuLiu, Ye Bingling.”

  When the parties forces enter Abyss of Fallen, they will start to be randomly transmitted into many small spaces. Generally speaking, the more teams that enter into a small space, the greater the danger of this small space. The greater the sex, the more spiritual machines may be born, and the stronger.

   This mechanism causes Nine Territories forces to be divided into multiple paths, so as to be able to compete for the most small space and the most smart machines in the fastest time!

   Of course, this type of division cannot be too sparse, otherwise, if you meet a large force in several other domains, most of them will not be able to compete.

  According to the past practice, the number of teams in each domain is about 400 to 700, which is the most suitable range.

  Heaven Abyss Territory has only two thousand forces this time, so Zhou Yuan soldiers are divided into five groups, each leading about 400 people.

  The other eight domains have more forces. Among them, Myriad Ancestors Territory, which has the largest number of people, may be divided into ten teams or more, which will undoubtedly give them an advantage from the beginning.

  Because of the final ranking of Nine Territories Conference, it is defined by the number of spiritual machines obtained.

  Zhou Yuan wants to split more teams, but when the power is dispersed, it will only cause all the teams to be eaten by people, and will not bring much gain. The soldiers are divided into five ways, almost Their limit is gone.

  Zhou Yuan holds the radiance reel, which is the credential to enter Abyss of Fallen. He palms the source gas into it. Suddenly, there are countless light spots in the reel. These light spots fluttered and finally fell on the Heaven Abyss Territory two thousand forces.

   “These marks are sensitive to each other, and if they encounter the danger of life, they can be broken.”

  Zhou Yuan is staring at everyone, slowly said: “Everyone, although the spirit is good, but it should not be greedy and brave, and life is the most important thing.”

  Once the mark is broken, it will be transmitted out of Abyss of Fallen, which means that it has lost its qualifications, so some people are always unwilling, but what they ultimately pay is their own lives.

  On this Nine Territories Conference, in order to fight for the spirit, no one will easily show mercy.

  Everyone hearing this is silently nods.

   In the void, Zhao Xiansun glanced at the scroll certificate in the hand of Zhou Yuan, passing a touch of surprised look, but it was quickly converged. His eyes were low and the faint voice resounded again: “If all parties forces are ready, Ready to enter.”


  When his voice fell, I saw that Myriad Ancestors Territory’s Zhao Mushen took the lead in violently shoots, and in its behind, Myriad Ancestors Territory’s forces followed by the mighty, it was like a locust crossing, and the sound was terrifying.

  Thousands of forces, rushed into the crack, disappeared in a flash, as if swallowed by a huge mouth of space.

  Myriad Ancestors Territory’s movement, immediately tore the peace here, the other several domains also set off, the source gas of the entire Heaven and Earth was violently tumbling up at this time.


  Zhou Yuan is also a light drink, and the figure violently shoots comes out.

  Lu Xiao and others followed.

  Thousands of forces passed by, and they finally fell into that crack and disappeared instantly.

   With Nine Territories‘s forces all entering Abyss of Fallen, Heaven and Earth is also quiet here.

  Zhao Xiansun smiled and said, “You guys, Nine Territories Conference is completely open, I will wait at this time, so wait for it.”

  His voice fell, only to see his sleeve robe waved, there was a rolling source of gas gathered between Heaven and Earth, actually formed a compass-like light shadow in the void, the compass mirror, at this time showed Many small light spots.

   Those light spots have different colors and represent forces of Nine Territories.

  Although they can’t interfere with the operation in the Abyss of Fallen, those credentials are Nine Territories’s jurisdiction expert joint refining ~IndoMTL.com~ so they can roughly sense some of these changes.

   Other jurisdictions, expert, also sat down on a volley plate, and the source gas turned into a blossoming cloud under their bodies. The Heaven and Earth source gas gathered around the body, as if there were many visions born, and it was magically abnormal.

   “It’s really curious, this time Nine Territories Conference, was the first to be eliminated, what domain is it?” Zhao Xiansun chuckled, and looked at the Chi Jing that was not far away without a trace, and there was a deep and unpredictable corner of the mouth. The arc of it gently lifted.


  In the die city further away, countless gazed at the sky-filled light mirror, but also with some regrets, they regained their gaze. They knew that the next battle in Abyss of Fallen was truly wonderful.

   That is the real Nine Territories Conference!

   It’s just that he couldn’t be satisfied.

   But it doesn’t matter, when the final result comes out, everything can still cause boiling.

   So, in this die city, countless people began to guess the final ranking of Nine Territories Conference, without surprise, Myriad Ancestors Territory and Zhao Mushen topped the list, followed by Wu Yao, Su Youwei

   As for Zhou Yuan and Heaven Abyss Territory, they are still in the kind of unpopularity.

  Obviously, even with the stunning accomplishments that cuts Nine Dragons, most people are still not optimistic about Zhou Yuan and Heaven Abyss Territory, after all…the opponent they will face this time is a real eight domain!

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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