Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 905: ?4 patterns

“The four source patterns are all cultivate successfully!”

When the appear(ance) of the Zhou Yuan had the four ancient source patterns, the members of the four pavilions on the disc platform of Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave were all stunned and their eyes were a little shocked.

They are members of four pavilions. They are most aware of the difficulties of to congeal with four source patterns. Even with the four Mother Pattern created by Zhou Yuan, the speed of source mark aggregation is increased, but it is still necessary to want a complete source pattern for to congeal Not a short time and energy.

And Zhou Yuan, in two months, completed the third and fourth source patterns one after another!

It’s so scary at such a speed!

Be aware that Zhou Yuan has been in four pavilions from now until now, and it can take at most a year. Many Pavilion Lord and even cultivation to four pavilions can complete three source patterns, which is already perfection. As for four Dao, I dare not even think about it!

Even Lu Xiao‘s face was smoked at this time. Although he knew that Zhou Yuan‘s two-month retreat was the remaining two source lines in full power to congeal, he was not sure that Zhou Yuan could really do it. After all, the speed of the a month is really incredible.

Zuo Ya on the side opened his mouth even more, but he didn’t say a word.

Lu Xiao stared at the light mirror, but the dignity in his eyes was not as easy as the Zhou Yuan sacrificed the four stripes, because he knew that even if the Zhou Yuan was pregnant with four stripes, it would not necessarily be able to reverse the battle, because it was the Three Mountains Union Divine Palace Realm Face, that Chen Xuandong must also have similar foreign object power.

This battle, for Zhou Yuan, still does not have much advantage.


The majestic source gas is like a gigantic wave. A wave of eruption from the body of Zhou Yuan, everyone can feel the fluctuation of Zhou Yuan’s source gas at this time began to skyrocket at an alarming rate.

Twenty-five million…

29 million…

30 million!

When the number of Origin Qi Star on the void exceeded 30 million, the rate of increase remained unchanged, and continued to climb, and finally it was stabilized at the level of more than 36 million in the sight of the countless road vibration.

More than 36 million Origin Qi Star!

Four source patterns directly add more than 13 million Origin Qi Star to Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan stands in the void, and the majestic source pressure directly leads to the violent shock of the void. His eyes stared at the Chen Xuandong in front like a blade. At this time, the latter was also surprised by appear(ance) on his face.

“It’s worthy of the Heaven Abyss Territory’s four-spirit pattern, which is really powerful.” Chen Xuandong exclaimed.

The increase of more than 13 million source gas background, these four spirit patterns are worthy of Heaven Abyss Territory four pavilions‘s signature.

Zhou Yuan feels the huge power flowing in his body, his eyelids drooping, saying: “I know that Three Mountains Union also has similar means. You can also show it. Otherwise, it would be too boring.”

He apparently sent back the original Chen Xuandong words intact.

Chen Xuandong picked the corner of his eye, said with a smile: “But I want to first try how much water your more than 36 million source gas background has.”

It can be seen that he is also an extremely proud person. He believes that his own strength means and ranking on Divine Palace Ranking are better than Zhou Yuan, so he does not want to be forced to exhibit his own trump card by Zhou Yuan.

The voice fell, his eyes became cold, his feet stomped, the black Lin long spear in his hand soared into the sky, the next moment, long spear turned into a black torrent running through the void, and outside the torrent, it seemed vaguely There is a black unicorn shape, and the terror is wrapped in the power of terror.

The black torrent is extremely fast. In one breath, it is in front of Zhou Yuan’s.

However, in the face of such a fierce offensive, Zhou Yuan looks slightly indifferent. He stands in the void and slowly grasps his five fingers. brush bristles gushes from the pores, covering his fists, and then turns into nether black color.

Zhou Yuan clenched his five fingers tightly and punched hard with the black torrent firmly resists together.


metal against metal sound resounds.

Then the eyes of countless saw the torrent of black burst instantly, and then there was a sound of mourning, and the next moment black light shot backwards, turning into an long spear and falling beside Chen Xuandong, It’s just that the radiance on the gun body has become a bit dim.

Chen Xuandong‘s mouth twitched.

The previous attack not only gathered all of his sources, but also the increase of the black gun, but such a fierce attack was easily disbanded by Zhou Yuan.

Obviously, the latter’s 36 million source gas background does not have any moisture at all, which is simply amazing.

“Do you want to continue?” Zhou Yuan asked.

Chen Xuandong‘s eyes cooled down a little and said, “Since you are so anxious to take humiliation yourself, then you will be accomplished!”

He folded his hands, and suddenly there was a change in the countless seal.

The majestic source gas diffused from its body at this time, and quickly transformed into three majestic giant mountain phantom in its behind.

countless looked at the three giant mountain phantom, and some exclamation broke out: “That’s Three Mountain Spirit Seals of Three Mountains Union!”

“It is said that each mark of the Three Mountain Spirit Seals of Three Mountains Union symbolizes the source gas background of about three million yuan, and Sanshan is 10%, which can increase the source gas by ten million!”

“It’s just that this technique is the most core disciple in Three Mountains Union to be cultivation, but unlike Heaven Abyss Territory four pavilions, as long as you enter, everyone can use cultivation.”

Heaven Abyss Territory is also created by Nine Territories and Great Venerable Cang Yuan anyway. Compared with Three Mountains Union, it is naturally missing some crucial moment/maturity.”

“But these are all useless. As soon as Chen Xuandong Three Mountain Spirit Seals comes out, his source gas will soar to 40 million Origin Qi Star… compared to Zhou Yuan, it is still too much tyranny.”

“Yeah, the gap between the two sides’ source gas background is too large. Zhou Yuan wants to draw closer with the four spirits, or it is too simple.”


In Heaven Abyss Territory 800 provinces, there is also a voice of regret for countless. When Zhou Yuan overtaken the source gas background, they really raised a hope, but didn’t expect blinked, this hope was crushed.

Chen Xuandong stood high up in the sky, 40 million Origin Qi Star in its behind void glittering, he stared at Zhou Yuan with a sneer, slowly said: “Is it enough now?”

“My Three Mountains Union‘s Three Mountain Spirit Seals is not much worse than your Heaven Abyss Territory’s Four Spirits!”

Zhou Yuan looked at the Chen Xuandong of imposing manner Lingren at this time, smiled slightly, and then shook his head, carefully debating: “No, your Three Mountain Spirit Seals, compared to the four spirit patterns, is indeed much worse.”

Chen Xuandong sneered: “boast shamelessly!”

Zhou Yuan calmly said: “It seems that you think this is the limit of the four spirit patterns?”

Chen Xuandong pupil shrinks slightly, the tone is cold: “What do you do to pretend to be a ghost?”

Zhou Yuan shook his head. He didn’t talk more nonsense, but his hands were gently folded, resulting in a mysterious and complicated seal.

Now the gap between the two parties is only three million source gas background. This gap is actually not unacceptable for Zhou Yuan. If full power is really fighting, Zhou Yuan feels that even if it can’t win, at least Chen Xuandong is also unflatter Too many benefits.

But Zhou Yuan doesn’t think it’s necessary…

Since this Chen Xuandong takes great pride in its own arrogance, then Zhou Yuan intends… to crush it in his most proud place.

Zhou Yuan’s eyes closed gradually.

At this time, the four ancient source lines at the back of his hands, eyebrows, and heart began to spread out. A line of ray of light began to spread out. These lights intertwined on the skin of Zhou Yuan’s, and eventually seemed to form a mysterious pattern.

In the void, Chi Jing suddenly smiled at this moment, she looked at Zhou Yuan, and then turned to Sect Master Xuan Kun and others, saying: “I don’t know how many of you can remember, when Master was there, I said that the four spirit patterns The ultimate form?”

Sect Master Xuan Kun several people were startled, then frowned.

They vaguely remember, but it seems that since the establishment of Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda, no one has ever achieved any ultimate form, because even the complete to congeal has four soul patterns, few people are very rare…

“What is the ultimate form?” Sect Master Xuan Kun asked~IndoMTL.com~Chi Jing said with a smile: “Four lines forming…”

“That is…”

Zhou Yuan’s eyes opened at this time, and there was a low voice in his mouth.

Four Spirits Origin Returning Chart!”

An ancient pattern, at this moment, slowly emerged from the skin surface of Zhou Yuan’s.

With the ancient pattern‘s appear(ance), Zhou Yuan‘s original source of stagnation and increase, it was at this time that it began to surge violently.

In the eyes of Heaven and Earth, there was a horror in the eyes of countless.

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