Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 903: ? Why

When the voice of Zhou Yuan’s echoed, between Heaven and Earth and countless‘s eyes gathered at this time, then there were many whispers of whispering.

“That is Heaven Abyss Territory’s four pavilions Chief Pavilion Lord, Zhou Yuan?”

“Looking at its source gas realm, I am afraid it still only runs through 7-layer Divine Palace?”

“So, now he has not changed much when he played against Lu Xiao two months ago?”

“Oh, if that’s the case…I’m afraid the face of Heaven Abyss Territory will be wiped out today!”


During this Heaven and Earth, dragons and snakes are mixed, and they have many powerful eyeliners. Their eyesight is naturally very spicy, and they can see at a glance that Zhou Yuan at this time does not seem to have made much progress compared with two months ago.

This kind of discovery suddenly made some gloating over Heaven Abyss Territory in their hearts. After all, Chen Xuandong in front of them is not comparable to the strength of Lu Xiao.

Two months ago, Zhou Yuan defeated Lu Xiao after a hard battle. If this is the stronger Chen Xuandong, I am afraid that it will be defeated.

For the question of countless between Heaven and Earth and gloating glance, Zhou Yuan is like unheard of. He held his fist at Chi Jing and Mu Ni Five Honored Elders, the figure came out of the air and slowly floated to the vast depth Jian sky.

Chi Jing looked at his back, his slender fingertips were lighter, there were ripples in the void, and a huge light mirror was gradually formed. Above the light mirror, there was the ancient source pattern of countless flowing, light mirror Blooming light directly reflects the figures of Zhou Yuan and Chen Xuandong.

So in this instant, Heaven Abyss Territory hundreds of towers in the city of Province Lord, there was a light violently shoots, and a light mirror was formed in mid-air, and in the light mirror, the precisely was boundless.

Including Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave.

On the hanging disc platform of Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda, the members of four pavilions almost gathered here. They gazed breathlessly at the sky, where a huge round of light mirror appear(ance) attracted the attention of the entire Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave countless now. gaze.

“Why did you not make a breakthrough? In this state, how could it be opponent of Chen Xuandong!” Zuo Ya‘s eyebrows were locked tightly and he couldn’t help saying.

“You don’t talk, nobody is when you are dumb!” Yi Qiushui hearing this, not far away, suddenly looked at coldly.

Zuo Ya was furious and said: “Did I make a mistake? Although the more Divine Palace Realm is behind, the more difficult it is to get through Divine Palace, but if he is full power cultivation in the past two months, it may not be possible to succeed. He has no breakthrough at the moment, It’s just because putting time on the mountain spirit pattern, Forest Spirit Pattern, this is not a smart choice!”

“And even if he made the remaining two source patterns also to congeal, the increase in his own source gas is only about 7 million more, but the Chen Xuandong is his own source gas background is close to 30 million, And do you think he has no foreign object means similar to the four spirit patterns?”

“The current Zhou Yuan does not represent him alone, but our entire Heaven Abyss Territory’s Divine Palace Realm. If he loses, in the future, Divine Palace Realm of our generation of Heaven Abyss Territory, I am afraid our faces will be lost.”

The surrounding Fire Pavilion member hearing this, also secretly nods, frowned, and looked worried.

Yi Qiushui indifferently said: “Zhou Yuan naturally has his plan, you can’t see through, but you have a short-sightedness, there is no need to shake the hearts of other people here, and if there is more nonsense, then give me the remaining return to origin treasure coin first Now.”

Before the two women bet, the bet was 10,000 return to origin treasure coin. Until now, Zuo Ya has only paid back about half.

Due to being pinned by Yi Qiushui, Zuo Ya was so angry that charming face was so blue, but he really didn’t dare to say anything. He only stomped hard and said, “Well, I want to see what he has.” Intend!”

The dispute between the two women finally stopped. Although the four pavilions members gathered here and there were a large number of people, the atmosphere was quite depressed.

Yi Qiushui beautiful eyes lifted up, looking at the huge light mirror above the sky, his hands could not help but clenched, eyes hidden a trace of worry, because Zhou Yuan was taken away by Honored Elder Chi Jing, so She didn’t know what exactly Zhou Yuan‘s two-month retreat was doing…

At least, from the current situation, Zhou Yuan’s is indeed at a considerable disadvantage.

Zhou Yuan… Come on.”

Yi Qiushui low channel.

The whole Heaven Abyss Territory 800 provinces is now in the looks at competition. If Zhou Yuan loses, this newly hot Chief Pavilion Lord position may be unstable, even if everyone knows that even if it is changed to Lu Xiao, it will lose even worse, but there is no way , Someone always comes out to top the pot.

Of course…she knows better, if Zhou Yuan wins, then his reputation in Heaven Abyss Territory’s will also reach its peak directly, at that time, his position will be unshakable, even if Sect Master Xuan Kun doesn’t look good on him, Will also be helpless to him.

This is undoubtedly a gamble.

Honored Elder Chi Jing, do you have such confidence in him? Even urged “Myriad Eyes Reflecting on Mirror“, not afraid of being self-defeating and becoming a joke?” Sect Master Xuan Kun looked at the light mirror above the sky, and the light mirror flowed over The source pattern is like a mysterious eye pupil, which is very peculiar.

He glanced at Chi Jing, indifferently said: “If Zhou Yuan lost today, then the consequences, Honored Elder Chi Jing should know.”

The white cheeks of Chi Jing are quite calm, saying, “What if he wins?”

Sect Master Xuan Kun was silent for a while, and said: “If he wins, Sky Spirit Sect’s disciples will honestly listen to his orders in Fire Pavilion.”

If he really got to that step, he also knew that Zhou Yuan’s would be as strong as what kind, and with Chi Jing’s protection, he could not help Zhou Yuan at all. It would be better to borrow a donkey down the **** and look good on each other.

“Then wait and see.” Chi Jing replied, saying no more, pupil light looked at the slender figure standing in the distance above the huge deep stream.

She does not believe in her own vision, but in her master’s vision.

Under the gaze of the countless eyes, Zhou Yuan stood above the deep stream, and the violent mountain breeze roared, rolling his clothes, his look calm and composed, the same kind of imposing manner that Taishan collapsed before. However, many people secretly secretly nods.

This Heaven Abyss Territory’s Chief Pavilion Lord, although its strength is not good, but it is not small.

The eyes turned to the direction of Three Mountains Union. I saw that there was a black robe, Chen Xuandong holding the black scale long spear, also came into the air, appear(ance) was in front of Zhou Yuan’s.

Both of them are standing in the sky above the huge deep stream.

The tip of the long spear gun shook in Chen Xuandong’s hand and pulled out the gun. His eyes stared at Zhou Yuan with interest, saying: “Originally I thought there would be a hearty battle today, but Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan made me a little disappointed. .”

Zhou Yuan said: “It was really ashamed to look forward to~IndoMTL.com~Chen Xuandong shook his head and asked, “Are you really going to play with me?” “

Zhou Yuan smiled and never answered this boring question.

Chen Xuandong saw it, shrugged his shoulders, and the next moment, three rounds of Divine Palace Halo appear(ance) in its behind, the majestic source gas soared like a torrent, and the infinite source gas reflected the void, with Origin Qi Star30 million!

There are many amazing sounds between Heaven and Earth.

A terrible source of coercion pervades the sky from deep stream. Chen Xuandong looks at Zhou Yuan with coldness gradually, his eyes a little playful.

“You background…”

“Why play with me?”

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