Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 901: All parties concerned

When Heaven Abyss Territory next comes from the Three Mountains Union warfare book, as time goes by, the boiling degree is also skyrocketing at an alarming rate.

All forces have sent their eyeliners early and gathered at the junction of Heaven Abyss Territory and Three Mountains Union.

Although this battle book is just a confrontation between two Divine Palace Realms, everyone knows that this will be the first head-to-head confrontation between Three Mountains Union and the declining veteran Nine Territories. I am afraid that the impact will be quite huge and far-reaching.

So in today’s Primordial Heaven, I don’t know how many forces all gathered their eyes.

Profound Principle Territory.

On the star-gazing tower, Jiu Gong stared at the message delivered to her hand, and then put it down after a while, saying: “This Three Mountains Union really will be the time to choose.”

Senior Sister, who do you think will win?” the beautiful girl beside him asked curiously.

“If you look at the ranking, of course Chen Xuandong wins.”

Jiu Gong couldn’t help but smiled and said: “After all, this is the name I gave to the ranking. If appear(ance) changes, it means that my eyesight and information are not in place.”

Her voice paused and added: “But ranking does not really represent strength. Otherwise, if you have grievances with each other in the future, you only need to show the ranking. The lower ones just bow their heads and admit defeat. ..”

“I placed this Zhou Yuan to the 14th position not because of his poor strength, but because I measured it with Lu Xiao, which only shows that Lu Xiao is not good, not this Zhou Yuan.”

Jiu Gong holds a jade slip in each of two small hands, jade slip has all the information of Zhou Yuan and Chen Xuandong, she looked at it for a while, and said softly: “But although the words say so, it comes from the strength that the two sides have shown before. Look, if the strength of Zhou Yuan’s does not have a shocking increase from the last confrontation with Lu Xiao, this time, he will probably lose.”

Senior Sister is so optimistic about Chen Xuandong?”

Jiu Gong tossed jade slip on the table casually, with a careless tone: “It’s not about optimistic about him, but the judgment made from the information I got.”

She shook her head and sighed.

“If this Zhou Yuan really loses, Heaven Abyss Territory might lose his face this time, which is really humiliating. If Great Venerable Cang Yuan is still there, how dare someone go to Heaven Abyss Territory, how dare someone go to fight the tiger beard?”

After sighing, she didn’t think much anymore. Now the time of Nine Territories Conference is set at three months. This is what she is really concerned about.

On that Nine Territories Conference, it was the time when the top supreme talent of all parties was revealed, and whether it is Chen Xuandong or Zhou Yuan at the moment, they are just competing for the qualification for admission.

War God Territory.

On a cloud platform, Wu Yao sits in front of the stone table, her slender body and bright red dress make her full of fierce aura.

At this time, her narrow pair of phoenix eyes is jade slip in the hands of looks at, and the corner of her lips has an undefined arc.

“This Three Mountains Union is now even more courageous, this is to step on the face of Heaven Abyss Territory’s.” Opposite Wu Yao, a man smiled lightly.

A man in a white robe, imposing manner is extraordinary, his name is Lan Ting. Among the many disciples of Wushen Realm, his identity is second only to Wu Yao. When it comes to strength, he also has the qualification to compete for the top ten of Divine Palace Ranking, but Wushen In order to cope with Nine Territories Conference, Domain also did not let him make the list, and he and Wu Yao, one by one, formed the most top force in the generation of Divine Palace disciples of Wushen domain.

Lan Ting looked at the woman in the red dress in front of her, the other party’s fierce queen-like temperament made him infatuated with deep in one’s heart, but he concealed it well and never dared to show it in front of her. slightest.

Junior Sister Wu Yao, who said they will win?” Lan Ting asked with a smile.

Wu Yao put down jade slip, there is no wave on the beautiful cheek, just plain: “Heaven Abyss Territory will win.”

Lan Ting was stunned for a moment. The answer was obviously somewhat unexpected.

However, Wu Yao doesn’t mean to explain. She just stared at jade slip in her hand. Because of the information she got during this time, she has already confirmed her Heaven Abyss Territory’s Zhou Yuan

It’s really him!

That Blue Profound Heaven Great Zhou Dynasty’s Zhou Yuan!

Wu Yao glittering and translucent‘s fingertips lightly rubbed on jade slip, this guy… actually came Primordial Heaven!

Moreover, in only about a year, he has become the leader of Heaven Abyss Territory Divine Palace Realm, the speed of progress… really worthy of the person who once held Saint Dragon Destiny!

She is very aware of that person’s strength. At that time, his Destiny was almost taken away and almost became a waste. But in the end, he climbed up step by step and completed the nearly impossible turnaround, turning over Wu Huang and even Great Wu All this is enough to show that he is not simple, so Wu Yao can’t believe that a Chen Xuandong can stop him.

Zhou Yuan, are you here to regain Saint Dragon Qi?”

Wu Yao whispered in her heart, but in the depths of her pair of phoenix eyes, she had a kind of almost morbid madness secretly surging.

“Then come!”

“See if you ate me! Or I ate you!”

Purple Firmament Territory.

In a boudoir filled with light fragrance.

Su Youwei sat on her knees on the bed. At this time, she covered her small mouth tightly with one small hand. Her eyes looked at the radiance from jade slip on the other palm with water, and those radiance interweave to form a Unreal light shadow.

light shadow is a man’s figure, that clear face, who is not Zhou Yuan?

Your Highness, really you…”

Su Youwei covered her small mouth, and her eyes were filled with pitiful water. If you look at this picture, other disciples of Purple Firmament Territory will see it.

But Su Youwei didn’t care about it. After inquiring over this period of time, she finally got the information of the Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan from Heaven Abyss Territory. The image in front of her, the familiar look, she was just sure at first glance …

Although it has not been see again/goodbye for many years, although the image in front of me is more mature than the person in the memory of that year, the memory buried in the deep of Su Youwei is so profoundly emerged.

So at this moment, even with Su Youwei’s toughness, there is an urge to cry.

Su Youwei slender fingers trembling, gently touching the image close by, the emotion in her heart made her suddenly jump out of bed, and she ran out a few steps with bare feet like white jade: “I Go to Heaven Abyss Territory!”

However, when her hand was about to push the door, she stopped again, and her mouth was aggrieved.

Now that Nine Territories Conference is approaching, she is afraid that she cannot leave Purple Firmament Territory’s.

However, this kind of emotion did not last long, but was washed away by the joy of the old friend again~IndoMTL.com~Su Youwei tipped around jade foot, turned a circle lightly, the skirt was light, then White and slender long legs dazzled people.

No hurry, he has already arrived at Primordial Heaven anyway.


In the room, there was a girl’s irresistible light-hearted laughter. She fell on the soft bed with her red lips and her lips slightly raised, and then slowly closed the pair of water-spiritual shear eyes.

It can be described as exquisite beauty.

Your Highness…”

“It’s nice to meet you again…”.

And under the attention of these parties, the a month time came quietly.

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