Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 898: ?Warbook

Nine Territories is the respect of Primordial Heaven, which is the consensus among the entire Heaven and Earth.


   The developer of Nine Territories, not to say that it is in Primordial Heaven, even if it is placed in the all Heavens except Saint Race, it is definitely the most high-level exist(ence), because of their exist(ence), Primordial Heaven can only become the most strong against Saint Race power.


   (first release, domain name (remember _三<>


   But the same party Heaven and Earth, where there are people will inevitably compete, Nine Territories, the same.


  Although under the fundamental decision to resist Saint Race, Nine Territories is almost the uncontested choice full power support, but in addition, Nine Territories also has great competition with each other, including in many aspects, Nine Territories Strong, anyone who wants to crush it, becomes a true Nine Territories respect.


   But when it comes to Nine Territories, if it is really necessary to break the battle with the war, the entire Primordial Heaven will be disturbed, and it will make Saint Race take advantage, so the overall way of fighting is Absolutely not desirable, Nine Territories is also avoided as much as possible.


  Since the high-level combat power cannot be shot, then the confrontation can only be limited to the low-level, so Nine Territories Conference was born.


  Nine Territories Conference participants are all Nine Territories‘s most outstanding super supreme talent, they will represent Nine Territories, in this contest, the final position, and the final position of Nine Territories Conference will also let the entire Primordial Heaven know, Who is the younger generation of the first generation Nine Territories?


  The summit climber will undoubtedly make the region where he will be the place where the next generation countless chosen child aspires.


  This is very important, because with enough fresh blood, we can guarantee that each generation has excellent supreme talent appear(ance), the leader of the group.


  Of course, in addition to this reason, the control of “Ancestral Dragon Lantern” is also particularly important.


  Ancestral Dragon Lantern is the top Sacred Relic, Sanlian sacred treasure, has infinite power, even the peak of Saint Realm expert also attaches great importance to it, and no one can monopolize Ancestral Dragon Lantern Nine Territories, so only the leader in Nine Territories Conference Able to obtain the qualification to take charge of rotation.


  While in charge of Ancestral Dragon Lantern, the right to speak within Primordial Heaven will increase the number of points.


  Because of these reasons, this Nine Territories Conference is destined to become the top event of Primordial Heaven’s, so every announcement of Nine Territories Conference will cause tremendous uproar and attention in Primordial Heaven.


   This time, naturally is no exception.


  All parties in the Primordial Heaven are hotly discussed for this purpose.


  Here, Primordial Heaven Divine Palace Ranking has once again become a hot spot. countless people tries to figure out those who are on the list and wants to distinguish the dark horses hidden in it.


However, there are dark horses, but most people still focus on the top few people, especially the Zhao Mushen that has been at the top of the list for dominate for several years. In the eyes of many people, this time Nine Territories Conference, this The unfathomable Zhao Mushen is probably the most likely to defeat the heroes, and it truly stands on the top of many supreme talent of Primordial Heaven.




  In Heaven Abyss Territory, the news of Nine Territories Conference also caused a huge heated discussion, but relatively speaking, the atmosphere of Heaven Abyss Territory’s was slightly negative and low. This is because Heaven Abyss Territory has disappeared with Great Venerable Cang Yuan’s in recent years, regardless of strength Compared with prestige, it is a lot lower than before.


   The last Nine Territories Conference and Heaven Abyss Territory ranked the bottom, which is a big loss.


   And this time, Heaven Abyss Territory Divine Palace generation, the strongest is today’s four pavilions Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, but even Zhou Yuan, only ranked 14th on that Divine Palace Ranking, although this rank is not low, but it is really a bit of a match Not as good as Heaven Abyss Territory in Primordial Heaven.


   Therefore, many people hold a somewhat pessimistic attitude. After all, they are really unimaginable. Why is the 14th person of Zhou Yuan able to compete with the top ranked super supreme talent?


   If this Nine Territories Conference, Heaven Abyss Territory is still the bottom of the ranking, then I am afraid that the Heaven Abyss Territory’s reputation blow will reach an unbearable point.


  But what can be done?


   is not as good as others, and no one really blames anyone.


   Moreover, when Heaven Abyss Territory countless people was pessimistic about this matter, another major event also broke out suddenly, so that the whole Heaven Abyss Territory was filled with indignation.


  The source of the incident is the top force next to Heaven Abyss Territory’s, Three Mountains Union!


   Three Mountains Union‘s predecessor was Primordial Heaven’s three first-class forces, and then the three parties chose the alliance, so the formation of Three Mountains Union, and its strength has also skyrocketed, jumping directly from the first-class to the top, and now it is regarded as the top power after the Nine Territories.


  The strength of Three Mountains Union has soared, and ambitions have also emerged, starting to covet the status of Nine Territories and want to upgrade.


  But after so many years, the Nine Territories pattern has been decided. freshman/newborn forces want to squeeze into it. How easy is it to talk about? So Three Mountains Union had to be forbearing, and their forbearance finally turned in opportunities, that is, with the disappearance of Great Venerable Cang Yuan’s, the Heaven Abyss Territory group of dragons had no head, and the strength was gradually weakened, so Three Mountains Union began to be tempted.


   Over the years, Three Mountains Union has been challenging the austerity of Heaven Abyss Territory’s from all aspects. Everyone knows that ambition.


   And for the provocation of Three Mountains Union, Heaven Abyss Territory is extremely angry, because they simply do not look down on the power of freshman/newborn. If Great Venerable Cang Yuan is still there, then give the Three Mountains Union ten courage, they dare not have a little provocation. !


   is really a tiger may even be teased by a dog when it leaves the remote mountains right now!


   There is no slight compromise in Three Mountains Union within Heaven Abyss Territory, so in these years, the friction between the two sides has become more intense, and the conflict has deepened.


   This time, Three Mountains Union was again at the time of the announcement of Nine Territories Conference~IndoMTL.com~The purpose of which is self-evident, obviously it is for the qualification of Nine Territories Conference, because according to the regulations, Nine Territories Conference, only Nine Territories is eligible to participate.


   But other forces do not have no chance at all, that is, if they can defeat the leader of a domain Divine Palace Realm, then they have the right to win the qualification of the other party.


   This kind of rule is also used to inspire Nine Territories. Mo has to be robbed of his qualifications and lose face.


It’s just that this kind of robbing of qualifications has not been appear(ance) for so many years. After all, the status of Nine Territories is there, no one is willing to offend easily, so even if there are some peerless supreme talent occasionally, all parties Will also be patient, not to provoke the face of Nine Territories.


   But this time… The Three Mountains Union obviously didn’t intend to do so.


   So, shortly after Nine Territories Conference was confirmed, a war letter was transmitted from Three Mountains Union to Heaven Abyss Territory.


  This book of war was divided into countless at the same time, spreading at the same time throughout Heaven Abyss Territory and other domains. For a time, this matter was in full swing in Heaven Abyss Territory and its surroundings.


   Because of this seal of war, it was issued by Three Mountains Union, a super dark horse named Chen Xuandong, who was recently famous in Primordial Heaven and ranked ninth in Divine Palace Ranking.


Above   , the words are short and straightforward, but full of domineering and confident.


   “Sanshan Chen Xuandong, dare to ask Heaven Abyss Territory Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan to give way here!”

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