Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 853: ?Off Wang Chen

Thousands of Divine Souls roared through the low altitude, and the vastness of the past, whether it was the golden Fire Lotus falling in the sky or the flames flowing out of the cracks on the ground, were directly ransacked and clean. .

  Zhou Yuan stands in the void. He looks at the Gathering Fire Altar in the center of forces. Now the golden flame burning inside the red ball is getting stronger and stronger. Among them, the golden Fire Lotus that has converged has reached more than 10,000.

   For this collection speed, Zhou Yuan is also satisfactory nodded.

   However, his eyes immediately turned to the far back, where over a thousand channels of Divine Soul led by Wang Chen followed them like ghosts, neither approaching nor leaving.

  Zhou Yuan flashed a cold color in his eyes. He knew that the purpose of Wang Chen was to stare at their every move, but he didn’t know why, he felt something wrong.

   “Qiushui (limpid), how long have we been in Heavenly Flame Cauldron?” Zhou Yuan asked suddenly.

The Yi Qiushui on the side immediately replied: “It is almost a day to calculate the time.”

  Zhou Yuan flicked his finger and slowly said: “At this time…Even if Fire Pavilion has a large number of people, should all be equipped with Scarlet Copper Umbrella?”

  Yi Qiushui small head nodded, said: “Almost.”

   “Why haven’t you seen Fire Pavilion Lord force forces now?” Zhou Yuan eyes flash.

   Yi Qiushui was stunned, eyes also passed a touch of uneasiness. Indeed, if Fire Pavilion is equipped with Scarlet Copper Umbrella, should they be the first to clear them? Why is there no movement at the moment, but just sent a thousand or so people to stare at them?

What does   Lu Xiao want to do?

   Zhou Yuan eyes glittering, a moment later, directly and decisively said: “No matter what Lu Xiao wants to do, first eat the batch of forces Wang Chen!”

   These batches of forces dangled in front of his eyes. If you don’t take a bite, it’s almost impenetrable.

  Yi Qiushui Liu Mei frowned, saying: “But that Wang Chen was very careful and kept a distance. Once we showed the attack, he would take Lima back and then continue to follow again.”

  Zhou Yuan chuckled and said, “Then cut them back so that he has no way to escape.”

   “How to cut?” Yi Qiushui‘s slender eyelashes blinked.

  Zhou Yuan smiled and said: “Did you find that we have fewer people?”

  Yi Qiushui hearing this, it was just a surprise, the beautiful eyes cast, it was indeed aware of thousands of Divine Soul, she seemed to have disappeared hundreds of unconsciously, she moved in her heart, said: “Meet this way In some big mountains, you intentionally stayed for some time. forces was hidden at that time?”

  Zhou Yuan nodded, said: “Every time there are dozens of people hiding, Wang Chen is far away, and I can’t find it at all, so I am afraid he does not know at this time, his surroundings have been blocked by me.”

  Yi Qiushui rejoiced with eyes and chuckled: “Pavilion Lord is really cunning.”

  As long as Wang Chen‘s back path is intercepted, then over a thousand people, they must be able to eat all of them, so it can be regarded as weakening part of the strength of Fire Pavilion’s.

  Zhou Yuan smiled and immediately waved his palm. Thousands of lines of Divine Soul stopped immediately. Then he turned around and headed out towards Wang Chen and other people violently shoots, power of Divine Soul roared, which caused the void to rumble.

   Thousands of Divine Soul followed, and imposing manner was appalling.

   And when he moved, Wang Chen immediately noticed it.

   “Hmm, idiot, I really thought I would send it to you for eating?”

  Wang Chen sneered and ordered without hesitation: “Go back!”

   Thousands of times Divine Soul suddenly retreated, and did not intend to connect with the Wind Pavilion soldiers anyway. Anyway, his mission was staring and entangled with Wind Pavilion, not fighting with them.

   Both sides moved forward and backward, but kept some distance at all times, and it was difficult to get close.

  Wang Chen saw this scene, and suddenly couldn’t help laughing, looking at the Zhou Yuan who was chased by the public in the distance. At this time, he had a kind of cat-and-mouse fun, after all this time Zhou Yuan is famous in four pavilions, and its reputation is not weaker than the other three Pavilion Lord, but what about it, it is not ashamed behind him right now.


   However, when he laughed, suddenly, the void in front of him had a power of Divine Soul explosion, like a layer of invisible barriers, blocking the front.

  Wang Chen laughter came to an abrupt end, he stared at the hundreds of figures rising up in front of his face, lost his voice: “How is it possible? When did they go behind us?”

   “Quick! Blast the Divine Soul barrier!” he growled.

  Thousands of Divine Soul shots at the same time, power of Divine Soul bombarded the Divine Soul barrier in front, causing the sound of wind and thunder, which caused it to continually stir up invisible ripples.

   And this is the time when thousands of Divine Souls led by Zhou Yuan have been chased from behind.

  Wang Chen‘s forehead with cold sweat emerging.

   “Vice Pavilion Lord Wang Chen, it seems that you are too careless.” Zhou Yuan said with a smile.

   The voice fell, and he didn’t talk nonsense with this Wang Chen. He stretched out his palm and gently waved it.

   “Destroy him!”


   Thousands of power of Divine Soul rushed out at the same time, just like a torrent, directly bombarded at Wang Chen and others. Under this absolute advantage, he does not need to exert any means, just need to be upright and crushed. .

  Wang Chen felt the majestic Divine Soul torrent, and his scalp was numb, and he hurriedly directed forces to urge power of Divine Soul to face the battle.


  The Divine Soul torrents on both sides struck together, and thunder burst.

  And under the thunder, thousands of Divine Soul screams suddenly broke out on their Wang Chen side, their Divine Soul quickly became thin, and finally turned into a blaze of fire, which was directly protected by Heavenly Flame Cauldron The mechanism was sent out.

  After several rounds of attack, there are thousands of Divine Soul on Wang Chen here, and there are only dozens of Divine Soul still supporting, which looks extremely bleak.

  Wang Chen looked at this scene, clenching his teeth, complexion gloomy.

   “Zhou Yuan, don’t you proud, when my Fire Pavilion Lord force forces arrives, it’s when you cry!”

  Zhou Yuan looked calm, he stared at Wang Chen for a long while, and suddenly said: “In fact, you are not here to follow? You are Lu Xiao sent deliberately, want me to think that you Fire Pavilion will come to trouble me soon? Want to hold me down?”

  Wang Chen pupils of the eye shrink.

  Zhou Yuan narrowed her eyes and said, “What is Lu Xiao going to do?”

  Wang Chen sneered and did not speak.

  Zhou Yuan was silent for a while, slowly said: “Your Fire Pavilion is a joint Mountain Pavilion, have you gone to the Linge Pavilion? After the Linge Pavilion has been cleared, should it be our Wind Pavilion?”

  Wang Chen felt a sudden shock in his eyes, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

  Zhou Yuan saw this scene, everything was clear, he complexion micro-condensation, he didn’t expect Lu Xiao was so cautious… Even when facing the overall strength is weaker than Fire Pavilion’s Wind Pavilion, he did not directly attack, but instead I plan to join forces with Mountain Pavilion to deal with Lin Ge first.

  As long as Lin Ge was destroyed, Fire Pavilion and Mountain Pavilion joined forces again, then under the absolute trend, Zhou Yuan’s is difficult to turn over by any means.

   This guy, after eating the previous losses, was so cautious that he was as stable as an old dog.

   He sent Wang Chen to deliberately stare at them, I am afraid that he intends to procrastinate with this. After all, anyone who is stared will think that the Fire Pavilion Lord force is coming soon, but who can think of Lu Xiao going the opposite way, even Abandoned the first attack Wind Pavilion and turned to Linge…

   Aside from Yi Qiushui~IndoMTL.com~Ye Bingling, their charming face also became dignified at this time, they understood that if the Lin Ge was first destroyed, then with their Wind Pavilion power, they could not stop Fire Pavilion, Mountain Pavilion.

  Wang Chen saw Zhou Yuan see through, and no longer concealed, ridiculously laughed: “Zhou Yuan, you are too small to look at Pavilion Lord Lu Xiao, wait for our Fire Pavilion and Mountain Pavilion to solve the Lin Ge, you will definitely lose!”

  Zhou Yuan complexion can’t make waves, there is an invisible Soul Flame condensed in his palm, one of the best, Soul Flame violently shoots out, directly covering dozens of Divine Soul including Wang Chen.

  Soul Flame is burning, Divine Soul of Wang Chen and others quickly becomes unreal.

   “Zhou Yuan, you have lost Wind Pavilion!”

  Wang Chen roared, the next moment, their Divine Soul also turned into a blaze of fire and disappeared into the void.

  Zhou Yuan looked indifferent and turned his eyes away. At this time, thousands of people in Wind Pavilion were staring at him, waiting for his order, and he did not hesitate, waved his hands directly, and thundered.

   “Stop collecting Heavenly Sun Flame.”

   “immediately support Lin Ge.”

   “Destroy fire and mountain two pavilions!”

   The voice fell, and his Divine Soul was the first to pass by. In the back, thousands of Divine Souls followed by the mighty.

   And at this time, outside that Heavenly Flame Cauldron, countless looked at the movement inside Ding. When they saw this scene, they were all a little surprised. It seems that Zhou Yuan already knew the plan of Fire Pavilion’s, the next four pavilions collision , Is undoubtedly the most exciting scene of Heavenly Flame Sacrifice.

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