Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 843: Joint crackdown

When the punishment result of the Fang Ao incident came out, it was undoubtedly a huge wave in four pavilions. Everyone didn’t expect Fang Ao would be so disrespectful of the rules and directly secretly kill the Zhou Yuan.

Many people are quite disdainful about this, but because of the Fire Pavilion’s power, they dare not reveal it clearly, but Fire Pavilion’s members usually meet other three pavilions, especially Wind Pavilion, when they are in the wooden pavilion. I will feel the contempt in the other person’s eyes, which also makes them feel a little stumped, but they can’t refute.

After all, this kind of outsourcing is really annoying.

Therefore, they can only scold the Fang Ao in their hearts to vent their blood.

Fire Pavilion, Pavilion Lord building.

Lu Xiao sits on the top with no expression. Below is Zhu Lian and other Vice Pavilion Lord of Fire Pavilion, but the atmosphere is extremely depressed at this time, everyone’s complexion is unusually ugly, because there were Sky Spirit Sect’s elders holding Sect Master Xuan Kun The purpose was to scold all of them fiercely.

This time their mistakes made Sect Master Xuan Kun lose a bit in the contest with Chi Jing’s, and even almost lost the position of an elder elder.

“This time, I made a mistake.” After a long silence, Lu Xiao spoke slowly.

Zhu Lian quickly said: “Pavilion Lord, it has nothing to do with you, just blame the Zhou Yuan that **** is too cunning, hiding so much power.”

Originally, they thought that with the strength of Fang Ao, even if the assault failed, it was not difficult to take someone out, but everyone’s strength in didn’t expect Zhou Yuan’s has improved so much in just over a month, which is directly one. The trick killed Fang Ao.

And in the end, even the Palace Lord Xi Guang shot, failed to solve the Zhou Yuan neatly, but almost took himself in.

If it were not for Sect Master Xuan Kun to come forward this time, all crimes would be directly covered on the head of Fang Ao. I am afraid even Zhu Lian would be affected this time.

“With his current background of 20 million Origin Qi Star and the entire four pavilions, only the three of us Pavilion Lord can suppress him.” Lu Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes slightly a little cloudy, Zhou Yuan’s progressed fast, and he was shocked.

“We all underestimated him…if you guessed right, the guy’s Divine Palace is probably a variant of Nine Divine Palaces.”

The other Vice Pavilion Lord hearing this are all complexion slight changes, mutated Nine Divine Palaces, that is quite rare. The whole Soul Origin Heave Divine Palace Ranking is rare, and it is no wonder that the guy of Zhou Yuan was able to achieve such an amazing background in Divine Palace Realm middle stage Just guess that Zhou Yuan may be a variant of Seven Divine Palaces, but for now, they are still too underestimated Zhou Yuan.

“But although he now has 20 million Origin Qi Star background, if I want to suppress him, it is still not difficult.”

“However, the premise is that before the battle of Chief Pavilion Lord, he can no longer be allowed to continue to have a huge improvement.”

“So, next month’s Heavenly Flame Sacrifice…”

Lu Xiao’s eyes have a cold surge of light: “We must cut off the benefits of Wind Pavilion from it!”

The Heavenly Flame Sacrifice this time should have been allocated according to shares. Their Fire Pavilion will account for 40% of them, but the elder from the past ordered that the Heavenly Flame Sacrifice will become a free fight.

That is to say, this year’s Heavenly Flame Sacrifice will be unexpectedly intense.

The danger of Zhou Yuan’s, at this time Fire Pavilion, including Lu Xiao, dare not underestimate, they have no doubt, if they relax a little, this time Zhou Yuan will definitely get huge benefits from Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, to In case his strength has skyrocketed again, it might really pose some threats to Lu Xiao in the Chief Pavilion Lord battle.

And when the elder had ordered it before, he also vaguely warned them about this.

“Zhu Lian, Heavenly Flame Sacrifice captures Heavenly Sun Flame, need to use power of Divine Soul as the network, and when it comes to Divine Soul realm, you should be our strongest Fire Pavilion, so this time Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, we can use you as the core.” Lu Xiao looked at Zhu Lian, said.

Heavenly Sun Flame can burn the source gas, so the capture method needs power of Divine Soul, and Lu Xiao is the most powerful, but compared to Divine Soul realm, he is not as good as Zhu Lian, so on Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, his role is not as good as Zhu Lian. Come strong.

Zhu Lian hearing this said immediately: “Pavilion Lord rest assured that our Fire Pavilion overall strength is far better than Wind Pavilion, Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, we will surely become the biggest winner.”

Although if you let him fight with Zhou Yuan, maybe Zhu Lian doesn’t have the courage, but if he is Divine Soul, he is not afraid of each other. After all, he’s Zhu Lian in Sky Spirit Sect younger generation Divine Soul realm, when it can be regarded as a leader.

On Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, the source gas is not cultivation base, but Divine Soul cultivation base!

Lu Xiao shook his head and said: “You are wrong, this time, our purpose is not to make Fire Pavilion the biggest winner…”

There was a glimmer of cold light in his eyes, saying: “Our purpose is to make Wind Pavilion no gain! So that Zhou Yuan can not take this opportunity to increase strength!”

Zhu Lian was stunned and said with some hesitation: “But with our Fire Pavilion’s strength, even if we can suppress Wind Pavilion, I think they can still win some Heavenly Sun Flame share after all, we can’t directly block them. .”

“Can’t rely on Fire Pavilion alone, then join forces with others.”

Lu Xiao cold channel: “I have notified Han Yuan, and then Mountain Pavilion will join forces to completely block Wind Pavilion and prevent them from contaminating how much Heavenly Sun Flame.”

Mountain Pavilion also shot?”

Lu Xiao‘s eyelids drooped slightly and said, “For safety reasons, I will go to Mu Liu of Mu Ge today. If their Mu Ge is willing to join forces with us at this time, I guarantee that their Mu Ge can be divided into 30% of Heavenly Sun Flame. Share.”

“Thirty percent?” Zhu Lian was shocked. If that were the case, then Fire Pavilion might have a lot of bleeding. After all, in the past, Muge got only two percent Heavenly Sun Flame.

It seems that Lu Xiao has invested a lot of money to deal with Zhou Yuan this time.

“Muliu is not quite right with us. Will he promise to join us?” one Vice Pavilion Lord asked.

Lu Xiao calmly said: “They don’t need to really join forces with us, as long as they stick to one side and block some Heavenly Sun Flame. In addition, when we are blocking the Wind Pavilion side, they just have to stand by and watch.”

“That Mu Liu will not have much friendship with Zhou Yuan, maybe it will refuse such a big benefit for Zhou Yuan?”

Other people look at each other in dismay, this is to completely isolate Wind Pavilion.

Zhu Lian’s eyes were burning, and said: “If this is the case, then we should be able to completely blockade, so that the Wind Pavilion on the Heavenly Flame Sacrifice this time, no particles!”

Then Zhou Yuan is said to have entered Divine Soul~IndoMTL.com~ is the same as him, but in front of this kind of whole, one person’s Divine Soul is also limited to be strong!

This time, we must let that Zhou Yuan also taste what is powerless!

Lu Xiao gently nods, as long as Zhou Yuan is held on this Heavenly Flame Sacrifice, then he will have absolute confidence in the next Chief Pavilion Lord battle, he will completely suppress the Zhou Yuan and win the Chief Pavilion Lord position.

As long as the position of Chief Pavilion Lord falls on his hand, then he can directly flip all the previous disadvantages.

Lu Xiao raise one’s head, looking coldly at the direction of Wind Island.

Zhou Yuan, Honored Elder Chi Jing thought they could win you a chance to close the gap between you and me, but I can only tell you that you think it is too naive!”

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