Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 825: New treatment

In the recruiting area, when the Zhou Yuan sentence is spoken, the surroundings are quiet and the atmosphere is a bit funny.

I want to come to the shock of the previous Zhou Yuan sentence is too strong.

Not just other people, even many members of Wind Pavilion are look at each other in dismay, Xiao Hong and Commander are also puzzled. I don’t know why Zhou Yuan would say this sounds a bit…self-humiliating…

Be aware that in the recruiting ceremony of previous years, every time you have to wait for other three pavilions to pick out the good seedlings, Wind Pavilion can pick from the remaining ones… also precisely, Wind Pavilion has a newcomer The title of the dump.

But now, Zhou Yuan has raised the conditions to the top 150, is this wanting to get rid of this year’s rookie ceremony?

How can those newcomers in the top ranks choose the Wind Pavilion instead of the Fire Pavilion with excellent conditions?

“Is Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan planning to violently abandon himself this year?” Lu Xiao slowly recovered, chuckling, and said.

His voice broke the silence, and it made everyone recover from the shocking emotions. Many people laughed out loud.

However, Zhou Yuan did not pay attention to the ridicule of Lu Xiao, and the tone is still calmly said: “In addition, here I have to add that in the future Wind Pavilion, strict assessment will be carried out every year. Anyone who does not perform well will cancel Wind Pavilion members. Identity.”


As soon as this statement came out, the Wind Pavilion members present were some changes that complexion couldn’t help but had different eyes.

Just because the result of poor assessment is too serious!

Liu Zhixuan saw the changes of some Wind Pavilion members around, and could not help but whisper: “Pavilion Lord, will this be too strict?”

He can feel that some Wind Pavilion members are not upset. After all, no one wants to have such a strict assessment out of thin air. If it is returned to Wind Island, I am afraid it will cause a riot.

Lu Xiao, Han Yuan also looked at each other and saw the bewildered look in the other party’s eyes. In their view, Zhou Yuan‘s behavior was simply to disintegrate Wind Pavilion.

This guy, is it really crazy?

Muliu frowned, and beside him, Mu Qingyan whispered: “Does he want to revitalize Wind Pavilion? But it is too simple to think that you can tame the Wind Pavilion with a big stick? This caused trouble, even if he was Pavilion Lord, he couldn’t control it.”

Regarding the movement of the Quartet, Zhou Yuan has no waves, and continues: “Speaking of requirements, then next, I will talk about our treatment of Wind Pavilion in the future.”

“In the future, members of Wind Pavilion will receive 70 return to origin treasure coin each month.”

Simply say it in a simple sentence, but it is like a storm, and it is shocking everyone in the field.

The Wind Pavilion members who previously had objections also looked at Zhou Yuan in horror. They used to be 20, but now they have more than tripled? ! what’s going on?

Even Liu Zhixuan, Xiao Hong, these people, their faces are also solidified.

Except for Ye Bingling and Yi Qiushui, no one can say a word at the moment, and the brain is buzzing.

The newcomers in the field, even the 34 Divine Palace Ranking newcomers in the front, expert, are shocked and unbelievable.

Seventy? ! This is even higher than Fire Pavilion by 20 full? !

How is this possible? !

Lu Xiao was also shocked for a moment, and immediately his complexion completely gloomy down, coldly said: “Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, did you deliberately make trouble? With your Wind Pavilion‘s background, why do you get this treatment? You are all Are people stupid?”

“If Wind Origin Pattern is your confidence, then I can only tell you, it is a joke!”

Han Yuan is also a sneer, only when Zhou Yuan is in favor of the crowd today.

Muliu’s brow furrowed, his eyes flustered.

The other newcomers are also suspicious of looks at Zhou Yuan, but looking at their appearances, they obviously don’t believe the truth of Zhou Yuan. After all, as Lu Xiao said, background of Wind Pavilion can’t give such treatment at all.

In the face of the many doubtful eyes, Zhou Yuan slowly said: “Wind Origin Pattern is not enough to support this treatment, so… here I will also announce that from today, our Wind Pavilion will also sell three source patterns. “

His sleeve robe waved, with three jade slip source patterns floating in front of him.

“The three source patterns are Fire Origin Pattern, Forest Origin Pattern, and Mountain Mother Pattern.”

“They are the same as Wind Origin Pattern and One Vein, collectively called four Mother Pattern, and its effect is the same as Wind Origin Pattern. It can improve the overall to congeal source trace efficiency of 40%, and it is dedicated to the other three domains of Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda.”

The flat voice of Zhou Yuan sounded like thunder, which shocked the audience again.

This time, Lu Xiao and Han Yuan finally changed in color, and their eyes were horrified.

“Impossible!” Lu Xiao complexion Tie Qing shouted.

Zhou Yuan, do you know the consequences of cheating newcomers?!”

Always calmly Lu Xiao seems a bit gaffe, because he is very clear what if Zhou Yuan said is true, if the Wind Origin Pattern made by Zhou Yuan in the past just made them Fire Pavilion a little bit painful, then this time the three sources of appear(ance) Pattern, it is completely digging their Fire Pavilion’s root!

The foundation on which their Fire Pavilion can grow is because Catching Mark Pattern is so popular!

But now the wind, forest, fire, and mountain four Mother Pattern produced by Zhou Yuan is almost double the effect of Catching Mark Pattern, which will undoubtedly make Catching Mark Pattern no longer interested!

Zhou Yuan smiled at the sight and waved his sleeve robe, there were many jade slip looting at the location of three pavilions, and then caught by some three pavilions members.

“These source patterns will be given away for free first, you can try the effect, and then you will naturally know the true and false.”

His casual attitude directly attracted Lu Xiao and Han Yuan. Is it true that Zhou Yuan said?

Fire Pavilion, the members of Mountain Pavilion catch jade slip, a little overwhelmed.

In fact, the members of Lin Ge took over with surprise. Even Mu Liu and Mu Qingyan grabbed each other. They looked at each other and their eyes were a little shaken. Obviously they were all very clear. What a shock four pavilions brings.

It turns out that this is what Zhou Yuan hides!

Sure enough, it’s almost a fatal blow!

The whole venue was a bit chaotic at this time.

However, judging from the attitudes of Zhou Yuan’s and Lu Xiao and Han Yuan, many newcomers have a spectrum. After all, if they cheat on this occasion, they can report it together afterwards, and Zhou Yuan will definitely not be able to eat it.

So, everything Zhou Yuan said should be true.

With these four Mother Patterns, future four pavilions and Wind Pavilion have unlimited potential.

In contrast, Fire Pavilion, once Catching Mark Pattern is suppressed, can they still support the treatment offered?

It was only then that they understood why Zhou Yuan would conduct such a rigorous assessment in advance.

Those Wind Pavilion pavilion member who were still dissatisfied with Zhou Yuan’s move before this time already had fiery eyes and heavy breathing. Under the temptation of up to 70 return to origin treasure coin per month, what was the assessment? It doesn’t matter if it’s desperate!

Moreover, if this level of treatment is mediocre, then it is indeed not eligible!

Zhou Yuan ignored Lu Xiao Tieqing’s complexion and said again: “Four Mother Pattern future sales proceeds, 70% of which will be given to Wind Pavilion, to provide pavilion member treatment, I will leave 20%, and the remaining 10% will be used as Vice Pavilion Lord, Commander, Vice Commander and other high-level rewards, rewards are based on contributions.”

“So, if I feel that I have the ability to become a Commander or even Vice Pavilion Lord in my Wind Pavilion, I am very welcome at Wind Pavilion.”

He said this to the 34 newcomers on Divine Palace Ranking, expert, and the effect is indeed beyond imagination. Zhou Yuan can even see a little ambition jumping out of their eyes.

Even the four of the merchant Xiaoling (Little Spirit), their eyes moved at this moment.

Zhou Yuan casually clapped his palms and said: “Then let’s start selecting people. Newcomers who meet the requirements can come and sign up if they are interested.”

There was a brief silence in the field.

However, silence only lasted for a short time~IndoMTL.com~ Because everyone saw it, the woman named Shang Xiaoling (Little Spirit) was at the forefront of the newcomer, and he was decisively facing Wind Pavilion directly at this moment. Shot away.

“I would like to enter Wind Pavilion!” Her slightly hoarse voice sounded without hesitation.

The action of Shang Xiaoling (Little Spirit) is undoubtedly like the primer that caused the collapse of the volcano. The quiet moment in the field was torn. At the next moment, hundreds of figures were almost crazy, and they directly came to the stone platform where Wind Pavilion is located.

“I will too!”

“I want to enter Wind Pavilion!”

Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, accept me!”


At this moment, the atmosphere in the whole venue was completely detonated.

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