Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 819: Newcomer’s Dictionary

The Wind Pavilion in the past few days is undoubtedly enveloped by a festive atmosphere. After all, in the past few years, the position of Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord has been suspended, resulting in Wind Pavilion almost scattered. Without the coordination of Pavilion Lord, the status of Wind Pavilion in four pavilions Almost at the end.

Other three pavilionss, especially Fire Pavilion and Mountain Pavilion, are constantly prying from the corners of Wind Pavilion and digging away some talented young supreme talents. This is also the main reason for Wind Pavilion getting weaker and weaker.

And now, there is finally a new Pavilion Lord, and its strength is quite extraordinary, which is obviously a great thing for Wind Pavilion.

As for the groups that originally supported Chen Beifeng, they began to disintegrate quickly, including Jin Teng and other Commanders that were attached to Chen Beifeng. At this moment, they are in an extremely embarrassing situation, so they are also quietly quiet, gray Dare not dare to have any slightest trouble.

They all understand that from now on, Wind Pavilion will be Zhou Yuan’s, even if Chen Beifeng is recovered from serious injuries, I am afraid that it will be suppressed to death, maybe even the position of Vice Pavilion Lord is difficult to guarantee, and even Chen Beifeng So, let alone them?

Now people like Jin Teng, etc., can’t wait for Zhou Yuan to forget them directly. Where else dare to have the slightest challenge?

Wind Island Central, Mirror Lake.

On the small island in the middle of Mirror Lake, there are two towering towers, one is the office building, which is used by Wind Pavilion members to receive mission for remuneration, and the other is the Pavilion Lord building, but this building has been vacant. Years later, with Zhou Yuan Promotion now being Pavilion Lord, it was only opened again.

The Pavilion Lord building has been carefully cleaned during these two days, and Zhou Yuan was moved here from the previous small building.

In the courtyard on the top of the building, Zhou Yuan stood with his hands down. His gaze looked out, around the sparkling Mirror Lake, there were training grounds, and at this time there were many Wind Pavilion members performing daily cultivation and learn from each other.

After a while, he looked back and glanced outside the Pavilion Lord building, where there was a figure hovering.

“That person is called Li Jian? Looking for you?” Zhou Yuan turned his head and looked to Ye Bingling aside, laughing.

Ye Bingling sneered and said, “This kind of white-eyed wolf has nothing to ignore. Now he wants to abandon Chen Beifeng and come back.”

When Chen Beifeng attacked them with the help of Catching Mark Pattern, this Li Jian was the first to turn to the past. If it is the behavior of others, Ye Bingling can actually understand it, but this Li Jian is her hand in hand The position of Commander can be described as kindness.

But Li Jian ultimately chose to betray, which undoubtedly angered Ye Bingling.

After seeing Zhou Yuan, he casually said to Yi Qiushui on the side: “Then find an opportunity to unload his Commander position.”

Today’s Wind Pavilion, he can make a decision, even if he wants to dispose of an Commander, he does not need to get anyone’s consent.

Yi Qiushui small head nodded, as a note, today’s Wind Pavilion and Zhou Yuan seem to be Pavilion Lord, but in fact, she is dealing with many things, she originally thought that this was a bit overpowered, so she also tried to report Zhou Yuan and let him do Decide.

But Zhou Yuan only tried for a little more than half a day, but some discoloration was pushed away again and again, because he found that he would rather go to someone for a fight than these broken things.

When he was Vice Pavilion Lord before, he didn’t have so many things to pay attention to, but now it’s only Pavilion Lord to find out that it is not as pleasant to imagine as controlling a cabinet.

After seeing Zhou Yuan‘s such resistance to these matters, Yi Qiushui can only helplessly let him in front of shake hands.

Following Xiao Hong, Lu Mingyue, etc. Commander saw Zhou Yuan at random and disposed of a Commander, which was also awe-inspiring, and some awe in the heart could not help raising the latter.

Qiushui (limpid), you are a real treasure.” Zhou Yuan sees Yi Qiushui taking care of many issues of Wind Pavilion and can’t help complimenting it. If there is no Yi Qiushui, now he doesn’t know how much he will burn.

Yi Qiushui glanced at him angrily, but although Wind Pavilion was a bit cumbersome, but for her who had secretly ruled Lesser Profound Province, it was not a big deal, so it was a good deal.

“I can help you solve these little things, but tomorrow’s four pavilions meeting, but you have to come forward.” She said.

Regarding the four pavilions meeting, Zhou Yuan‘s eyes are slightly condensed, saying: “I always feel that some comers are not good.”

“Do you know what this four pavilions meeting will do?”

Ye Bingling pondered for a while, and said: “I think it may have something to do with the newcomer ceremony.”

“Rookie Classic?” Zhou Yuan blinked.

When Yi Qiushui saw the puzzled look of Zhou Yuan, he couldn’t help but gently support his forehead and nibbled at the silver teeth: “Did I collect all the information yesterday and put it on your desk? Didn’t you read it?”

Zhou Yuan complexion is a little embarrassed, so he tweeted a haha.

Yi Qiushui is simply unable to complain about the irresponsibility of this Pavilion Lord, saying: “Every year there will be new parties supreme talent coming to Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave, and after their review, they will come to four pavilions, which is the newcomer ceremony.”

“The Rookie Classic is extremely important for four pavilions, because it represents fresh blood, and there are also some good seedlings. If you can enter absorb, it will greatly enhance the strength of Wind Pavilion.”

“So every time the rookie ceremony, four pavilions will compete for shares.”

“But… there is no Wind Pavilion in us.”

Zhou Yuan was startled, and said, “What do you mean?”

“In the oldest days, according to the rules, four pavilions each had a 25% share, which could not be exceeded, but later Wind Pavilion and Pavilion Lord were gone, so naturally they were not eligible to participate in the Pavilion Lord Conference meeting, so in the end Lu Xiao and Han Yuan joined forces to swallow We lost most of the newcomer share of Wind Pavilion.” Yi Qiushui explained.

Zhou Yuan frowned and said, “How much do we swallow?”

“Almost everything.” Ye Bingling answered, and her charming face was also a bit ugly.

“Every year’s newcomer ceremony, Fire Pavilion and Mountain Pavilion are the fastest in grabbing people, and finally leave some crooked melons and dates to Wind Pavilion… It’s almost the same, so in the past two years, Wind Pavilion background is getting worse. /

Zhou Yuan‘s mouth corners are slightly drawn, and the Lu Xiao and Han Yuan are too ugly to eat.

Zhou Yuan thought about it, voice calmly said: “I didn’t care how they used to be, but now that I am Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, then we have to return all of our Wind Pavilion.”

“I don’t take advantage of anyone, but don’t want to take advantage of me~IndoMTL.com~He is now Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, here is his basic dish, don’t look at it is just some Divine Palace Realm, but the future refers to Someone may be in a high position in Heaven Abyss Territory, so he naturally needs to maintain this plate.

Yi Qiushui and Ye Bingling glanced at each other. If this is the case, it’s sure that tomorrow’s Pavilion Lord Conference will not be small.

“Another problem.”

Yi Qiushui bit his red lips and pondered: “Even if we get back the share, I am afraid that in the newcomer’s ceremony, there is still no way to win Fire Pavilion, Mountain Pavilion, those excellent talents, they will choose them in all likelihood, like that In the first place, we can only get newcomers who have been eliminated by them.”

“Why?” Zhou Yuan asked.

Ye Bingling sighed helplessly and said heavily: “Because of treatment.”

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