Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 813: The shock of the complete Wind Spirit Pattern

The magnificent source of azure-golden flooded within Heaven and Earth, revealing countless Origin Qi Star when shining in the sky, a sense of oppression that made many people feel suffocated from the body of Zhou Yuan’s at this time, and the calm lake surface was accompanied by a storm.

And around the lake, countless Dao looked at this scene with almost stunned eyes.

Even the characters like Lu Xiao and Han Yuan are distracted by appear(ance) for a moment.

Their eyes are almost solidified and stick to the ancient source pattern of perfection on the back of the Zhou Yuan hand…

That is… the complete Wind Spirit Pattern? !

“How is it possible! How could he complete Wind Spirit Pattern to congeal in two months?!” Han Yuan finally recovered and lost his voice.

Lu Xiao‘s eye corners are also slightly twitching, and the original complexion has become a lot of gloomy. Zhou Yuan, even he is didn’t expect.

“He created Wind Origin Pattern, which shows that his Divine Soul is not weak. If the problem of blood and qi is solved again, and the return to origin treasure coin sold by Wind Origin Pattern is added, the to congeal speed is indeed far beyond ordinary people.” Lu Xiao took a deep breath, Road.

“That wouldn’t be so fast!” Han Yuan retorted that it wasn’t only appear(ance) who passed Zhou Yuan for these years.

Lu Xiao didn’t say more, because it’s useless to say anything, whatever the reason, what Zhou Yuan is doing now is enough to cause a sensation.

Two months later, to congeal produced a Wind Spirit Pattern. This speed is Heaven Abyss Territory, unprecedented!

His eyes glanced over a shadowy color. Originally, he thought Zhou Yuan was just a small character that was kneaded at random, but now, his assessment turned out to be a little wrong with appear(ance)

Wind Spirit Pattern from to congeal in two months?!”

In the Lin Pavilion, Mu Qingyan is also a ruddy little mouth slightly opened, and the small face is covered with the color of vibration: “Is this too fast?”

“And how did his Wind Spirit Pattern grow by about 3 million Origin Qi Star!”

The clean-looking wooden willow was also stunned for a moment, and then sucked his mouth, saying: “This kid is really insidious. Although I previously felt that he was a little hidden, but also didn’t expect, he even hid a complete Wind Spirit Pattern !”

“As for the growth of three million Origin Qi Star background, it is not surprising, which shows that his to congeal‘s Wind Spirit Pattern is extremely perfection, and in the past there have been talented people who have achieved it.”

“However, in just two months, to congeal can produce a complete Wind Spirit Pattern, and still the perfection, he is the first one.”

Muliu sighed and shook his head, then said seriously: “This guy is more cunning than I thought. Let’s stay away from him in the future.”

Mu Qingyan said with beautiful eyes: “I think it’s not bad. If we Linge and Wind Pavilion join forces, we are not afraid of Lu Xiao, Han Yuan them!”

Muliu shook his head again and again: “I always feel that it’s okay to be close to this guy, maybe he will sell it to me.”

However, Mu Qingyan gave him a blank look and said, “The objection is invalid, because I am the finalist in the Lin Ge!”

Muliu Junlang’s complexion suddenly felt bitter and whispered: “I’m also the Pavilion Lord of Lin Gezheng, you have to give me some face.”

Mu Qingyan snorted softly and ignored him, looking at the field with beautiful eyes.

At Wind Pavilion, everyone is also in a shocked silence.

After a long time, Ye Bingling just blinked first, his tone somewhat uncertain: “Is that a complete Wind Spirit Pattern?”

Yi Qiushui, Liu Zhixuan glanced at each other, and then some nodded who was not sure, said: “Although I don’t know if it is true, but the Zhou Yuan’s source gas background is indeed skyrocketing…”

Ye Bingling long breathed out and said: “That’s it.”

Her beautiful eyes stared at the Zhou Yuan’s figure in a complicated way, white teeth bit her red lips tightly, and said: “This guy… turned out to be so strong, but still hiding behind to watch my good show, it was too much!”

However, although they are talking too much, they can all feel Yi Qiushui. The tight body of Ye Bingling has been loosened a lot at this time. The eyebrows are also relieved, after all, no matter how, The position of Pavilion Lord falls on the head of Zhou Yuan, which is countless times better than that on the head of Chen Beifeng.

Now that the complete Wind Spirit Pattern is revealed, the source gas background has soared to 14 million Zhou Yuan, and it has the strength to truly fear Chen Beifeng.

The whole lake is immersed in the shock of that complete Wind Spirit Pattern.

That scene also fell into the eyes of the two big brothers at the highest point.

It has always been like a fake Sect Master Xuan Kun. At this time, his eyes have been opened and locked on Zhou Yuan’s. His deep eyes slightly fluctuated, and then said: “The original Honored Elder Chi Jing is also prepared.”

Obviously, he already understands that this Vice Pavilion Lord, which was valued by Chi Jing two months ago and directly airborne to Wind Pavilion, is what Chi Jing prepared for today.

No wonder Chi Jing will open up the dispute of Pavilion Lord

Chi Jing leaned leaning on the throne and said with a smile: “four pavilions is Wind Pavilion still in my hands, you don’t always do boring things, if you really want Sect Master Xuan Kun, just talk to me. ?”

Sect Master Xuan Kun smiled and said: “Don’t dare to say this, otherwise Great Venerable Cang Yuan will return in the future, but it is my old guy who bullied Honored Elder Chi Jing.”

Chi Jing complexion is the same, but there is a sneer in my heart. You old man really is a **** and wants to set up a memorial arch.

If she didn’t keep Zhou Yuan this time, I am afraid that Wind Pavilion is really going to be succeeded by Sky Spirit Sect.

But for Zhou Yuan to produce a complete Wind Spirit Pattern from to congeal within two months, she doesn’t feel incredible, because she also cultivation and Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art, knowing what is at the core of Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda…and there, even Sect Master Xuan Kun and others All three honored elders cannot enter.

In the lake square that has attracted much attention.

Chen Beifeng finally recovered gradually from that shock. He looked at the complete Wind Spirit Pattern on the back of his Zhou Yuan hand, and his face became a little distorted. hoarsely said: “How can you get out of to congeal in just two months? Complete Wind Spirit Pattern?!”

He was still taunting and sarcastic, but who could have imagined that these taunts turned into slaps on his face.

The 14 million source gas background of Zhou Yuan is not much weaker than him.

Moreover, he can clearly feel that the source gas of Zhou Yuan’s~IndoMTL.com~ is higher than the Mind Confusing Yellow Wind Qi rank of his cultivation! That is to say, even though the source gas background of Zhou Yuan is slightly weaker than him, but it is hard to fight, but it will not necessarily suffer.

The original desperate gap between the two sides has been bridged by Zhou Yuan in an incredible way at this time.

However, in the face of the hysterical voice of Chen Beifeng, Zhou Yuan still ignored it. He felt the turbulent source of landslide and tsunami in his body. He took a deep breath of damp and cold air, and then he again Raise your palm.

In the palm of your hand, a sword pill slowly emerged.


The sound of Jianming resounded.

“Will you try me another sword?”

(One more today.)

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