Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 802: Shock

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Wind Island, small building where Ye Bingling lives.

Ye Bingling sits in the upper position, her cold and cheeks appear haggard at this time, and her tight red lips show that she is in a bad mood.

On the side, in addition to Yi Qiushui and Liu Zhixuan, there are dozens of figures that are also low-looking. These people are regarded as the core supporters of Ye Bingling, and they are also in a high position in Wind Pavilion.

Ye Bingling slender jade finger rubbed his eyebrows, and beautiful eyes swept the room, suddenly asked: “What about Li Jian?”

After hearing this, some of the people present at complexion changed a little bit. After a while, some people suppressed anger‘s answer: “That **** seems to be going to Chen Beifeng.”

Ye Bingling hearing this, the jade hand could not help but clenched tightly, her eyes condensed with coldness, but in the end she was just a table beat by heavily and did not speak.

But anyone can see that Ye Bingling is very angry at this time, because this Li Jian is in the position of Commander, which is the only two Commander supporters of Ye Bingling before Zhou Yuan came to Wind Island.

If other people choose to turn to Chen Beifeng because of Catching Mark Pattern, in fact, she is not very angry. After all, others have not received any substantial benefits from her. They are only supported by her personal charm, but this is different from Li Jian. If it weren’t for Ye Bingling, he would never be able to ascend to Commander.

However, her didn’t expect is that this person who has been greatly favored by her will now choose to betray her because of Catching Mark Pattern. You know, even the latest Xiao Hong, Li Fa, Lu Mingyue three Commander who have joined them have been No swinging mentality has ever been revealed.

“This white-eyed wolf!” someone yelled out.

Yi Qiushui said softly: “I’m afraid this Li Jian Commander already has this heart, Catching Mark Pattern is just an introduction.”

Other people hearing this are even more angry, even Ye Bingling silver teeth can’t help biting creak.

But in the end, Ye Bingling can only sigh. Now, in this situation, she can’t do anything at all. The lethality of Catching Mark Pattern is too great for ordinary members.

I’m afraid I can only wait until the Pavilion Lord dispute. If she can win and win the position of Pavilion Lord, then she can directly order the prohibition of Chen Beifeng.

But … it is not so easy to defeat Chen Beifeng and win the Pavilion Lord position.

“What about Zhou Yuan?” Ye Bingling asked.

Yi Qiushui smiled bitterly and said: “It seems to be closed, there is no movement.”

Hearing this, some hard-line supporters of Ye Bingling could n’t help but complain: “This Vice Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan is too unreliable. It ’s clearly that he caused this Wang Chen, and now it ’s out. Just hide things … “

Yi Qiushui hearing this does n’t know what to say, because on the whole, Zhou Yuan’s does take up a lot of responsibility, and the other party will have some complaints as well.

Instead, Ye Bingling waved his hand and said: “This kind of meaningless words need not be said. Zhou Yuan is not hiding. He is just trying to crack Catching Mark Pattern and then re-engrave it.”

Others look at each other in dismay finally shook their heads with a wry smile: “If Catching Mark Pattern is so easy to reproduce, how can Fire Pavilion have the momentum today?”

Where would they be so embarrassed?

This Vice Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan is really too taken for granted.

Ye Bingling also sighed in her heart. For Zhou Yuan, she did n’t really have much expectations, but there was no news for so many days, it would inevitably make people feel lost.

“Forget it, let Chen Beifeng toss about it recently, just be patient, wait for the battle of Pavilion Lord to come, and then decide the victory or defeat.” Ye Bingling strongly cheered up and said.

Everyone is silent about nodded, and now it can only be so.


But at this moment, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in and smiled: “I don’t like to endure, if I have hatred, I have to report it on the spot.”

Looking at everyone’s eyes, is the Zhou Yuan who hasn’t been seen in precisely closed for several days?

Ye Bingling gave him a blank look, ill-humoredly said: “What can you do if you can’t bear it? Go and grab Catching Mark Pattern?”

Zhou Yuan sat down on the chair next to Ye Bingling, stretched a lazy waist, and there was a trace of tiredness in his eyes. These days of high-intensity deductions obviously made him tired enough to choke. He picked up the teacup beside him, The fierce cow took a sip and drank it cleanly.

However, when he put the tea cup down, he smelled a faint fragrance in the mouth.

He was stunned. raise one’s head looked at it, but found that Ye Bingling stared at him with coldness, and placed it on the jade hand on the table, and the frost began to diffuse out.

Obviously, this teacup was previously drunk by Ye Bingling.

Zhou Yuan, you hid quietly for several days, but it was very leisurely.” Ye Bingling bit her silver teeth, a little itchy hand, want to clean up this guy.

Zhou Yuan smiled and said, “Don’t be so angry …”

He coughed a little and said, “And I’m going to **** what Catching Mark Pattern does, and now I can’t look at them when they send me.”

Ye Bingling stunned and sneered: “Speak less!”

Others, including Yi Qiushui and Liu Zhixuan, also looked at Zhou Yuan speechlessly, and obviously felt that he could not speak.

Zhou Yuan saw the suspicion and helpless eyes of the house, smiled, and then took out a jade slip and placed it on the table, said quietly: “This is the” Wind Origin Pattern “I created, which can also increase the absorption source. Mark efficiency. “

“The effect of promotion is higher than Fire Pavilion’s Catching Mark Pattern. They are 20%. My Wind Origin Pattern should be able to achieve 40%.”


As soon as his voice fell, there was a sound of crumbling tea cups in the living room. Everyone stared at Zhou Yuan in amazement. Even Ye Bingling was slightly tanned, and the expression on his cool cheeks was somewhat solidified.

Wind Origin Pattern?!”

“40% ?!”

After a few breaths, unbelievable exclamations rang out, and everyone’s eyes were shocked.

“You, what are you talking about?” Ye Bingling was also shocked. She looked at the jade slip on the table, and she couldn’t believe what Zhou Yuan said.

Zhou Yuan has been able to create a source pattern that can absorb the source marks in these few days. It is very incredible, but now Zhou Yuan also said that the source pattern he created has a higher effect than Fire Pavilion’s Catching Mark Pattern. Doubled? !

If you do n’t trust Zhou Yuan, Ye Bingling really thinks that Zhou Yuan was deliberately teasing her.

Zhou Yuan, in the past few days, you really created a source pattern that can absorb the source marks?” Yi Qiushui couldn’t help but asked, she was really worried that Zhou Yuan deliberately talked about it in order to appease them. It will only be self-defeating.

Looking at their skeptical eyes, Zhou Yuan is also somewhat helpless, and he is too lazy to say more, flexibly, jade slip source pattern flew to the people present, waved his hand lazily, said: “Go Try it on Wind Territory, it won’t take long. “

Ye Bingling grabbed the jade slip source pattern on the table and stared at Zhou Yuan with silver teeth, warning: “If I find you fooling me, Zhou Yuan, you will be dead!”

She got up in a hurry, apparently intending to try it for herself, otherwise she really could not believe Zhou Yuan’s.

And Yi Qiushui, Liu Zhixuan and others grabbed jade slip and rushed out.

The room was empty in an instant.

Zhou Yuan was a bit depressed when he saw it, but no one really believed him? Even Yi Qiushui runs so fast!

He shook his head and had to take the teapot and drink it himself.

And when he drank up a pot of tea, the sound of broken air was heard again. Then, the door was pushed open, and Ye Bingling rushed in with a group of people. , Their faces were surging with incredible ecstasy.

Their eyes are condensed on the Zhou Yuan’s figure in the living room. At this moment, even the proud Ye Bingling is full of colorful eyes.

“How is the effect? ​​It should be better than Catching Mark Pattern?” Zhou Yuan asks a little bit uncertainly after putting down the teacup. After all, he tried it himself before.

Everyone is a fanatic looks at, and then crazy nods, then Xiao Hong ca n’t help but be excited: “Then Catching Mark Pattern is **** compared to your brother Wind Origin Pattern!”

With this Wind Origin Pattern, their future cultivation efficiency will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Zhou Yuan chuckled: “These are just Wind Origin Pattern for sale, the effect is only 40%. In the future, I will make some Wind Origin Pattern exclusively for you, and the effect can be improved by another 10%.”

He knows that people who can stay here until now are hardcore, so of course he does n’t mind giving them some sweetness.

As soon as Zhou Yuan said this, everyone took a breath of air. Looking at the Zhou Yuan’s eyes, it was already fanatical and almost worshipped, improving the effect of 50%? What is the source pattern? It’s just throwing Catching Mark Pattern into the shadows!

Ye Bingling walked to Zhou Yuan’s and sat down. At this moment her eyes were a bit dazed, but she finally looked at Zhou Yuan, white teeth bit her red lips and said: “Zhou Yuan … you are too powerful.”

Even if they are proud like Ye Bingling, they have to be convinced.

Zhou Yuan smiled, and immediately put the tea cup heavily in his hand on the table, his eyes were cold.

“Everyone, let the news go, they are happy for so long, and it is time to cry.”

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