Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 800: spiritual light

When the divine light surged in the Zhou Yuan binocular, he shook his palm and Heaven Primal Brush appear(ance) was in his hand, and the snow-white nib flicked slightly, which was sketched with lightning speed in the void in front of him.

   The pen nib has a wonderful source mark.

   These source marks are intertwined, linked or fused with each other. In a blink of an eye, there are thousands of changes in appear(ance).

  countless Daoyuan marks gradually condensed, just like forming a magical picture in front of Zhou Yuan’s, and at this time, he is a painter, constantly repairing the defects, in order to make it perfection.

  Zhou Yuan‘s eyes are extremely focused. Sometimes Heaven Primal Brush brings afterimage in hand, and the writing is like a god’s help, but sometimes it will suddenly freeze. After a long time, it only slowly writes, and it is very difficult to outline a mysterious source mark. ..

   As time goes by, it will soon be half a day. Some sweat on the forehead of the Zhou Yuan’s has emerged. His pupils reflect the countless source mark glittering, power of Divine Soul is running to the extreme, constantly in Various deductions are taking place.

   At a certain moment, Heaven Primal Brush in Zhou Yuan finally stopped.

   He took a breath of heavily.

   He stared at the void in front of him, only to see that there was a light pattern, light pattern, rather obscure and complicated, about half a foot away. Every trace was made by the source trace of countless.

  This is the prototype of a source pattern.

   is also the result of Zhou Yuan‘s time deduction.

   “This source pattern is only a shell, but my shell is more subtle than that of Catching Mark Pattern.” Zhou Yuan said to himself, it was slightly proud of his voice, because he was attuned to his source pattern. There is still considerable confidence.

   has experienced strict supervision by Yao Yao after all!


   But immediately, Zhou Yuan’s frowns up, and the structure of the source pattern has been formed, but the most important core is still missing. This is the most difficult step.

   Like that Catching Mark Pattern, the core thing is the kind of Fire Pavilion extremely confidential and strange material. The core formed with this material can make Catching Mark Pattern finally effective.

   And Zhou Yuan does not know what the core of Fire Pavilion Catching Mark Pattern is, then he must find a substitute, but this is the most difficult place, Fire Pavilion in order to find this wonderful thing that can capture the source trace, must be through Only countless trials and final luck can complete Catching Mark Pattern.

   “But I don’t have that much time…” Zhou Yuan frowned, and now the situation, if it drags on for another day, then Chen Beifeng will gain a day.

   So Zhou Yuan at this time can only rack his brain.

  Catching Mark Pattern is like a cobweb, which has a wonderful viscosity, which can produce effects on the source traces of species such as Heavenly Spirit Astral Wind, and what other special materials can also affect the source traces. What?

  Zhou Yuan quickly flashed some of the material he knew, but in the end it was all thrown away, because it was not suitable.

   The passage of time, the night is already shrouded in the earth.

   And Zhou Yuan is still staring at the eyes, with a **** climbing plate sitting on the bed, whispering to himself constantly.

   In the end, he sighed in disappointment and fell to the bed weakly. He derived a new source pattern structure, but he stopped at that core material. At this time, he was really a bit Feeling exhausted, no wonder Fire Pavilion’s Catching Mark Pattern can stand alone with four pavilions, this thing is really unique.

   “It’s really not possible, you can only wait until next month to directly explode that Chen Beifeng…”

  Zhou Yuan pouted, he didn’t believe it, and he dared to slam after he had beaten the guy to death.

   just can’t solve the troubles caused by Catching Mark Pattern, even if he becomes Pavilion Lord, he will be subject to some constraints, and in case Wang Chen because he became Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord, directly blocked the sale of Catching Mark Pattern to Wind Pavilion, will undoubtedly really He was disgraced, and the members of Wind Pavilion would also be dissatisfied with this.

  When I think of this, Zhou Yuan feels a little bit stumped. It feels really uncomfortable that this necessary thing is caught by others.

   After all, it is impossible for him to find Senior Sister Chi Jing? That can hardly be said.

  Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth bitterly and could only sit up. He closed his eyes and ran the Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art to recover the consumed Divine Soul. He planned to continue to develop tonight!

  hōng hōng!

  When Spirit Sharpening started to rotate in my mind, the mysterious roar began to reverberate.

  Zhou Yuan’s Divine Soul stood before Spirit Sharpening, looking at the huge Spirit Sharpening, and when Spirit Sharpening rolled down, Zhou Yuan’s seemed to have a flash of spiritual light in his heart.

  Zhou Yuan opened his eyes violently and directly interrupted cultivation. His eyes were round and he wanted to grasp the spiritual light in his heart, so his body solidified almost like a statue for a long time. Slap on the bed.


   The whole bed collapsed at this time.

   But in the eyes of Zhou Yuan’s is radiance burning with ecstasy, because he grabbed that spiritual light!

   That is… the Wind Spirit Pattern mother body inscribed on the mottled Spirit Sharpening in the depth of Wind Territory Wind Level!

  The source marks contained in Heavenly Spirit Astral Wind are all engraved from the Wind Spirit Pattern mother body. The relationship between the two is just like the mother and the child. There is a very mysterious connection and attraction in nature. If…if he The aura, which can copy a trace of the Wind Spirit Pattern matrix, is used as the core of his new source pattern, then once it is urged, it will inevitably form a great attraction for the Wind Spirit Pattern source mark of Wind Territory!

   Moreover, that effect will definitely be stronger than Catching Mark Pattern!

  Because Catching Mark Pattern just passively waited for the source mark to come to the door, and then luckily stuck it~IndoMTL.com~ But if there is aura of Wind Spirit Pattern mother body, once the source mark of the body is swept over, as long as it is sensed, it will inevitably Come together like moths!

   One passive, one active!


   In this world, there is absolutely no material that is more attractive than the aura of the Wind Spirit Pattern parent to the Wind Spirit Pattern source marks!

   “Found it!”

  Zhou Yuan is excited, it is it, it is it!

  Zhou Yuan laughed from the sky, and broke out directly, turned into a stream of light, rushed out of Wind Island, went directly to Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda, then entered Wind Territory.

  He already has an eager to try.

   entered Wind Territory and Zhou Yuan was running Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art again. When the roar sounded, it was not unexpected that the resonance sound came again from the outside world. It was from the mottled Spirit Sharpening after Wind Level.

   Zhou Yuan eyebrow heart radiance flashed, Divine Soul directly broke out, turned into an invisible light group quickly lifted off, came to Wind Level.

  Wind Level rolled slightly, forming a small wind tunnel.

   “Thanks to Senior Spirit Sharpening.”

   Zhou Yuan Divine Soul fluctuated slightly, and then hurried up along the wind tunnel, and soon after, passed through Wind Level, the void of chaotic space appeared in the eyes, and in the chaos, the mottled Spirit Sharpening was like exist(ence) in the ancient times .

   And Zhou Yuan’s gaze, the first time bet on the azure light ancient source pattern engraved on the mottled Spirit Sharpening, that precisely Wind Spirit Pattern mother body!

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