Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 780: Wind Pavilion

When Zhou Yuan came out of the Golden Temple, he saw Yi Yan and Yi Qiushui who had been waiting, and quickly stepped forward.

“How about Zhou Yuan, did Chi Jing really make you Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord?” Yi Qiushui asked him when he saw him coming out.

The Yi Yan on the side caressed his beard, but he was restrained and did not act too eagerly, but the eyes that had been stuck on Zhou Yuan still showed his inner calm.

“Since Master Chi Jing has opened his mouth, how can I take it back?” Zhou Yuan laughed.

Yi Qiushui dumbfounded and said, “Then are you really Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord?”

She is a little unbelievable. In Heaven Abyss Territory, the status of Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord is higher than that of her Lesser Profound Province Province Lord. Once it becomes a real Pavilion Lord in the future, in terms of level, it is equivalent to the elders of her grandfather.

You know, Yi Yan is Nascent Origin Realm expert! He has been in Heaven Abyss Territory for so many years before he can climb to the position of elder, but what about Zhou Yuan? This is the first day to Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave!

The Yi Yan on the side couldn’t help but pulled out two beards and said: “Why do adults Chi Jing value you so much?”

Zhou Yuan showed a blank look and shook his head.

Yi Yan thought for a while and said, “It seems to be as I thought, Master Chi Jing is not used to Sky Spirit Sect, so this time I will use you to fight back against them.”

“However, you guys are really good luck, you have to keep in mind Chi Jing‘s promotion to you.”

Yi Yan lamented that his biggest expectation was to fight for a position of Vice Commander in Wind Pavilion for Zhou Yuan, but who could have imagined that Zhou Yuan was mistakenly hit by mistake and became Vice Pavilion Lord!

The jump between them is quite huge.

Zhou Yuan smiled at nodded and said, “Adult Chi Jing said that you will take me to Wind Pavilion tomorrow.”

“This is a trivial matter.” Yi Yan said.

Yi Qiushui’s soft cheeks are slightly bitter, saying, “Wouldn’t you be my peak?”

Zhou Yuan was stunned, and was a little surprised: “Qiushui (limpid) are you going to Wind Pavilion?”

Yi Yan smiled and said: “wind, forest, fire, and mountain four pavilions is the dream place of all younger generation in Heaven Abyss Territory. Qiushui (limpid) is naturally no exception, but because she is Lesser Profound Province Province Lord, she does not have a position in Wind Pavilion, just in cultivation.” /

“As for the affairs of Lesser Profound Province, Yi Family will take care of it.”

“Not only me, Liu Zhixuan will also enter Wind Pavilion, I really don’t know what expression he will see after seeing you as Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord.” Yi Qiushui laughed.

Zhou Yuan micro nodded head, can be a little acquaintance, that is also a good thing.

Yi Yan smiled and said: “Zhou Yuan, you should not have a place yet? Then go to live with me first.”

It can be seen that Yi Yan‘s attitude towards Zhou Yuan’s has become more friendly, because he is very clear that with the Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord that Zhou Yuan became, the latter is no longer the previous backgroundless lonely man.

At this time, Zhou Yuan is considered to be in the middle of Heaven Abyss Territory. In the future, if the Chi Jing adults are still very kind to him, they may not be able to go to a higher level. It can be described as a new star.

So Zhou Yuan has the qualification to let Yi Yan put down the posture to draw in.

“Then thank you Elder Yi Yan.”

Zhou Yuan smiled and thanked.

After looking at the relationship between Zhou Yuan and Chi Jing, he still didn’t seem to be arrogant at all. Yi Yan couldn’t help but feel better about him.

The next day.

Outside Yiyuan.

The white lion car Luan rises into the air, and the speed switch generally faces southwest of Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave.

After one stick of incense, white lion slowed down, Zhou Yuan’s looked at the front through the car curtain, only to see that there was a floating island on the sky appear(ance) there. This island is smaller than what I saw before, but around the island There is countless Storm wreak havoc.

The sound of the screaming wind can be heard clearly from Lao Yuan.

On the sky, there is a continuous stream of flashing light, plunging into the island surrounded by storms.

wind, forest, fire, and mountain four pavilions, each occupying one island, here are all Wind Pavilion, Wind Island.” The voice of Yi Yan came from behind.

Zhou Yuan is a little surprised, does the whole island belong to Wind Pavilion? It seems that Heaven Abyss Territory is really important for wind, forest, fire, and mountain four pavilions. After all, who doesn’t know, this Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave is medium-sized.

The Yi Yan sleeve robe waved and white lion roared, dragging the car luan from the sky, and the storm that passed by was all gone.

Through the heavily storm, the scene inside the island became clear, and I saw the mountains rolling like a dragon. The mountains are all thick and straight giant tree. These giant tree branches are like metal, and glittering is shiny. It is impossible to shake the whistle of Heaven and Earth.

And among the mountains, you can see many azure buildings, endless.

The location of Yi Yan is precisely where the white lion rides on a huge square facing the mountain center.

On the square paved by azure stone, it was full of human voices at this time. Many figures gathered here. At a glance, at least thousands.

And these silhouettes are all young, imposing manner is extraordinary, their precisely Wind Pavilion members, and their strength, without exception, stepped into Divine Palace Realm.

They are supreme talent from Heaven Abyss Territory parties, all of them are talented and unruly.

At this time, thousands of figures gathered here, forming a large and small circle with each other, which is very lively.

In front of thousands of people, there are two figures standing alone, it is a male and a female, the man is tall, the eyes of one eyelid are narrow, long and cold, and there is a sharp air all over him.

The woman is a white long dress with a delicate and delicate body, and her cheeks are particularly beautiful, except that the cheeks are always cold, making her like an iceberg snow lotus, making people dare not come close.

The a male and a female stands at the forefront, and when many people in the back look at it, they are all in awe, and they dare not step forward to disturb.

Because of these two people, precisely is now two Vice Pavilion Lords of Wind Pavilion.

Chen Beifeng, Ye Bingling.

Primordial Heaven Divine Palace Ranking brings together the most outstanding younger generation among the entire Heaven and Earth. The fierce competition in every position on it is amazing, and Chen Beifeng and Ye Bingling are in the top 100, enough to show their strength and talent.

So, even though the members of Wind Pavilion are all reckless, they are extremely recognized for their strength.

Not far away from the two people behind, there is a circle with the most popularity. In the center, there is a golden robe man. At this time, he is surrounded by all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

“Oh, I heard Lesser Path news, I heard that today we Wind Pavilion, the third Vice Pavilion Lord will appear, if not expected, it should be Jin Teng Commander.”

“It’s not surprising that Jin Teng Commander has met adults from Chi Jing and is highly valued by adults, but now our Wind Pavilion and Jin Teng Commander are second only to the strength of two Vice Pavilion Lord, so if anyone is the most qualified to become the third Vice Pavilion Lord, Then it’s Jin Teng Commander.”


Listening to the touted words around, the golden robe man with a humble smile shook his head again and again, but in the depths of eyes, there was a trace of complacency.

“This thing that hasn’t been shadowed yet, please don’t spread it, so as not to cause jokes.” Jin Teng said with a smile.

His eyes, through the crowd, looked at the front of the white dress Qianying, a little restless in his heart. For Ye Bingling, he has long admired for a long time, if he can become Vice Pavilion Lord this time, he said from the status, Not inferior to her.

“However, I seem to hear some rumors that the third Vice Pavilion Lord seems to be coming from the air.” The crowd noisy, suddenly a low voice sounded.

Suddenly boiled voice.

The smile on the corner of Jin Teng‘s mouth was also stiff, and he smiled lightly: “It’s all about catching the wind…” But Vice Pavilion Lord of Wind Pavilion has always been selected from Wind Pavilion. How can there be airborne reason.

“After all, wind, forest, fire, and mountain four pavilions, which gathers all the young supreme talent in Heaven Abyss Territory, can it suddenly come out and fail?”

He shook his head and said, “If this is the case, I disagree.”

The surrounding Wind Pavilion members hearing this are all nods, agreeing: “Yes, we will not agree!”

At the time when the rear was noisy, the beauty of the Ye Bingling in the front was slightly opened at this time, and she frowned slightly because she had received the news, the third Vice Pavilion Lord~IndoMTL. com~ is Chi Jing adults appointed…not Jin Teng.

“This is indeed a violation of the rules of Wind Pavilion. Master Chi Jing has a principle to do things. How can this time…”

She pursed her red lips. For Chi Jing, her heart is also full of respect. In her heart, Chi Jing is the target of her worship. She has been working hard in that direction.

Because of this worship of Chi Jing’s, Ye Bingling, who had always been so heart-warming, had a hint of thought at this time, because even her, she had never received Chi Jing’s appointed.

“I hope this third place, Vice Pavilion Lord, will not let me down, or else…”

She’s beautiful eyes, she is not willing to let it become a small stain on the perfect image of Chi Jing adults.

And in this noisy square, white lion roared with a low roar in the sky, several figures flew down from the car luan, and finally fell under the gaze of thousands of eyes. On the high platform in the square.

(One change on the weekend, try again next week to stick to the double change for a few days.)

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