Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 78: The law of landing the island

After hearing Qi Hao’s words, Zhou Yuan was expressionless, but there was a strong murderous intention in that eye. This Jade Infant Fruit is related to her Royal Mother’s Shou Yuan, so no matter what method he uses today, he will not let it be Take away from its hands.

Your Highness, this lake is a little weird.” Wei Canglan said suddenly at this moment.

Zhou Yuan glanced back, he also realized that there were so many people here first, but these people were just waiting on the shore. They didn’t dare to go to the center of the lake to grab Jade Infant Fruit. Obviously they were afraid of something.

“The lake here is half-empty, covered with broken source patterns barrier.” Yao Yao glanced at mid-air and said.

Wei Canglan is also nodded. Those broken source patterns barrier made him feel a little threatened and dared not rush easily. Obviously, the Battle Puppet Sect used to be the place to be protected.

“Can’t you walk past the water?” Zhou Yuan asked.

Yao Yao small head shook slightly and said: “The water is also weird. It seems that the more powerful the source gas, the easier it will sink when stepped on…”

Wei Canglan has some amazeds, waved their hands, and sent a few people to test it. It turned out that the stronger the source, the easier it is to sink, as if the lake here is unbearable.

“Even Cultivating Qi Realm is a bit difficult to walk on water.” Wei Canglan frowned. If so, wouldn’t he Absolute Beginning Realm sink directly on one foot?

He can feel that the bottom of the lake also seems to have dangerous fluctuations, and it should also be covered with the broken source pattern barrier. If it falls into it, it will be very dangerous.

“It seems that the use of source gas is not welcome here…It should be a vigilant means, so that only a few disciples in the island can protect Jade Poppy Tree.” Yao Yao said with a red lips.

“How to walk through the water without using source gas?” Su Youwei doubfully said.

Zhou Yuan glanced at glittering, glanced at Yao Yao and looked at together, slowly said: “Divine Soul.”

The power of Divine Soul is very different from the source gas, and Zhou Yuan also found that when he came to the lake, the Divine Soul that he had been suppressed in the mist before, began to become leaping.

“I try.” Zhou Yuan stepped forward, stepped on the lake water, eyebrows Divine Soul glittering, power of Divine Soul poured out, covering both feet, and suddenly the body that was going to sink slightly immediately stabilized.

“Sure enough, the power of Divine Soul can be used here.” A glance of joy flashed across Zhou Yuan‘s eyes.

“It turns out to rely on Divine Soul…”

And not far away, Qi Hao saw the movement here, and his eyebrows were raised, and he waved his hand immediately. behind suddenly had a man come up.

This man, complexion is slightly pale, and his lips are like blades. The source of gas fluctuates quite weakly around his body, but between his eyebrows, there is radiance glittering uncertain.

Obviously a Divine Soul quite expert.

Zhao Qingfeng, your master Grandmaster Ying was victimized by this kid and fell into the hands of Great General’s Residence. If you want to take revenge, now is the best time.” Qi Hao smiled at the man and said.

The pale complexion man hearing this suddenly passed the chill in his eyes. He looked in the direction of Zhou Yuan and said, “With this kid, how could it be my master’s opponent?”

“He is Great Zhou Your Highness after all, there is a means to deal with your master.” Qi Hao said with a smile: “As long as you can take that Jade Infant Fruit, I will not only keep your master okay, you will be my King Qi Palace guest official, cultivation resources King Qi Palace will do everything for you.”

The man named Zhao Qingfeng glanced at the fiery eyes, nodded, sneered: “Young Prince please rest assured, if you only compete with Divine Soul, it is not difficult to deal with him.”

He speaks with arrogance. He followed Grandmaster Ying for only cultivation for three years, but Divine Soul has reached realm of Void Realm middle stage. Even his teachers often lament his amazing talent, so he does not think that an age is younger than him Many Zhou Yuan can compete with him on Divine Soul.

The sound of Zhao Qingfeng fell, it was swept out of the body, and landed on the water. During the vibration of Divine Soul, the sole of the foot stood on the water and did not sink.

He looked in the direction of Zhou Yuan’s, and there was a slight contempt in the corner of his mouth.

When the two of them stood on the water, the other forces were also aware of it, so after a riot, there were dozens of figures appear(ance) on the water, obviously all proficient in Divine Soul.

“That person’s Divine Soul doesn’t seem to be weak.” Wei Canglan glanced at the direction of the Zhao Qingfeng and said.

“If you can only use Divine Soul here, I can try it for you.” Yao Yao has a bright eye. With her Divine Soul realm, if she does, no one wants to come here to compete with her.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, after pondering for a while, he finally shook his head and said: “The situation here is complicated, no one knows whether there are other crises hidden, you are not suitable for shots.”

Yao Yao’s Divine Soul is indeed strong, but she is unable to use the source gas, which makes her extremely fragile. In case something happens, I am afraid that even if it is just a collision, it may cause Yao Yao to have an accident.

So, while Yao Yao is formidable, it is actually very fragile.

At the beginning, Master Cang Yuan solemnly entrusted him to protect Yao Yao’s, so he did not dare to let Yao Yao take this risk.

“You first looks at, if I have a problem with appear(ance), if you are with Great General, you can save me.” Zhou Yuan said.

Yao Yao hearing this, no longer insisted, the sharp white snowy chin lightly tapped.

Zhou Yuan stepped on the lake and looked at Zhao Qingfeng not far away. The hostility in the latter’s eyes was not concealed, but it didn’t matter. No one can stop him from obtaining Jade Infant Fruit today.

The lake is undulating at the foot of Zhou Yuan’s. He took a deep breath, looking at the small island in the middle of the lake, and then stepping forward, is stepping on the lake and stepping forward.

Those who entered the lake in other directions also began to move carefully.

Everyone around the lake is staring at these figures without a blink of an eye, quietly.

Zhou Yuan and others walked on the water. After a few minutes, they gradually approached the 100-foot range of the small island in the lake. At this time, it was still calm and unstopped.

“It’s that simple?” Everyone at the lake saw it, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

And in those surprised eyes, Zhou Yuan and others stepped into the Baizhang area.


At this moment~IndoMTL.com~ The small island in the lake seemed to make a buzzing sound. All of them were seen. The Jade Poppy Tree in the middle of the small island suddenly burst into a bright jade light.


jade light swayed, only to see the light spot violently shoots with countless faintly discernible coming out, like a rainstorm, looming over everyone who was close to the Baizhang range of the island.

“It turned out to be Divine Soul attack!”

Zhou Yuan looked at the light spots of those faintly discernibles, and his eyes narrowed. These light spots actually contained the power of Divine Soul.

Zhou Yuan did not dare to be indifferent. His eyebrows Divine Soul glittering, a vaguely visible phantom sitting, the invisible fluctuations emanated, and the Zhou Yuan palm immediately pulled out the waist Heaven Primal Brush.

The nib flicked across the void in front of me, leaving behind traces of faintly discernible.

1st Rank source pattern, Soul Shield!”

The formation of the source pattern is directly transformed into a somewhat transparent light shield. In this light shield, the source gas fluctuation is extremely weak, because most of the power is power of Divine Soul.


hiding the sky and covering the earth’s jade light violently shoots came and struck on the transparent light shield, suddenly splashing the rapid ripples.


In other directions, some screams came out. Some people were hit by the jade light under caught unprepared, and their eyes suddenly became hollow, and their bodies became soft, and they fell into the lake.

As these people fell into the lake water, some violent fluctuations broke out in the lake water. Soon, on the lake, a pool of blood water rose up, staining the surrounding red.

All those who fell into the lake were killed instantly.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan, Zhao Qingfeng and other survivors are all grieved. The bottom of the lake is indeed full of kills. Once it falls into it, it will definitely die.

It seems that it is not as easy as imagined to get to Jade Infant Fruit to reach the lake heart island.

In this ruin, there are death traps.

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