Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 777: Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord

“You will be Vice Pavilion Lord of Wind Pavilion in the future!”

When this sentence spread in the spacious Golden Hall, almost everyone was stunned, and they looked at the happy figure after the azure jade case dumbfounded.

Even if it was Gu Yan, it was all mouth Zhang Zhang, a little suspicious that his ear was wrong.

Isn’t this Chi Jing still angry? Why is there such a sudden change? !

Gu Yan behind, the ancient seal is also trembling with mouth. If it is not the reason left in his heart that makes him understand where he is, I am afraid that he will be able to bear it.

Shouldn’t this rude boy be expelled from Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave? How did you jump from pavilion member of ordinary Wind Pavilion to Vice Pavilion Lord? !

How big is this jump? !

When Gu Yan and his two men were horrified, the looks of Yi Yan and Yi Qiushui were not much better, especially Yi Yan. He was slightly panic-stricken: “Master Chi Jing should not laugh, how can Zhou Yuan be Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord!”

When Chi Jing is very angry, he deliberately said the opposite, otherwise, it is difficult to explain the Chi Jing’s change.

Yi Qiushui is also not to be offended, whispered: “Master Chi Jing, Zhou Yuan is not disgusted, it is an honor to be a person who can become Wind Pavilion.”

Gu Yan and Gu Xi were relieved when they heard this, and they also thought that Chi Jing might be really annoying because of anger.

However, the Zhou Yuan in the field didn’t have any waves. After saying that, he lowered his eyes and looked very respectful.

After the azure jade case, Chi Jing ignored Yi Yan or Gu Yan at all. Her clear and transparent eyes were just staring at Zhou Yuan, and her fingertips scratched a deep mark on the desktop.

After a while, the stormy waves in her heart subsided gradually, indifferently said: “I’m not kidding, Zhou Yuan can beat Mo Yuan in Divine Palace Realm middle stage, which is enough to prove his talent, so he also has the qualification to become Vice Pavilion Lord.”

Yi Yan and Yi Qiushui heard this, and finally realized that Chi Jing did not speak back, so look at each other in dismay still felt unbelievable.

To know that the positions of Wind Pavilion and Pavilion Lord are currently unavailable, there are only two Vice Pavilion Lord as the highest managers. If Zhou Yuan really becomes Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord, wouldn’t it be a direct step to the sky?

It’s Gu Yan, complexion can’t help but get down, he said: “Master Chi Jing, an outsider who doesn’t know the details, how can he qualify as Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord?!”

Chi Jing eyes is bland, saying: “I said that it is qualified.”

Gu Yan was sluggish. His eyes were full of anger. He didn’t know why Chi Jing suddenly changed his intention. At this time, he had a feeling of being teased.

Wind Pavilion Vice Pavilion Lord, even if Mo Yuan is not qualified, he defeated Mo Yuan, there is nothing to explain!” Gu Yan said in a deep voice.

“I said that there is.” Chi Jing is still that cold look.

Gu Yan is very angry, but he also understands the status of Chi Jing’s. She is qualified to appoint Wind Pavilion’s Vice Pavilion Lord, and she can only say angrily: “Although you are the top five in charge of Chi Jing, honored elder, but I will definitely tell Sect Master about this! “

After finishing, he swung straight away with his sleeves.

He said that Sect Master is naturally the Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master who is the honored elder who is the top five of Chi Jing.

The ancient seal was also complexion ugly followed by his behind, eyes glared fiercely at Zhou Yuan before leaving.

Chi Jing‘s eyes never lifted when they left.

After Gu Yan and the two left, Yi Yan and Yi Qiushui glanced at each other. They didn’t understand why Chi Jing suddenly looked so optimistic about Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan, thank you Master Chi Jing yet.” Yi Yan said.

Zhou Yuan nods, respectfully said: “Thank you, Master.”

Chi Jing pupil light stared at Zhou Yuan, then said to Yi Yan, Yi Qiushui: “You go out first, I have something to talk to Zhou Yuan.”

Yi Yan and Yi Qiushui were able to see the doubts in each other’s eyes, but they did not dare to neglect. After a few salutes, they turned around and exited the Golden Palace.

Out of the Golden Temple, Yi Yan‘s face was unbelievable, and he kept shaking his head, apparently still worrying about the previous things.

“How can adults Chi Jing give Zhou Yuan a position of Vice Pavilion Lord?” Yi Qiushui couldn’t help asking.

The status of Wind Pavilion Pavilion Lord is equivalent to that of an elder like Yi Yan, and Vice Pavilion Lord is not much different. If Zhou Yuan is expert of Nascent Origin Realm, the treatment, Yi Yan is not surprised yet, but he is just a Divine Palace Realm middle stage!

How has such a thing happened over the years?

Yi Yan can’t help but whisper: “It’s impossible…Is Chi Jing an adult who fancy Zhou Yuan?”

Yi Qiushui charming face Yihong, angrily said: “Grandpa, you are really old and not shy, what are you talking about, like Chi Jing adults, you don’t know how tall you are, how can you see…I don’t mean Zhou Yuan don’t Well, it’s just impossible!”

Yi Yan also smiled embarrassingly, and looked at the Golden Palace at the back in a dim light. If this word fell into the ears of Chi Jing’s, he might not have eaten his good fruit.

So, he can only keep shaking his head, and finally said: “If you look at it this way, it may be that Chi Jing wants to give Gu Yan a little color. After all, they Sky Spirit Sect, and they don’t add to Chi Jing.”

Yi Qiushui nodded, only for this reason can be justified, but for Zhou Yuan, it is a pie in the sky.

“All Dark Guard, retreat.”

In the Golden Hall, Chi Jing spoke quietly again after they first left at Yi Yan.

There are some subtle source gas fluctuations appearing in the Golden Palace, and then quietly disappeared, but Zhou Yuan can feel that the secret vigilance in sight is also eliminated.

This made him quietly relieved.

He came in raised the head, but it was startled, because Chi Jing’s figure was already in front of him like demon appear(ance), a pair of eyes, staring at him without blinking.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan can also perceive that an indescribable sense of oppression gradually emanates from Chi Jing’s.

“Where did you repair the Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art?” Chi Jing slowly said.

At the moment when Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art was secretly operated by Zhou Yuan, Chi Jing was sensed, and the fluctuations were too familiar, because she was also cultivation

Under the watch of Chi Jing’s, Zhou Yuan‘s surrounding space is solidified at this time, and all the retreats are blocked. At this time, even if he wants to explode Divine Palace, I am afraid that he cannot do it.

However, his appearance is always calm~IndoMTL.com~ said: “Apart from Master, can anyone else teach Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art?”

Chi Jing’s looked shocked, saying one word at a time: “You mean, this is from Master to you?”

“What proof do you use?”

“Isn’t Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art enough?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Not enough.”

Zhou Yuan thought for a while and held out his palm with the source light glittering in his palm. Next moment, a black mottled ancient black brush, appear(ance) was in his hand.

Chi Jing stared at the extremely familiar black brush, some trembling fingers extended, gently touching, Zhou Yuan can see, her clear and translucent eyes, there is water condensation, and finally turned into a splash of water from the corner of the eye Flowing down.

She murmured.

Heaven Primal Brush…”

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