Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 773: Ancient Seal

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The Province Lord battle that occurred in Lesser Profound Province radiated beyond Lesser Profound Province at an amazing speed in the next few days, which caused an uproar.

Of course, if it is just a normal Province Lord battle, it is basically difficult to cause this kind of movement, after all, Heaven Abyss Territory Jiubai, Lesser Profound Province in it, is not too much eye-catching.

But the Province Lord battle between everyone didn’t expect and Lesser Profound Province involved Mo Yuan, supreme talent, who lives in Primordial Heaven Divine Palace Ranking.

And the most important thing is … Mo Yuan finally lost!

Lost in the hands of a stranger Divine Palace Realm middle stage!

In Heaven Abyss Territory, Divine Palace Realm countless, but only 38 people can be ranked Divine Palace Ranking, although Mo Yuan is at the end of the list, but no one dare to underestimate his strength.

With the potential of Mo Yuan, stepping into Heavenly Sun Realm in the future is a sure thing, and Heavenly Sun Realm is definitely enough to be a real backbone in Heaven Abyss Territory.

Even in the future, if the Mo Yuan opportunity is sufficient, it may not be possible to spy on further Nascent Origin Realm.

Nascent Origin Realm, whether it is placed in Heaven Abyss Territory or the entire Primordial Heaven, it can also be regarded as a top expert that cannot be ignored.

Because the reputation of Mo Yuan is quite loud in Heaven Abyss Territory, when this fiasco of Mo Yuan comes out, it will not cause a lot of uproar in Heaven Abyss Territory.

So, during the exploration of countless people, the message of the young man who defeated Mo Yuan was also circulated.

Zhou Yuan, Divine Palace Realm middle stage, unknown origin.

A strange name announces the birth of a Divine Palace Realm dark horse, but Heaven Abyss Territory parties are not surprised about this, because Heaven Abyss Territory is also too vast, the next nine hundred states, I do n’t know how many supreme talent are hidden, these People who have never had appear(ance) may not be as weak as those Divine Palace Ranking supreme talent on the bright side.

Something like a dark horse emerges, although it is not uncommon, but it will occasionally come up a bit.

Most of these hidden dark horses are arrogant. What they think is silent, it is already amazing, so if you find it in some heavy-level events, dark horses will emerge endlessly …

Of course, no matter how many dark horses are hidden in this Heaven Abyss Territory, but at least the name Zhou Yuan’s, this time has been spread in Heaven Abyss Territory.

However, the reputation of Zhou Yuan is based on Mo Yuan, which makes some people secretly gloating, they are not directed at Zhou Yuan, but at Sky Spirit Sect.

After all, Sky Spirit Sect has a big business, and it has also provoked many people. Now it is an interesting thing to be able to see the Sky Spirit Sect who has been acting so hard these years.

Not enough, some people whispered secretly, then Zhou Yuan should be a stunned figure. Although he defeated Mo Yuan, he offended the colossus of Sky Spirit Sect. I think it will be in trouble in the future.

Profound Province City, Yi Family.

In the secluded courtyard, Zhou Yuan sits in the middle of the palm, suspended a gem like crimson Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure, pure and rich crimson light dots continuously emitted from it, and finally drilled into Zhou Yuan’s in vivo.

These pure powers of Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure, after entering the body, follow the meridians, flow into Divine Palace, and constantly polish Divine Palace.

So cultivation, lasted a stick of incense time.

When Zhou Yuan opened his eyes, the high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure plant in the palm of his hand had turned into powder and dispersed with the wind.

Zhou Yuan saw this, and it was a little bit distressing. Nowadays, his cultivation almost consumes two strains of high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure every day. The efficiency of cultivation is good, but the consumption is really painful.

In this way, the 50 high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure that won the Province Lord battle for Yi Family this time, at most, can support his cultivation in less than a month.

Of course, if other Divine Palace Realm heard this, it must be violent, ordinary Divine Palace Realm cultivation, a copy of high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure, almost the amount of cultivation for a few days, can be put in Zhou Yuan here, but only stick of incense time, it is simply luxury Extremely.

But Zhou Yuan is also very helpless. Although his Primordial Chaos Divine Palace is powerful, it is also very difficult to polish.

“I still have to find a way to have a stable source of Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure.”

Zhou Yuan sighed, so if you sit down and eat the sky, once the Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure is used up, his cultivation will undoubtedly enter a very slow growth period.

More importantly, he has tasted the sweetness of two servings of high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure per day. If the share is lowered all of a sudden, do n’t mention how uncomfortable it is.

In the Zhou Yuan sigh, a Yi Family maid came to the courtyard and respectfully said Yi Qiushui invited him to the front yard.

Zhou Yuan asked why, and the maid whispered that it was Sky Spirit Sect.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, my heart suddenly awkward, click nods, then Sky Spirit Sect is Heaven Abyss Territory’s ground snake after all, if the two sides can be more friendly, Zhou Yuan naturally do not want to stand up against more enemies.

He took care of it a little bit, but as the maid rushed to the front yard, he met some young people of Yi Family along the way, all smiled at him with kindness and respect. This attitude is undoubtedly more than before. It is a world apart.

When I came to the front yard, Zhou Yuan went straight in and looked away. I saw a thin, middle-aged man sitting above the throne. He was wearing a crimson robe. On that robe, there was Flame lines.

Sky Spirit Sect, Scarlet Fire Palace.

Zhou Yuan complexion is calm. It is said that the master of Mo Yuan, Gu Yan, is Palace Lord of Scarlet Fire Palace.

But this person should not be Gu Yan, because although Zhou Yuan can feel some of the arrogance from him, it is only in Heavenly Sun Realm. Obviously, this is not enough to be a Sky Spirit Sect’s Palace Lord.

In the front yard at this time, Yi Qiushui and Yi Qianji are also present.

Zhou Yuan.” Yi Qiushui saw Zhou Yuan, got up and smiled, then said: “This is the ancient seal Deacon of Scarlet Fire Palace.”

She leaned closer to Zhou Yuan and whispered: “I have found a lot of relationships these days before I invited him in. If I can reconcile the relationship, it should be better for you.”

Zhou Yuan hearing this is a little touched. In fact, Yi Family should not be afraid that Gu Yan is in trouble, so Yi Qiushui is undoubtedly doing this for him. After all, others do n’t know, but Yi Qiushui knows that he comes from other Heaven Territory, where he lived. Unfamiliar and no background, in this case it is really not a good thing to be too stiff with Sky Spirit Sect.

The Zhou Yuan micro nodded header is a thank you, although he does n’t think it ’s necessary.

He raise one’s head looked at the ancient seal Deacon, but the latter had lowered eyes, only to applaud and did not glance at him.

Yi Qiushui turned his head and smiled at Guxi: “Guxi Deacon, this is Zhou Yuan …”

Gu Xi waved her hand and did n’t let her go on. It was just indifferently said: “I know, he ’s famous recently.”

Yi Qiushui is a bit embarrassed, what to say, then the ancient seal has put down the cup and stared directly at Zhou Yuan and said: “Since Patriarch Qiushui has found me, I have some relationship with Yi Family, so let’s just say it.”

“This matter has reached Palace Lord‘s ears. Although Palace Lord is a little unpleasant, his old man family has a broad mind and does not intend to have general knowledge with your junior.”

“And Palace Lord appreciates your talent, let me spread the word, he can earn you disciple as a registered disciple.”

Yi Qiushui hearing this, I was overjoyed.

The Zhou Yuan frowned slightly. It ’s just a named disciple, he is not rare. My master is Great Venerable Cang Yuan. What is Gu Yan?

Moreover, he felt keenly that there was not much kindness in the ancient seal’s voice.

“But …”

Sure enough, the ancient slogan One Revolution said, “You are sweeping the face of our Scarlet Fire Palace, and you need to make some guilt gestures. Well, when you play against Mo Yuan, those two high rank Heaven Origin Technique are pretty good, you You can offer it to enrich Scarlet Fire Palace treasure house, even if this matter is completely over. “

“Oh, you, your source skills, should be some of the inheritance you got by chance? It is a good chance, this kind of thing is not too rare in our Heaven Abyss Territory.”

And as his voice fell, the front yard suddenly became quiet.

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