Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 761: cultivation Jian Wan

The news that Yi Family has positioned Zhou Yuan as one of the foreign aids, although it has a confidentiality, but Yi Family is also talkative and difficult to truly ban, so it quickly spread in this Profound Province City.

The news spread, and no surprise caused a lot of uproar.

Obviously everyone is didn’t expect, Yi Family’s Province Lord battle, they will even ask for an Divine Palace Realm middle stage foreign aid… And Zhou Yuan is an unknown name in Lesser Profound Province, and there is no proud accomplishments and reputation.

So all forces feel very incredible about Yi Family‘s move.

The dispute between Province Lord and the fact that there are five places on each side is extremely precious. Yi Family put a foreign aid place on this Zhou Yuan’s.

This behavior is extremely unwise.

“This move of Yi Family is so confusing.”

Patriarch Yi died, and now he is the master of Yi Qiushui, little little girl, after all, it is still naive.”

hehe, I heard that the Zhou Yuan looks correct, and it was brought back by Yi Qiushui, could it be his love? So he insisted on asking him for foreign aid?”

“The two elders of Heavenly Sun Realm of Yi Family, even agree?”

“Alas, it seems that Yi Family is going to lose a lot in this Province Lord battle. If Province Lord is in the hands of Qiu Family, Yi Family’s plan in Lesser Profound Province over the years may be gradually disintegrated. Finally, maybe , Also have to be embarrassed to withdraw from Lesser Profound Province.”

“Yeah, then the Qiu Family will call out all the Qiu Lings who are working hard at Sky Spirit Sect, and it is clearly the position of Province Lord, and the ambition must be obtained.”


In Profound Province City, there are many voices, but most of them are watching the Yi Family’s Province Lord battle.

And for these criticisms in Profound Province City, the people of Yi Family are quite angry, but there is no way to explain anything. They can only swallow their voices, but in this way, they have to bet their blame on the culprit that caused this dispute. Zhou Yuan’s head up.

Yi Family backyard.

In an independent courtyard, the greenery is lush and there are old trees growing. The huge tree cover covers the small courtyard for nearly half, making it appear quiet.

On the thick trunk of the ancient tree, Zhou Yuan sat cross-eyed, eyes slightly closed.

For the Province Lord battle, since he took over the Yi Qiushui rebate, he is naturally quite careful. Although this Lesser Profound Province state cannot be compared with Blue Profound Sect, Zhou Yuan also understands that Primordial Heaven is the best of all Heavens after all. , He can’t really be underestimated.

On the knee of Zhou Yuan, there is a mottled black brush suspended, swallowing the source gas between Heaven and Earth.

precisely Heaven Primal Brush.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes, glanced at Heaven Primal Brush, and there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes. Since the awakening of the fifth source pattern “Origin Break” in Heaven Primal Brush, until now, the sixth source pattern has not been fully awakened.

Today Heaven Primal Brush is at the level of low rank Heaven Origin Weapon. If you wake up again, you might reach high rank.

high rank Heaven Origin Weapon, even if it is in this Primordial Heaven, it should be regarded as divine weapon, and ordinary Heavenly Sun Realm expert are not necessarily able to have.

Of course, Zhou Yuan pays more attention not to Heaven Primal Brush’s rank, but to the source pattern of Heaven Primal Brush awakening. Before 5th patternOrigin Break“, I do not know how much benefit it brings to Zhou Yuan.

And this is already the case with 5th pattern. I wonder how wonderful 6th pattern is?

It’s just that in the past two years, Zhou Yuan has always cultivated Tianyuan

Pen, that 6th pattern is also slow to show, showing that this Heaven Primal Brush’s has a big appetite…

“It seems that it will take some time.”

Zhou Yuan mumbling, but the cultivation of these years is not completely useless. At least Zhou Yuan can see that on the mottled pen body, the sixth ancient source pattern is gradually blooming.

It must not be far away from the awakening of 6th pattern.

Through these thoughts in my heart, Zhou Yuan is temporarily ignoring Heaven Primal Brush, but the palms are imaginary. An extremely sharp aura emanated.

chī chī!

The surrounding voids are all torn apart by the sharpness.

Sword spirit.

The sharp sword qi is constantly converging and compressing in the palm of Zhou Yuan’s, so after half a day, in the palm of Zhou Yuan’s, appear(ance) started a qiqi pill about the size of a bean.

Zhou Yuan looked at the little Xiaojian pill suspended in the palm of his hand, his eyes revealing the color of indulgence. The cultivation under his eyes is naturally Sword Peak’s Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique.

Now when he comes to Heaven Abyss Territory, he needs to constantly strengthen his own strength, and Blue Profound Seven Techniques obtained before leaving Blue Profound Sect, he must cultivation.

And among these techniques, Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique is a pure killing technique, and the attack power is extremely strong. Zhou Yuan was quite greedy when it was as early as Blue Profound Sect, so after getting it, you will have time It is enlightenment, but now it has achieved initial results.

“However, if you want to congeal Jianwan, you need to merge Seventh Metal Qi and Origin Sword Qi to form a real Jianwan. Right now, my Jianwan is still in a vain state, and its power is not strong.” Zhou Yuan said to himself.

However, Seventh Metal Qi needs to be extracted from some rare Worldly Treasure, the value is also quite expensive, and now the Zhou Yuan orphans, what storage is destroyed in the turbulence of the space, a living poor ghost, even Ancestral Dragon Scripture promotion place The materials needed are all cheeky from Yi Qiushui, where can there be Worldly Treasure that can refine Seventh Metal Qi?

Zhou Yuan fiddled with the universe bag around his waist, which was empty, which made him suffer a lot from complexion. It was really too poor.

It’s all Saint from Saint Race, which disrupts the space transmission!

Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth, and his eyes were cruel, and we made a note of this account!

While Zhou Yuan was sad, two shadows approached from outside the courtyard, precisely Yi Qiushui and her personal guard, Zhao Yue.

After seeing Zhou Yuan, the figure moved, and appear(ance) was in front of them.

“Are you still used to living in Brother Zhou?” Yi Qiushui said with a smile.

“Very good.”

Yi Qiushui behind’s Zhao Yue whispered slightly, whispering, “You’re okay, our Yi Family is almost the laughing stock of Profound Province City.”

Zhou Yuan coughed dryly and said, “What do ignorant people know.”

The Zhao Yue rolled the eyes is not so angry, and now the entire Yi Family is saying that this thick-skinned face is unheard of, and it is really not fake at all.

Yi Qiushui is interested in looks at Zhou Yuan. The latter’s careless and indifferent attitude does not seem to be pretended.

Her jade hands patted universe bag on her waist, radiance flashed over, and several golden boxes fell on the ground, saying: “This is the material you need.”

After seeing Zhou Yuan, he couldn’t help but show joy. This Primordial Heaven is really blessed by heaven. Just in this Lesser Profound Province, he was able to promote Ancestral Dragon Scripture to the place

The necessary materials are gathered.

You know, Yao Yao had been searching for Blue Profound Sect for a long time, but they were not completely matched.

“Thank you.” Zhou Yuan is grateful.

Yi Qiushui shook his head, jokingly said: “These materials are quite rare, some of them, my Yi Family treasure house are hard to find, or Uncle Toliu’s Profound Eagle Merchant Guild can only make it up, Brother Zhou, the price of your generation is not low What about it.”

Zhou Yuan blushed and could only laugh.

However, he immediately sighed again. The materials needed for the Ancestral Dragon Scripture promotion are complete, but the cultivation Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique has not yet arrived.

Yi Qiushui has a delicate mind and is aware of the worries between Zhou Yuan’s eyebrows, so she can’t help but ask: “What other concerns does Brother Zhou have?”

The Zhou Yuan coughs dryly, but this is what you asked.

“There is indeed one more thing, I would like to ask Qiushui (limpid) for help.” Zhou Yuan looked ashamed, saying: “I still need some Worldly Treasure that can extract Seventh Metal Qi.”

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of Zhao Yue were suddenly rounded, staring at Zhou Yuan with biting silver teeth.

“Relax, I don’t take it in vain, I will exchange half of the 100 copies of high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure!” Zhou Yuan said quickly.

Zhao Yue was all ridiculed. Those 100 copies of high rank Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure are Yi Family and won the Province Lord battle. Will it give you a good one? Do you think it’s your thing now?

Yi Qiushui Liu Mei slightly locked, she stared at Zhou Yuan, the latter also stared at her. From the latter’s eyes, she could see some helpless colors, but did not see any evasion.

Yi Qiushui was silent for a while, and said: “Brother Zhou, you have to pay for such a high price this time, and it is already not in compliance with the Yi Family rules. If you give something else, I am afraid it is not easy to explain in the family.”

Zhou Yuan scratched her head and smiled helplessly: “Understanding.”

The voice of Yi Qiushui paused, but then said: “However, I can’t take it out from the family, but myself, and some private possessions, I can temporarily lend to Brother Zhou.”

Zhou Yuan stared at Yi Qiushui in amazement for a while, and did not know what to say.

“Miss!” Zhao Yue on the side could not help stomp.

Yi Qiushui waved his jade hand and smiled lightly: “I’ll let people send things later.”

Finally, she took a deep look at Zhou Yuan without any insults, and turned away with the rugged Zhao Yue.

Zhou Yuan stands on the spot, he looks at the beautiful shadow of Yi Qiushui leaving, but he sighs~IndoMTL.com~ muttered: “What a great person…”

It was obviously a mutually beneficial transaction, but it was Yi Qiushui‘s hand, but instead Zhou Yuan had to get a favor. This time, in the battle of Province Lord, Zhou Yuan really must compete for full power, after all Once he missed his face, he really had to lose his face.

The point is that you can’t say that Yi Qiushui deliberately planned him, because she’s a trace of charity, and she just scratched the itch of Zhou Yuan’s.

If Zhou Yuan is really ruthless and unscrupulous, it’s naturally useless for Yi Qiushui, but she clearly understands that Zhou Yuan is not such a person…

This new Patriarch of Yi Family is very extraordinary.

Zhou Yuan sighed, and then waved his sleeve robe to put away all the boxes on the ground.

It seems that in these few days, he can’t relax. Whether it is the promotion of Ancestral Dragon Scripture or Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, he has to get full power cultivate successfully in preparation for the next Province Lord battle…

. Wonderful Book House

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