Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 757: Qiu Family

On the walls of Profound Province City, three Heavenly Sun Realm expert imposing manner burst into prosperity, and the powerful and powerful source gas fluctuation wreak havoc opened up, causing the void to be a slight shock.

  Yi Qiushui beautiful eyes were also cast on those three figures at this time. charming face was slightly cold and said: “It turned out to be Qiu Long Patriarch, the younger generation is low, it is not worth Qiu Long Patriarch to go out to welcome.”

   In the middle of the three Heavenly Sun Realm expert, a middle-aged man with a sturdy body looked at Yi Qiushui with a strong and oppressive look. indifferently said: “Qiushui (limpid) niece is worried, I came not because of you, but For the beast that killed me!”

  His gloomy eyes, staring at Zhou Yuan, slowly said beside Yi Qiushui: “Hand over this person, I will let you into the city.”

   Apparently, he already knows the beginning and end of everything from Qiu Ji, and also knows that precisely, the suddenly emerged Zhou Yuan, has broken their good thing of Qiu Family.

  Yi Qiushui sneered: “Do I still need the permission of Qiu Long Patriarch if I want to enter the city?”

  Qiu Long expressionless, said: “Qiushui (limpid) niece, our Qiu and Yi two families has always had a good relationship, during the time when your father died unfortunately, I Qiu Family is also trying my best to cooperate, I hope you can not be because of an outsider, broke you and me The relationship between the two.”

  Yi Qiushui cold channel: “So speaking, I still want to thank you Qiu Family for the protection along the way?”

  When she talked about protecting the two words, there was a hint of satire on her lips.

   Qiu Long whispered: “Qiu Ji they have no other meaning, just want to capture the small debris that killed Qiu Yang, if you hand him over earlier, naturally there will be no such misunderstandings.”

   said that he no longer talks nonsense with Yi Qiushui, his gloomy snake-like gaze turns to Zhou Yuan, saying: “Boy, take the initiative to kneel down and be captured, I can make you die a little bit happier.”

   “You killed me, no one can protect you!”

  Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes, smiled, and said: “Although I first arrived, but a Heavenly Sun Realm tone is so big, whether I have never seen the world, or have you never seen the world?”

  Although Heavenly Sun Realm expert is strong, Zhou Yuan has experienced the battle of Saint anyway. Compared with exist(ence) at the level of Sheng Yuan, the Qiu Family Patriarch in front of him is just like the gap between the country’s rich landlord and the dynasty king.

   “Although Heavenly Sun Realm is nothing, but it is enough to pinch your small debris.” Qiu Long glanced at Sen Han, indifferently said.

   “Qiushui (limpid) niece, don’t you really plan to hand him over?”

  Zhou Yuan can hear the killing intention suppressed in the voice of Qiu Long, complexion is calm, but his body is tense, and his footsteps retreat without two traces.

  He did not have absolute trust in Yi Qiushui, so if the latter showed some hesitation, then he would turn around and flee.

   Although I can’t beat Heavenly Sun Realm now, if I want to run, Zhou Yuan still has some confidence.

   With Divine Palace Realm facing Heavenly Sun Realm, it’s not a shame to run away, but to run away.

  However, what made Zhou Yuan a little relieved was that Yi Qiushui didn’t have any answer, but just stared at Qiu Long with cold eyes. That meaning was already self-evident.

   “Since Qiushui (limpid)‘s niece was blinded, then I had to do it myself!”


  When the cold sound of Qiu Long just fell, the majestic source gas suddenly burst out of its body. At that moment, there was a round of bright Sun appear(ance) in its behind.

  The brilliant Sun was transformed by the pure Heaven and Earth source gas to congeal. When Sun appear(ance), a terrible source gas pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth spread out.

  Under that kind of pressure, Yi Qiushui suddenly felt his body sink, as if it had giant mountain pressure.


   Qiu Long shot it in one palm, only to see the source gas between Heaven and Earth roared into a source gas giant palm about a thousand feet, directly photographed fiercely against Zhou Yuan.

   The source gas giant is as bright as crystal stone, which obviously compresses the source gas to a terrible point. Heavenly Sun Realm expert‘s control of the source gas is indeed far from comparable to Divine Palace Realm.

   And Qiu Long did not specifically avoid Yi Qiushui. Although he did not dare to kill the latter directly, but let her suffer a bit, Qiu Long was very happy.

  Zhou Yuan looked at the gigantic hand like crystal stone who roared down, his eyes were also condensed. He just wanted to withdraw and retreated, but he heard the soft voice of Yi Qiushui beside him: “Don’t worry.”

   His eyes flickered, so he stopped, but the source gas in the body was surging like a torrent and would explode at any time.

   crystal stone like a giant hand, carrying infinite power, like a towering mountain, photographed by heavily.

  However, just when the giant hand was a few ten feet away from Zhou Yuan and Yi Qiushui, a faint old voice sounded between the Heaven and Earth: “Qiu Long, you are a great prestige, run this city Come to bully our Yi Family kids at the door?”

   With that old voice, there was a red rainbow running through Heaven and Earth. Above the red rainbow, there was a fire rising, and the temperature between the entire Heaven and Earth rose at this time.


   Chihong directly collided with the giant gas-like hand like crystal stone. During the void tremor, both of them bloomed like a firework, and finally dissipated under the wind.

  Zhou Yuan raised the head, looking at the sky above the city wall, only to see there, two figures stood high up in the sky.

   is the first person, an old man with black and white hair, the old man is full of energy, and his face is cold and solemn. Next to him is a middle-aged man. Both of them have a formidable source that is not weaker than Qiu Long. The pressure came out.

   Apparently, this is the elder of Heavenly Sun Realm of Yi Family.

  At the same time, in the sky behind that city, there was also a figure of appear(ance), his eyes constantly looking over.

The people in Profound Province City finally realized the movement at the gate of the city.

   But no one came to persuade, nowadays Lesser Profound Province, the atmosphere is a bit wrong, with the Province Lord of Yi Family unfortunately died in Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, the position of Province Lord is hanging in the air, Qiu and Yi two families recently called friends and friends, all kinds of open fights, made this Profound Province City is also extremely lively.

  Qiu Long glanced at the old man with black and white hair, frowning slightly, this old guy of Yi Family, came really fast.

   “It turns out to be the elder Qianji.”

  Qiu Long said: “I have already said that it was not for the niece of Qiushui (limpid), but for the elder who killed my child, the elder of the thousand planes. My child died unclearly. Do I avenge him, Yi Family Do you want to blend it?”

  Yi Qiushui beautiful eyes Binghan, said: “Qiu Yang tried to hijack Dong’er, with this result, it is self-inflicted!”

  Qiu Long sneered: “Nonsense, Qiushui (limpid) niece, don’t think my child is dead, you will be able to splash dirty water on him.”

   His eyes turned to Yi Qianji in mid-air, indifferently said: “Elder Thousand, Province Lord Yi unfortunately died in Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, and I am also deeply saddened. These days, I Qiu Family tried to stabilize Profound Province City, which led to unrest in appear(ance) Speaking of it, my Qiu Family is a good face.”

   “If you Yi Family want to make me an irrelevant person, let me die in pediatrics~IndoMTL.com~ It is really too bullying. Although Qiu Family has no background in Yi Family, you are not allowed to be trampled by others. Of.”

   “If Yi Family does not hand over this person, then I Qiu Family can only fight with you Yi Family.”

  The sound of Qiu Long, resounding among Heaven and Earth, also fell into the ears of all forces in Profound Province City, and immediately attracted many expert hearts.

   During this period, Yi Family and Qiu Family had a game for the position of Lesser Profound Province Province Lord, but in the end, they had not completely torn their faces. Many people with clear eyes knew it. This is because Qiu Family has no reason to compete for Province Lord.

   But now, the death of Qiu Family is the best excuse for Qiu Long.

  Unless Yi Family handed over the murderer who killed Qiu Yang, he was able to block Qiu Family, thereby alleviating the situation.

   The Yi Qianji standing in midair frowned slightly, and thought about it was an insight into the intention of Qiu Long, which made him a little bit troubled, because he knew that once Qiu Long was rejected today, then the next fight between Yi Family and Qiu Family would be real Outbreak.

   And they are Yi Family, but they have not been fully prepared for this.

   While Yi Qianji was pondering, as Yi Qiushui stepped forward under the gaze of countless, she looked directly at Qiu Long with a soft voice, but with a strong sense of determination, it sounded outside the gate of the city. .

   “What kind of scheme do you Qiu Family play today, really I don’t know? What do you want Qiu Family to fight, I will represent Yi Family all the next!”

   “However, want me to make friends and dream!”

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