Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 718: Ginger Lei Jun

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Over Black Abyss.

All the giants at this time are all complexion wonderfully looking at this scene, who can think that at the time of this Blue Profound Saint Seal, the parties have not started to compete, but in Blue Profound Sect, it has already staged a shaking one to the core Story …

The dog blood and the ups and downs in the meantime made the giants present all tense.

However, some people’s eyes, when they glanced at the Palace Master Sheng Yuan that has been smiling, they raised great vigilance in their hearts. Now it seems that the die of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan was completely a seamless plan designed by Saint Palace.

The Zhou Yuan in the void space is also tense, and the turning point in front of him has caused him a lot of impact.

Originally, he thought that Old Ancestor Cang Xuan die was because of Peak Lord Lianyi, but now it seems that Peak Lord Lianyi and Peak Lord Ling Jun are only used by people.

And all the secretly promoted people would be Peak Lord Lei Jun!

Zhou Yuan swallowed a spit, Peak Lord Lei Jun had the weakest exist(ence) among Peak Lord in Blue Profound Sect, and Zhou Yuan had almost never dealt with it since he came to Blue Profound Sect.

In his view, Peak Lord Lei Jun is unsmiling, and he is in charge of within sect punishment. Many disciples are respectful and afraid of it. On within sect, Peak Lord Lei Jun is absolutely neutral, plus the reasons for his seniority, he It has an extremely high status within Blue Profound Sect.

Some decisions, even Headmaster Qing Yang, have to ask Peak Lord Lei Jun.

However, who would have thought that this person who has almost no sense of exist(ence) in many people’s hearts would be the last promoter of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan die!

Not only did Zhou Yuan feel unbelievable, even Peak Lord Lianyi looked straight at Peak Lord Lei Jun, his eyes full of anger and confusion.

Headmaster Qing Yang stared at Peak Lord Lei Jun, slowly said who was trying to shoot white eyebrows old man but was suddenly blocked by Old Xuan: “At that time, within sect ’s Scriptures Depository Building was controlled by Lei Jun Junior Master?”

“Only you, who is in charge of Scriptures Depository Building, can make Little Junior Sister see what you want her to see … and she can’t even notice it herself.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Master treats you, is there anything wrong?”

Under the many angry eyes, Peak Lord Lei Jun still had no expression on his face. He glanced at the Old Xuan in front of him, then smiled lightly and said, “Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) is very good to me.”

“However, I am not willing …”

The Peak Lord Lei Jun stared at the sky. After a long time, he continued to speak indifferently, without waves: “I and Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) have known each other since childhood, but you may not know that at the beginning, I was genius chosen child , And Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), just follow the role of eye-catching beside me. “

“At that time, he regarded me as big brother, respected me, and I protected him, and occasionally gave him some cultivation resources.”

“But later, it started to change a little bit. He gradually grew up and developed radiance and became the top expert among Heaven and Earth. At that time, I was thrown far away in behind and could only look at his back. . “

“At that time, no one remembered me anymore. Even, they would laugh at me and laugh at you. Are you qualified to be his big brother?”

“Later, he founded Blue Profound Sect. At that time, I was very different from him. He invited me to Blue Profound Sect, so I became Peak Lord Lei Jun …”

“But in Blue Profound Sect, his dazzling is unprecedented, the world will always be respected by looks at, just like he used to looks at me, and now I have become him.”

“Everyone said that if it wasn’t for his temporary kindness, I wouldn’t be eligible to become Blue Profound Sect’s Peak Lord,”

“I also tried hard to prove something, but … he was too dazzling.”

“Later I was desperate because I knew that it was impossible for me to catch up with him, so at that time I was thinking that he was dazzling like a blazing sun, and I was the star beside him covered by the scorching sun, thinking To truly let the world know me, perhaps, only when the strong sun falls … “

In the Heaven and Earth, everyone is looking at Lei Jun, some people have complicated eyes, because they also recall that when that person squashed the entire Blue Profound Heaven, everyone in that generation was under their radiance.

But they finally accepted it, but this person who used to shine radiance on Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) was unable to accept this huge contrast. Perhaps, the better Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) is for him, the more shameful he will be in deep in one’s heart.

This became his heart barrier and heart’s demon.

Lei Jun is obviously the kind of extremely paranoid person, but he hides well, and no one finds it.

The dry palm of Old Xuan like eagle claws tightly locked the wrist of Lei Jun, his old face shook slightly, hoarsely said: “Is this your reason? After you came to Blue Profound Sect, how much help did the master give you ? How much advice did you give? “

“If you are not the owner, can you be where you are today?”

Lei Jun smiled and said: “Look, even you think that if there is no Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), nowadays, I am totally useless.”

He sighed and said, “This is not what I want, so when Sheng Yuan secretly found me, I promised to cooperate with him, because I think that this shines on the Blue Profound Heaven’s sun, and it’s time to land Now. “

“I will prove to the world that without his Blue Profound (Cang Xuan), I will be more dazzling.”

“Betrayed sect, ungrateful, are you now dazzling?” Old Xuan was furious, a terrible source of pressure suddenly burst out of his body, he shot it, and the space under his palm was directly exploded Come on.

Lei Jun looked at the scary palm of Old Xuan, his expression was still indifferent, the next moment, a huge jurisdiction emerged from his body.

And the palm of Old Xuan was shot on the jurisdiction, causing the sky to violently oscillate, but failed to break the jurisdiction.

“You even stepped into Law Domain Realm ?!” Old Xuan‘s eyes were gloomy, staring at Lei Jun.

And white eyebrows old man, Great Cliff Peak Lord and others are also slightly changed in complexion. In Blue Profound Sect, only Headmaster Qing Yang really stepped into Law Domain Realm, and they are only at the peak of Nascent Origin Realm.

Although I have also begun to contact Strength of Law Domain, I have not yet fully taken that step.

But who knows, Lei Jun turned out to be the first to enter Law Domain Realm in the unknown.

The hidden fact is too deep.

Lei Jun said with a smile: “When I was in Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) die, I set foot on Law Domain Realm. It shows that I am not wrong. If there is no Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) cover, what the world knows will not be Peak Lord Lei Jun, but … Jiang Lei Jun . “

Headmaster Qing Yang‘s eyes are cold, saying: “These useless words don’t need to be said.”

He has appear(ance) of legal fluctuations all over the body. Today ’s Blue Profound Sect can be regarded as a joke, but no matter how, Lei Jun betrayed Blue Profound Sect and must be punished.

However, just when Headmaster Qing Yang was about to start, a horrible oppression suddenly came.

Palace Master Sheng Yuan silver double pupils stared at Headmaster Qing Yang with a smile. Obviously, he would n’t sit back and watch Headmaster Qing Yang against Lei Jun. After all, Lei Jun would make Blue Profound Sect overwhelmed if exist(ence).

Qing Yang, this is your Blue Profound Sect’s thing, why do you make trouble here, and there are more important things right now.”

The silver double pupils of Palace Master Sheng Yuan, with unpredictable colors, are thrown into Blue Profound Saint Seal in the void space, and its voice is also echoed within Heaven and Earth.

“Since all parties are here, now it is good to discuss, how should this worldly Blue Profound Saint Seal be handled?”

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