Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 710: Hometown

?Thunderbolt Land…”

Zhou Yuan looked at the figure of Gu Zong and others who were embarrassed to leave. complexion was surprisingly dignified. He muttered the clues about Blue Profound Saint Seal that Gu Zong said earlier.

“This is really troublesome…”

He couldn’t help but sigh. He was pregnant with three Saint Pattern. Once Blue Profound Saint Seal really fell into the hands of others, it would be able to sense exist(ence) of Saint Pattern.

And no matter who got the Blue Profound Saint Seal at that time, the first idea must be to complete the Blue Profound Saint Seal, so his Saint Pattern will definitely be taken back.

With his current strength, how can he compete with that kind of exist(ence)?

There is a fragrant fragrance coming beside me, Yao Yao fell beside Zhou Yuan, and said softly: “This Blue Profound Heaven, I’m afraid it will change.”

Once Blue Profound Saint Seal is born, the shock caused by it is unimaginable. Whether it is Saint Palace, Blue Profound Sect or other giants, it will inevitably compete for full power.

The war that broke out is far from comparable to the previous game between Saint Palace and Blue Profound Sect disciples.

That is the real destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, because he just calmed down Great Wu here, he could have been easier in the future, this kind of big thing happened in didn’t expect.

Of course, if he is not pregnant with three Saint Pattern, in fact, he does not want to pay too much attention to Blue Profound Saint Seal, because that is not accessible to him at this level.

But unfortunately there is no if.

“What can I do?” Zhou Yuan had a headache.

“Anyway, we have to pay attention to the clues about where Blue Profound Saint Seal is. If possible, it’s best to find it first, at least take advantage of it, this thing is better given to Blue Profound Sect, and never Fall into the hands of Saint Palace.” Yao Yao red lips slightly opened, said.

Once Palace Master Sheng Yuan gets Blue Profound Saint Seal, then he will become Blue Profound Heaven’s Heavenly Lord. In this Heaven and Earth, no one will be able to check and balance it. At that time, Palace Master Sheng Yuan will certainly not let go of Zhou Yuan with three Saint Pattern.

In addition to some previous grudges, it is more likely that Palace Master Sheng Yuan will directly wipe out Zhou Yuan, and even this Great Zhou Dynasty may not be implicated.

If Blue Profound Saint Seal falls into the hands of Blue Profound Sect’s, Zhou Yuan has at least a retreat.

Zhou Yuan pondered for a while, and said: “But if you want to find a clue, it’s easy to talk about, Thunderbolt Land… is it the place where the Thunder shot down? This kind of clue is too broad, don’t say

Other continent, even this small Boundless Continent, do not know how many of them meet this condition. “

He thought for a while, the figure jumped down and came to Zhou Qing.

At this time, the surrounding Wei Canglan, Black Poison King and others received a homage to the Zhou Yuan. The eyes were full of awe. The previous scene of Zhou Yuan pushing back so many Divine Palace Realm expert gave them too much shock.

You know, so many Divine Palace Realm expert is enough to destroy the country, but it still retreats in the hands of Zhou Yuan’s. It can be seen how terrifying power Zhou Yuan controls today.

The current Zhou Yuan is already the most reliable Great Zhou Dynasty formidable.

As long as Zhou Yuan is still there, Great Zhou’s will be stable forever.

Zhou Qing looked at the young face of Zhou Yuan, and was also a little sighed. The youngster who left home unconsciously was even enough to be his backing.

This makes him both gratified and proud.

Yuan’er, those people, don’t go away with a grudge, can you destroy them everywhere?” Zhou Qing glanced at the direction of their previous Gu Zong departure and asked with some concern.

Now Great Zhou has just taken control of Great Wu, and the situation is still unstable. If those Divine Palace Realm expert make trouble, it will cause great unrest.

“Forgive them and have no guts.” Zhou Yuan smiled, although he let Gu Zong and others bleed, but they should also have self-knowledge, if arbitrarily retaliated, then in the end is not something Divine Palace’s Medicine Treasure can do .

Seeing that Zhou Yuan looks calm and calm, Zhou Qing is relieved.

Royal Father, there is one thing, but I would like to ask you for help.” Zhou Yuan laughed.

“Oh?Zhou Qing was a little surprised, and immediately smiled and said: “It is rare that you still need to find Royal Father. Just tell me anything. “

Zhou Yuan smiled and said: “I would like to ask Royal Father to help me find out, on this Boundless Continent, all appear(ance) has passed through the land where thunder landed.”

“The place where thunder landed?” Zhou Qing froze for a moment, frowning and thinking, saying: “It should be quite a lot, after all, this matter is not common, but it is not too rare.”

“Are there any special ones?”

Zhou Qing pondered: “I will ask someone to investigate.”

At this time, the Black Poison King on the other side suddenly walked out and smiled pleasingly at Zhou Yuan, saying: “For Your Highness and Thunderbolt Land, I know one place, and it should be considered very special.”


Black Poison King laughed and said: “I don’t know Your Highness, can I still remember where I met?”

When Zhou Yuan was startled, his eyes suddenly brightened: “You mean…Black Abyss?!”

When he left the Great Zhou capital, the first place he went to experience was Black Abyss on the border of Great Zhou!

Yao Yao jumped down holding Tun Tun, and the beautiful jade face also appeared with surprised look. She whispered: “Do you remember that Battle Puppet Sect?”

Zhou Yuan nodded, how could he not remember that his silver shadow was obtained there.

“Then remember the photos we saw in Battle Puppet Sect underground palace?”

Zhou Yuan‘s heart was shocked, and the memories of the past were set off at this time.

Saint Race supreme talent, died here, declared this to be Land of Sin, when holy punishment, within 80,000 miles, all creatures will be destroyed.”

In that underground palace photo, the ruthless voice brought Thunder Retribution and destroyed all the denominations in Black Abyss in the ancient period exist(ence).

At that time, Zhou Yuan was deeply shocked. He was there too, knowing exist(ence) of Saint Race for the first time.

In the past few years, he also knows from some ancient books of Blue Profound Sect’s. In ancient times, most of this Blue Profound Heaven was still under the control of Saint Race, but later, with the battle of countless, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan stood out and eventually won Blue Profound Saint Seal and became Heavenly Lord Saint Race had to withdraw from Blue Profound Heaven.

The destruction of Thunder Retribution in Black Abyss should have happened before Old Ancestor Cang Xuan won Saint Seal.

So, what used to be Land of Sin is really Thunderbolt Land.

Yao Yao bright eyes looks at Zhou Yuan, softly said: “That is a very wonderful place.”

Zhou Yuan nodded is indeed wonderful. It was the place of Saint Race Sunway wreak havoc. Normally, many top experts today don’t want to contaminate and remember that place.

This is a blind spot~IndoMTL.com~ So, when Old Ancestor Cang Xuan die, will it go the opposite way, intentionally hiding Blue Profound Saint Seal in the so-called Land of Sin?

Thinking like this, the heartbeat of Zhou Yuan can’t help but speed up, because he feels that I’m afraid there is such a possibility!

Zhou Yuan‘s gaze and Yao Yao‘s gaze both saw the amazed look in the other’s eyes.

“It seems that for Black Abyss, we have to check it again…”

This made Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but sigh. When he stepped out of Great Zhou Palace, the first place to go to experience was Black Abyss, didn’t expect. After many years, he will return to his place.

It feels like a reincarnation.

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