Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 698: Earthquake 4

When the Great Wu’s army went back all the way, the whole Great Wu was suddenly shaken. Everyone was shocked and unbelievable. This result clearly exceeded their expectations.

With the strength of Great Wu, it is the top dynasty on the entire Boundless Continent. Over the years, Great Wu has been conquered everywhere. Why has it failed?

This time Great Wu’s opponent is a weak Great Zhou. Normally, it should be Great Wu‘s victory, but who can think that Great Wu will collapse so fast?

Moreover, even King Wu is heavy injury!

So, the entire Great Wu Dynasty was in chaos at this moment.

Especially some people who were the heavy ministers of Great Zhou at that time, who are now high in Great Wu, are even more worried. At that time, they followed King Wu rebellion and won Great Zhou. Originally they thought that Great Zhou was not enough to fear. Now, Great Zhou has a counterattack?

If Great Zhou defeats Great Wu and recaptures what was lost in those years, then those former ministers of Great Zhou will surely be liquidated.

So, when the news of Great Zhou counterattack came, the entire Great Wu Dynasty was messy.

At this time, if King Wu can come forward, the situation can be suppressed, but King Wu can be disappeared directly, no trace, no leader, Great Wu’s morale and people’s hearts are completely collapsed.

So, what the Great Zhou army pointed to, the Great Wu’s defense collapsed.

Feng Yan and the flames of war directly burned from Great Zhou to the territory of Great Wu’s.

The news of the defeat of Great Wu spread the entire Boundless Continent in the first time, and the other Great Dynastys were also shocked.

After they figured out what happened on the battlefield, they were shocked and inexplicably, Great Wu’s King Wu, actually lost to the young Your Highness in Great Zhou

King Wu on this Boundless Continent is definitely expert of Top Rank, especially after he exposed the strength of Divine Palace Realm middle stage, he can basically be regarded as the strongest.

How could anyone think that King Wu of Divine Palace Realm middle stage was hit by Zhou Yuan who just stepped into Divine Palace Realm.

For a time, many top dynasties began to pay attention to the once defeated dynasty of Great Zhou. They all understood that after this war, perhaps the Great Zhou Dynasty that once famous Boundless Continent will rise again…

Saint Province Continent, Blue Profound Sect.

Dang! clang!

The loud bell sound echoed throughout within sect.

And there is news about Zhou Yuan defeating King Wu, also at this time, spread throughout the entire Blue Profound Sect, causing the entire within sect, suddenly boiling.

Senior Brother Zhou Yuan is too great!”

King Wu that actually defeated Divine Palace Realm middle stage!”

“Really invincible!”

“These accomplishments are terrifying. After seeing the Saint Palace disciples, can they still dare to show their power in front of me Blue Profound Sect?”


All Blue Profound Sect disciples are with Yourong, after all, this accomplishments is indeed rare.

On top of a peak.

Chu Qing, Li Qingchan, Kong Sheng, Ye Ge and others looked at the boiling within sect, and then looked at each other.

“This guy from didn’t expect will be the first to break through to Divine Palace Realm.” Li Qingchan said softly.

Ye Ge touched his chin and said: “Just stepped into the early stage of Divine Palace Realm, you can beat King Wu. I think Divine Palace developed by Zhou Yuan is at least Eight Divine Palaces…”

Other people did not speak, but all were complexion awesome, Eight Divine Palaces, which is rare.

Chu Qing sighed anxiously and said: “Trouble… This guy is going crazy like a breakthrough, which makes us very stressed.”

“How good everyone used to be, the slow leisurely cultivation, the years are quiet and enjoy life.”

The distressed look of Chu Qing: “Our Blue Profound Sect’s atmosphere was damaged by this kid!”

Li Qingchan glanced at him obliquely and said: “I heard that Headmaster said, let you retreat immediately. If you can’t break through Divine Palace Realm and develop Eight Divine Palaces, you will be rushed to outer mountain for teaching Deacon.”

Chu Qing sighed and muttered: “It was all caused by the kid from Zhou Yuan!”

Li Qingchan ill-humoredly said: “I think this is very good, Path of Cultivation, it has to be diligent and diligent, what is going on like you being lazy?”

Zhou Yuan is behind sect than we are, and now they all break through to Divine Palace Realm. If we don’t break through again, what other faces do we have?”

Other Saint Child hearing this is also a sympathetic nodded.

“It seems that we also need to work hard, and we will retreat today!”

all Saint Children glanced at each other, and then the figure moved, looting at the peaks. In a blink of an eye, there was only Chu Qing on the top of the peak, a lonely face with a smooth head.

“Well, bastard, mess up my Blue Profound Sect’s cultivation atmosphere!”

Chu Qing sighed again melancholy, and finally only glanced down at Blue Profound Peak with frustration.

Debating Hall.

Headmaster Qing Yang is smiling, and the other digital Peak Lord is also surprised. They are also the first to know the result of the dispute between Great Zhou and Great Wu.

“This Zhou Yuan is really talented.” The digital Peak Lord could not help but sigh after knowing the result.

“It seems that my Blue Profound Sect is also about to emerge.” Headmaster Qing Yang said with a smile.

“I really don’t know what the old thief of Sheng Yuan is about complexion at this time?” Peak Lord Lianyi sneered. When talking about Sheng Yuan, there is a tremendous hatred in eyes that cannot be concealed.

The battle between Great Zhou and Great Wu is a game between Blue Profound Sect and Saint Palace.

But for now, it is clear that they won Blue Profound Sect thoroughly.

The spread of this incident will also have a significant impact on the reputation of Saint Palace.

Headmaster Qing Yang hearing this, but with a pondering look on his face, he said: “I think that Sheng Yuan, I am afraid there is no plan.”

He is deep in eyes. In this game, Headmaster Qing Yang vaguely felt that Sheng Yuan seemed to be pushed in secret, and did not intervene too much.

The eyes of other Peak Lord hearing this are also condensed. For Palace Master Sheng Yuan, they obviously also hold great taboos.

“What exactly does he want to do?”

Headmaster Qing Yang shook his head, slowly said: “It is temporarily impossible to speculate, but I think, if he really has a plan, now the battle of Great Wu Great Zhou will soon come to an end~IndoMTL.com~ he will definitely show up.”

“I will stare at him all the time during this time!”

Saint Palace.

The edge of a cliff surrounded by clouds.

Palace Master Sheng Yuan fiddled with the chaotic crystal ball in front of him, eyes was unfathomable, and there was a touch of indifferent smile in the corner of his mouth.

“This Wu Huang, King Wu… is really a family waste.”

He shook his head and immediately smiled lightly: “Forget it, chess pieces, just use it, even if he is a wolf or a dog…”

His eyes, staring at the chaotic crystal ball, murmured.

“The collision of Saint Dragon Qi should be about to begin…”

“When the time comes, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, your last resort will be pierced by this palace…”

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