Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 581: Battle Fan Yao

The casket of blood-red was erected in mid-air, and the body of Ning Mo stood in it, and an eerie aura emanated from it, making Tang Xiaoyan and Jin Zhang‘s complexion unbearable changes.


Ning Mo’s body made a weird sound at this moment, and then it moved, striding stiffly, and slowly stepped out of the blood coffin.

His eyes are gray and there is no vitality, but within his body, there is a very cold wave radiating out.

“You, you turned all corpses of the same door into blood corpses?!” Tang Xiaoyan bites silver teeth, coldly said.

Zhou Yuan‘s brows are also slightly frowned, and there is a touch of disgust in his eyes. This Fan Yao is really unscrupulous. Ning Mo can be regarded as his fellow disciples. This guy actually refined his body.

Fan Yao turned a blind eye to them, but stretched out his palm and gently stroked the gray corpse of Ning Mo, a glimmer of intoxication passed through his eyes.

The refining of this blood corpse requires extremely strict materials, and it must have a very short time of death, so that it can preserve some of its strengths during its lifetime.

He used to be obsessed with this technique in the past, but he never had a suitable target. This time, Ning Mo has become his best test material.

After his refining, the strength of this blood corpse will not be weaker than that of Ning Mo during his lifetime. If he trains well in the future, he will even be able to exceed his lifetime.

Of course, the resources required for cultivation are also extremely large, so large that even Fan Yao is a bit unbearable.

“It is possible to contribute to Saint Palace after death. I must have known Ning Mo Junior Brother and I would be very happy.” Fan Yao raised the head smiled at Zhou Yuan and Tang Xiaoyan.

“And I think that even if this matter is passed back to the palace, the elders in the palace will not have any objection to this. After all, the majesty of Saint Palace is above everything else, I used the body of Ning Mo to save us Saint Palace Majesty, all this is well worth it.”

The scarlet eyes of Fan Yao stay on Zhou Yuan’s, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth looks extremely gloomy.

Chief Zhou Yuan, in the current situation, do you still think you have the slightest chance of winning?”

Fan Yao put his hands in his sleeves, calm and calm, after kicking an chief of Hundred Flowers Immortal Palace out of the game, the whole situation is back to his control again. In the case of three to three, Fan Yao does not think that the other party has any stand up room.

Don’s face of Xiaoyan and Jin Zhang also became a little ugly at this time. Obviously, they also noticed that the situation was not good. Although the number of both sides was flat, Fan Yao was not the ordinary chief.

His strength ranks among the top ten in the entire Blue Profound Sect and many chief.

As a result, once Fan Yao wins, the whole situation will face a crash.

Look at Tang Xiaoyan and Jin Zhang‘s complexion, Fan Yao also laughed lightly and said: “Don Xiaoyan, do you regret it now? Do you really think, what use can these wastes Blue Profound Sect have?”

Don’s Xiaoyan hasn’t answered yet, Zhou Yuan has come up from her side, he twisted his neck, his expression is idle, and said: “So much nonsense is useless, don’t you know if you hit it? “

“Then before Ning Mo was the same as your face, in the end?”

Tang Xiaoyan looked at the slender figure of Zhou Yuan, and was a little startled. I don’t know why. When I saw his calm expression, some of the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated.

Perhaps, he is really capable?

Jin Zhang chief, Tang Xiaoyan chief, then the Wang Yuan and the blood corpse, let it be you, the Fan Yao, give it to me.” Zhou Yuan leaned his head and said.

Jin Zhang and Tang Xiaoyan hearing this, both ordered nods.

“Be careful.” Tang Xiaoyan urged extra.

Then they quickly flew away on the left and right sides, pulling the battlefield away.

Fan Yao waved his hand, Wang Yuan and the blood corpse were also chasing Tang Xiaoyan, Jin Zhang, his arms around his chest, staring at Zhou Yuan with a smile, said: “I am really curious, what is it for? You are so confident and dare to be alone with me head-on fight.”

Zhou Yuan didn’t answer, just hold the palm, Heaven Primal Brush appear(ance) swelled rapidly in the hand, snow-white nib, glowing with cold light, slanted to the lake.

The imposing manner emanating from his body slowly climbed at this time.

Heaven Origin Weapon?”

Fan Yao had already seen the strange Heaven Primal Brush’s of Zhou Yuan in the previous battle, so the brows were slightly picked up, and there was blood between the palms. At the next moment, a white bone ghost claw appear(ance) was in its hands.

The ghost’s claws are opened, sharp and gloomy, and there is a shadow of evil spirits on it.

It is also a Heaven Origin Weapon.

When the white bone ghost claw stick appear(ance), the air around the Fan Yao became cold, as if there was a ghost roar.

Although Fan Yao can’t look down on Zhou Yuan, but I really want to do it, but I don’t see much underestimation. Obviously, I am careful to avoid falling miserably in a very easy task.

Heaven Primal Brush in Zhou Yuan‘s hands flicked gently, and the source gas of golden started to erupt from its celestial cover~IndoMTL.com~ where the golden python circled vaguely, the magnificent source gas reflected in its behind, faintly turned into a golden star battle.

“Source gasification star bucket?”

Fan Yao narrowed his eyes, stared at Zhou Yuan, slowly said: “In 7-layer Heaven, the source gas background can reach this level, Zhou Yuan, you are really a bit amazing.”

“However, if you think this is the capital that you are rampant in front of me, I am afraid you are wrong!”

The white bone ghost claw stick in his hand suddenly stomped, and the source gas hiding the sky and covering the earth of the blood-red suddenly rose into the sky, and the blood light circulated in its behind, which also turned into a starry sky.

Moreover, the star of his source gas is obviously more powerful than Zhou Yuan.

The source gas background of the Fan Yao is at least 13,000, which is obviously more powerful than the Origin Qi Star of Zhou Yuan, which can be broken by 10,000.

Besides that Six-colored Lake, many eyes were locked on the battlefield where Zhou Yuan and Fan Yao met, and when they saw that both chiefs were able to gasify the star battle, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

However, judging from the scene, Fan Yao clearly has some advantages.

Over Six-colored Lake, the sight lines of Zhou Yuan and Fan Yao meet together, and they all have strong killing intentions. Obviously, for each other, the killing intentions of the two people are extremely extreme.


The next moment, their behind‘s starry sky burst into a brilliant, violent and unmatched source gas storm, swept away, and their figures disappeared almost simultaneously.

After counting the interest, the two figures met directly in the sky.

countless road line of sight came together, condensed in the two figures that collided like a thunder and fire

They know that in this Six-colored Lake battle, who can laugh to the end, I am afraid it will depend on a battle between these two. This battle, no matter who wins in the end, will be known as Profound Origin Heavenly Cave.

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