Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 577: Mitian lock python

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The huge Six-colored Lake mooring edge, Zhou Yuan and Jin Zhang shot at the same time, countless Daoyuan lines emerged from their pens, and finally quickly integrated into the void and lake water.

The Heaven Bewildering Barrier of Yao Yao’s is extremely complicated. Although Zhou Yuan is familiar, it is impossible to achieve her level, but fortunately, now he is not intended to trap nearly ten thousand Sword Peak disciples, and It’s just to temporarily separate that Three-headed Spirit Ghost Python from its ghost and python shadow.

But even so, it takes a lot of Zhou Yuan time to arrange this barrier

In the distance, all the three disciples have their eyes locked on this side.

Fan Yao stood high up in the sky, arms around her chest, eyes staring at the two figures, there is a cold light stream turn in the eyes.

But Tang Xiaoyan looked at it with great interest and said, “didn’t expect Blue Profound Sect, this chief, still has a good attainment on the source line.”

Although she is not proficient in this, she can perceive that the barrier arranged by Zhou Yuan does seem to be somewhat mysterious.

“Who knows if it works.” Zhao Ru still said with some doubt.

“Now we can only pray to have an effect, otherwise, we will be in vain this time.” Tang Xiaoyan said, if Three-headed Spirit Ghost Python cannot be separated from Python Shadow, I am afraid that all three of them will retreat.

Zhao Ru was silent. At this time, she had to admit that they really had to rely on Zhou Yuan.

When the sun gradually fell and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on this Six-colored Lake, Zhou Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and then lifted off with Jin Zhang.


“Are you barrier okay? Don’t be useless at that time, but pit us in.” Fan Yao looked at the barrier and sneered.

“Shall you try it in?” Zhou Yuan smiled.

Fan Yao snorted, naturally it was impossible to be so stupid as to really try to break in, because he could indeed feel that the area seemed to have some different changes.

“Let’s do it.” Zhou Yuan didn’t plan to talk nonsense to him, he looked at Tang Xiaoyan and said.

Tang Xiaoyan small head nodded, and immediately the six of them swept out again, and gradually penetrated into the huge Six-colored Lake. The majestic source gas condensed in their palms, and then they slammed into the lake.


The lake was rolling, and soon that huge shadow broke through again. The fierce vertical pupil of Spirit Ghost Python locked six people, with a magnificent anger in their eyes, obviously irritated by their repeated confusion.


Spirit Ghost Python screams in the sky. Among the giant mouth, there is a gray and black cold source gas torrent violently shoots, and hiding the sky and covering the earth directly covers the six figures.

The six men of Zhou Yuan did not dare to neglect, and they all evaded, and at the same time brewing a source offensive, since then they exploded in all directions, and they slammed on the huge body of Spirit Ghost Python.

Boom! boom!

The source gas exploded on the Spirit Ghost Python body and shattered some nether black scales. Although it did not cause much damage to it, it angered Spirit Ghost Python more and more.

The huge body of Spirit Ghost Python came out of violently shoots. The source of gray and black was to directly lift its carry into the air. The snake tail snorted, it was torn the void, like gray Black Thunder Ting, swept away against the six small figures .

The two python shadows hovering beside him are also like giant dragon breathing out, spitting a torrent of source gas.

The terrible offensive of this kind saw that all the three disciples in the distance had scalp numbness. If they were in it, they might be swept away.

At high altitudes, the six figures didn’t dare to touch them hard. They stretched their speed to the extreme, hurriedly retreated, and at the same time retreated in the direction of barrier.

Boom! boom!

The ground-breaking fierce battle of heaven shaking broke out in Six-colored Lake, and the waves were rolled up and roared away in all directions. The entire ancient mountain forest seemed to tremble at this moment.

The Zhou Yuan six people kept avoiding and retreating, but obviously all looked a bit embarrassed.

But if they hadn’t taken the two pythons away from Spirit Ghost Python, they wouldn’t even dare to full power, otherwise they would have to resist Spirit Ghost Python.

Fortunately, with the continuous retreat of the six figures, they finally approached the place where barrier was arranged.

But when that Spirit Ghost Python approached barrier, it suddenly slowed down, and it seemed to be faintly aware of something.

“No, this animal’s perception is not weak!” Fan Yao saw this, frowning suddenly.


And at this moment, an golden whizzed out of Fan Yao behind with fierce energy, and it was screaming fiercely on a lantern-like vertical pupil of Spirit Ghost Python.

After being hit hard, the Spirit Ghost Python suddenly screamed, and the angry and brutal pupil looked directly at Fan Yao.

Fan Yao was locked by it, and his heart was shocked. He hurriedly turned around, and then saw a figure of void transformation disappearing quickly in his behind, and immediately he yelled out loudly: “Zhou Yuan, you dare to pit me!”


His voice just fell, and the terrifying gust of wind came down from the sky. Then Spirit Ghost Python directly used Fan Yao as the attacker, and the fierce offensive immediately greeted the Fan Yao.

Fan Yao hurriedly retreated, dodge continuously.

However, with the pursuit of Spirit Ghost Python, it finally broke into the scope of barrier.

Zhou Yuan, I can’t afford barrier!” Fan Yao growled. At this time, he was already stared at that Spirit Ghost Python. Most of the attacks were directed at him. Several times he almost couldn’t avoid being attacked by Spirit Ghost Python. in.

Zhou Yuan saw this and smiled jokingly, but he didn’t continue to drag it down, because he knew very well that the most important thing at the moment was to kill this Spirit Ghost Python first.

His hands knotted, his eyebrows Divine Soul shook, and power of Divine Soul spread out.

With the spread of Divine Soul, I can only see the void and water in this area. There is a countless source pattern bursting out of radiance, countless light intertwined with each other. A huge source pattern barrier is amazing in the countless road. In the eyes, slowly appear(ance).

With the appear(ance) of the source pattern barrier, the spaces in them all start to become distorted, as if they were divided and torn.

Spirit Ghost Python‘s huge body also stopped, and there was a suspense in the vertical pupil. At this time, it is like being in a small space, and the two python shadows that are always hovering beside it are also before That moment was divided.


The Spirit Ghost Python felt some uneasiness and screamed. The giant tail carried horror power and threw it fiercely into the surrounding space, shaking the light wall interwoven with the source pattern radiance there.

The space in front is turbulent, and six figures slowly emerge.

At this time, except for Zhou Yuan, the rest of the people were looking at this scene with slightly trembling eyes, because this barrier seems to have really taken effect

Tang Xiaoyan beautiful eyes glanced aside at Zhou Yuan, sparkling in the eyes, softly smiling: “Chief Zhou Yuan‘s attribution is really amazing for us.”

Then Zhao Ru also shut up, let alone say, looking at Zhou Yuan’s, it was a little more surprised for the first time.

Zhou Yuan smiled~IndoMTL.com~ looked at Fan Yao and said: “Fan Yao chief, my 40%, is it worth it?”

Fan Yao twitched the corners of his mouth, and some of them laughed.

Zhou Yuan didn’t say much to him. He turned his attention to Spirit Ghost Python, which was destroyed in barrier, and said: “Prepare full power, this barrier won’t be able to trap it for long, if we can’t do it in half-stick of incense It’s ready to be withdrawn”

This time no one lifts the bar again, all are lightly nods.


So, in the next moment, among the barrier, the six powerful source gas fluctuations soared at this time.

Six figures, appear(ance) is in the air around Spirit Ghost Python

Their eyes stared at Spirit Ghost Python with unwholesome grievances, and the resentment that had been chased and beaten at this time was finally returned.

Without the threat of two pythons, relying solely on the body of Spirit Ghost Python can no longer make six people feel afraid. (https:)

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