Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 529: Sword Peak at the end of the road


  The sky is full of heavy rain, and if you look closely, you will find that all the raindrops are actually transformed by the source pattern, and each drop contains a terrible power. Coming down, even if it is a mountain range, it will be leveled by life.


   And during that heavy rain, Kong Sheng complexion is slightly dignified. The long sword dancing in his hand is transformed into countless Dao Yingying, which envelopes himself as much as possible, and whenever the shadow of the sword passes by, those raindrops will be born. Cut open, inaccessible.

   These raindrops are not only caused by the source pattern, but also contain power of Divine Soul. If it falls on the body, it will definitely attack Divine Soul, so even if it is Kong Sheng, it does not dare to resist with fleshly body.

   However, with the “Origin Breaking Blood Technique” on the long sword, even if he is in the source pattern barrier arranged by Yao Yao at this time, he is not afraid, any source pattern, he can easily break it.

  The sword shadow blocked the heavy rain, and suddenly Kong Sheng raised the head looked at a void and said, “Your barrier, although powerful, is not a threat to me.”

   The void there is wavy, and the slender beauty of Yao Yao’s is revealed.

   Her slightly cold eyes cast, her red lips slightly opened, and said, “Does Origin Breaking Blood Technique give you such confidence?”

   “Look at your sword body.”

  Kong Sheng glanced at the sword body, and then the pupil shrank slightly, because he saw the blood marks on the sword, which became thinner unconsciously.

   “What are those rainwater patterns?” Kong Sheng felt a shock.

  His complexion is slightly ugly, staring at Yao Yao and saying: “It turns out that your barrier is not to deal with me, but to break my Origin Breaking Blood Technique!”

   “Although Origin Breaking Blood Technique has restraint effects on some source lines, it can also be restrained by some source lines, so I said, if you think that with this technique, you can despise the source lines, but you are too naive. “Yao Yao indifferently said.

  Kong Sheng frowned, he was didn’t expect, Yao Yao from the beginning to now, it was originally aimed at his “Origin Breaking Blood Technique“…

  Now that Origin Breaking Blood Technique is cracked, his advantages will also be dispersed.

   “It seems that you still have to fight against you with your own skills.” Kong Sheng sighed, but his eyes gradually became stronger, with an amazing source of gas fluctuations, slowly rising from his body. Up.

   originally wanted to use Origin Breaking Blood Technique to defeat Yao Yao at the fastest speed, but at present, this idea is somewhat unrealistic. Yao Yao’s thorny is far beyond his imagination.

   “I can only hope that Baili Che can quickly defeat Zhou Yuan and rescue Sword Peak’s disciples from barrier.”

  Yao Yao seems to have penetrated what Kong Sheng thought, red lips slightly raised, saying: “If you are still counting on that Baili Che, I am afraid that you will be disappointed.”

   “What do you mean?” Kong Sheng‘s eyes narrowed, his voice cold.

  He was enveloped by Yao Yao’s barrier at this time, but he failed to sense the outside world.

   Yao Yao hands Origin Pattern Brush lightly, the space around him suddenly oscillates, and the outside world reveals, while Kong Sheng‘s eyes are also the first time to focus on the battlefield before Zhou Yuan and Baili Che.

   Then his pupils contracted suddenly.

  Because there, he only saw the figure of Zhou Yuan’s, and the source gas fluctuations belonging to Baili Che have disappeared into the source pool.

   “How is it possible?!” At this moment, complexion can’t help but change the mindset of Kong Sheng, Shen said: “How could Baili Che lose to Zhou Yuan?!”

   He knows the strength of Baili Che best, but Zhou Yuan is only Saint Origin Peak’s chief. There should be a big gap between the two parties.

  However, in the face of Kong Sheng‘s doubts, Yao Yao was too lazy to refute, only staring at the former slightly playfully.

   And Kong Sheng finally knew that his questioning seemed a bit ridiculous. After all, the facts were already in front of him. For a while, complexion gloomy and uncertain, he finally gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: “It’s really useless!”

   Now that Baili Che has lost to Zhou Yuan, this is not a good situation for them, it is almost completely inclined.

  When irritability rushed in the heart of Kong Sheng, the distant Zhou Yuan also noticed the gaze of sight. Immediately raised the head came and looked at Yao Yao and Kong Sheng.

   His eyes met with Kong Sheng, and then he smiled. The next moment he shouted at the Sword Peak elite disciples who were fighting fiercely with the disciples of Shengyuanfeng.

  Obviously, after defeating Baili Che, he was able to free his hands to clean up the Sword Peak elite disciples who had escaped barrier.

  As he joined, Sword Peak was immediately confused, and many disciples were in panic.

   There were several figures flying out of them very quickly. These figures were filled with tyrannical sources and were not much weaker than Yuan Hong. Obviously, Sword Peak will be sent only after Baili Che’s top disciples to try Block Zhou Yuan.

   Bang! boom!

   However, their intentions obviously have no effect. At this time, Zhou Yuan is far from comparable to Struggle for Chief. If he now fights with Yuan Hong, I am afraid that the latter will not last long in his hands.

   And these Sword Peak’s top disciples have a general ending.

   It didn’t take long for both sides to fight together, but they were successively kicked out of the source pool with their disciples being Zhou Yuan heavy injury.

   Faced with this scene, the disciples of each peak in the distance shook their heads secretly. In today’s situation, the advantage has been completely turned to Shengyuan Peak…After all, Kong Sheng and Zhao Zhu are unable to escape, Sword Peak Here, no one can make Zhou Yuan.

   And as time goes on, I am afraid that apart from Kong Sheng and Zhao Zhu, all other disciples of Sword Peak will be eliminated from the source pool.

  , Kong Sheng is also known.

   So at this time, complexion is extremely ugly. How can he be didn’t expect, the situation will become like this.

   Their Sword Peak’s strength is far superior to Shengyuanfeng. In their view, dealing with Shengyuanfeng this time should have been a crushing thing, but who can expect that nowadays, not only has they not been crushed, but instead they Sword Peak Dragged into such a bad situation.

   “If you Sword Peak still want to save face, then quit the source pool at this time.” Yao Yao said, leisurely said.

   “Dream!” Kong Sheng‘s eyes were cold, coldly said.

   “Then you can only kick you out one by one.” The Yao Yao Hao wrist shook gently, Origin Pattern Brush fell, and the countless source pattern was instantly formed, and the Heaven and Earth was intertwined with thunder and fire.

  hōng hōng!

   Thunderfire source pattern winding, just like giant python general howling, hiding the sky and covering the earth fell to Kong Sheng.

  Kong Sheng also had a violent explosion in his body, apparently also shot with anger, no longer reserved.


  The two sides confronted full power, and immediately moved the mountain to shake. That movement was far more violent than before when Zhou Yuan and Baili Che met.

  However, no matter how violent the Kong Sheng offensive is, it is impossible to get rid of the violent bombardment of the source pattern, and can only continue to face firmly resists.

  As time goes by, Kong Sheng is also a little impatient, because he can see that after the Zhou Yuan battle, the disciples of Sword Peak’s are constantly being kicked out.

   And in the Heaven Bewildering Barrier below, more Sword Peak disciples are also being eliminated in the fierce battle with those water beast who are attracted.

  Sword Peak is a heavy loss.

   disciples of the distant peaks saw this scene, and they also understood that the battle between the two peaks had already turned out.

   This situation continues, Sword Peak will only have two Saint Childs left, and all other disciples will be eliminated… The result is not terrible.

   “This Shengyuan Peak is really too cruel.” They looked at each other, and they all saw dignity and wariness look from the other party’s eyes. It seems that in the future, Shengyuan Peak can no longer be regarded as the past.

   “This time Sword Peak really kicked the iron plate, and the face was swept…”

   The disciples of each peak are a little sighed. Shengyuan Peak has never been out of chief before, but it hasn’t changed much. Who would have thought that this time when Zhou Yuan became Shengyuan Peak chief, Shengyuan Peak seemed to be reborn .

   Time is passing by.

   At this time, the elite Sword Peak’s disciples were no more than dozens of people, and they were completely surrounded by hundreds of disciples of Shengyuan Peak, a scene of a dead end, where was there the halfway point when chasing and killing Shengyuan Peak? prestige.

  Zhou Yuan looked calmly at the frightened Sword Peak disciples~IndoMTL.com~ without any hesitation, waved: “Eliminate all.”

  After eliminating all the disciples of Sword Peak, you can concentrate on Kong Sheng and Zhao Zhu.

  hōng hōng!

   However, just as the disciples of Shengyuanfeng were preparing to take action, suddenly there was a thunderous sound from Heaven and Earth.

  Zhou Yuan raised the head, frowning at the sky in the distance, only to see that there seemed to be thunderclouds forming, then there were many thunder ray roaring, and finally suspended in the sky.

   And after thunder ray appear(ance), other directions also swept over with a magnificent source of energy, exuding a powerful and coercive figure, appear(ance) was on this sky.

   In there, Zhou Yuan saw some familiar figures.

   “It’s another five peaks’ Saint Child!” The Lu Yan beside him also exclaimed.

   Zhou Yuan eyes narrowed, when playing heaven shaking here, other five peaks’ Saint Child, is it finally appear(ance)…) Book friends, pay attention!

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