Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 520: Can’t get out

Chapter 520

In the boiling sea, the disciples of countless Sword Peak’s are struggling. However, with the initial panic, more and more people began to calm down. They sat down and began to explore how they could break out of the seal.

Even people with such strengths as Kong Sheng, Zhao Zhu, Baili Che have even started to attack barrier, suddenly the space oscillates, and continuously emits ripples.

Looking like this, they were able to forcefully break through barrier.

On the farther sky, the eyes of the peaks looked at this scene, and they gradually woke up from the previous shock. They also saw it. Although this barrier is huge in scale, it is not. Offensive…

“It should be a sleepy formation.”

“Although the scale is very large, because of the large number of Sword Peak disciples, it has dispersed its power. At this speed, I am afraid that Kong Sheng and others can take the lead in breaking the seal.”

“Unfortunately, the number of Shengyuan Peaks is too small. Even if full power is attacking at this time, I am afraid that we cannot eliminate too many Sword Peak’s students.”

“This Zhou Yuan and Zhou Xiaoyao are really not to be underestimated.”


The disciples of each peak whispered, and after the initial shock, they also found that even if the disciples of Sword Peak’s fell into barrier at all, it seems that Shengyuanfeng has no way to turn it into an absolute advantage.

At this moment, as long as Kong Sheng and others break the seal, and then gather some Sword Peak’s elite disciples, it is enough to resist the Holy Source Peak.

When the time delays, Shengyuan Peak will inevitably be the result of being eliminated.

However, what made the disciples of each peak a little puzzled is that those disciples of Saint Origin Peak’s are still standing in the air at this time, and they don’t move at all. They don’t seem to have the opportunity to eliminate some Sword Peak disciples.

Does this Shengyuan Peak spend so much effort to lead Sword Peak’s disciples here to be trapped, just to see them embarrassed?

And the time passed quickly in the doubtful eyes of the disciples.

Boom! boom!

And at this moment, there were several loud noises in the barrier, and then everyone saw the number ray of light rising from the sky, and they were born, and they were Kong Sheng, Zhao Zhu, Baili Che. .

At this time, the three people, even Kong Sheng, which is indifferent and incomprehensible, are all gloomy. Obviously, the Sword Peak disciple was trapped this time, making him very annoyed.

He has been extremely cautious, but who would have thought that Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao would even arrange such a large scale barrier on the sea.

And the disciples of Saint Origin Peak’s saw Kong Sheng and others breaking through the seal, but complexion changed, and they stared at the three with alert eyes.

Kong Sheng took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, he glanced at the trapped Sword Peak disciple below, and then looked at Yao Yao, said: “It is didn’t expect, you are so big, even this barrier can be arranged. “

His eyesight is not shallow, he can know how difficult it is to arrange barrier of this scale, and looking at the Blue Profound Sect’s disciples, except for this unfathomable Yao Yao, even Ye Ge, it can’t be done.

Yao Yao pupil light gave him a cold look and hugged Tun Tun without ever speaking.

“This time I really care about Sword Peak, but your barrier seems to have only the power to trap people, not to hurt people…”Kong Sheng indifferently said: “There will be more and more Sword Peak disciples coming out , The situation will still return to its original state.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You Shengyuanfeng admit defeat, otherwise I will wait for the angry disciples of Sword Peak, I’m afraid I won’t give up easily.”

He has a faint look, but anyone can feel the anger contained in his words. The pressure caused by it makes many of Shengyuanfeng’s disciples tremble. The prestige of Kong Sheng in Blue Profound Sect is obviously Still quite deterrent.

However, Yao Yao touched the soft hair of Tun Tun in his arms and ignored Kong Sheng‘s self-talk.

“You, a person who has just been locked in a cage, whose face wants us to admit defeat?” However, at this moment, a laugh sounded, and many eyes saw a ray of light shadow soaring from the sea Rise and fall next to Yao Yao.

precisely previously dived into the sea for Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan, don’t be ignorant.” Baili Che glanced at Zhou Yuan, and said softly.

“Why don’t you try it, rely on you alone, how much can we eliminate Sword Peak in this time?” Baili Che sneered from the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Yuan glanced at him and said with a smile: “I think… within five minutes, those who cannot escape barrier, I am afraid they will be eliminated.”

As soon as he said this, Baili Che laughed suddenly, and even Kong Sheng and Zhao Zhu glanced at him with coldly.

“Whimsical.” Zhao Zhu sneered.

Zhou Yuan smiled, didn’t say much, just looked at other disciples and ordered: “Everyone prepares, if Sword Peak disciples come out, all will stare to death, and they are not allowed to destroy barrier.”

Zhou Tai, Lu Yan and others hearing this are all nodded, but they also have some doubts in their eyes. Obviously they don’t understand where Zhou Yuan’s comes from.

Kong Sheng, they have no change, they are staring at Yao Yao and Zhou Yuan to prevent them from eliminating other elite Sword Peak’s disciples.

So, both sides of forces, for a time, actually remained motionless.

Time lapsed, and some elite disciples of Sword Peak’s also began to break through one after another, and then stood with anger on Kong Sheng and their behind, glaring at Shengyuan Peak.

The number of elite disciples is about one hundred.

Although the quantity is not as good as Shengyuan Peak, the quality is far superior. Overall, the strength of the two sides is equal.

The disciples at the peaks in the distance are very puzzled, because the disciples of Sword Peak’s are constantly breaking the seal, the more they drag on, the less the advantage of Saint Origin Peak’s

Baili Che looked at the more and more elite disciples of behind, and his mouth twitched~IndoMTL.com~ he said slowly: “Chief Zhou Yuan, five minutes, it seems that it has arrived…”

“My Sword Peak’s disciple, come out more and more.”

Other Saint Origin Peak’s disciples are also worried about looks at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, a noncommittal smile.

The sarcasm on Baili Che‘s face was more intense, and he just wanted to speak. The Kong Sheng complexion on the side suddenly changed and turned sharply, looking at the sea level in the distance, only to see that the sea water was rolling there.

A violent howling came from the sea.

The huge figure of countless, under the sea surface, faintly discernible.

That is water beast! countless head water beast!

The eyes of Kong Sheng contracted suddenly, and complexion became extremely ugly at this time.

“Those water beasts are coming here!” There was a voice, bursting out from between his teeth.

The sarcasm on Baili Che‘s face also solidified. He looked at the water beast who roared from all directions. helplessly watched them break through the water and finally rushed into the huge barrier.

The next moment, countless Sword Peak disciples screamed in panic.

A light glow appeared in the sky, rolled up a figure, and thrown out of the source pool.

In just one minute, thousands of Sword Peak disciples were eliminated.

At this moment, whether it is the disciples of the various peaks or the disciples of Saint Origin Peak’s, they are all staring at this scene…

And the Kong Sheng, Zhao Zhu, Baili Che three people, even complexion Tieqing looked at the boiling sea.

Everyone is didn’t expect. At this time, there are so many water beast in will appear

Zhou Yuan looked at the magnificent scene below, and then smiled slightly, clapped his hands, and the voice of leisurely came out.

Chief Baili, rest assured, next, the Sword Peak disciples inside, I am afraid that none of them can come out.”

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