Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 511: Run!

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When the grand sound of Headmaster Qing Yang rang from Heaven and Earth, the whole earth seemed to vibrate violently at this time, only to see the clouds shrouded around the source pool in front, and began to fade at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The endless Wang Yang, once again appear(ance) is in the sight of all the disciples.

The purple belt disciples are still calm. After all, they can come in several times a year, but those non-purple belt disciples are very excited and looking forward to it. After all, in the past, they could only wait and see outside and did not enter. Qualifications.

On top of the sky, Headmaster Qing Yang looked at the open source pool, his hands suddenly sealed, and suddenly there was a vast and endless power that fell from the sky, directly covering this Heaven and Earth.


The earth shakes as if the earth dragon is tumbling, the mountains are trembling violently, vaguely, as if there is a vast Dragon’s roar sounding from the depths of the earth.

Many disciples do not know what happened, but they can feel the terrible fluctuations under their feet.

Zhou Yuan is binocular micro-condensation. He is pregnant with Resentful Dragon Toxin and cultivation and Ancestral Dragon Scripture. He is quite familiar with this kind of abnormal fluctuation, which contains dragon spirit. If it is expected to be good, it should be Blue Profound Sect underground That article Origin Dragon Veins.

He raised the head, looking at Yuanchi, in his perception, it seems that there is a vast force at this time, pouring into Yuanchi.

hōng hōng!

In the middle of Wang Yang, he began to turn the river and the sea, the huge waves rolled up, and cover the sky covered the sun.

In just a few moments, the source pool, which was still quiet before, became extremely violent. Faced with this scene, even the disciples of purple belt were slightly changed by complexion.

The source pool at this time is undoubtedly more dangerous than when they entered on weekdays.

Áo! Áo!

And during the huge wave, everyone can see that in the source pool, there is the water beast long scream with countless, they are constantly born under the influx of source dragon gas, and the volume is also In constant expansion.

In the endless source pool, dangerous aura is rising quietly.

countless disciples swallowed quietly. The source pool at this time is obviously the most dangerous time of the year. Of course, this danger also contains opportunities.

Those water beast, which contain the essence, can provide baptism to them and enhance background.

Along with the influx of Yuanlongqi, the earthen pond has undergone a tremendous change, and at this time, Headmaster Qing Yang was satisfied with nodded, and then the sleeve robe waved, and there was a sudden surge of source gas, which directly rolled up the Seven Peaks. The disciple, with a loud bang, invested as much as possible on the islands outside the source pool.

All the disciples of Seven Peaks entered the stadium, and at the same time, the grand voice of Headmaster Qing Yang echoed.

“Yuanchi Festival, start now!”

“Disciples, still hope to fight as hard as possible.”

On the islands, the disciples of each peak are gradually glowing.

Disciples of Sword Peak’s immediately turned their unsightly eyes on the island not far away, where hundreds of Saint Origin Peak’s disciples were gathered here.

Chief Zhou Yuan, what should I do?” The disciples of Two Veins were numbed by Sword Peak‘s nearly ten thousand disciples, and their heels were trembling. The other party’s advantage was too great. If the encirclement and suppression came over at this time, they might be wiped out instantly.

“What should I do?”

Zhou Yuan hearing this, he smiled and said, “Of course it is running!”

“Give me the breastfeeding power and run! Whoever is caught up can only blame someone who is out of luck!”

When his voice fell, he and Yao Yao glanced at each other, and the figure first rose into the sky, directly pushing the speed to the extreme, rushing away deep in the source pool.

Behind them, Zhou Tai, Zhang Yan, Lu Yan glanced at look at each other in dismay, and at last they gave a bitter smile, and they rushed to catch up.

The other disciples saw it and complained a lot, but they didn’t dare to say anything, they could only chase it hard.

So, while the disciples of other peaks were still analyzing the situation, the hundreds of disciples of Shengyuan Peak had already taken out the power of feeding, and fled wildly. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the field of vision .

They acted like this, making other Feng’s disciples dumbfounded.

Especially the disciples of Sword Peak’s, some people who have already begun to prepare to block the back path of Shengyuan Peak are staring at those disappearing in the distance.

After a moment of stun, disciples of Sword Peak’s suddenly burst into laughter, and some disciples covered their stomachs and laughed.

Because of that Saint Origin Peak’s move, it is really too embarrassing.

They haven’t started hands yet, but the result is like a startled bird, and even the Chief Zhou Yuan is taking the lead in fleeing.

The disciples of other peaks can’t help but shake their heads. Is this Shengyuan Peak really funny?

There is also the Zhou Yuan. The previous accomplishments is very dazzling. didn’t expect is still facing the Sword Peak, but still can only choose to escape…

Li Qingchan Liu Mei frowned slightly, her looks at scene, silver teeth nibbled, and said: “This guy, who was still brave, did he think he could avoid Sword Peak by running like this?”

This is obviously impossible. When the Sword Peak also enters the depths of the source pool, and firmly stabilizes the heels, it will inevitably begin to encircle them.

Shengyuan Peak’s move is only delaying some time.

Moreover, what makes Li Qingchan a little dissatisfied is that Zhou Yuan loses his shame, but this guy has to bring Yao Yao too!

Over Sword Peak, Kong Sheng, Zhao Zhu, and Baili Che were also surprised by the action of Saint Origin Peak’s, and immediately teasingly said: “This Zhou Yuan is really decisive.”

Actually, Zhou Yuan now takes disciples to avoid the face, which is a wise choice, but the price is too shameful.

The three of Kong Sheng looked at Zhou Yuan where they were far away, with cat-and-mouse tricks in their eyes. They were not worried that Shengyuan Peak could escape there. The latter and others were just dying. Just struggling.

Kong Sheng and Zhao Zhu look at Baili Che and face him at nodded.

The latter understood, turned his head, and said to many disciples of Sword Peak: “Don’t pay attention to them for the time being, go to the depth of Yuanchi first, occupy the territory, investigate the movement of water beast, and hunt for the source.”

Senior Brother Baili~IndoMTL.com~ just don’t care about them?” asked a disciple who was still uneasy.

“What anxious…” Baili Che smiled faintly, said: “They can’t escape, let them do something for us first, although they may not receive much source.”

Other disciples hearing this, this is what nods should be.

Baili Che raised the head, looking far away, with a playful smile in the corner of the mouth.

Zhou Yuan, just run, I think how long you can run…”

In the distance, Zhou Yuan ran along with hundreds of discouraged disciples of Shengyuanfeng. He seemed to sense the gaze behind him, tilting his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth also raised a touch of arc.

Sword Peak…”

“Let’s laugh now, after that, there should be times when you cry.”

(=One second to remember)

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