Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 510: Reopen the source pool

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Besides the source pool, the atmosphere boils directly because of the “Profound Origin Heavenly Cave” that Headmaster Qing Yang said, and the hungry desires of the countless disciples emerged.

In this Blue Profound Heaven, the chance is countless, and for many Absolute Beginning Realm people, if the Profound Origin Heavenly Cave is to say that the chance is the first, I am afraid that other chances can not be shaken.


As we all know, Absolute Beginning Realm is the accumulation of source gas background. The more abundant the source gas background, the more advanced Divine Palace will be when the breakthrough reaches Divine Palace Realm.

Absolute Beginning Realm with some ambitions is all trying to enhance background in Absolute Beginning Realm, because this will lay a solid foundation for the future Path of Cultivation.

The higher the quality of Divine Palace, the higher the limit can be reached in the future.

However, when many Absolute Beginning Realms gradually arrive at 9-layer Heaven, they will find that the growth of background is becoming more and more difficult. The Origin Qi Star in Qi Palace needs more energy for to congeal.

At this time, it seems that its own power has reached its limit, and only by relying on various opportunities can it go further.

But this kind of opportunity that can enhance background is quite rare. Slightly appear(ance) will attract countless competitors and grab the blood. In Blue Profound Heaven, Profound Origin Heavenly Cave is the opportunity. The leader.

According to rumors, there are even people who have a great chance in Profound Origin Heavenly Cave. Originally, according to normal circumstances, only to congeal can produce four Divine Palace, but it is a step in the sky, and eventually evolved into an amazing Eight Divine Palaces!

This incident was a big shock in Blue Profound (Cang Xuan). After all, the person who can get Eight Divine Palaces out of to congeal, even in the entire Blue Profound Heaven, is afraid that it will take many years to get a appear(ance).

After that, Profound Origin Heavenly Cave became famous, and countless Absolute Beginning Realm was crazy. At that time, when Profound Origin Heavenly Cave appeared, it would attract reign of terror because of the battle for quota.

Later, Profound Origin Heavenly Cave had some rules because major denominations intervened and forced to allocate all parties.

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However, although Profound Origin Heavenly Cave is a great opportunity, the time of appear(ance) is irregular, sometimes for several years, sometimes even for ten years… This makes some of the source teachers who are unable to wait for Profound Origin Heavenly Cave appear(ance) in Absolute Beginning Realm finally regret.

Because of this, when many disciples in Blue Profound Sect heard that Headmaster Qing Yang said that Profound Origin Heavenly Cave would disappear in this world, it would be so exciting and boiling.

Although even with Blue Profound Sect and other status strengths, the number of entry places is limited, but after all, there is an opportunity, isn’t it?

Especially the Saint Child and chief of each peak, they can be said to be the people most looking forward to Profound Origin Heavenly Cave, because now they are just right for Absolute Beginning Realm 9-layer Heaven, they desperately need the opportunity to enhance background, for the upcoming breakthrough Lay a solid foundation.

So, those eyes were hot enough to melt the ice.

Even the lazy people like Chu Qing scratched their scratchy heads, their handsome faces were a little complicated, and they looked hopeless and helpless, muttering: “Profound Origin Heavenly Cave…is it finally coming to life? But that It’s really troublesome to grab the opportunity inside!”

“What should I do? But I want to go again.”


After the knot is far away, the mysterious ball of Mogu Branch

As soon as Profound Origin Heavenly Cave is opened, countless is located in chosen child of Absolute Beginning Realm in the entire Blue Profound Heaven. I am afraid that there will be a swarm of them. That kind of competition, even for him, is a headache.

Because he is most afraid of trouble.

When the mountains were boiling, Zhou Yuan’s glanced at Yao Yao. When he got the second Saint Pattern, he naturally told the Yao Yao of the clues, so the latter also knew that the third Saint Pattern , Maybe exist(ence) in that Profound Origin Heavenly Cave.

They had some headaches before. After all, Profound Origin Heavenly Cave appear(ance) has an irregular time. If they have not been appear(ance) for several years, what should they do? But who can think of this problem will be solved immediately.

“This is really a coincidence…” Zhou Yuan whispered in his heart and couldn’t help but doubt that this time the Profound Origin Heavenly Cave‘s present world will not be related to his second Saint Pattern?

Old Ancestor Cang Xuan was originally Blue Profound Heaven’s Heavenly Lord, and it has a lot of magical powers. Even if it is Profound Origin Heavenly Cave and other opportunities, I am afraid he can have some control.

Of course, this is just Zhou Yuan’s guess. After all, Old Ancestor Cang Xuan is already die, and there is no real answer.

“Will the quota for entering the Profound Origin Heavenly Cave be allocated by the peak scores of the Yuanchi Festival?” Zhou Yuan sucks, it seems that Headmaster wants the disciples of each peak to fight for their heads.

Everyone knows the importance of Profound Origin Heavenly Cave, and which peak has more places, there is no doubt that more disciples can get this benefit.

Zhou Yuan glanced away. The disciples of Zhou Tai, Zhang Yan, Lu Yan, etc., all with strong eyes, were all blazing eyes, and they looked like they were about to move. They were obviously extremely emotional.

Looking at the other peaks, at this time, the peaks are turbulent, and the elders have come forward, and the Saint Child holding the peaks secretly said something. Presumably it is just to let them exhaust full power and strive for the best in the source pool festival. Results.


When the peaks were tumultuous, Shen Taiyuan and Elder Lu Song looked at each other, but sighed softly.

In their view, this Profound Origin Heavenly Cave is undoubtedly not a good time to come, because at this time when Shengyuan Peak is at its weakest, how can they achieve results in the Yuanchi Festival with their strength? It won’t be eliminated all the way, I’m afraid it’s already pretty good.

The sighs of the two people were rendered as if they were cold water, which also made the Saint Origin Peak’s disciples around them wake up and began to understand the situation of their Saint Origin Peak’s at this time. The excitement on their faces was slowly converging. , Some are downcast.

If the quota is to be allocated according to the achievements in the Yuanchi Festival, their holy source peak may be quite miserable.

Zhou Yuan is also aware of this atmosphere, but it doesn’t say much. Everything has to go to the source pool. Besides, the related plans, even for the sake of fear of leakage, do not even know Zhou Tai.

And in the silence~IndoMTL.com~Zhou Yuan suddenly noticed some sneering eyes in the distance. Pico raise one’s head saw many disciples led by Baili Che at the Sword Peak, and cast pity on them. .

Yu Yuanke is not alone but hates Yuyangjiedi

Looking at Zhou Yuan’s‘s gaze, Baili Che smiled at him slightly, mouth opened and closed, and it seemed that there was a silent voice.

Yu Yuanke is not alone but hates Yuyangjiedi    “Ah…”

“Now, have you ever regretted it?”

“It’s a pity…”

“It’s too late.”

Zhou Yuan glanced at him expressionlessly, disregarding, and looked away.

At this time, at high altitude, Headmaster Qing Yang waited for many disciples to digest this shocking news before they waved their robes, and the sound of the bell rang loudly, and the grand voice echoed within Heaven and Earth.

“Source Pool, open!”

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