Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 495: Search for print

The bells echoed through the mountains.

At a high altitude, Headmaster Qing Yang and the five Peak Lords looked at each other, and they also landed from the sky, directly outside the ancient Boss Hall at the top of main peak.

Zhou Yuan is standing here at this time, he sees Headmaster and others, and quickly bent to bow and salute.

“Have seen Headmaster, five Peak Lord.”

Headmaster Qing Yang complexion kindly looked at Zhou Yuan and ordered nods and said: “Zhou Yuan, this time the Shengyuanfeng Mountain Gate can be opened again. You live in first merit. Speaking, we also want to thank you.”

Zhou Yuan quickly said: “It is a matter of being a disciple as a disciple of Shengyuanfeng to reopen the mountain gate for Shengyuanfeng.”

Headmaster Qing Yang smiled, then complexion looked at the statue of azure jade in the temple abruptly, quickly stepped forward, and the five Peak Lords followed.

The six figures stood in front of the Old Ancestor azure jade statue, all bowed in a respectful manner.

“For so many years, see again/goodbye finally looks like this azure jade.” Headmaster Qing Yang sighed.

Peak Lord Ling Jun also stared at the azure jade image. After a while, he said softly: “Look for it?”

The rest of the people are also nodded of complexion Microcoagulation.

Headmaster Qing Yang took a deep breath, once again worshipped at the azure jade statue, said: “Master, I’m disturbed.”

Just when its voice fell, the five Peak Lord figures disappeared directly in place, and then appear(ance) was in this huge main peak. At that moment, Zhou Yuan could feel that there were several horrible things Perception spreads, almost an inch of searching through main peak.

The Headmaster Qing Yang stands outside the azure jade image, eyes closed slightly, robe slightly agitated, perceptually distributed, everything in Heaven and Earth is clearly projected in its heart.

In the face of this search by the six giants, anything in main peak will be hard to escape.

Zhou Yuan is also looking at this scene with some fear, if he is right, Headmaster Qing Yang, they should be looking for Blue Profound Saint Seal?

After all, it was the first Sacred Relic of Blue Profound Heaven. It was lost when it was accompanied by Old Ancestor die. If Blue Profound Sect can get it again, it will undoubtedly increase its strength, and even become the first case of Blue Profound Heaven again.

The Shengyuan Peak was the closed place of Old Ancestor during his lifetime, plus the final seal by Old Ancestor, which will undoubtedly make Headmaster and others feel that Saint Seal may be on Shengyuan Peak.

However, he knows that Blue Profound Saint Seal is not on Shengyuan Peak. Old Ancestor seals this peak, I am afraid that he just wants to protect the second Saint Pattern.

And now that Saint Pattern is obtained by him, Shengyuanfeng can’t find anything.

Of course, he dare not say this kind of words, so only six giants of looks at can detect main peak.

This kind of detection lasted for about half-stick of incense. The space in the hall was slightly oscillating, and five figures appeared, all of them complexion Shen Ning shook his head.

When Headmaster Qing Yang saw it, he also sighed and said, “It seems that we think too naively.”

Thunder Prison Peak’s Peak Lord Lei Jun frowned, and said in a deep voice: “If Shengyuanfeng is not different, why should Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) seal this place? This is not unusual.”

“Maybe it’s the place where Master doesn’t want to be cleaned up, right?” white eyebrows old man touched his eyebrows and said.

Peak Lord Ling Jun shook his head, his deep and sharp eyes swept across the hall, and finally stopped at the Zhou Yuan standing at the door, his eyes sharply said: “You are the first to enter here, did you find anything? “

Zhou Yuan stunned, then shook his head without changing his face, and said, “The disciple does not know what Peak Lord Ling Jun is talking about.”

Peak Lord Ling Jun indifferently said: “Your boy, obviously only the strength of Absolute Beginning Realm 5-layer Heaven, but the source gas background is unusually strong, I think, is there any reason?”

Zhou Yuan calmly said: “Of course, the disciples have had chances and opportunities these years, but this does not seem to have anything to do with Peak Lord Ling Jun? It is Peak Lord Ling Jun who is so embarrassed because the disciples are on Struggle for Chief. Is Sword Peak’s broken?” >

Peak Lord Ling Jun took a deep look at Zhou Yuan and said, “Hugh wants to be sharp and sharp. This matter is very important. I think you should leave it to Thunder Prison Peak to detect it.”

Zhou Yuan frowned slightly, he was not worried about detection, because Saint Pattern matter, Headmaster Qing Yang they are absolutely impossible to know, even if Saint Pattern is detected, it can only be regarded as his own chance.

It’s just that being probed like this for no reason makes him a little uncomfortable.

Ling Jun, I think you want Blue Profound Saint Seal to be enchanted!”

However, at this moment, an old sneer suddenly sounded, only to see the figure of Old Xuan holding a bamboo broom, coming along the mountain road slowly leisurely, eyes coldly staring at Peak Lord Ling Jun.

Zhou Yuan has just made a great contribution to my holy source peak, and it’s ok if you don’t reward it. You even have to arrest him for Thunder Prison Peak review. Tell me what is the reason?”

“This spread, my Blue Profound Sect disciple, who else dares to do things for sect?”

Peak Lord Ling Jun Shen said: “Blue Profound Saint Seal is a matter of great importance. A disciple is aggrieved for this and should understand it.”

Old Xuan sneered and said, “What is Blue Profound Saint Seal like supreme treasure, you know nothing about that kind of supreme treasure, even if it falls on him, do you still not see it? Need to go to Thunder Prison Peak?”

Peak Lord Ling Jun is slightly lagging, Blue Profound Saint Seal and so on supreme treasure Sacred Relic, even if they are, it is difficult to completely cover their power fluctuations, a small Absolute Beginning Realm 5-layer Heaven disciple, it is impossible to hide.

“There are always exceptions.” Peak Lord Ling Jun glanced at Zhou Yuan, slowly said.

Old Xuan snorted and looked at Headmaster Qing Yang and said: “Do Headmaster also mean to take Zhou Yuan to Thunder Prison Peak for review?”

Headmaster Qing Yang smiled and shook his head and said: “Zhou Yuan has made great contributions to Shengyuan Peak, and it is absolutely that it has not been taken away for review.”

“Can…” Peak Lord Ling Jun makes a sound.

Headmaster Qing Yang waved his hand and sighed: “Peak Lord Ling Jun, I know the importance of Blue Profound Saint Seal, but apparently Master has not placed it on Shengyuan Peak, and there is no need to be unnecessary suspicion.”

Zhou Yuan is my Blue Profound Sect disciple~IndoMTL.com~ also contributes to sect, don’t be chilled.”

After seeing Headmaster Qing Yang say this, Peak Lord Ling Jun can only say no more, and his eyes lightly withdrew from Zhou Yuan.

“It’s in vain again.” Thunder Prison Peak’s Peak Lord Lei Jun aside, staring at the azure jade image, slowly said: “Blue Profound Saint Seal is not here, where should it be? If it falls into the hands of Saint Palace, this Blue Profound Heaven…”

Headmaster Qing Yang and others are also silent. Once Blue Profound Saint Seal falls into the hands of Saint Palace Palace Master, then the latter may become the new Heavenly Lord of Blue Profound Heaven. At that time, it will have the power to control this Blue Profound Heaven’s.

Blue Profound Sect wants to avenge Old Ancestor, so there is really no hope.

In the end, Headmaster Qing Yang waved his hand and cheered slightly, saying: “You don’t have to worry too much. Master must have made preparations for die, and Saint Palace wants to find Blue Profound Saint Seal, I am afraid it will not be so easy.”

nodded, everyone can only be so comforting.

Zhou Yuan was thoughtful on the side. I don’t know if he could sense the trail of Blue Profound Saint Seal when the four Saint Patterns were put together?

He always felt that when Old Ancestor stripped off the four Saint Patterns from Blue Profound Saint Seal, he had the same idea.

During his meditation, Headmaster Qing Yang turned his eyes and smiled softly, saying, “Today, the reopening of Shengyuanfeng Mountain Gate is also a Blue Profound Sect event, so don’t need to worry about it.”

“And you are now Shengyuanfeng chief, and stay some time, it is the source pool sacrifice of within sect. Then you chief, you can work harder, Saint Origin Peak’s disciples, can get some chances in it Mainly depends on you chief disciple…”

“Yuanchi Festival?”

Zhou Yuan is slightly stunned, but still respectful nodded.

“Disciples take orders.”

(One more today.)

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