Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 435: Fetch scales


The Zhou Yuan’s figure went straight to the dragon scales locust tree. When the figure passed by, the dead leaves on the ground were never moved, and the figure was like a ray of Qingyan (azure smoke).

It’s just a short amount of interest, and he is close to dragon scales locust tree.

Everything is still silent.

However, the body of Zhou Yuan’s is getting tighter, and his face is full of alertness. His eyes are staring at the dragon scales locust tree, guarding against all its reactions.

The powerful and powerful pressure from dragon scales locust tree made Zhou Yuan understand how powerful this exist(ence) is. In the face of this kind of formidable creature, he dare not be indifferent.

But fortunately, as Zhou Yuan’s approached, then dragon scales locust tree never responded.

This makes Zhou Yuan’s‘s eyes have a happy look. It seems that for exist(ence) like dragon scales locust tree, he is now as weak as a ant, so he has no instinctive warning.

“Near, near… As long as you cut down a few scales, it is considered a success!” Zhou Yuan‘s heart throbbed violently, looking at the strange scales of glittering and faint radiance on the trunk of dragon scales locust tree.


However, at this moment, Zhou Yuan‘s eyebrow Divine Soul suddenly shuddered, and Divine Soul sensed a dangerous aura, and the figure he flew out at once was stagnant, and weirdly stepped out.

At the moment when his figure was bent, a touch of black light came with an extremely sharp aura violently thrust, and even the air was torn apart silently, and finally floated over the whole body.


The black light is inserted into the ground, and it is not bottomed out. Zhou Yuan‘s eyes are swept, and his eyes are awkward, because the black light is a black vines, but only on vines, covered with fine scales, There is cold light glittering.

That’s vines of dragon scales locust tree!

The dignified raised the head of Zhou Yuan complexion came, and it was only seen in the midair. The black vines of countless twisted slowly like a python, and the sharp vine tip locked into Zhou Yuan.

Those vines are scattered dangerous aura.

“It is still present…” Zhou Yuan sighed helplessly, originally thought that with the help of Void Transformation Technique he could cross the sea, quietly approached dragon scales locust tree, and cut down a few tree scales.


And in the sigh of Zhou Yuan, the countless Dao vines screamed down, leaving Dao traces in the void, the sharp aura, pointing directly at Zhou Yuan.

Profound Python Great Golden Bell!”

Zhou Yuan‘s foot stomped, golden light burst into gas, and quickly turned into a golden big clock, covering the whole body.

Although these viness are just instinctive attacks of dragon scales locust tree, they are extremely dangerous for Zhou Yuan, so he did not hesitate to urge the strongest defense.

Dang! clang!

countless said vines stabbed Jin Zhong (golden bell) fiercely, and immediately burst into a loud bell sound, golden light was violently rippling, and there was a crack appearing on the surface of Jin Zhong (golden bell).

Zhou Yuan saw this, and his eyes were also a bit scary. His Profound Python Great Golden Bell, his defense is so amazing, but he started to show signs of appear(ance) breaking so quickly. This dragon scales locust tree vines attack is too terrible?


Jin Zhong (golden bell) cracks are increasing, eventually exploding, and at that moment Zhou Yuan’s figure came out again at violently shoots and went straight to the trunk of dragon scales locust tree.

In the mid-air, vines entangled with lightning like a heavenly net, trapping Zhou Yuan in it.

Heavenly Sun Fire!”

His strong mouth drum, Heavenly Sun Fire of azure roared out.

vines was contaminated with Heavenly Sun Fire, but it shrank a lot for a while, but soon, some scales above vines began to gradually emerge from radiance, with a powerful source qi stream flowing out, covering vines.

chī chī!

So, the vines covered by the azure source gas, no longer afraid of Heavenly Sun Fire, a salvo whistling, is to tear through the Heavenly Sun Fire hole, and finally faced Zhou Yuan violently shoots fiercely.

vines offensive hiding the sky and covering the earth, and fierce and unmatched, Zhou Yuan‘s original figure that wanted to forward was forced to have to retreat appear(ance).

The dragon scales locust tree looks at is close at hand, but it is like a sky and hard to get close to.

And Zhou Yuan is also caught in the offensive of countless vines, and it is quite embarrassing to make it impossible to move forward.

On the periphery, Old Xuan is vomiting smoke, looking at the embarrassed Zhou Yuan, indifferently said: “As time goes on, these vines will wake up more and more, and at the same time dragon scales locust tree will gradually come out of the sleep state. “

“So the longer you drag it, the less chance you have.”

The sound of Old Xuan passed into the ear, which made Zhou Yuan complexion unbearable. This dragon scales locust tree is a terrible exist(ence). If it waits for it to wake up, even expert of Heavenly Sun Realm can’t help it, let alone Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer day?

At that time, if you wanted to get a tree scale, I am afraid it was all a matter of fantasy.

Yes, he didn’t keep his hands now, but the vines of dragon scales locust tree is too terrible, so that he can’t make a step…

Obviously, it is not as easy as imagined to obtain tree scales.

Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth, and Heaven Primal Brush and appear(ance) were in his hands. The nib turned into a afterimage, resisting the vines from violently thrust, but if he didn’t touch it once, his pace would be forced to take a step back.

The whole palm is also tingling, the tiger’s mouth is cracked, and there is blood flowing out.

The tingling in the palm of my hand suddenly made Zhou Yuan feel mad at greatly rises. His eyes were a bit fierce. The next moment, he took a deep breath, deep in his eyes, had an old Saint Pattern faintly discernible, slowly rotating.

Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern!

When Saint Pattern emerged, the original vines from hiding the sky and covering the earth violently shoots seemed to be appear(ance) with a momentary stagnation. In the Zhou Yuan’s eye pupil, I could only see that there was a source of whistling flow above the vines, and The source of these source gases is the strain dragon scales locust tree.

This is also the main reason why the vines attack is fierce.

“If the operation of the source gas can be slightly blocked, these viness will temporarily stagnate.” Zhou Yuan gazes at glittering. With the power of Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern, he can observe the trajectory of the dragon scales locust tree source gas.

chī chī!

In the eyes of Zhou Yuan’s, the vines in the sky is just a moment of stagnation, and then it continues to roar from hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the offensive is terrible.

But this time, Zhou Yuan‘s eyes became sharper. Not only did he not take defense, but instead he became active, stepped on his soles, and rushed to the vines.

Shuā! Shuā!

I can only see the shock of Heaven Primal Brush, which turned into countless brush shadow whistle. Then every brush shadow was pointed at some place of those vines with extremely precise trajectory at this time.

This point happens to be where dragon scales locust tree source Destiny is turned. The intrusion of strength is to make the source gas run, and appear(ance) has stalled.

Zhou Yuan’s figure, come down.

countless Road vines roared, zooming in urgently in his pupils, but his figure didn’t move, as if he looked like nothing.

These viness were suddenly stiff at the moment they were about to stab Zhou Yuan’s, and finally seemed to have lost their power. pī li pā lā fell from the sky and fell on the surrounding ground.

The surroundings are quiet again.

On the periphery, Old Xuan kept watching the figure of Zhou Yuan’s. When he saw this scene, the old bark-like face shook slightly, and then he raised the head, took a bite of spicy smoke, and his turbid eyes, there was Deep color.

Zhou Yuan looked at the falling vines, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In his eyes, Saint Pattern retreated, and then he quickly stepped forward, appear(ance) was at the dragon scales locust tree trunk.

He grabbed the black hatchet and chopped it off without hesitation.

The hatchet fell off, and the palm-sized scales fell off, with radiance circulating on it, just like jade stone, quite gorgeous.

Zhou Yuan‘s eyes were fierce, and he was very happy to cut. In just a few moments, he had cut down dozens of tree scales, and then he felt that the dragon scales locust tree in front of him appeared to be scattered with radiance.

A horrible fluctuation, the slow appear(ance), is like something awake.

“Greedy boy, if you don’t run anymore, you are ready to stay here as fertilizer.” Old Xuan‘s angry voice sounded.

The Zhou Yuan was so cold that I realized that this is dragon scales locust tree coming soon!

He immediately felt a numb scalp, picked up the dozens of scales without hesitation, and turned around and ran.


In the moment when he turned around and fled, behind had a terrifying source of energy, and he was directly flew out, and then the earth-filled vines roared up again, and he faced Zhou Yuan like lightning. Go through it~IndoMTL.com~Old Xuan looked at this scene, shook his head helplessly, opened his mouth and sprayed a smoke.

Smoke came out, directly rolled up the black hatchet in the hands of Zhou Yuan. The hatchet seemed to mark blade light, and the vines that roared was cut off.


The Zhou Yuan’s body heavily fell under Old Xuan’s feet, his teeth grinned up, and then he looked to the rear, only to see the sky vines entangled in the void, as if giant python was screaming, but blocked by the black hatchet in front , Dare not step forward.

“It’s almost there, don’t you need a little tree scales, still such a small family.” Old Xuan said looking at the huge dragon scales locust tree, slow leisurely.

dragon scales locust tree is swinging, the source gas between Heaven and Earth seems to be shaking, the horrible coercion, even if it does not escape, but still makes Zhou Yuan frightened.

But in the end, dragon scales locust tree slowly recovered the source of terror and gradually became quiet.

Old Xuan smiled, glanced at Zhou Yuan, and turned away.

After seeing Zhou Yuan, he quickly followed.

The two returned the same way and eventually left the mountain.

“You can go back and wait for you to complete Taiyi Pattern, and then come to me, I will teach you how to cultivationLesser Profound Saint Body“.” Standing in mountain foot for a while, Old Xuan looked at Zhou Yuan and said slowly.

Zhou Yuan hearing this is also overjoyed, but he seems to be feeling a bit wrong with Old Xuan, so he didn’t say much. It’s just nodded.

Old Xuan stands on the periphery of the forest. His muddy eyes looked at the distant figure of Zhou Yuan. After a long time, he seemed relieved and relieved, with a low murmur, sounded in this misty mountain.

“Is it really like this…”

(One more today.)

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