Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 254: Countermeasures

“Is it because of me…”

After Zhou Yuan listened to the words of Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin, his eyes narrowed slightly. Apparently that Lu Feng was doing it intentionally. What he did was to make those disciples from other continent, so he complained to him. Not only did Zhou Yuan not please with local disciples in Saint Province, other disciples of continent also had opinions on him, which was almost to plunge Zhou Yuan into a disappointing situation on both sides.

“Now there are some other continent disciples who have complained. I think this is a grudge between you and Lu Feng, but they are involved in the result…” Qiao Xiu smiled bitterly.

If this spreads, the Zhou Yuan criticism is not very good.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, a bit of sarcasm was raised in the corner of the mouth, saying: “That place is clearly picked up by Lu Feng. What is the reason why they don’t go to Lu Feng and throw their complaints on my head?”

Although Lu Feng’s means is insidious, Zhou Yuan feels that other disciples who have complained about him are even more stupid.

Shen Wanjin whispered, said: “These guys are not just bullying and afraid, and they dare not go to Lu Feng to oppose it, they just find a way to get angry.”

Then Lu Feng obviously knew that it would be the result, so it was so unscrupulous.

After all, as the first person of outer mountain disciple, his deterrence is extremely high. Even if Zhou Yuan won a inner mountain disciple in the source spell comparison test, it cannot be compared with Lu Feng.

Everyone thinks that Lu Feng may be the best in the generation of Blue Profound Sect. The future is promising, and he dares not offend him.

Qiao Xiu nodded, said: “However, those who have complaints are still a minority, and more people are also angry at Lu Feng’s’s overbearing behavior, but they can’t help it.”

“According to his rules, ten of the top ten places, their Saint Province local disciples accounted for eight, so many of our other continent disciples can only grab the remaining two, when the competition does not know How tragic.”

Zhou Yuan asked rhetorically: “Why does he say what Lu Feng is? Is this quota qualified for him?”

The top ten of selecting mountain ceremony should be the disciple who competes on his own strength. What does Lu Feng mean?

Qiao Xiu smiled bitterly: “It is said that the selecting mountain ceremony is in the form of free combat, and the local disciples of Saint Province are far superior in quality to us. For example, the top ten, seven of them are from the Saint Province locality.”

“So when selecting mountain ceremony competes for the top ten, they will have the upper hand.”

“Not to mention that they also have an unmatched Lu Feng, and now promoted by Lu Feng’s, the local disciples of Saint Province united with together and divided up the eight top ten places. Now who wants to move their places is all they have. Saint Province local disciples are right.”

“In the face of this power, those disciples from other continents are just a piece of cake. Where would they dare to object? After all, once they annoyed each other, on selecting mountain ceremony, they deliberately joined hands to deal with it. Can’t get it.”

Zhou Yuan indifferently said: “After all, it depends on who has the fist.”

He looked at Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin, and said, “Their so-called carve-out quota, others do not know if I don’t know, but I am Zhou Yuan’s, they are afraid they are not eligible to score.”


“I’m not very interested in other places, this time selecting mountain ceremony, I only need that first.”

His tone was calm, but what he said made Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin both froze.

No one knows that Lu Feng has set the first place now. Faced with the strong Lu Feng, no one dares to have an opinion, so basically everyone feels that among the generation of outer mountain disciples, I am afraid that Lu Feng is the first Too.

But didn’t expect, Zhou Yuan now says he wants the first.

So, does it really match up with Lu Feng?

Qiao Xiu swallowed and said, “Junior Brother Zhou Yuan… that Lu Feng is not easy to deal with. I suspect he has already broken through to Absolute Beginning Realm 4-layer days.”

Most first-class disciples are in 3-layer Heaven and can reach 4-layer days. I am afraid that only Lu Feng.

Zhou Yuan grinned and said: “If you deal with it, you have to fight before you know it.”

He wants to see, if that Lu Feng was taken by selecting mountain ceremony as the number one he must have, then complexion will look good, and whether he will regret and provoke him repeatedly.

This Lu Feng repeatedly disgusts him by various means. If he still swallows his voice and does not fight back, then he is not Zhou Yuan.

Qiao Xiu hearing this, I know that Zhou Yuan’s intentions have been decided. It seems that this time selecting mountain ceremony is not calm, but he is also a little embarrassed, although the performance of Zhou Yuan on weekdays is inexplicable, but this time he has to face People are no longer Zhu Feng, but Lu Feng, the ruthless character known as the head of outer mountain disciples.

Little Brother Yuan, if you really plan to grab the selecting mountain ceremony first with that Lu Feng, I would suggest that you can join forces with those other continent disciples. They are also angry at Lu Feng’s overbearing behavior, but no one dares to come forward, if it is Little Brother Yuan Being able to gather them together will not cause them to face those Saint Province local disciples alone.” Shen Wanjin aside suddenly said.

Qiao Xiu thought for a while and said: “I know some first-class disciples. They are also dissatisfied with Lu Feng. If they gather together, they really help.”

Zhou Yuan hearing this, pondering for a while, and finally nodded, now Lu Feng gathers a large number of Saint Province local disciples, the momentum is indeed amazing, although he does not think that there are many people to win, but if it is just a single horse, sometimes it really costs more Much energy.

If he can gather those disciples from other continent, it will not be weaker than Lu Feng.

When Qiao Xiu saw Zhou Yuan nods, he said again: “However, these people are the best among the outer mountain disciples. They are proud and rebellious. If they do not have enough strength, I am afraid it is difficult to make them subdued.”

Lu Feng can make the Saint Province local disciple Ma Shouzhizhan because of his own strength. In contrast, these disciples from other continent, but there is no appear(ance) similar to Lu Feng.

So today’s outer mountain situation~IndoMTL.com~ those disciples from other continent are all holding their own groups, forming large and small teams, it seems that there are a lot of numbers, but compared with the local disciples of Saint Province, it is completely Downwind.

Qiao Xiu has a reminder meaning in his speech. After all, he is worried that when the time comes to recruit those shameless guys, Zhou Yuan will not be able to hold the scene, but will become a farce, making Zhou Yuan embarrassed.

After all, it is very difficult to come to Blue Profound Sect’s people, who are not the former chosen child.

At least in the past two months, there has not been a person like appear(ance).

Zhou Yuan naturally knows this, and immediately laughed lightly, saying: “Senior Brother Qiao Xiu don’t need to worry, as long as you recruit people, let me deal with the rest.”

When I see Zhou Yuan saying this, Qiao Xiu is no longer talkative, nodded.

“Then look at the Junior Brother Zhou Yuan means.”

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