Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 24: Xianwei

“How is it possible!”

The faces of Lin Feng and Liu Xi were full of horror. They stared at the slender figure on the martial platform not far away, shocked: “He even kicked Pei Yun out of Three Veins. Taiwan?”

The face of Qi Yue was also shaking at this time, his eyes were cloudy, and he said: “It seems that we are all played by Zhou Yuan. His previous foot used the source gas, he has already Opening Veins!”

The eye pupils of Lin Feng and Liu Xi are also shrinking. They all know the things that Zhou Yuan Eight Veins does not show, but how can they suddenly become Opening Veins?

This Zhou Yuan is hidden deep!

Qi Yue took a deep breath, gloomy said: “He should have been Opening Veins only recently. Opening Veins is not too high. Previously, Pei Yun was at a loss. He hadn’t even used the source technique before he lost so fast. “

“If you are prepared, Zhou Yuan may not win.”

Hearing his analysis, Lin Feng and Liu Xi also calmed down, both nodded, Zhou Yuan deliberately hide their strength, making opponent slack, and then he used thunder means to win.

“It’s really a plan.” Liu Xi sneered: “But this method can only be used once, the next game, see what he can do!”

Lin Feng is also slowly nods. He originally planned to wait for Zhou Yuan to ugly lose face in front of Su Youwei, but didn’t expect Zhou Yuan came in such a hand, which really made him a little angry.

Qi Yue gloomy stared at the Zhou Yuan’s figure, looking at glittering, and did not know what to think about.

At the same time, at the Observatory, Chu Heavenly Sun also looked at this scene with a shocked expression, his eyes flustered: “How could the strength of Your Highness Zhou Yuan be so strong?”

He knows very well that Zhou Yuan was able to Opening Veins cultivation only a month ago, but the strength of his previous foot is stronger than the average Three Veins!

He couldn’t understand for a long time, and he could only shake his head secretly, but he was relieved in his heart. It seems that Zhou Yuan had some confidence in taking the exam this time.

No wonder before a month he said he would be admitted to First Institute, it turned out that he really had this ability.

Beside Chu Heavenly Sun, Xu Hong also saw Zhou Yuan win, and immediately frowned slightly, but did not say anything. Although the power Zhou Yuan showed was surprising, but wanted to enter the top ten, it was Not likely, so there is no need to worry.

In the eyes of those parties amazed, after hearing the referee’s decision, Zhou Yuan jumped off martial platform and walked towards Su Youwei in the eyes of many eyes.

“You hide so deep!” Su Youwei looked at Zhou Yuan and pouted slightly, because she didn’t even know that Zhou Yuan was Opening Veins, and she had been worried before.

Zhou Yuan hurriedly said: “Isn’t it time for hard work, too late to say.”

Su Youwei snorted and said with a small face: “Then you are honest, you are now opening several Vein?”

Two Veins.” Zhou Yuan smiled and did not hide it. After all, after today, this will be known to everyone.

Su Youwei Liu Mei frowned slightly, the suspected looks at Zhou Yuan, said: “The foot you just made is not something that people who opened Two Veins can have.”

That foot even Three Veins‘s Pei Yun kicked off the stage directly, fiercely messed up, completely unlike what Two Veins can do.

Zhou Yuan can only helplessly smile. He opened the physique of Two Veins, almost comparable to those who opened Four Veins. It’s not difficult to kick Pei Yun, but the reason, he can’t explain clearly, so as not to provoke Come to pay special attention.

However, Su Youwei did not get entangled in it, but eyes said with joy: “You opened Two Veins, and if you add your attribution, you might have a chance to rush into the top ten.”

Zhou Yuan smiled at nodded.

While they were speaking, the exam was still proceeding in an orderly manner. The martial platform everywhere was fiercely fighting, which also caused many young boys young girlss around to give out cheering.

And soon, it was Su Youwei‘s turn.

Su Youwei’s opponent is just a freshman/newborn of Two Vein. The latter met her, and his face was a little pale. After all, the gap between the two parties is too big.

Therefore, there is no suspense in this battle, just a few rounds, Su Youwei’s opponent is completely defeated, and simply jumped off martial platform.

So after a few more rounds, finally arrived at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan, Shi Yu!”

When this shout sounded, in training grounds, there were a lot of eyes projected immediately. In the first game, the battle ended too fast, many people did not understand how Zhou Yuan won, so for this time Fighting is extremely curious.

In that many eyes, Zhou Yuan walked up to martial platform, opposite the youngster named Shi Yu, the body was quite tall, but at this time he was staring at Zhou Yuan with vigilance and alertness, apparently absorbing the last one Lessons from people.


When the referee’s applause fell, Shi Yu immediately had an action: “Open Three Veins!”

In the Shi Yu binge, Heaven and Earth source gas suddenly poured into his body, the robe agitated, and light stream visible to the naked eye wrapped around the surface of his body, quite powerful.

Feeling the explosive power surging in the body, the fear in Shi Yu‘s eyes also subsided a lot. He stared closely at Zhou Yuan. The next moment, he stepped on the sole of his foot, and the fierce violently shoots came out.

His figure directly appear(ance) in front of Zhou Yuan, five fingers slightly curved, like eagle claws, the source gas of fingertips light stream surging, the sharp gas is enough to tear the rock.

Shi Yu’s offensive is extremely fast, and he will tear to Zhou Yuan’s neck in the blink of an eye, and at the moment when he is about to hit, Zhou Yuan’s pace stepped out suddenly, his body as if blurred.

The claws of the source gas light stream are wrapped around, tearing down, but what gave the Shi Yu pupils of the eye shrink is that the original attack must have fallen into the empty space.

“Not good!” He was cold.

But he didn’t wait for his claws to defend. When the figure flashed in front of him, Zhou Yuan was quickly approached. At the same time, a slender palm passed through the defense of Shi Yu, and it was lightly printed on his chest. The palm seems to be gentle, but it contains amazing power.


Shi Yu only had time to flood the source gas light stream into the chest defense, and then, he felt a strong force sprayed thinly from the chest.

Shi Yu‘s body was shocked by the force and flew out, landing on the platform in awkwardness.

He was in a state of embarrassment, and his body rolled hurriedly, trying to avoid the subsequent attacks of Zhou Yuan’s. However, at the moment when his figure just stopped, the glare in the corners of his eyes was like a shadow following him. In his behind, this stunned him to death.

While not waiting for other movements, he felt a hand in his heavenly cover, and the power surging in the palm of his hand made his body freeze instantly, and he dared not take any movements.

Because that force spit out, his head might be crushed.

“I admit defeat!” Shi Yu sweated coldly and shouted without hesitation.

When he heard his confession, Zhou Yuan just released the palm of his celestial cover, and then glanced away. The whole martial platform was quiet again.

Everyone is Zhang Da with mouth looking at the neat ending on stage.


The silence lasted for an instant, and the countless applause sounded loudly, because the fierce means and the nearly demon-like speed previously shown by Zhou Yuan surprised everyone.

Is this still the Your Highness that cannot be Opening Veins cultivation rumored?

On the high platform not far away, Qi Yue, Liuxi and Lin Feng were also silent, their complexion, gloomy and uncertain.

“It’s a fast speed!” Lin Feng slowly said, in the eyes of appear(ance) at this moment finally dignified.

Outside the game, they can clearly see that the previous Shi Yu was completely defeated by Zhou Yuan’s speed, no matter how he retreated at full speed, Zhou Yuan is like a tarsal maggot following its behind.

Liu Xi bit her silver teeth lightly and scolded the Shi Yu angrily: “It’s a waste.”

Qi Yue was expressionless. He rubbed his hand gently against the railing, and his voice didn’t have any temperature: “His physique is very strong, it can be comparable to physique with Four Veins~IndoMTL.com~ He looked at Lin Feng, his tone changed. Desen was much colder: “The person who opened Three Veins is not his opponent, it seems that you can only rely on you. “

Lin Feng also had a chill in his eyes. He gently nods and said: “Relax, he can’t pass me, I will let him know how strong the real Four Veins is!”

On the Observatory, Chu Heavenly Sun was also shocked and muttered: “This physique is comparable to Four Veins, but its source gas fluctuates, but it is not as strong as Four Veins, strange…”

Zhou Yuan jumped off martial platform, and he could feel the gaze around him, which seemed to be more awesome than before, not because of his identity, but because of the strength he showed himself.

In this world where cultivation is the mainstream, there is no Opening Veins cultivation, even if Zhou Yuan has the status of Your Highness, it will still give people a sympathy and pity for him.

Zhou Yuan doesn’t like this kind of gaze, so he has a great attachment to cultivation source gas.

However, now, those looking at Zhou Yuan’s no longer have these emotions.

“Really powerful.” Su Youwei looked at Zhou Yuan, charming face was also full of marvels. She was the one who opened Four Veins. Naturally, she could see how fierce the Zhou Yuan’s attack was on that martial platform, especially That speed, even she did not dare to despise.

Zhou Yuan smiled, then he turned his head and looked at high platform not far away, where Qi Yue also turned his gaze, and the two looked at each other, and they could both see the chill in the other’s eyes.

Qi Yue stared coldly at Zhou Yuan and grinned to reveal Bai Sensen’s teeth. Then he reached out his palm and made a throat wiping action against Zhou Yuan, full of provocation.

Zhou Yuan looked at Qi Yue‘s provocative actions, laughed, and then whispered to herself.

“I can really slap, see how I will kill you at the end of the year Palace Exam…”

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